Zurich Herald, 1933-08-03, Page 6Voice of the Press
Canada, The Empire and The World at Large
Britain's Stand
The choice for this country at the
World Conference is not between
High Protection and Free Trade.
There is a broad intermediate grouud,
and on that we stand now and mean to
go on standing.—London Daily Tele-
graph. •
The Scientific Use of Coal
In few things is this country more
wasteful than in its use of coal. Much
industry, research, and ingenuity have
been devoted to the quest of eoonomi-
cal processes for the scientific utiliza-
tion of coal. A variety has been dis-
covered, and some of them have been
applied on a limited scale. But there
have been snags and difficulties in-
numerable. It is one thing to conduct
a successful experiment in a labora-
tory: another to float aprocess as an
industrial and commercial success. It
is for the Government to put the mat-
ter to the test, and to act swiftly. One
thing must be secured above all. It
is that coal treatment shall be regard-
ed not as a separate industry but as
part of mining, and its benefits shared
with the miners wito have borne ad-
versity so long and so patiently.—Lon-
don Daily Herald.
Jig -Saw Pezzlee.
Just why jig -saw puzzles should be
so popular at present is hard to say,
They have been in existence for years
in the Angio -Saxon world, and have
been used by the Chinese for thous-
ands of years. But they 'were oonsider-
ed chiefly a pastime for children, and
invalids until the last few months. Ap-
parently they were revived just at the
psychological moment, supplying an
actual need. The majority of people
nowadays have consderable time on
their hands, It seems likely that the
conditions which made the jig -saw
flourish will continue for some con-
siderable time. So while the craze
may not maintain its present intensity
for, more thau a few months, there
will be a continuing demand for new
puzzles which will reduce unemploy-
ment and add to the happiness of
thousands.—London Free Press.
Radio and the News
Many people appear to think that
the radio has news of its own. It
hasn't. All the news that radio broad-
casts has been gathered by news-
papers, is in. newspaper offices or
newspapers before the radio broad-
casts it. In most cases it is news
given to the radio by the newspapers.
—Ottawa Journal.
Bit Hard on Pedestrians
If you're verging on a nervous break-
down—go out and buy a car—an old
car will do—and you'll he cured)
We ran into a friend downtown the
other day who looked so radiantly well
we immediately demanded, "Have you
just got back from a Mediterranean
cruise or something?"
"My dear," she replied, "I haven't
been farther than Port Credit, but I've
never felt better in my life.
"Two months ago," she continued,
"I was jusi about d nervous wreck—
couldn't sleep and all that sort of
thing—n. fact, 1 felt just about like
one of those ads for patent medicines.
So Fred hauled me to a doctor, and
the doctor's advice to Fred was to
buy me a car and let me learn to
drive. He said something about con-
oncentration taking one's mind off one's
self or something of that sort. So
Fred ought me a second-hand car and
here I am."
All of which may be excellent advice
for the nervous, but it does sound a
little hard on pedestrians.—Toronto
Coming to Uncle Sam's Rescue
Great Britain is said to be ready to
pay ten cents on the dollar in settle-
ment of the war debt to the United
States. She has evidently hearkened
seriously to the current American folk
song: "Brother, Can You Spare .a
;Dime?"—Toronto Saturday Night.
The Housewife's Thrill
It must be a dandy thrill fora wo-
man, elbow deep in the family wash
tub, to answer the postman's knock
and receive a Valentine from her hus-
band and then discover that while she
as been out of the kitchen Junior has
allen out of his high chair and the
' cans have burned.—Hamilton Spec-
Judge Bingham
Mr. Roosevelt has selected Judge
Robert W. Bingham, publisher and
4ditor of the Louisville Couirer-Jour-
i ai, to be the new Ambassador to Bri-
tain. The world used to speak of
'mere Sam's "shirt -sleeves diplomacy."
That will scarcely be .tbe sort of
diplomacy practised by this cultured
S.outherner; who is a lawyer, an edit -
sr, a publisher ,and a business man,
olio has a long list of academic titles
}after his name, has travelled widely,
and belongs to some of London's most
exclusive clubs,—Ottawa Journal,
Those Who Servo
it was interesting to read the other
4ay that the Great Western Railway of
England lost a crack express train in
blizzard—lost it when the train got
etuck in snowdrifts on ith way to Lon -
ties in one of the Worst winter storms
'nglaud has known for years,
a Even more interesting, though, was
ha news of what th passengers On
e train tied When. it finallir got to
t•pndon. The uewe dispatches relate
at` "leaseeng ra edged forwar to
e locomotive end doiegss tulated the
lagineer ;co.! getting tlzepn through.
no.womakissed Slim."
1 This, to be sure, was no more than
.lir.. But it Is the sort of taring that-,
elc;oui happens to railroad engineers,
03' to any other of those skilled tech-
. aeiriens on whose devotion, endurance
and uhllity the lives, 4 tr wellers de.
Meer). 11. ought to haPPen often, lilt
11. doesn't.
\ i.'robably there Is not a reader of
ns newspaper who ha'anot et Sonia
t, me made a trio bsi train, by steamer,
by 'hns or by airplane at a time when
the elements were actively hostile,
But is there one reader who went cltt
of bis way, after it was over', to shake
the hand of the engineer—sir the cap-
tain, the driver tar the pilot -441 t
thank him far gats ri g� hiv. t ;rough
sttfell?' eaitcliener fAlly )Record,
Gold Prices and Sterling
South Africa's departure from the
gold standard seems likely to have far
wider consequences than the mere im
mediate benefits to this country, and
may yet be the deciding factor in the
battle for the command of world prices
that has been going on since Septem-
ber, 1931, between the sterling bloc
and the countries remaining on the old
gold basis. It means that the Wit-
watersrand, the producer of the bulk
of the world's raw gold, is now de-
manding a higher price for its product
—a price more in keeping with ,the
world commodity values. In other
words, our gold producers, when re-
leased by the Union's departure from
the gold standard from their obliga-
tion to sell their product to the South
African Reserve Bank at a fixed, price,
showed the world that they considered
that their gold had been selling too
cheaply, and they immediately left a
group paying about 84s. an ounce and
joined a group paying about 122s. an
ounce. The Transvaal Chamber of
Mines appears to consider a victory
for the sterling bloc a foregone con-
clusion, and to be banking ou the old
price of 84s. an ounce for gold never
returning. — Johannesburg Sunday
.Road vs. Rail
Railway transport, in Malaya as
well as at home and in other countries
of the Empire, has cried "Wolf" rather
more lousily than other transport sys-
tems. There has, in consequence,
grown up a feeling as between railway
and road transport that each is out to
cut the other's throat in catering for
transport requirements. The railways
take the view that the road services
are unpleasant competitors who, if they
cannot be displaced, must at all events
be handicapped; while the road trans-
port operator would probably like to
select the cream of the traffic without
restrictions and responsibility. It is
for the Government to hold the bal-
ance equitably between the two.—
Singapore Press Press.
- Doing Their Bit
Two persons intentionally paid the
State of New York greater sums in
income taxes last year than the law
required; one, a retired professor,
waived his personal exemption from
taxes on a part of leis income, and the
other, an executive in a transportation
company, forebore to write off $25,000
of.lo:sses sustained in sales. of secure -
ties. Neither is named, but both are
-cited as fine examples of public -spirit.
These men -deserve public gratitude.
They acted as a generous regard for
the welfare of their fellows dictated,
Their sacrifice is acceptable at a time
when sacrifice Is difficult and when.
the State finds it more difficult tbau
in living memory to obtain the re-
venue that it requires, Their example
may be recommended to others who
cat. make similar sacrifice without
passing it on to their•own dependents.
—Brooklyn Eagle,
Mr. Roosevelt's Task
Only one other President in the his-
toyr Of the Republic has taken Wilde
ata time when it was evident that the
course of his administratiou was to lie
beset from. the very start with such
dangers and such crucial problems as
face Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That
other President was, of course, Abrar':
ham Lincoln. To -day there are fears
exprenaed in conservative circles, ars
there were in the early sixties, that
the new leadership will bring the na-
tion Into untried and dangerous paths,
hut that oomplaint has tow terrors far
a people • which finds itself bogged
davrn in a morass of difiloulties deeper,
as it believes, than ally in all its past
experience. IL is as clear to tI
Americans of to -day as' it was to those
of Lincoln's time, either tli-at the old
ways led to disasteror that their lead-
ers have somewhere missed the road
and they Ileun:alld a guide under whose
direction they can cut a new road
syack to safety and security.,.. -Detroit
hi Training
w & t scat 5
"r ws �. hr3;1. s# .,.io, 4,c.x %.(�,' ,n�•.�, .�.:;d
In order to limber up leg muscles for the approaching season
Kimsey and Barry of the Chicago White Son hot foot it around the
diamond at their Pasadena training quarters.
Stream Flow in Manitoba
and Northwestern Ontario
Ottawa. — The Dominion Water
Power and Hydrometric Bureau of
the Dept. of the Interior reports that
run-off in western and southern Man-
itoba ?continued substantially Wellow
normal during January, the flow of
the Assiniboine at Headingley being
about -one-half the January mean
whilst the flow of the Red river hi
the south of the ,ri.vinee was only
1.0 per cent. of the mean Ind a new
minimum was recorded. In north-
western Ontario run -cif was about 17
per cent. above the mean for January..
Throughout the area under consid-
eration precipitation was above the
average but occuresd aa snow which,
awing to continuous frost, did not
appear as run-off.
The mean regulated outflow from
the Lake of the Woods during Janu-
aa-y was slightly greater than in:.De-
cennber but the level of the ls.ke rose
about two inches during the month.
The mean regulated outflow from Lac
Seul was the same as during Decem-
ecember and the level of the lake dropped
about eighteen inches during the
month, The mean flow of the Winni-
peg river in Manitoba in the vicinity
of the hydro -electric plants, was
slightly higher than. in December and
provided ample water for power pro-
There is no death but sleep. Where
is the fear?
This Is but sleep and rest. Art ,thou
not tired?
Look up into my stars, my eyes.
There is uo death!
* * *
And the strong sun cried,
"Awake, far I am come again.
Life never dies, and after every night
there is a dawn.."
-Fielding Hall.
Sealing Skipper
77, Carries On
Sixty Years in Arctic Trade,
Capt. A. Kean to Com-
mand Sealer
St, John's, N.F.—The name of Cap-
tain Abram Kean stands out boldly on
a record of the sealing industry cover-
ing a period of sixty years. The veter-
an skipper- former Minister of Fish-
eries of Newfoundland, is preparing
for his forty-third trip into the danger-
ous northern icefields, despite his
seventy-seven years. IIe will com-
mand the veteran sealer Terra Nova.
According • to the record, he has
brought in 947,719 seals during his
long and active career. There is not
another skipper in the fleet with
figures worthy of,eomparison, but seal-
ing ;skippers cone from sealing fami-
lies and some of the family records
are interesting.
For instance, eight Captains Kean
have brought hi 1,914,072 seals in
sixty years; eight Captains Barbour,
1,463,847; ten Captains Bartlett, 892,-
902; seven Captains Dawe, 878,897;
four Captains Jackman, 716,714; four
Captains Blandford, 803,050; four Cap-
tains Winsor, 947,495; three Captains
Knee, 620,589.
Rooster Dies of Grief
A Japanese rooster that died re-
cently in Hayward, Calif., is reported
to have grieved himself to death be-
cause a malady had caused hili to
lose his remarkable vocal powers. The
rooster, Tokyo by name, had previous-
ly been able to maintain a single
crowing note over thirty seconds.—
Detroit News.
Old inner tubes of automobile tires
are being made into waterproof covers
for horses and mules in Guatemala.
British Welcome
Tomato Juice Habit
Canadian Product Selling Well
, After Industries Fair—
Records Eclipsed
Ottawa. -- "Summarizing Canadii.n
participation in the Brit' ah Industries
Fair this year, the Canaille . trade
commissioners consider all previous
records eclipsed from a viewpoint of
.volume of business transacted and
prospective business In sight," This
was the gist of a oable received by
the Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minister of
,Trade and Commerce, setting forth in
detail the important results accruing
to Canadian industry as a result of the
part taken by the Dominion in the
great exhibition just closed.
The British Industries Fair was held
simultaneously at London and Bir-
mingham, and covered a two-week
"The Canadian section of the fair
,at London,' reads the cable, "was
generally considered to be one of the
fair's most attractive features." The
most noteworthy result of this year's
fair was the volume of continental
European business done by Canadian
firms, together with a satisfactory in-
crease in United Kingdom business.
"At the London section Canadian
oanning firms were entirely cleared
out of all English stocks with a heavy
influx of orders. Many new accounts
have been opened by these firms. Con-
siderable trade interest was aroused
by Canadian canned peaches and as-
paragus in competition with Califor-
nian article.
"Canadian tomato juice, which is
still comparatively little known in
Great Britain, was sold in consider-
able quantities, while good orders
were received for this commodity from
Nova Scotia's New
Game Preserve
Ottawa.—Tobeakit park, including
portions of Digby, Yarmouth, Shel-
burine and Queens counties in Nova
S,.otia, has been set. apart by the
provincial government as a perman-
ent game sanctuary where all hunt-
ing, shooting, and trapping are strict-
ly forbidden. This is one of the
haunts of the moose and it is confi-
dently expected that the protection so
afforded these lordly denizens of .the
forest will result in greatly increased
numbers, not only within the park,
but in the whole interior of the. west-
ern peninsula of the province, This
arcia is justly famed as one of the
finest sportsman's countries in. North
America. Some of the finest trout
fishing in the world is found in this
locality, and permits for fishing
within the perk may be obtained from
the Forest Ranger, provided the ap-
plicants are accompanied by licensed
guides. This park is shown on the
provisional edition. of the Rossignol
map sheet just published by the Topo-
graphical Survey, Dept. of the In-
terior, Ottawa.
Progress of Canada's
Fanning Indians
Ottawa.—Data compiled for the re-
cently issued annual report of the
Dept. of Indian Affairs shows that in
the year 1931-32 progress was main-
tained in husbandry on the different
reserves throughout the Prairie Pro-
vinces of Canada. During that fiscal
year there were 2,425 farming In-
dians who had under cultivation 114,-
235 acres of land. Of this 73,421
acres were under crop; the growing
of routs and tubers and the cultiva-
tion of gardens accounted for 1,447
acres; summer -fallowing aggregated
36,213 acres, and new land broken
totalled 3,154 acres.
Anything For Business
ire tie Exant + tvi e
. ani+ tickets frtt ls,i
'CIteatrses in New York, to fight the lack 01 loose change, are .accepting patrons' signatures for the
necessary meant, Here we see some anatinee-go ers taking advantage of the credit system,
The D UEninio
C tast''t +'.Coast
Halifax, N.S.--Whet the Prov`•neial
Dairymen's Association was organiz.
ed in 1913, there were 13 creameries
in the Province of Nova Scotia, silt
cheese factories and one making both
butter and cheese. The, total output
of creamery butter was 7'09,01'
pounds, Cream was supplies', by 1,587
farmers, and thee total value of the
business was $214, 588. In 1932 there
were 80 creanvetries in operation, pro-
ducing 5,968,600 pounds of butters
with more than 13,000 farmers sup
plying the cream, The total value
of this.�business was approximately
$2, 75 (1,000,
Fredericton, N.B.—The Province el
New Brunswick may shortly enter
competitions as a grower of prize
wheat, At the recent annual meeting
of the New .Brunswick )harmers' and
Dairymen's Association in h'rederic-
ton, Mr. E. M. Taylor, Dept. of Agri-
culture, stated he had wheat grown
in the province that weighed 65th
pounds to the bushel. The best sample
at the Chicago International weighed
only two pounds ino'rie, he explained;
while that which took second prize was
only a fraction better than his wheat,
Montreal, Que.—According to an
announcement by the Montreal Tour-
ist and Convention Bureau, leading
business men of Montreal. are consider-
ing the establishment of pernnanent
exhibition grounds in or near the city,
on the lines of the Toronto Exhibition,
to foh•iil a "shop windrow of Eastern
Canada." Art, industry, manufae-
ture, agriculture and natural re-
sources are expected to come into the
development program, which is prim-
arily for the purpose of continuing
the growth of the tourist business and
the bringing of more and larger con-
ventions to Montreal. -
Toronto, Ont. — New industrial
plants opened -or announced in Can-
ada during 1932 totalled 206, accord-
ing to The Financial Post Business
Year Book, which also reports 19
important plant extension~ and 29
new industrial connections made dur•
ing the year by existing corporations
in Canada. Analyzeai by country of
origin, of the 206 new pilante.. 106
cane from the United Status, five
from Great Britain and five from
other countries, the remainder being
of Canadian origin.
Brandon, Man.—Fifty years of com-
munity service were celebrated at the
recent annual meeting of the Brandon
Board. of Trade, when a representa•
tive gathering listened to ' addressee
on past progress and future pros-
pects. It was pointed out that during
the past two years the Bandon Board
of Trade had widened its scope by
taking in . four organizations the
Brandon Tourist and Convention As-
sociation, the Brandon Branch of the
Industrial Development Board of
Manitoba, the Western Manitoba
Boards of Trade and Communities
and the Retail Merchants' Asnsociatios
of the area.
Edmonton, Alta.—The distinetlom
of operating the larrgent of the 2.5 fly.
ing clubs in Canada goes to Minion.
ton, Alberta. At the recent annual
meeting it was shown that in 1932 a9
total of 24 private pilots' licenses and
five commercial licences were won by
members, which was one -twelfth of
all the licences issued in the Domin-
ion to similar clubs during the year!
A total of 800 flying hours was nude
during the year by, pupils at the Ed,
mouton club.
Usefulness of Wasp
Explained by Speaker
Montreal.—Citizens should shed
their prejudices against the wasp on .
account of his sting and think of the
goocl lie docs, according to Philip J.
Croft, who addressed the Electrical
Club of Montreal hero recently.
He depicted a little yelilew insect
as a great friend of horticulturists,
destroying millions of insects in the
course of .a sununer. When the cold
weather comes the working wasp dies
but the queen survives through the
winter and proceeds to have a poo.
geny of .approximately 25,000, consist
ing mainly of workerss.
Insects preying on insects are the
best aid to the ,gardener . in ridding
his land of pestes, Mr. Croft continuedi
Only .are :absurdly small number are
destroyed by means of spraying and
while the birds help to keep thoni
down their work is nothing compared
to the control exercised by the insects
upon eali other.- The struggle fox
existence among the millions of &if+
f+3reint specieos, Mr. Croft declared, ii
indeed difficult for the human min<
to grasp. The green fly which mein)
produce 600 egg -laying females fall
victim to the lady bug and the lathe
in turn has her enemies.
"A burglar got into my house
about tlirdo o'clock this .mornings—
just before I came home fieeas the
'Did he get anything?"
"You bet! Ile's In tllq hospital,
My wife thought it Tim 1,"