HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-17, Page 31 Tasty Vegetable Plates, If you have vegetable addicts at. your home—or like something differ- ent --a change from meat and fish, try one of the following vegetable combinations: (1) Asparagus Hollanclais, Buttered Kale, Spanish Corn Pudding (recipe below), Diced White Turnip, Buttered Beets. (2) Luncheon Tomatoes (see re- cipe), Buttered Green Beans, Macar- oni and Cheese, Mashed Squash, French Fried Cauliflower and Diced Carrots. (3) Stewed Cucumbers (see recipe), Buttered Kale, Macaroni and Cheese, Fried Egg Plant. Spanish Corn Pudding. One-half cup .sweetened condensed milk, 2% cups corn cut from cob or canned corn, 14 cup chopped green pepper, 2 tablespoons chopped pimen- to, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs. Blend sweet- ened condensed milk, corn, chopped green pepper, chopped pimento, chop- ped onion, salt and well -beaten eggs. Pour into buttered baking dish and bake 25 minutes in a moderate oven (350 F.). Serves Six, Luncheon Tomatoes. Two cups cooked tomatoes, 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk, 2 cups dry bread, broken in pieces, 1 teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon pepper, grated Ameri- can Cheese. Heat tomatoes to boiling point, add sweetened condensed milk and stir until well blended. Remove from fire, add bread and seasonings. Cover tightly two minutes. Pour into serving dish, sprinkle generously with grated cheese. Serve at once. Serves six. Stewed Cucumbers, Pour large cucumbers, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/S teaspoon pepper, 1 table- spoon butter, % cup sweetened con- densed milk, 1 tablespoon flour, 1/4 teaspoon prepared mustard, juice of 34 lemon. Pare cucumbers and cut in slices 1/4 inch thick. Remove seeds from each slice. Place in boiling water and cook 15 minutes or until tender. Drain. Add salt, pepper and butter. Return to fire. Cover and cook for five minutes. Blend together sweetened condensed milk, flour, mus- tard aud,lemon juice. Add to cucum- bers. Cook until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Serve hot. Serves tis. • - Fruit Satter'Puddin,gs. Here are some recipes that will ap- peal to the men of the house—they are not too rich to serve on hot clays Band always evoke high praise from the consumers. The puddings are ter- med roly-poly, roll, cobbler, turnover, cottage pudding and whatnot. As a rule the puddings are served hot the first day and cold, with cream and sugar, the second day. Some people like them hot, some like them cold, but almost everyone likes them in one form or another. Cobb.,.rs. The correct cobbler is made with a rick moist baking powder biscuit dough, slightly sweetened and some- times with the addition of a beaten egg. The fresh or canned fruit and sugar are placed in the bottom of a buttered baking dish, the batter drop- ped into the fruit by spoonfuls and the pudding baked in a moderately hot 425 deg. oven about 40 minutes, or until the dough is done. A. good cobbler recipe follows: 2 cups flour, 14 cup sugar, 4 teaspoons baking powder, Mr, teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup shortening, 1 beaten egg, 1/2 cup milk. For this amount of batter you will need 2 cups fruit and juice. Some people call a pudding in which biscuit or pie crust dough lines sides and bottom of the pan, filled with fruit and topped with the dough, a cobbler, but they are not correct. Such a 'dish is a deep dish pie, a slump or upside down pudding, Rolls. - A fruit roll is made with a found- ation of baking powder biscuit dough which is rolled out about half-inch thick, then spread with fruit sprink- led with sugar, rolled up like a jelly roll and baked in a well greased bread pan or oblong glass disb, Use a mod- erately hot oven, 400 deg., until the Wo man's World By MAIR M. MORGAN dough is done, depending upon the thickness or depth of the roll. Serve with fruit sauce, hard or foamy sauce, or with cream and sugar. Roly Poly. This is almost the same as a fruit roll, but the dough is sweeter and richer. It is rolled out half an inch thick, spread with the fruit, then the edges are rolled up over the fruit and fastened to the dough itself by prev- iously wetting it. This dough,, rolled c.p over the fruit centre, is then steamed for two hours, or is fastened in a cloth (leaving room for it to swell), plunged into boiling water and boiled for 2 hours. Cottage Pudding. One-quarter cup shortening, 2/3 cups sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 2i/,. cups flour, 24, teaspoons baking powder, % teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Combine as you would make a cake, creaming, shortening and sugar to- gether, adding egg and vanilla, beat- ing well. Then combine dry ingredi- ents, add alternately with liquid. Bake in a square greased pan at 350 deg. for about 45 minutes. The cottage pudding is served with a sauce of crushed or sliced fruit. A variation from the usual cottage pud- ding is a chocolate cottage pudding (add 1, cup cocoa to the above recipe and 1/4 cup more sugar) which is serv- ed with a marshmallow sauce. Savarin With Strawberry Sauce. Beat together 2 tablespoons scalded and cooled milk, 1 yeast cake and 14 cup flour; set in warm place 20 min- utes until sponge is light. Add 3 unbeaten eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Also add 1/( teaspoon salt, 6 tablespoons soft- ened butter, 1 3/4 cups flour and 2 tablespoons sugar. Beat hard until smooth. Pour into individual savarin n.olds(makes 12), set aside until light, bake -In moderate oven until done. Serve with strawberry sauce made with fresh crushed strawberries sweet- ened with sugar. Sprinkle tops of baked savarins with powdered sugar, and serve the sauce separately. The centre of the molds may be filled with a few perfect, whole betties if de- sired. Puff Puddings. One cup pastry Sour, 1 teaspoon baking port der, pinch salt, 1 egg; 1/4 teaspoon grated orange rind, 6 table- spoons sugar, 2 tablespoons orange juice, 2 tablespoons milk, 2 table- spoons butter, melted. Sift dry ingredients together. Beat egg, add orange rind and sugar. Then add milk and sifted dry ingredients until well nixed, add orange juice and butter. When thoroughly blend- ed, pour into 4 greased and floured muffin pans. Bake in moderate oven about 18 minutes. Serve warm, with pudding sauce. Apple John. Make a dumpling batter and add 2 tablespoons melted butter to it, Slice into a deep, well buttered pie pan 4 tart apples. Sprinkle them with su- gar and cinnamon, dot with butter. Pour over them the dumpling batter (chop the melted butter into the dump- ling batter the last thing with a spoon). Bake the Apple John in a hot 425 deg. oven until done and well brown- ed. Serve with cream and sugar or any pudding sauce. Kewpie Pies. 11/ cups cake flour, 3 teaspoons bak- ing powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup milk, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon melt- ed butter, 2 stiffly beaten egg whites, fruit or hard sauce, jamas fruit or pre- served. Sift dry ingredients together. Mix beaten- egg yolks and milk, add to dry mixture. Beat well, add butter and fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour a thin layer of this batter In the bottom of buttered individual cas- serole dishes or ramekins or custard cups. Spread a layer of jam or pre- serves or fresh sweetened fruit over the batter. Cover this layer of fruit with more batter and bake in quick 425 deg. oven until puffed and brown- ed. Serve at once with fruit or hard sauce. MUTT AND JEFF--- By BUD FISHER o"€1 IM HAVIN6TF}6 PICTURE-PuToel OVER AT THE HOLLYWOoDTfitATRE FOR A -SST AND "FINAL O.K. LET'S "RUN OVER AND MAKE NOTES BEFORE IT STARTS To RAIN • tT LOOKS LIKE A TI.IUNDeR SKowER, MUTT! A Sleeve Display By HELEN WILLIAMS Illustrated Dressmaking Lessor!,Fur- nished With .Every Pattern • D' 2598' Sleeves have suddenly assumed much importance. Your sleeve dates the newest of your frock. Note today's pattern includes six new sleeve models. The thrifty woman—and who among us is not thrifty these days—can easily recondition her last year's frock at a small expenditure. Paris favors contrasting sleeves in many of her smartest day frocks. The brief puffed .sleeve is exceptionally popular in crisp white organdie. Style No. 2598 is designed for sizes small, medium and large. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number,, and address your order to Wilson. Pattern Service, '73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Your Newspaper The following is taken from a cir- cular sent to retail merchants by a large wholesale house. The value of your local newspaper ,to the.suc- cess of your business cannot be over- estimated. It's worth al the sup- port and co-operation you can give it for the newspaper is a mirror reflect- , ing the life of the community which you and your ,store have an important part. Your advertise- ment is the reflection of your store. If it is not there the mirror is dark where your store should be. You are there, but you cannot be seen. Your store is open for business as usual, but 'Out of sight; out of mind.' To keep in step with the progress of your. community; to get your share of business you must advertise re- gularly. Take your newspaper pub- lisher into your confidence; he can give you invaluable assistance. Es- tablish an advertising budget. Plan a regular schedule for your adver- tisements It's a policy that is fol- lowed by the most successful stores; it's an idea that will be profitable for you. 87 Degrees Below Zero is Reached Calgary.—A height of nine miles and a temperature of 87 degrees be- low zero is the record so far at- tained by meteorological balloons re- leased from Calgary by Captain 0, H. Bromley, in connection with the polar year tests. Twelve of the 22 balloons equipped with instruments to record atmos- pheric conditions in the stratosphere, have been recovered, Dr, Bromley reports. The balloons have been released twice a month since last September. Author -Playwright Dies Paris; Louis Evan Shipman, 64 author and playwright and former editor of the magazine Life, died last week at his home in Bouryen-Vexin, Oise department, after an intestinal illness of five months, YEAti - STARTIN' To RAIN A L12EADY l Sunday School Lesson Lesson VIII, August 20. Samuel. - 1 Samuel, Chapters 3, 7, 12. Golden Text.—Serve Jehovah with all your heart, ---1 Sam, 12: 2Q. • 'THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Time.—The call of Samuel in the tabernacle,`B.C. 1160. The capture of the ark, B.C. 1.142 Saul made king, I3,C. 1102, The death of Samuel, B.C. 1065, Place, --Shiloh. Aphek, Gilgal, Ita- mah. THE PLAN OF THE LESSON. SUBJECT:RESPONDING TO GOD'S CALL 1. THE CALL OP SAMUEL, 1 SAM. 3. THE LOSS AND RETURN OP THE ARK, 1 SAM. 7. III. • THE PEOPLE DEMAND A KING, 1 SAM. 12. °'I. The Call of Samuel—"And the child Samuel ministered unto Jehovah before Eli." He had to sweep and dust the sanctuary and keep all things in order. The lamps :seeded tending, the shew-bread must be set in order, the incense must be kept burning, there were many errands on which the lad's willing feet were to run. "And the word of Jehovah was precious in those days." It was rare, seldom communi- cated, because the people had fallen away from God. "There was no fre- quent vision." The people went on their secular ways, buying and sell- ing, fighting and sinning, as if there were no God in heaven. "And it came to pass at that time." According to Josephus, Samuel had just completed his twelfth year when the word of Jehovah came to him. "When Eli was laid down in his place." Commentatorsdiffer in re- gard to the place where Samuel and Eli slept. "Now his eyes had begun to wax dim, so that he could not see." Eli was an old man, and his failing eyesight rendered Samuel's aid indis- pensable. "And the lamp of God was not yet gone out." The lamp was a sacred one, kept burning all night in the shrine of God, the Holy Place. "And Samuel was laid down to sleep, in the temple of Jehovah, where the ark of God was." The ark of the covenant was kept in the Most Holy Place, the innermost division of the taber- nacle. "That Jehovah called Samuel." If orally, it was in so gentle a tone as not to be heard by Eli. "And he said, Here ani I." We see here how prompt and cheerful was Samuel's answer to any call for service, since he thought it was Eli who was calling hint. "And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me." It is not a pleasant matter, to be roused suddenly out of sleep, and boys are very drowsy early in the morning; but Samuel was alert, and sprang to this duty at once. "And he said, I called not; lie down again." Eli had no thought of a divine call, but prob- ably conjectured that the lad had been dreaming. "And he went and lay down." But we may well imagine that he did not fall asleep; the voice of the Lord had been too insistent and clear for that. "And Jehovah called yet again, Samuel." God does not often repeat his call when the first call isnot heard obediently. "And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me." One suspects that the old man was in the habit of call- ing for his youthful assistant often in the night. "And he answered, I called not, my son; lie down again." Here, to the ordinary boy, was a pro- voking matter, but Samuel was not in the least irritated. "Now Samuel did not yet know Jehovah, neither was the word of Jehovah yet revealed unto him." Doubtless he knew Jehovah in the way in which the sons of Eli did not know him. "And Jehovah called Samuel again the third tune." Note the divine per- severance. God knows his own, and never rests till they know him. "And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here ani I; for thou calledst me." There is no impatience here, no re- minder of past calls, no counting up of the summons. "And Eli perceived that Jehovah had called the child." He had more insight with Samuel than with his own sons. It is a wise man who perceives that God has a message for a child as well as a man. ."Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, He down." Not to go to sleep, but to lie and listen. "And it shall be, :if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Jehovah; for thy servant heareth." We get here a glimpse :into the heart of the high priest, and we see that he was a true servant of God, eager to hear what God had to say to him. and to have others also hear it. "So Samuel went and lay down in his place." We are impress- ed by his unquestioning obedience. "And Jehovah carne, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel," This repitition of the name in earnest speech was, it will be re- membered, characteristic of our Lord: "Martha, Martha"; "Simon, Simon"; "Saul, Saul:" "Then Samuel said, Speak; for thy servant heareth," He was ready to hear whatever God would say. Gradually the influence of Samuel as a prophet of the Lord grew in the land; but it did not prevent a terrible disaster. The powerful tribe of Phil- istines on the west of Palestine had never been conquered, and suddenly their army appeared at Aphek near Ebenezer. The Israelites met them in battle, and lost four thousand men. The Victory of Mizpah-1 Sam. 7: 3-14. For twenty years the land lay under the dominion of the Philistines, who oppressed the people grievously. Moreover, they imposed their foul re- ligion upon the Israelites, and the cruel worship of Baal. But during these years the influence of Samuel wassteadily growing. He had return- ed to his boyhood home at Rantah, had married and had two sons, Joel and Abiah, "Jehovah is God" and "Jehovah is My Father." His pray- ers for the people were ceaseless and fervent. "And Samuel said unto Israel," They were assembled at Gilgal, be- tween Jericho and the Jordan, a place famous as the first camp of the Israel- ites in Canaan, where the first Pass- over was celebrated in the Promised Land. `Behold, I have hearkened unto your voice in all that ye said unto me, and have made a king over you." The final ratification of the choice of Saul as king pot an end to the period of the Judges and open- ed the period of the monarchy. Sam- uel from this time was no longer a judge, but continued to be revered and to exercise influence as a prophet. Good Sportsmanship Comments the Ottawa Journal:— "Home from the tennis wars in Paris, where they bowed before the British, United States Davis Cup players have been showing a fine sportsmanship. Said Berman S. Prentice, captain of the team: "'Of course we were disappointed to return without the cup. We have no excuses to offer only the highest praise for a great British team, led by Fred Perry and Henry Austin, at their best . a team which played through a rigorous schedule demand- ed in the European zone, through the Wimbledon championships, a victory over a strong Australian team be- fore meeting us, and then going on to defeat the French in the chal- lenge round—a continuous period of strenuous competition. " 'We congratulate the new hold- ers of the cup; a fine effort has been signally rewarded,' "This is the spirit that makes sport worth while. Some of us sometimes are inclined to criticize the American attitude toward games, to think that United States players subordinate everything to win. This fine, manly statement of American Davis Cup players should teach us not to make our criticism too gen- eral; shows that among our neigh- bors as everywhere, there is often gallantry in defeat, sportsmen who have mastered the greatest thing in sport—knowing how to lose." 30'000 Boy Scouts Parade at Godollo World Jamboree G-odollo, Hungary. — The fourth world jamboree of Boy Scouts began on August 2nd with the parade of 30,000 boys past Admiral Nicholas Horthy, Regent of Hungary. Scout flags from about 50 coun- tries were consecrated in Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Mohammedan services preliminary to the formal opening of the jamboree in the late afternoon. A telegram arrived from the Prince of Wales, thanking the Scouts for a greeting sent to hint and wishing them success. Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Scout movement, was present. The Scouts' camp site extends around the royal castle here, former favorite summer residence of Queen Elizabeth and a one-hour trip from Budapest. Spectacular displays are on the program for presentation in a great arena, and a recently constructed hall houses various exhibitions. A flying field Is provided for con- tingents which brought planes and gliders. The camp has its own firemen, police and a newspaper issued in five languages. Mn4;s i Gets First Loaf .. ofa�1 Littoria, Italy.—The first loaf of bread made from wheat raised in this new agricultural center was sent to Premier Benito Mussolini. recently. How to Get Rd. Of the Ant Pest Useful Information Issued by . Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa Ants are reported from many die' tricts in the Dominion to be particu- larly abundant in dwelling houses this season, All though the majority od the Canadian species of ants live in colonies or nests outdoors they fre- quently cause annoyance by invading kitehens and pantries in seareh ori food. One of the most common and troublesome species, known as the red, or Pharaoh's ant, says the Dominion Entomogolist, confines itself entirely to heated buildings, such as bakeries, restaurants, houses, etc, This tiny, reddish-yellow ant had its origin in the tropics. Another species, the corn- mon ommon large black carpenter ant, al- though normally an outdoor species nesting principally in decaying wood, frequently occur in dwellings, particu- larly frame houses and summer cot• tages, and may cause injury to wood- work as well as annoyance by its pres- ence. A third common species is the small yellowish -brown lawn ant, which nests in lawns and gardens, often en- tering houses in search of food. Ants are social in their habits and live together in colonies. The majority of the ants in a colony, and the ones most commonly seen, are wingless un- developed female workers which aro incapable of reproducing their kind, Each colony also posses one or more true females or "queens" which are responsible for the generation of new individuals. The white, helpless lar- vae and pupae which develop from eggs laid by the "queen" are cared for by the workers which may be seen transporting thein to a place of safety when the nest is threatened with danger. Ants which enter dwellings will feed on many kinds of foodstuffs, but are particularly fond of sweet and fatty substances. The most satisfactory material so far discovered for destroying ants, is sodium fluoride, sold by druggists in the form of fine white powder. This powder should be scattered lightly in places frequented by ants, and left undisturbed until the insects have dis- appeared. As sodium fluoride is some- what poisonous, care should be taken to prevent children or pets from gain- ing access to it. Ants may be dis- couraged from entering houses by keeping shelves, tables and floors in kitchens and pantries as free as pos- sible from crumbs and other food fragments, and by storing foodstuffs in ant -proof containers. In addition, openings in floors and walls thr.ugh which ants may gain entrance should be carefully plugged. When it is possible to fnd the ants' nest in the ground outside, the whole ant colony may be destroyed by punc- turing the surface with holes and pouring in several tablespoonfuls of carbon bisulphide. Heavy gas is given off by this liquid, and its effect may be strengthened by covering the nest with an old coat or sacking. How- ever, great care should be taken not to expose carbon bisulphide near fire or flame, because it is very inflam- mable. War Facts 1. 9,998,771 soldiers were killed or died in the World War. Another 20,- 297,551 0,297,551 were wounded. 2. In 1918 the daily cost of war was $224,000,000. 3. The nations are this year spend- ing pending more than $10,000,000 a day fur war preparations. 4. The United States expends ap- proximately $83,333 per hour or $2,- 000,000 each day on its army and navy. 5. The world's expenditures for armaments for one year would pay the expenses of the League of Nations, including the World Court and the In- ternational Labor Office, for six hum dred years. 6. Only $545,000,000 out of a total United States budget of $3,500,000,0011 will be expended on civil functions of government during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1933. Virtually all of this $545,000,000 will consist of taxes collected on sales of cigars, cigarettes, and miscellaneous fees, while all income taxes and revenues from imports and other sources go to pay for past and future wars. 7. The cost of the battleship "Col- orado" was $27,000,000. This sum is only $3,000,000 less than the total endowment which Johns Hopkins Uni- versity has accumulated since it was founded in 1876. Paging Annie Laurie z AH„wa'RE:NLutllL- -nie RAIN HAS eeASOD AND THE Su4 Is ouT/ wo"r me -- JFP THAT wA$ tai AV.UEL00SI - D t i> YOU MAKE 'fl- 0 E. LL-crLt CHANGES. AND -T145 PidTul WILL Be ALLReA FOR 'C213LCASS; t=3 , i 9 r scan lsa. 511 4r 5. 5 1' +'d qr.M ICriwq' Ri{ht. /e''r'4. Trutt 5645761. 5.5 ?Mt 0550 leds . d!1It1,6 1ru1'' ' Il �m w 1111liliin, tlillt5 4 '