HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-17, Page 43r+ ++i•a++ ++-1 + +4+ •d+• 4+ r++++•I•++d•++++++•t•+ ••l++i ++*I
4 in and up, 8 foot long 35c 1
9000CW400 09$e001100*0 ISO 0000060090 00
ie are always at your service for Expert
Garage Work, and Auto Repairing
Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases
Pumps -- Piping -- Pump Work
PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points)
1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one.
1 4 -Section Diamond Barrows below Cost.
L. A. Prang & Son
Phone, Shop 114
Residence 76
Al'foe3fifibs9• 000e00f�'oseeJ 09.t•0••0l�?t7+6�6i000000000000000p
:..-5:- -+t•;r^€•ati+4.4+3;'.r•3•=<4..f.,l+-,,,g+,;,4..1+.;, ++++> ++++l•+$+h ;H.+++•€+ -f•*+++++-:
A Real Opportunity!
44 After a pleasant visit oath ..friends
Dorothy Kyle of London, spent the
AVael:1' 1-tERAT
laLAK •
Mr. Nesee'll Geiger et Zurich. will
take thse;iete of the et'rvice in Blake
1J,tited ,Church next Sunday,
Mia and Mrs. R. Johnston, occom-
pealed by Mrs. Edighoiker and Mrs,
E. Clarke, spent a day last week with
friends in Fullerton.
Miss Jean Hey spent Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Steles
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bechler and
family spent Sunday with friends in
the village.
Mrs. V.. Meyers, Accompanied by
Miss Elva Hey, visited at the home of
\Ir, and Mrs, Arnold Keller Jest we-
Mr, and Mrs. Amos Gascho and
family spent Sunday evening at the
home of Mr. and • _Mrs. Peter Bren-
neman in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown of Zur-
ich called on friends in the village
on Sunday.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the wedding of Dr. Anna
May Haugh and Mr. John Mackin-
tosh at Brueeficld last Wednesday.
Dr. McTaggart and Alf Clark won
the second prize at the Stratford
Dowling Tournament last Monday.
The family of 1\Ir. and Mrs. Robt.
Higgins held a re -union Sunday last
at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Beaver of the Thames Road. All the
member, of the family were present,
including four grandchildren.
Emina Johnston, accompanied by
friends, motored to Bright's Grove,
near Sarnia, spending a very preasant
day at that popular grove and where
Miss Johnston has relatives and fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Jinks were
visited on Sunday by Dr. Geo. Blat-
chford of Clinton, Mich., their relati-
ve, who together with his were on a
motor trip to New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Redden have
moved into the Petty Block.
ltlr. and SL's. Alex. McJlurtrie and
daughter of Toronto, visited with the
fornier's mother.
Mae McNaughton of Toronto .vis-
ited with hee parents Mr. and Mrs.
D. McNaughton•,
Madeline Hotham of Seaforth was
a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Brock
, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bengaugh have
returned to their home in Midland
To New Subscribers, Paid in Advance, We will t
send the ZURICH HERALD to the end. of
1933 for only 4
35 Cents
+4,,,I,44-8- 'i'';'+i'.;.3.3++§-F••i•-i••I•+i•.;.•g+'r•i•+•F••i 3+ , e---seee i•':•.i•• nee -•f• -i•4.+• 4
The bereft widow and family of
'"pita late Harry Rau wish to greatly
-*hank the public for the beautiful
manner in which they attended the
utzneral, and also the sympathy and
sassistanee rendered during the ill -
mass and passing of deceased.
'mss. Edwin Hobson, accompanied
'silly 'tier two children, Erma and Ar-
lin= of St. Thomas, are spending a
Imo week's vacation among friends
`.iea The -Vicinity,
Mr Robert Penhale has returned
fir►aft ending the past three
z er sp
=mutts at St. Thomas.
XT. Scotchmer was in Tor-
.vento one day recently.
3fIrs. Geo. Hodgson of Wilton Gro-
die spent a week with her daughter,
Mrs. Harold Penhale.
Scotchmer reunion picnic was
Rd...at Harbor Park, Goderieb, on i
«Saturday last.
'Liss Mary Snowden has returned
Ibrsme after spending a month among
;:relatives and friends of St. Thomas.
Mn Henry Callfas, who has spent
itis past year with his sons in Sar-
a and Detroit, has returned to his
;erne here.
Misses Marie and Esther r.11emang
,of St. Clements are visiting Miss
Igelen bladiger..
Mrs. M. Anderson and Sigrid Ped
emceed are spending a week with fri-
.L ele S.n London.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ogden of
naztsbazry, Mr. Wm. Ogden and
Mrs. 'Ogden and children Jean
send Billy of Whalen were Sunday
eeisitasrs !with Mr. and leers. Wm.
Miss Leona Berenson of Detroit,
•fie visiting it the home of Mr. Wm.
'' iernnet, end family+
Mr, and Mrs. E. Neeb of Pontiac,
Vida, spent the week -end with hi;
mailer, Mrs. M. Neeb who returne+
Mane theM and will spends woe
visiting there.
Miss Verna Kraft of London, is
spending a few weeks at her home
Miss Antionette Zimmer of De-
troit is spending her vacation at her
home here.
Miss Tillie Miller and Miss Mild-
red and Thelma Shore of Woodbridge
called on friends in town this week.
Witmer -Dearing
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized •at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Detaring on Saturday,
August 5th at one o'clock p.m, when
Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A.,B.D. unit-
ed in marriage Miss Madeline Beat-
rice, youngest daughter of Mr . and
Mrs. W. H. Dearing to Mr. Wesley
James Witmer, son of Mrs. David
Witmer, all of Exeter. The bride,
who was given away by her rather.
was lovely in white silk georgette
gown, and carried a bouquet of roses
sweet peas and baby breath. Miss
Marie Wood of London, was brides-
maid. William. Davis, cousin of the
bride was best man. The wedding
music was played by Miss Luella
Stanlake, cousin of the bride. The
groom's gift to the pianist was a hand
some hand bag; to the bridesmaid s
silver compact and to the best mar
gold cuff links. After the ceremoni
a sumptuous dinner was served. The
bride's table was centred with a fou:
storey wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs
Witmer left on a trip for Sarnia an
other points. On their return the2..
will reside in Exeter. Upon arrive
in Sarnia at the home 01 rex. Joh:
Humble a large surprise party wa.
held. The high esteem in which thr
bride is held was shown by the yo
ung ladies' class of James St. church
the Sunday School class of Welline•
ton Street Church, London, of which
she was vice-pres., and pianist; the
girls of the staff of General Steel
Wares, London, where she worked
'or four .years and many fzie:nds it
week -end at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle.
.airs. Wm. Jones of London is vis-
iting for a few weeks with friends.
Mrs. John Johnston and daughter,
Margaret, are spending a couple of
weeks'with relatives at Hyde Park.
Isabel Saundercock of Exeter sp-
ent a few days at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McEwan and
daughters, Dorothy and Elva and
Mrs. Wm. Henry were Sunday visit-
ors at Cromarty;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren, Mr.
and Mrs. Huntly and Mr. and Mrs.
James A. Paterson were among those
who camped at Turnbull's Grove re-
Claude Taylor, a cadet, is studying
with Rev. M. B. Parker, Rector of
St. Paul's_ Anglican church and is
taking over the charge of the Sun-
day school for a few months.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Al. Har-
vey of Kippen, were recent visitors at
Walpole Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex; Henry and son
of Cass City, Mich., and Mrs. Lois
Smith and son Russell of Detroit,
spent a few days last week around
town with friends.
Mrs. Wes. Harvey of London and
Mrs. Thos. Workman and son Orville
of Kippen visited with Mrs. J. Mur-
Mrs. John Deitz of Kippen visited
with friends in town last week.
Mrs. M. Smith and sons of De-
troit visited a few days last week
with Mrs. J. Dinsdale and Mrs. J:H.
Hensall Council Minutes
The regular meeting of the Village
Council was held , on -August 8th, at
8 p.m., all members of Council be-
ing present. Minutes of previous
meting were read and adopted.
F. G. Bonthron, tax Collector, re-
ported the arrears of taxes as being
$583.46 and was instructed to pro-
.eed with the collection in the usual
Mr. Petty reported as to a. fire
supply tank on Brock St. being on
W. Ortwein's property, same to be
'emoved by Council. Considerable
iiseussion took place as to painting
he outside of Town Hall,
Communications from the. Depart-
ment of Agriculture re Milk By -Law
sad County Engineer re crack .finer•
red County Clerk re County levy
vere read and filed.
'Sills and accounts read as follows
•-Judge T. M. Costello re appeal of
)+ Geiger $7.50; J. A. Paterson, pos-
ige 31.00; J. Priest cutting weeds
1..40; J. Passmore, Hydro 4.0'7; 1?
1, Hc.s;i, printing 42.50; let Blatche
)"ries ,it•„ary liv pector 13.50+ A.W.
Hemphill, postage and supplies
.10; G. M. Dryedale., grant rot'band
10,00; 3. Pfaff, sanitary work .50;
C.N.R. freight on crack filler 5.74;
Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies Hall
That accounts as read be paid.
Motion that we now- adjourn to
meet again Sept. 5th or the call of
the Reeve.
James A. Paterson, Clerk.
The regular meeting of the Coun-
cil of the Township of Hay was held
on Tuesday, August 8, with all the
members present. The minutes of
the previous meeting were adopted
as read. After disposing of the
communications, the following reso-
lutions were passed:
That 13y -law No. 8, 1932, be re-
pealed and that Bylaw No. 9; 1933,.
fixing the penalties on unpaid taxes
be read three times and finally pas-
sed., That the Couneil of the Tp.,
of lay, agree to allow the water
from the 47 -acre farm, being the s.
half of lot 15, S.B. Con., Tp. of
Stanley, owned by Oscar Koehler, to
be drained into the West Branch
Drain, Township of Hay, across the
Town Line, if the report of an En-
gineer is secured by the Township -of
Stanley according to Section 74 of
The Municipal Drainage Act, and al-
so in the condition that the cement
tile culvert on the dump road in
Stanley Tp. leading from the Stanley
Big Drain be permanently closed,
and that the said Township of Stan-
ley pay all the costs . of building a
culvert across the Town Line, That
Contract No. 20301, William Goss
man, for hydro electric service, be
cancelled at the request of the Sup-
erintendent of the Exeter Rural. Po-
wer District. That the following rat-
es be struck and levied upon the
rateable property of the Township
of Hay for the year 1933 .and that
the Clerk prepare a bylaw for pass-
ing at the next Council meeting con-
firming same: County rate, all pur-
poses 6.2 mills; township rate, 1 mill;
township road rate 1'1/2 mills; Zurich
Police Village 6 mills; Dashwood Po-
lice Village 3 mills; General School
rate 3 mills; special school rates: U.
S.S. No. 1, 1.6 mills; S. S. No. 2, 1
mill; S.S. No. 3, .23 mills; S. S. No.
4, .8 mills; S. S. No. 6, nil; S. S. No.
7, 1.8 mills; U.S.S. No. 9, .7 mills;
S.S. No. 12, 1 mill; U. S. S. No. 15,
nil; U.S.S. No. 16, 3.4 mills; Sep-
arate S. S. No. 1, 8 mills.
That accounts covering payments
on township roads, telephone and
general accounts be passed as per
Township -Roads-Treasurer Step-
hen, Road 15 tile, $10; Bonthron &
Drysdale 50c; Wm. Farrell, rd 18,
13.10; A. G. Pybus, road 5, 7.70;.
M. Corriveau, rd 17, $6.45; T. Stein-
bach,rd.8, $15.45; J. Sararas, rd.
rd 15, $12.00; S. Martin, rd 6, $10.-
10:05; C. Aldworth rd 2, 3, 13, 14,
$20.15; H. Steinbach, Zurich P. V.,
$133.43; F. E. Denomme rd 10, 8.40
Dom. Road Machinery Co., repairs
167.41; A. Smith, road 3, $23.15; T.
Wdlsh, gravel $25.44; R. Miller, rd
9, $12.90; S. Ropp,rd 2, $4.55; W.
J. Jarrott, road Supt., $30.00; Lon-
don St. Steel Co., steel, road 9,
$922,41; J. Desch, rd 8, $9.10; E•+
Epps, cartage -steel $3.48; E. Hen-
drick, rd 15, $7.00; R. Adams, Rd.
10, $3.60; P. Schade, rd 13, $6.20;
M. M. Russell rd 1, $17.70; J. Parke
rd. 1, $27.10; M. Tinney rd 14, 320.-
80; T. Dinsmore, rd 18 $12.20; W.
Ducharme, crusher $130.50; G. Sur-
erus rd 9, $31.30; W. J. Harvey,
trucking $298.65; Stade & Weido
account, $2.40; J. M. Richardson, rd
5, $12.90; S. McArthur, rd 1, $19.-
19.75; Telephone Accounts---Stromberg
Carlson, supplies $7.10; J3e11 Tele-
phone Co., tolls $109.80; Zurich Cen-
tral, switching $85.00; W. Fisher
refund $10.00; Workmen's Compen-
sation Board, assessment $6.30; E.
R. Guenther, cartage $1.20; North-
ern Electric Co., supplies $33+50; ,G.
J. Thiel cartage poles $6; J. Car-
rick, refund $2.00; H.' G. Hess, lab-
or, ,etc., $173.80. General Accounts
-J. Galster; Zurich Drain South,
$10; Stade & Weido, account $3.75;
E. Datars, Sr., Weed Inspector $68.-
60;. Economical Fire Insurance Co.
8.50; C. L. Smith, printing account
' The Council adjourned to meet
again on September 5th at I.30 o,-
clock in the afternoon.
A. F. Hess, Clerk
George Eberhardt, of the second
concession of McKillop, finished har-
vesting and threshing on July 81.
Mrs. Thomas McQuaid, Seaforth,
had the misfortune to fracture her
hip last Sunday morning as she was
getting out of a car going to attend
services at St. Janie& Catholicchurch
in that town..
Fred R. Archibald, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Andrew Archibald, Seaforth,
who graduated from Queen's Univ-
ersity last Spring with the medal in
chemistry, has been awarded a $400
Arts, Research Scholarship from that
university and will resume his duties
there in the fall.
The Goderich tourist carer
I was e
busy place over the Holiday week-
almost at a premium. This year the
tourists are staying far longer per-
iods, many are staying for a week
,oro more. This has been more noti-
ceable this year than ever before.
At an adjourned meeting of the
Godereh council last Monday evening
a by-law seeking fixed taxation for
the Goderich Organ Co., for a per-
iod of ten years, was given the nec-
essary two, readings and• sent to the
ratepayers for their endorsement.
Polling day was set for Friday, Sep-
tember 8th. The Council was unan-
imous in its decision.
A. party of boys from Seaforth
went camping; at Bayfield ana Kan an
enjoyable time. Result: One boy is
under the doctor's care with burned
feet after an, eight mile walk on the
hot sand; a second boy required the
doctor's treatment for sunburn, and
a third of the party required two
stitches for injuries receavea while
playing ball.
;Flagrant disregard at Kincardine,
of the town by-law which calls for
closing stores at twelve o'clock Sat-
urday nights has been noted, and an
effort is being made to have the mer-
chants obey the by-law without ati- t
enuous measures being taken. Chief{{'
of Police J. T. Smith has called up-
on the merchants and the Chamber
of Commerce to co-operate in this
,respect. Should these attempts fail
merchants who keep their stores
open into Sunday morning will be
Clinton will hold its annual low-
er Shaw, August 18th and 19th. Al-
though. some towns have cancelled
their Flower Shows, the ofrcials of
the Clinton Horticultural Society
feel that the residents of Clinton
have enough flowers to provide an
interesting display.
R. W. McKenzie of Hullett town-
ship, has discovered peat on his farm STARE ailelEID�.
There are about ten or twelve acres
and an average depth of six feet. He
purposes putting it on the market a"s; UR!CH. Ont. Tel. 92'
a litter for poultry, as it lasts much
longer than straw and is more econ
omical. The peat, when dried thorn-
alas the planks spread apart and the
poor cow journeyed (none too gently -
to the bottom of the well for the•
third time. At the next attempt the
undr_v Co., at Wi
ngham where fire ! rescue was affected and the cow.
had broken out in the roof of one' isn't rmzch worse for her experience_
of the buildings. Fortunately it
happened early, or there might have;
been heavy damage. The fire started!
around a smoke stack emerging from
the building which may have been i a
faulty. The extent of the damage 1 The total quantity of sea fists.
was slight and was confined to the I landed on both the Atlantic and.
sei_fic eoastu daring the month. of
edy. was 822,043 cwts., valued at:
.$2,771,440 to the fishermen, compare with a catch of 873,382 cwts.
allied at $2,596,130 in July, 1922
Ours4ay,, August; 17th, 1'933
tires are
Good brakes will stop your:
wheels. it's the tire's grip on_•
the road which stops your
car.. Be safe! Discard your
dangerous bald -treaded tires
ezow and get new
ughly will also make good packing
for florist;, when makingo shitiments.
Last Wednesday evening the fire-
men were called to the Western Fo-
Here and Th ereI[
Marvin Howey, who for the past
four years and .a half has been on the
staff of the Bank of Montreal, Ex-
eter, has been transferred to Aylmer
and left for his new position last
Wednesday. Mr. Howey is one of
Exeter's most highly esteemed young
men and is a member of the Main
Street church male quartette. The
best wishes of his many friends. His
Cattle in north Alberta's livestock
heads now number more than 2,000,--
{{909. Thisdustry and also the
re beaus -L-0 have increased atnaz-
y in the northern part of the,
ti'so'rince in the last few years..
place ai teller at the bank is been
taken b, Mr. McKay, of St. Marys- Carrying large consignments front
y +the Dominion Government and the
J. Dignan, 89, of Exeter and the British Columbia branch of the
oldest user of the forge and anvil to •Carea&ars Red Cross, the Canadian
attend the. picnic of the Blacksmiths Pacific S.S. Empress of Russia was
and Horseshoers on Wed. last, has 'the first .ship from the American
shod more than 974,56U equine hoofs continent to arrive with relief for
Until two years ago, this veteran's cken.,
people of Japans
average was one horse per hour. . If
the earthquake and famine 'rstri1j,
John Murray, Egmondville, gyred + 11Tearly '$10,000 in fur royalties"
known potato) specialist, has a, new was collected in The Pas,, Man., by,
record this year. This spring he tithe ride game warden lastwinter..
planted potatoes whit:E read: been hareThis does not include the royalties
vested in 1931 and which had been collected from the Hrdson Bay Com-
in his cellar in the meantime and he • pany and Revillon Freres, which will •
insays the two-year-old meantime,
,grew as amore than double this amount. .Thisai
y does not include moneys secured;,i
well as any in his gard'en:• He is no through taxes. licenses and other --
stranger to good potatoes, his father sources of revenue. ,
having won first prize at the first
World's Fair many years agoi He
himself . annually collects many of
the potato prizes at Seaforth's Fall
His left hand terribly lacerated
when caught in the cutters of a
threshing separator one day recently
Geo. Jones, 35, of Granton was tken
to London Hospital_ The hand was
amputated just above the wrist in
an effort to save hr's life. He suf-
fered severely from' shock and loss of
blood; The accident occurred on the
farm. of John Hazelwood, three miles
north of Granton, where threshing
was in progress, when Jones' hand
became entangled with the cutting
The home. of Mn,:and Mrs. George
Spotton, Wingham, was the scene of
a pretty but quiet wedding on Sat-
urday, Aug. 5th, at five o'clock, when
their only daughter, Glenna Lindsay,
became the bride: of Theodore C.
Itaum, only son of har. aria .ar:..i,eo.
ard Raum, Toronto. Rev. L. H.
Currie, pastor of the United church,
performed the ceremony. The bride,
who was given in marriage by her
father, looked lovely in a fitted frock
of chalk white silk chiffon, with a
attic Ji reneli cap, rasnioned with pink
velvet flowers, and white satin slip-
pers. She carried a beouquet of
Pink roses and liy of the valley.
There was excitement at E. Mas-
on's Greenway, one morning recent-
ly when a valuable cow fell in the
well near the barn. The neighbors
responded to, the call and, buRtt a der-
rick over the well, but the horses
that were drawing the cow .out step-
ped out too quickly -the rope broke
-the: cow was back in the well!
Wlieznthe, rope was- readyagarn a
s wand, attempt, was made and the
neem placed.. ;planks oven the well to
end and on the holiday, space 'acine eareeeent» tt. siinear eor.,urtence , but i
!Creanxery butter made in Alberta
too a total of 149 prizes out of 236
prizes offered, or 63 per cent., at ex-
hibitions at Edmonton, Calgary, Re-
gina, Brandon. Saskatoon and Van-
couver this year. Out of 11 open
championships offered, Alberta but --
ter took 8. In the Calgary exhibition:
six provinces competed, in three:•:
others four provinces competed, and;
in two others three provinces com-
British Columbia has reached the-
peak of the biggest tourist season.
in her history, and it is estimate&
that as a result of the enormous.
travel and the expenditure of tran-
sients 'while in the province this,
summer, will be worth at least 3p,-
000,0A.iL The opening of the Banff -
Windermere motor highway througlz,i
Canada's rock garden was largely
responsible for this increase in tour-
iist traffic through the Pacific prov-
Gold producers in the Province of"
Ontario during the first six months..
of 1923 report production of aid,-• •
146 ounces gold and 65,444 ounces;
silver',, of a total value of $7,244,081
shipped by the Porcupine producers.,
and from the Kirkland Lake pro -
dram's 69,691 ounces gold and 6,615+ •
eaaces silver, of a total value of '
$1,402,873, or from the two camps..
a total value of $8,646,954.
The Canadian Pacific Railway wilk
contribute $25,000 for the relief or
the sufferers in Japan and have also,
decided that supplies of Canadian
sfiaod-stnilfs and clothing donated, or
purchased with money donated for
• relief work, will be transported free •
Inver the Company's rail and steam •
ship lines. ):'resident E. W. Beatty •
made this announcement while makes
frig .a tour over the Company's lines.
far the West with a party of directors.,..
Zs added that this action had bee*.
taken because of the reports of ths-
intense liar+iships d+"e to the disaster,,,.
and notwithstanding the fact that
itlne Comp*ny bad lost heavily by dull;;;