HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-24, Page 4• N EDAR POSTS- 4.1/2 OST -- /2Win. and up, 8 foot long 35c H3dY NOT RE -ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR SHINGLES AT THE PRESENT LOW PRICES. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND "I' PHONE 69 ZURICH • cava •i .y. �.4.3..rr t .g..� }•-` »�c , ;• 4..;...I..,..fi.•f•h'r•'n •F +++ ••i�ifr•i'��•F��••I••£�•� +++•£• •�•3••I'4 4 ev F c ` 4 4- 4- t'9 SG000000 0atJtr32 VB0400000 WM610000000 00000 • •• are always at your service for Expert g Garage Work, and Auto Repairing •e • • • • 0 •et • • PBANG'B GARAGE MM Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases Pumps -- Piping • ,.'OCXSHUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT ,REDUCED PRICES, • f, LIVER PLOWS, ETC. ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS AND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points) IV KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE WELDING 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, at a Sacrifice. - Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one. 7 ;VER HARROWS AT COST. 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. WE ALSO CARRY -- Pump Work .A.Prang &Son ?hone, Shop 114 vdoovalvagom000eovsesooesiee Zurich Residence 76 evseeeseom 004000 1 00 g e raie0^ i i-•". -e++-en-4- +++4 +++4.4-4-4-04- 4-044-++4.4-÷ +4 ++0+44- 4 4 4 4 a 4 qz• A. Real pp rtunity! 4 4 New Subscribers, Paid in Advance, We will 44 4 4 + 4 4 4 send the ZURICH HERALD to the end of 1933 for only 35 Cents HILLSGREEN ''hose visiting during the week in Offs vicinity—Mr. W.- Jarrott and ' ir. and Mrs. J. Bonthron of Moose Jaw; Sisk., with relatives in • Mich- Mr- Mac McAllister of Tor. ,unto with relatives in this vicinity. 'Miss Rena Stephinson with her bre- ather at Walkerton. Friends from :Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ba- ler and family. Clarence and Ellen 'Lease with Gordon Moir of Hensall. Ma. D. F. Anderson received word zee -witty of the death of his brother fir. -Jahn Anderson in California, +!who died suddenly there. =: tis Mildred Workman was taken its her parent's home in Kippen on 'Ivnday suffering with an attack of :appendicitis. We hope she will have 41. speedy recovery. A. reunion of the Love families -some held on Sunday afternoon, in -Stratford. Quite a number going :Fri this vicinity. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr- and Mrs. John A. Armstrong f an. trmpany with Mr, and Mrs. Alex. • .Sparks of London spent the week- end with friends at Marlette, Mich. Itev. L M. and Mrs. Keys of Pen- , esylvania. who have been camping uset 1Bayle1d, called on friends in Stanley recently. Mrs. E. Lowden of Hamilton is upending a couple of weeks with her another, Mrs. Robinson, Sr., at the anld honkie. %Ir;,. Geo. Anderson and children .,f Parr Line, are spending aweek •etvitit Rev. E. A .and Mrs. Poulter at Itoa clearer Park, Mies E. 'Grandy of Miunapolis. Minn.. merit the past week, visiting nousin, Mrs. Robt, McLinchev, Mx_ and Mrs. Paul John of Flint, 111.3Cha Called on the latter's sister, Vass Robinson and brother~ Will and Geo. Reid of Parr Line. sal alis. Percy Johnston and dfses. Russell Emelt and Helen took la trip 'last week to Sandusky, Mich., 400inisg home by ways of Rondeau 'Tort. iso, eau on Rev, end MIT, E..A- DASHWOOD Dashwood Evangelical Choir held a Weiner Roast at Grand Bend Beach last Thursday evening. ' Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Kellerman and family of Waterloo, spent Thurs day with relatives in town. Miss Margaret Cunningham of Kit- chener is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Louis Morenz, Mr. Albert Goetz is spending his holidays with relatives in Sarnia. Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener, spent the week -end with her parents Mrs. Donehey of Chicago is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Goetz. Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter, and iVlrs. Brown of Kitchener, and Mr. Russel Preeter of Toronto, called on friends in town on Saturday. Mr, Ira Tiernan of Hamilton, and Miss G. Cornell of Waterloo, spent the week -end with the former's par- ents. - Mr. -and Mrs. D. Colnpean and fam- ily of Detroit called on Mr. and Mrs. P. Mcisaac on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schatz of Tor- onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Schatz last week. Mrs. Hooper of London, and dau- ghter, Mrs. John Petzold of Florida spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther. Miss Gladye Guenther of Kitchen. er spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther, Miss Ella Eveland :•isspending hew holidays in Sarnia. • Mr. 1MI. Reinke of Stoney Creek. returned home after spending sew eral weeks with his uncle ltev. A.W Sauer. Mr, and Mrs. T. Peachey of De troit, spent a few days with Mr. A Birk and Verna. The Lutheran Ladies' Aid witl their husbands and friends held ar ice cream social in the basement o the church on Tuesday evening. P eery pleasant evening was enjoyec by all. Rev. and Mrs. Neseoe and Mis Iwathinson of Detroit spent the week 'o4 with Mr. and Mrs. Andedrson and Mr. and Mre. Pedersen. The sewing.cirrle held their plenic at Grand Bend Bast Wednesday 'at- ternoon, During the afternoon Miss Laura M. Reid bride -elect, was• pre- sented with a pair of, silver bud vas- es. DRYSDALE Mr. and 11Irs. Jos. Denomme and Mr. and Mrs. Marinette, of Belle River, etre spending a few days with relatives here on their way home from Montreal. The Reverend Sisters Amelia and Celinia of Lorette Abby, Toronto, and Mr. Geddus Brisson, of Stratford their brother, also Rev. Father Bris- son of London Seminary, spent Sun- day with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Brisson. A very painful accidetlt happened to Mr. Lloyd Bedard, while operating Mr. Talbot's threshing machine, his right four finger., were torn off and part of his, thumb. He has been suf- fering very severe pain since the - accident. Mr. George Denomme had to be conveyed to St. Joseph's Hospital London, owing to a straw which pen- etrated his eye while harvesting. Mr: Denoinme is reported ns suffering greatly. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeLafrant er, of Chilli, South America, are vis- iting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Etue. Don't forget the annual picnic on. the Catholics. Church grounds on Labor Day, for the benefit of the church. Don't forget the chicken dinner. Mr. Joseph Ducharme's fine new home is near completion, and is Cer- tainly quite an addition to our vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Denomme of Detroit, were week -end visitors with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. Denomme have returned home after spending a week in Windsor with • Mrs, Den- omme's mother, Mrs. Josie Ducharme Mr. and Mrs. Edward Denomme are spending a few days visiting fri- ends in Windsor. Mrs. Louis Beck and son and Mrs. Ed. Mere of St. Clair were een end visitors with their sister, Mrs. John Bedard. While driving on the Bine Water Highway, Jim Proctor of Goderich, last Wednesday night attempted to pass a car driven by Logan Cleave in which four young men were rid- ing. His car caught the Cleave car and both were pitched in the deep ditch at Geoffrey Corner, one mile north of here. The Goderich car was beyond repair, while .the Cleave car is in a very bad condition. -.Ev- ery passenger gat off with very little More than a bad scare. Miss Donella Denomme of Lon- don is here on her holidays. Mr. John Durand of Detroit, is visiting with relatives and friends here. Mr. Durand is an old Drys- dale boy and is heartily welcome. HENSALL . Leona Lemon has returned home after a pleasant visit in London. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner and son Leonard of Zurich visited on Mon- day last with Mr. and Mrs.. S. Mer- ner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brock. Wm. McKay, of Windsor is visit- ing friends and relatives in Windsor. Mrs. John Pope visited Iast week with friends in Bayfield. . Norma Douglas of Hyde Park is spending a few days at the home of her grandmother, Mas. John John- ston. Martha Hunter of Exeter visited friends in town last week. Mrs. John Workman and daughters OIive and Mabel, left last week for Penetang where they will camp for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin and family of Farquhar were Sunday visitors with friends in town. . Mrs, John Dinsdale is improving the appearance of her dwelling on South Richmond street by having it nicely painted. • Chlarissa Mitchell was taken to :he Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth last Monday to undergo an )peration for appendicitis. She is tow doing as well as can be expected and her many friends hope for a 'peedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Beauty and Miss t.,izzie Harvey of Egmondville visited with Mrs. Harry Jacobi. The Moody Upholstering Co. of 'oronto have established a branch a the Murdoch Block east of Twit= 'cell's Garage doing repair work, nd Upholstering for the next few veeks. This company conies from 'oronto well recommended and will o doubt do very suitable work. Re- resentatives in the district are Seta ,our Coryoll, Wm. Moody and Fred tunden. Dr. Schelog and wife, of Detroit, -ho are camping at Grand Bend, ere in the village last week, calling their relatives, Mr, and Mrs. ^:o. Gram and daughter, Ada. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jarrett, of l3rid- n, .spent Saturday with Mr. and ars, Win. Hyde, Mrs. Troyer re - ruing home with theist. '•"rax. t°'`arkme:' and daughters and r which iniga:t, indeed, ftai+i Thonxpson and daughters are' town and county without its old. sour spending a holidays in .VIuskokar... Mrs. Geo. Hess is being visited by her sisters, Mrs. Chalmers and Mrs. Mason, both front Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Beattie, of Seaforth, formerly of Varna, spent Tuesday with Mrs, H. Jacobi and were accom parried by Miss Harvey, of Egmond- ville, a sister of Mrs. Beattie and Mrs. Jacobi. Harry Howard is improving: nicely from his quite serious illness. Jo eph Hagan was visited the past week by his brothers, Dan of Park- hill, Charles, of Zurich, and together with their friends, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer, motored back to Zurich to spend the evening with Charlie. ' William MacKay, who taught scho oI for a long term of yeare in the village, being a pioneer teacher, but who resigned a few years ago on account of failing health and advan- ced years, spent a happy week -end Isere with relatives and friends. To Show Pictures Native Galilean and Wife come under auspices of Hensall • United Church, Sunday, August 27th at 4 pans, and the following Friday night, ,Sept. 1st, at 8 p.m. Stephen A. Ha- bousch, born in Galilee, Palestine, Where he tended herds of sheep a- mong the hills of Galilee, the same hills that were hallowed by the Mas- ter. This native Galilean comes to: IiensaIl under the auspices of the United Church. COUNTY NEWS A barn owned by Peter Limon near Brussels was set on fire b lightning on Saturday night Last, an was destroyed. Postmaster and Mrs. Acott, o Clinton, have returned from a holi day trip to Eastern Canada and New foundland. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maclsaac and daughter Sylvia and Mr. and Mrs Smith, of Detroit; Miss Helen Mac Issac, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. .Alfred Melick, of Zurich, were Suri - day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MacIssac, Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid, Dashwood announce the engagement of their. daughter, Laura Alice Mae, to Gor don A. Elliott, son of Mr. H. Elliott Thedford, the marriage to Lake place early in September. Gordon Young, ex -Reeve of Col borne Township, who has been Tre usurer of Huron County for the pas seven years, resigned from the trews urership last Wednesday. Mr. Geo Holman, County Clerk, is for the present taking over Mr. Young's work. The depression seems to be al over as far as one St. Marys factory the St. Marys Wood Specialty, is concerned. They have .started to -work twenty hours a day, working this in two ten-hour shifts. Mr, and Mrs. William Martin, of Isitcan, celebrated their golden wed- ding on Monday, August 10th at their home. The couple have lived in Lucan for the past 33 years. The event was marked by a luncheon at which the immediate members of the family were present. Fire breaking out in the hay mow destroyed the barn of Thomas Mc- Kay, McKillop township, on x relay night last. The season's hay and grain crops were• burned, also sone implements. The loss, estimated at $4,000, is partly covered by insur- ance. Spontaneour combustion is given as the cause of the fire, The Robert Bell Engine & Thresh- er Co., Ltd., Seaforth, shipped on Wednesday last, two large heating boilers for the Taylor Forbes Co., which will be used in Nova Scotia.. Each weighing 17,500 patinas ani was 60 inches outside dimension. They were made under the direction of R. G. Parke, foreman of the boiler shop and took about a month to complete. Mr. and Mrs. BrintnelI, i'roose Jaw, „Sask., are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Brintnell, Exeter. They spent afew days at the Century of Progress in Chicago, Mr. Brintnell states tear the crops in the vicinity of Moose Jaw will again be a failure this year and that many families Will be ion relief. . . Seaforth is one of the 73 Ontario municipalities which are. recervtng rebates on power purchases during 1932 -from the Ontario Hydra -Elec- tric Power Commission. Seaforth's rebate amounts to $2,090, or ten per cent of the amount paid for power during the past year by the Seaforth commission. • The rebate is to be passed on to the consumers in the form of a credit on their bills. While Dr. W. A. Crich and Mrs. Crich, Toronto ,and Dr. J. A. Munn. and Mrs. Munn, of Seaforth, were visiting theWorld's Fair at Chicago recently. Dr. Chich's car, a large sedan, was stolen. It was recovered however, a few days later, less whe- els, tires and practically everything that was removeable. ' At about 8 o'clock last Thursday, fire was discovered beneath the flavor of the upper hail of the court .Rouse Goderich, the result of a short Sir- cult, Clerk Holman and Caretaker James, • who Made the discovery:, pro- mptly called Talbot & Cornish, who a • aoeetecl the trouble and putt out the fire, thus averting a serious braze Veiragnar th, .1.9133 r TO ES Goodyears—the FIRST CHOICE tires of all Canada—have built their reputation on the kind of quality which gives value in excess of what Is expected. STADE and WE'>!DO ZURICH_ Ont. Tel_ 92 9027. 'VEtrASSNitOMIIFf4X619.a. 'r? INSTALL A EMCD BATHROOM NOW' OU may have one wi 'out a bathroom solely because you thought the cost -was more than you could afford. If sa, that reawer rio longer holds. Prices. of Emco Bathroom fixtures, are extremely low, owing - to reduced -manufacturing- costs, and because every - part is entirely made in, Canada.. Let us show you different designs in Emco Mtn -- room equipment. The,iftree: pie_ces.showriiiirtfie ifusfration, with all fittings, ready, for insinuation, S only Coals - - . Our bookl!.et, slowing different ;styles in Emco Bath- room ega1ip nerrt and with pees shown, will be gladly.- mailed ladlymailed you. THE PRESS FLOW' Can be used -where fresh wetter direct' from the welt! is required: Capaeity,.T pal. per hours. Smat't r gat Galvanized' Tank. 34 H.P., .attar Volt Motor-- . fotbr— 25 oy lig . N604.00 'Extra for 440 gal. Galvan- ized' tank , .$10:0° DuroPressureWater Systems;. all Canadian -made, will supply-. running water throughout yottr.- home: Easy time payments available on. all Emco.equipment. POR SALE BY STADE and WEIDO' Johnston and Kalhfleiische ZURICH - ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG CO., LIMITED London Tomato Winnipeg Vancouver historic court house. After having covered 3,400 mites- and being away two weeks on a mot- or trip during which time they spe ent a couple of days at the Century' of Progress at. chi'cago; Frank Strang of Exeter, and 'Wm. 1Vlurdock, Ad=• die: Mustard,. Elgin: 'Itayte• and John Houghton Of near Brueefield,return- el totheir home We:dnesday? : last. Inc boys started out with an auto.. and trailer taking along a camping outfit and ate going as far as Se dbtxxy in Northern Ontario they cressediat Sault Ste. Marie and thr- ough the States to Winnipeg. They • same on the lookout for sous but • there was nothing that presented" ilk, ,:iif a; ;sods .rete sear.'eo and 'wages. low .hey returned home by way of! ,lhica.. '