HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-17, Page 1V01. )(XXIV f4610.6 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST17 1933. „ - Chester L. aimnitl rah :, p 81.25 a year, US, $1.81 Adm' eLso IJ.4 4:IiREARS,21 Bur lax ONAzelita Let the Herald publish all. your Summer Visits and Visitors Capital Theatre ' Goderich -- Phone 47 Now Playing—"The Crooked Circle" It's .a scream!! Mon., Tues., and Wed. A new and glorious: experience awaits yggTt "BE MINE TONIGHT" Kum!, GAITY 1, DANCING 2 AN INTJ± RNATIONAL HIT! 'ale most popular type of entertain- ment in it best, dress Thurs., Friday and: Sat-and:ay ZASU PITTS and SLIM SUMMERVILLE In the hilarious comedy you. Have waited for. You'll laugh. for a week at "OUT ALL NIGHT"' Coming—Mary Pickford and Leslie Howard in "Secrets" Matinees—Wed. and Sat_ at S p- m. ST. PETER'S .Evangelical Lutheran. Church ZURICH ONT. �`A CiangelK' Christ Ears `E- ng- iag Werlar :Friday, 8h:—Luther Lanza* ,aturday---Choir Practice. 'SUNDAYSERVICES 10 a. m.—German Service., 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. '7.30 p.m.—English Service. `Errarybody W.k.ms tic all Sarah's. E. TUERKHEIM„ Faster., Blue Scranton Coal STANDARD ANTHRACITE We .are unloading a lim=ited q antiity Of CANADIAN PETROLEUM COKE Get your winter supply res now While it is available. Somet Solvay Coke Pocahontas and Miller CSreek Always;• ors waxed- AGRICULTURAIL TILE and 'BRIM. Highest CASH price paid for Eggs ea.' a Graded, Bim.. W. R. DAVIDSON Phone No. 16 EfENSALL,, ,emu. NATIVE GALILEAN SHEPHERD Corning to Speak on Twenty -Third Psalm and His Shepherd Experiences In Ancient Galilee, Sunday, Aug. 27th, at 10 a.m. On the following Monday Night, August 28th, Mr. Haboush with Mad- am Haboush and their two assistants will present the famous Musical Tra- velogue, "The Seven Wonders of Jerusalem and Galilee", in the Zur- ich Evangelical Church, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. . It is a far cry from the ancient kills of Galilee, and the pastoral life or the people there, to the dynamic days of the modern present in civil- ized North America, but those two extremes are covered in the span of life of Stephen A. Haboush, a shep herd from Galilee, who has brought• to the West the story of Galilee and Palestine, told as only one who was Miss Edith Klopp of London, is spending her vacation with her par- ents here. Miss Anna Overholt is relieving at the loca 1 switch board Miss Lottie Turkheim, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brein of Staffa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein. Mr. Will Reith was a week -end vis- itor at Ingersoll, his son George, re- turning with him home. Mr. and Mrs. John Routledge of Hamilton, are spending their holidays with their parents in Zurich and, Ex- etee. Mr. Oliver Johnston of Goderich visited at the home of his brother, Mr. Thomas Johnston on Sunday. Rev. E. Burn of town was called to Baden last week to serve at the funeral of Mrs. Chr, Hofstetter.. The burial took place at Wilmot Centre. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Coven and family spent 'the past week at Fer- born there can tell it. gus, where a big old boys celebration Mr. Haboush is a native Galilean was held. a Mrs. Herb Desjardif e and son El- roy have returned home after a we- ek's visit with friends and relatives at Baden and New Hamburg. Mr. Claude Meidinger of Knowles Lithographers, London, spent the ked his way through an American week -end with his parents, Mr. and University. Recently he returned to Mrs. Mich. Meidinger of town. sonthe land of his birth, and there per=. Miss Mildred Hey of Blake, spent picture took a marvellous motion, two weeks with Miss -Grace Meyers, of the scenes and people eft Galilee. He , returned to . North 2 who is spending the summer at the. merica with` his. message. He 'has: hone of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Disjar_ dine, Babylon line. • Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon and Son Archie and Mr. Ross Johnston, are spending the week camping at Rondeau Provincial Park, at Lake Erie. and North American citizen. lie was born on the hills about the Sea • of Galilee and in his youth tended his father's flock of sheep, just as every Galilean boy has done since the days when the Master walked among men He came to North America and wor.- OOOOO.O00OO.O O.N0000.O0O 0000046160•••••0••••••••••••k O O • HALF PRICE i • • i 1 O written for magazines and newspap- ers and spoke before great audienc- es in many of the famous churches and schools in America and Canada. Young girls are advised to make the most of their birthdays. Latex on, you know, they won't have any. Two Week's Holidays There are .still a little over two -weeks of summer holidays Thr the children to enjoy, it is .announeed that the public, and separate schools and the collegiate institute will re- open for the fall and winter term on Toady, -Sept. v'tb, the day following Labor Day. This year there was an amendment to the Sch-oral Act by which it is hoped that the 4:enamov- ersy of school opening will be end- eil. 'Eadh ,year there iris i7ecn a mis- understanding regarding the soled-. tiled day for sdhaol reopening. In the patt'the atattite .stipulated That scho- ols open on Sept. let. Last year, it is said, there was some confusion he - cause Sept. 1 was on Thursclay.Some schools 'in .the ,preVince-reopened am that clay .and sorn.e ,diel alar.:. 444+++++++++++.#4444+4444+44 + 444seewise-Se-44- :.+g•.:-r+S•+44+44 Massey -Harris Salendevke . • PLOW DEEP WHILE SLUGGARDS SLEEP IlEIh1;i Di.e7sTE N AFTER HARVEST Lok up your old Gane Plows, (any make), bring us an did point and we will: get new points for you. If its an old Mas ey-,Harris Made since 1847„ i 'w J1 be sable to aget points if not on bsrnd. Would be pleased tse mange -ilemunstration with any farmer to 'try out a new disc plow, 'beat ovine to destroy weeds after harvest. Have on hand for arilc'l sate a repossessed - ISL - H. 'B" r'iifizer rill, also a slightly° nand. CncCcsiru'ttt Fertilizer ilizer Drill at a sa iifide.. ;}Hao Wed cultivators.. - Order wide cultivator paints and bean ;fc .daces e ly 2n11 save -express Charge% HOW ABOUT A PLOW DEALT TIRES;,, BATTERIES, AT REDiCJ''CED PRICES "A DOLLARS SA'{i: D IS A DOLLAR MAIDE''' ..;,, Tel. Shop. 149 KLOPP SONS •* alae Ree. 45? Aticeoneerme — B ET! 4 4 3 f 1 In Police Court In Police Court, Goderich, Wed- nesday, Albert Howard, Hay Town- ship farmhand, was sentenced to three months for perjury. A charge under the Master and Servants Act, in which Bert Barwick was plaintiff ttled out of court; irrincipals was se sharing the costs. A young woman was given six month's suspended sen- tence on a vagrancy charge. A man facing a nonsupport charge, pleaded physical disability and a medical ex- amination was ordered, The man failed to answer a summons dace was ,digested, but not held in jail. HILLSCREEN W.M.S—The regular monthly me- eting -of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Miss, Annie Jarrott on Wednesday, August 9th -with Mrs. R. McArthur presiding We opened with hymn 575. The scr- ipture lesson was taken from Rom - arts 12., responsively and led by Mrs: W._ Turner. The devotional Leaflet "The Women of Great Faith" was : taken by Mrs. R. Love The roll call I was answered with a verse with letter A., The Secy and Treas. reports :were read -and adopted. Hymn 358 The study was then given by Mrs. J. Cochrane. The offering and business was then taken and hymn- 315. The meeting closed with theLord's prayer Those visiting in this vicinity dur- ing the week were Idles Eunagean Aubin of St. Peter's Seminary, Lon- don with her parents, ; Mrs. Clark of Detroit with her sister; Miss Dolly Hagan; Rev, R. K., Mrs. Love of Kin- tore with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Leye ; Mr. and Mrs. R. McAlliGter and family with' friends do Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. John Bon- thron of Moose Jaw with Mr. W, Jar- • rott and Annie. 'Mrs. Lorne Eiltr _and son Donald returning to their home at Falcon - !bridge; Mrs. Troyer of. Brigdeu with .friends; Weare sorry that a painful accident happened to Mrs. 'Toyer, when her knee was dislocated, from its place and having to return to her daughters in 13rigden. Tier many fri- ends hope she will have a speedy re- covery. lila. and Mrs. 11. Niehol and �Tr .i ie flagon n of Naval] visi+r41 i:sell 1-' i: j;. re, Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- ter, Miss Hazel, of Stratford, are spending a few days at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Hoff- man. Mrs. L. Geiger is spending a few weeks. at the "Trio" cotage at the Bend, and was joined the past two week -ends by her son Newell Geiger of Zurich. Mr. Harry Weber, a former Zur- ich old boy, and now living in Pres- ton, is spending the week with old acquaintenances at Zurich. Harry tells us he is now 72 years old, and one cannot help from these years creeping up on a person. WATER SYSTEM COMPLETED The 4,500 gallon preasure tank and new pump for the deep well in the centre of the -village has been completed last week, and is now in working order with a good snpnly of water on hand, and the former 3 h.p. electric motor does the work with ease, althuogh the pump i; cons ider- able slower than the old pump, yet it should be more durable. A num- ber of citizens are under the impres- sion that the pump is runiner all the time, this however is not correct, as if all the homes in town were con- nected oiti.the line, each home could use more than a gallon of water each hour, and then it would net have to be running continuously. This new • tank should have a capacity large enough to supply the entire vil- lage, .without difficulty. Ladies' Aid Meet The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lu- theran Church celebrated their 25th Anniversary on Sunday, August 6th with a large attendance. Rev. C. C. J. Maass of Detroit, under whose leadership this society was organiz- ed, preached a very appropriate and inspiring sermon in the German lan- guage On Monday evening a social evening was spent by the Ladies' Aid and their husbands, in the basement of the Church. The guest speakers were Rev. 0, C. J. Maass and Rev. Albert tatars of Desbero. A pro- gram consisting of songs, instrumen- tals and. speeches by the pastors, al- so a abort play given by members of he Aid was given. At the close a '•'inty lir,- h sass served. HALF PRICEk Community Siva. BIRD OF PARADISE FOR INSTANCE YOU CAN BUY: 1 Dozen Tea Spoons at $3.00, Instead of $6.0a. 1 Dozen Dessert Spoons at $6.75, Instead of I3.5 1 Dozen Knives and Forks at $14.75, Instead of 29.5G Sugar Spoons at 50 cents. Instead of $1.00 THIS IS A FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY Hess, The Jeweller phone 74 000• i090ml0$0®•••tre46®de00at4 d me"dt.0 ,000•00006O taOd"1•6011 3 , 144.44444 04.0t4.460044.44-eaior..c.44a4s4.&i, radp:P444s + st; ON MEN'S FLANNEL } 2 PIECE SUITS s 0 2 -COAT AND TROUSERS ALL WOOL FLANNEL VERY STYLISH, SMARTLY TAILORED= FOR is • i We ELofeman $9.75 ONLY A FEW LEFT EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRE crows - 044.46.66•04•444.04604046404•44444 046,44.00.4 •0400* 404L�eas o,,,,, Seaonable Needs! WE HAVE A GOOD AiND WELL ASSORTED' STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAI 'S, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOTS;. AND HARNESS REPAIRS,, ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT 5c and 7ttc PK.:. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAW: R. N. D UGLAS GENERAL .PHONE 1 97BLAKE NirEnTOHANT