HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-17, Page 8drIERNAP IPFl4,Gl^ ETGTT.T THE STORE WITH THE STOCK For August New Prints, 36 -in. wide, at per yard 20c Bath Toweling, good quality, yd 15c Special Stripe linen Toweling, yd. 19c 11 Bathing Suits At CEARING PRICES All Rayons and Voile Dress Goods Greatly Reduced Children's Cocks, Reg. 25c for Men's Overalls, Special at pair Men's Sox, Special at pair 19c 88c 15c GROCERIES! GROCERIES Our Special Tea, at lb Try English Breakfast Coffee, lb. Oxydol, large pkg. Colgate's Toilet Soaps, bar 39c 30c 19c 5e 15c 5c 29c S N Choice M. M. Cookies, per ib. Plain white Cups, each Brooms, 5 string at PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 d ...0d p� N, ERIC' DEBENTURES A SAFE INYEBTMENT Debentures issued for $100 and 11 over - 1 to 5 Years; 5% Payable twice a Year OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFT- ERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND TO SEPTEM- C BER 13th, INCLUSIVE `l Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ime aciese•aaoce seam essseesssss HARDWARE -e SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 SUMMER NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We ' have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses ,� ; Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line af heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - OBIT, QUALITY -. PRICE - SERVICE • " 1,`hur4d: y, A; i>: A;7tbi 193 t'• t,•i ;I � 1 � WE SELL THE REST F R LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday P. and G. white Naptha Ste, 10 bars for .... ........33c Chateau Cheese, Half lb. pkg., 2 pkgs 21 c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c Kraft Salad Dressing, per pkg. Kraft Salad Dressing, per jar..................................21C Blue Boy Coffee, 1 lb. pkg. ' . 29c Rubber Jar Rings, 6 dozen :;._ ...25c Linc Jar Rings, per dozen 22c Choice white corn per tin 10c Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins 25c Good 5 -string Broom, each 29c Super Suds, per pkg 7c Quick Quaker, with China ....... 33c Heinz, Pork and Beans, 2 tins ., 28c 3 cakes P. and G. Soap, 1 large Oxydol, all for 50c Yard wide Print, Reg. 25e Special 19c Medium weight Factory Cotton, per yd 10C Archery Sets for the Boys. Spring bow and Suction Arrows. 21c J. W. ME Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bissett and children of Goderich, Mrs. F. Hess, of Elm- wood and Mr. Jack Hess, of London Mr. and Mrs. Edward Appel, Mr. and Mrs. George Appel of New Ham- burg; Mr. Horace Kloi p and farenv of Stratford, were visitors with Mrs Wm. Klopp. Audit of County Books A special audit into the books of the treasurer of Huron County, dat- ing back to 1932, has been authoriz- ed by the warden's committee of the County Council, which convened re- cently_ One audit has already been started by F. P. Gibbs, C. A., Strati ford and two assistants. An audit dating back to the first of this year had just been completed when the warden's committee met ana instr- ucted the auditors to include the year 1932. On their report will de- pend how far back the auditwill go Warden Ballantyne has stated. 1 • (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs Butter Wheat,. bushel o Oats Barley, ,• <••--- -, Buckwheat .. Flour, ewt Shorts, ton Bran;, ton .. - ,. . Hogs, cwt. 13-10-8 25c 72 3b 45 42 2.00-3.2 C 23.00 5.0o month ago, according to a report from Lambton Co. The oat crop in Essar will average about 20 bushels per. acre, Northumberland has a whe- at: crop of 25 and 30 bushels per acre Adopts New Plan At the last regular meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co- mpany the Board of Directors decid- ed ecided that in future the Company re- build barns insured by this organizat ion that are destroyed by fire. This move is in accordance with the repl- acement clause in statutory condit- ions applicable to all Mutual comp- anies, but has never before been tak- en advantage of by the local comp- any. Mr. Joseph Sanderson's barn on the 12th of Howick, recently de- stroyed by fire, is to be replaced un- der this clause, and estimates are be- ing_ asked for. BUSY FARMER NEWS Potato Yields Decrease Unlike other years, says C. W. Bauer of the Ont. Growers' Markets Council, first plantings of potatoes have already been harvested, and sup plies are now corning from later dis- tricts and second eP. rly plantings, which materially reduces available supplies. Yields have varied from 20 to 50 bags per acre as against GO to 75 bags a year ago. Even though the yield is light, the sample is ex- ceptionally good. Unless growers be- come nervious the price should re- main reasonably firm and, as to av- ailable supplies, it is doubtful if the- re are more than sufficient to carry the demand until the late crop is ready for harvest. Poultry Demand Fair The consumptive demand for poul- try has been fairly good. Receipts are being well cleaned up front day to the main producing centres in the Eire ' mitir STORE WE ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOCK AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY V t, ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We re continuing our Special R on Mst- tressses, and still ve a few left that will go at Bargain Prices. Be sure and get yours I e� supply before they are • All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dresaars that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see than. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Sak. t Johnston & Kalbfiejsch rd warn & Furniture. Phone 63 is ¢'+E++++++.4-++Mir++fi++FBF.104.4,44%4'i• •++•}+, +{t++'h.+++++4.4.4**** Will be asked for Permits After 15th of August Fruit dealers must take out permits and complete arrangements as to their bonds, by the 15th day of the present month, Although a great many applicantshave been received for permits, a large number of tru- ck dealers and commission houses have •yet to make application and present bonds as security for their responsibility, as required under the new Fruit Act. The new Act has been, in force since the first week of July. Until now, however, no defi- nite date has been set when the Fruit Branch would take action to restrain fruit dealers who have not compiled with the Act, and its regulations. The date has now been set for Aug 15, after which no trucker, dealer or commission house may continue in business without taking out license. On this date a check 'will be com- menced; covering all commission ho- uses and . dealers. Truckers, on the highways, will be asked to show their permits. Applications should be made to P. W. Hodgetts, director Ontario Fruit Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. I 1 I 1 IIIiI I, I f fp.IlY _ N.il, f f91(I I INmi(uN� NI it I(1111 I II III Ilill III I i III II Illllullliflllllll@111NIIIIIIIIIINIINI(Illllllllllllilfilll(i11N,iININf;;1(flillllhfl(IIII{IlfifIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIfIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIMilllfllUllllC' THESE PRICES subject to witliont Notice a erimming Wagon Wheels,, per se w ..............$18.00 Wagon Axle, each Wagon Tongue each $3.00 Tongue, Harrows, each $1.50 Bolster vaath Stakes at ..... $3.00 Short $1.25 .5a .75 .5G HESS, the .repair Halm �V11i1 11111lflllli'ifi i(funk'dalnPAIllllfllHl'IfltlllU IIII ?N1 MI NIN IIII Gl!gN111G11111 1111�1NINIIIIIINIIIllik1111;1101. 1114 iNIQIIIpIMASIIk ME ......... $5.0(1 Wagon. Reach, long 1.50, Spokes, each at Double Tree,. each Whipple Tree rej Pf***ti*4014++fish+•i•4• ••r+•E•!!•+•k•i<+44+4++.4.*+. •fr++++•h•E+•*t .*++4*. Honey Prospects Good In a survey, just completed by the Department of Apiculture, O.A.C., reports were received from most of the larger beekeepers in Ontario, op- erating in all more than 27,500 col- onies. Ontario's light honey crop is estimated at about 30 pounds per colony below average but of unusu- ally fine quality and obtainer mainly from the clovers. In general, the Co unties lying north of a line drawn from Toronto to Sarnia have from sligat below to an average crop, while the Counties south of this line have between 30 and 35 pounds per col- ony below average. Reports from other Provinces of the Dominion al - So indicate a low yield and reports from other Counties give every ap- pearance of a shortage of honey in day. Stocks of storage p r•y are very light. The holiday season is, of course, a handicap to sales of both eggs and poultry in the larger cen- tres. .,,._ ..5+ Weekly Ceop rteport Peel County reports alsike yields prom 3 to G bushels per acre. Deal- ers are offering $6 to $7 a bushel at present. The late blossoms on alf- alfa set seed but the yield per acre vill he low, owing to the failure of the -first blossoms to proper pollinate id (`tili y`;,11 v' 't has turned world. Prices should be good with practically every' pound of Iast year's honey sold ---With a yield of thirty aotunds per colony below average— With a crop of unusually light, high rltiality honey. With increased pri- ces of all sugars in Canada—With general Shortage of light honey, no' only in Canada but in the United States and New Zealand—With a:• export preference of seven shilling< per 112 pounds on the British marl. et—And with the exchange on the British Pound practically $11.00 hi! time -.,r a',F",td.Ft"ibk ,. 1 ATTENTION ----To Farmers and factor Owners We are again this summer fully eciaipperl to supply all users of Gasoline in larger quzantities with a good stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in Large and small quantities. Let slss fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul .nabs on all I ekes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonale. ll Lousseau Z rich leteD + ait4••>;° + a• kaa •444 +4 ++++ee•eras a v..1.*******+l N 4+. "** *'*444 ******4 t mI..E1A D OFFICE :. Do You Know? t lc mkt I am the. Master Salesman!46 - • I am the hexald of Successfor ala men, Merchants, aaat..4.._ . t -,.>,.. -.;, . ,aaaaaaaraa. Maainfacturers, Etc. • I I go forth to tell the World the message .of service •s and Sound Merehandisingi ''. Axid the World listens when 1 speakl I.' For those Who have used me as their Servant f have gathered untold millions into their coffers.. ersi. a I command the legeonss of fashion, mould the styles t and lead the World whithersoever I got I. 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 ar a Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my • r 'Name is • 1t. 'ADVERTISE! ii •