Zurich Herald, 1933-08-03, Page 5• Thurstissy, Auaeust 191M,. . BUSINESS CARDS DrIDLEY E. it OLIVES c,:tamuosTER, soLicfroR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, Is'TC. LIFI'ICE-11amilton Street, Just tVe Square, GODEMCli, Ontario. ,Attention to Councel and Court Work. ohnee may be consulted at -4-lnislerich by Phone, feed Mona charges reversza. Dr. LI. H. COW EN. • L. D. B. DDS. • DENTAL SURGEON Lt DEIT2I BLOCK---gunani Every Thureday, Friday, Saturday AtHARTLEIB'S 16.1.100K, 1) All W D 'Zany 'Monday, 'ihietsates vela Wednesday ticerizcil Augnenenr For Huron and Middlesex IN A POSITION TO CON- alutt any Duction Sale, regardless las to size or article to sell. 1 solicit atour business, and if not satisfied will mato no Charges or Servce• Akre& • A11IUR WEBER--Dasirwood lime 13-57. • ZuriehsPoptfiar ,IAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologna..s, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in laectric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungbiut 4% SOIL SERVICE Why We have the' Better Class of_Custoriters NIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. VIATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES MW -TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Snit, Hohniug and Mechanical Work Elam to Micrometer Settings, No *seas work. Watch the cars that IITOP at WEIN'S, They are all1-11G11 CLASS CLIENTELE. • S • DASHWOOD. ONTAF1O Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK `THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurancent Rik on Dec. 31sts 1932, $17,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. Itates7-44.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klopp-Zurich Abut, Also Dealer in Liiktnind Rods end all kinds of Fire Insurance L I VE POU LT R WANTED 'ashen every Day till 5 o'clock, p.m. Vo not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. .11ighest Cash Prices .-CASE FOR- . 4 CREAM AND EGGS ••W. O'Brien .nor., 101, Res. 94. Zurich '14.11•••*:***....-...,..***•••••••*•MOMmoolosel THE HERALD'S 07111 TOWS Wants, For Sale, Loin* Fou rad 9 illoAlf,,,he9 Etc. Ade EOM' 4,4% FOUND In Zurieh a number .o keys in a care). Or can have same at Here tdd Orlice by payiug this adv. FOR SALE A limited quantity of early potat- oes for sale. Apply to Theo. Hab- erer or Ry. Howald., Zurich. FOR 'SALA A practicall,y new De -Laval cream Separator. A big .bargain for quick sale. Act Now!! L. A. Prang, Zurich. s *v. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as We receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich, IN MEMORIAM In -loving memory of our Dear Mother, Mrs. Cetherine Bennett who passed •away., three yeare ago, July 28th, 1930. She is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year In our. lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of her are always near, Days of sadness will come oan us, Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts conceiled Days of sadness' will .overcome us, Tears in silence often flow; Memory keeps you always near us, Though you died three years ago. Sadly missed. by- her daughters. Elizabeth and Carrie. The Local News The main aim of the weekly news- paper as the name implies, is to give news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no editor can cover it all without assistance. Especially is chis true when you have visitors. Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most interesting read- ing in the -whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to have their names appear, so send them in. Sometimes people come in and give the impres- sion that they are asking a favor When they want us to insert the names of their friends who have been spending a few day a with them. No person need feel that way about giv- ing us news items for we are indeed glad to get them all. • ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 ray be >charged. U. 5. $1.50 in advance. /To paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un-. ies.s at option of publisher. The date of which every Salmeription is paid is deflated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made knoina on application. Miscellaneous articles of not mort than four lines, FOX Sale, To Rent, {Wanted, Lost, Pound, ,etc., One inset% tion 26t, 2 ins. 40e, 2 Ins. SOc. Farni or Real Estate for sale $2.00 •'for first MORI* 41.0 for each fol- lowing month. Professional CST& exceedhl inches, per year $0,08: In Memoriam, one verse -50e, 26c for each additional 'verse; Card of LOCAL NEWS Miss Ruth Zit* of London, spent her holidays with her parents on the Bronson line, Mr, Claytus Mittleholtz of Kiteh, ener is calling on Z urich friends this week. Mr, awl Mrs. E. F. Mope and MA?, E. Taggart rind Myrtle !teethe weee recent visitors at Elmira. M. and Mrs. Herb Axt and fam- ily of Detroit, were Visitors with Mr, -444ts „ The Evangelical S. S. picnic whirch was held at the Grand.Bend on July 26th was well attended and a great success,. Mrs. I. Dedcls and daughter;, of Kitchener are. visiting with the foa- men; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deane, ..;r. Sorry to •report that Mrs. Alen. Movesesai of town 'is not enjoying 1u • twat! at present. • Rev. Story of Toronto, was4alie guest of Rev. E. Burn over S'undaY and Monday. His lecture on the church lawn on Monday evening wee- . interesting. Mrs. Hy. Hasenflug and son Clar- ence and Miss Kaufman of Kitchenee called at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Chester L. Smith, Sunday evening. Mr. Henry Weseloh and Mrs. Roy Howard of London, attended the fun of Miss Aulta Weseloh of Kitch- ener, On Monday. Mr. Albeet Baker, accoinpaniedby t11.1cis,ii.atyKvii8giliotrso fwiStth..auTlrio. Tait; • Hy. 1rVeseloh. Mr. Code of London, was a Mon- day visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Laic of the Bronson line. Ile was accompanied home by Miss Ruth Zirk. Word has recently been received From Rye, Ontario, that all the me- mbers of Miss Euloine Geiger's ent- fence. class passed with honours, at the recent Departmental Exams. Mr. and Mrs. Will Zhikahn and daughter Rhea, Mrs. Ed. Zinkahn Miss Luella Kauffman and Mea Clar- ence Hasenfing of Kitchener and Mr. Ervin Scheele were Sunday visitore ret the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Herb, Krueger, Mr. Joseph Hagan of Hensall has recently returned from an extended trip to the Pacific coast, going by all, Mr. Hagan was greatly impree- ed with the ia:ghty rocky •mounteins and states that the crops in the Wes- tern Provinces look like less than a half crop. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and da- ughter Mae returned on Sunday ev- ening from a- ten days outing; to the thousand islands district near Kings ston, where they had a most enjoy- able time. A more complete account of the trip will appear in our mit weeks issue. Mr. and Mese 3. Brandon of Bel - grave, Mrs. Purdue and Mrs. John- ston and Mrs. Geo. Daley of Wing- htun; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner, Mr. Ed. Axt all of Zurich and hers, N. Parent of Mich., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman, Tuckersmith. A real treat is in store for all who will be in Zurich on Saturday even- ing, as the famous Goderich Band are corning down and give vs some real music in the evening. This band wil come some forty strong, and is known far and wide for the splendid -music they play. Come out and hear this band! The annual Decoration Day serv- ices were held on the Evaagelical ce- metery, Bronson Line, Hay, last Sun day afternoon, which •„were lonely attended. Dashwood Band ev.es in at- tendance and a number oa int:meeting addresses were given by the clergy- men in attendance. Some very fine musical numbers were also given. by local talent. Ladies' Aid Meet Crediton Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. met in conjunction with the Zurich Group on Wednesday July 19th. A program was given in the auditorium of the Zurich Evangelical church. Mrs. E. Braun, president of the Cre- diton organization occupied the chair and conducted a song service and de- votion. :Words of welcome were •spoken. by Rev. E. Burn; recitation vocal solo and reading by the "O'Breins" each number applauded. Vocal duett by Mrs. Harry Hess and Mrs. Witmer. A Crediton group contributed a missionary playlet en- titled "The Organization of a Dor- cas Missionary Band", the following took part; Mrs. Thos. Illawhinney, Mrs. W. E. Wenzel, Mrs. Clayton Sims, Mrs, Hugo Schenk and Mrs. Dan. Finkbeiner. Games and con- tests were the amusements for the 'afternoon. A bounteous lunch was sereed. There were about 90 niernb- ers and friends present. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the an s, Zurich friends for the levitation ex - • la ever ready to serve •the pub, tien:erton if not over -four Inches It 1-7 'At' Mrs. L. W. Hoffman to the Creditor). a en tended through their Corr. Sec y, organization and for the pleasant JOB DEPARTMENT Auction sales -42:0o lie with Commercial and Address all communications to: social functions of the day. Mrs: lint HERALD supported Rev M S' pel edded tiara lea-vinati your order abet.- - IP Printing. Get our price; be- Art Amy moved Mrs. T. Mawhinney Mrs. P. Koehler is spending a few weeks; with friends at Albany, N.Y, Mr, H. G. Hess made a business trip to London last week. Mrs. G. Koehler was a visitor at Kiteliener the past week. Mr, Harold Kaiser of London, is spending his vaeation with his grand- le father, Mr. B. Art. Now that the big holiday week of ' the Heald is se. er, we trust that ye ' ree,1,11 110 . .„ !&C FR freesormigiowssommoileurosslogiossesesesopowseescoakmoseilit. Implement Repairs 0 L.A.' .' rt.. 0., .... ,.. .l.. A ' .:.! j..'lii.IJC-I I'll ;'..qii...l'A the plat week with 'ale ft' sn Th. s- 1 boro, • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edigholfer of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors with De, and a!re. Jo e Plean tONPaese ; . e .• risen Miller who has been at Loedon Hos- gsiei a critie.d Lorae 01:1 tin+) • • .,11 • Lir. Lien-4er Ellber tied two eons of Detroit, are epcsadieg 3.V.eek .t3le parent, Dr. and Jo. Routledge Mr. and Mae Wilbert Scots, and -7 :a. • v.:11 IT-, pl 04' leo-seam, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. • liNtWAMIRNWV417, Vi!A`i Routledge. • ,176 2 0 0 ,d7 0 WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME PRICES alifirrlir "0 CLIMAX BUG KILLER AT NEW LOW PRICES ALSO ALL KINDS • OF INSECTICIDES AS FOL- LOWS :---Arsenate of Led, Arsenate of Lime, ..PLis Green, Etc., E. •COAL COAL PUT MI LY •1.44. 7-1 y ARE .„t"I' "We C.! Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repair, 1.51 e V.13. r42*--, (CA el TA tt,),e es - wee . • 41e ,r) Mrs. ledge and Mr. Lerne Player :al of1.1 Hyde Pae, 'wee, 'Seethes s isitee' with air." and Mre. Jos., ilroera-d:e,r - town. The wheels of the Kalbfleisch p11111- ing chill again began to revolve on Tuesday, after the accident exparien- end a few Weeks ago. A -complete! new lineshaft had to. be peeeeeerel, which is a big expense to the pro- prietors. Farmers are happy these days at - the 'prices of grain going up. We understand that the present price of wheat is 80 cents, as compared with 45 cents -of a year ago. Cheer up eles4 things are bound to again right them- selves. Mr. C. 0. Smith, proprietor of Peach Grove Farm, half mile soren of St. Joseph, recently had the mis- fortune to fall from a cherry' tree on his head, and sustained a severe shalt ing up, and sorry that he has riot re- covered sufficiently to do a day'a work, which is a big handicap in this busy season. MONDAY AUG. 7, CIVIC HOLIDAY ..All residents of the community art, to bear in mind that Monday, Aug- ust. 7th, will be observed as civic holiday, and that all places of bus- iness will be closed on that date. This has become quite general in Ontario that• . the first Monday in August be observed thus. Mr. C. Schrag has had n very un- ique experiense by havane had his silo 'blown down three times within a few weeks, about a mile north of the villaga. The silo a as blown over during the severe windstorm which passed -through this :section. some we- eks ago. It was put up evil. but the windstorm of recent wrecked it again and when it had been erected a third time another strong wince up- set it. The Goderich Musical Society band journeyed to Exeter on Sunday ,last to give an open-air concert after the evening church services. ai.ere was every indication of a large aud- ience to hear the program when rain gels= to fall heavily and the concert cas cancelled. The band is engaged for an outdoor concert ot Zurich on Saturday n;ght of next week, Aug- ust 5th.-Goderich Signal. Banner Race Meet at Goderich The next great racing event of the season will be thebannerrace meet to be held at Goderich on August 7, (civic holiday), with the largest en- try' list of good horses ever brought together at one time at any race meet in Canada. The card includes five stake races -the 3 -yr. -old trot, with 14 entries; • the 3 -yr. -old pace, with 23 entries; the free-for-all, 10 entries; the 2.22 stake, 24 entries, and the- 2.17 stake, with 20 entries, For each race there is a $500 stake, and the large entry list,containing the names of practically all the good horses in Ontario, with several from the Western Provinces, ensures a great afternoon's sport. ' Hay Tp. Resident Passes Scores of friends paid a last tri- bute Saturday to William -Russell, pioneer Hay Township farmer, who- se funeral took place from the home of his son, Miltin Russell, eon., 2, Hay, near Exeter. Mr. Ressell's death occurred at his son's home on Thursday last after an illness of many months. Deceased, who was born he Scotland nearly 84 years a- go; was brought to Canada when six' months -old. His folks settled in Huron, County and it was here that Mr, Russell fanned all his lifetime. During his residence in Hay he gain- ed fame for his ability to get things going at barn raisings. He was a Presbyterian, his wife) predeceased • iseraavies and Rev. E. Burn, respond- eight years ago. Surviving are two Adi11091e.... ed.. eons. r7 atkvost1 li Et IN . , E..,., ..,,,,,, We have a god stock 'of Drugs and prep-iration...to de,...,1Toy. all kinds of troublesome Insects We have FIy Tox and Fly - 0 - Cede; Paris Green; Arsenate of Le..:c1; Helibore; Insect Pow- der; Black Leaf 40 Evergreen; Bordeaux Mixture; Corrosive Sublimate; Saphme Ant -Moth • Discs Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich filf.44WARMWRWPWIN MMM-MW?FWARMNIMP 91T - .1, * t>s4,1, * • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. • • • • • • • • • • • for one Year: • • • : • • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ..... .. .... $6.00 • * • Toronto Daily Star $7.00 • • Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 • • London Free Press $6.00 • • London Advertiser ..,.... $6.00 • • • London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 • • Farm and Dairy $2.75 • Farmers' Sun ,..... $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 • • Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 • • Canadian Countryinaii $2.25 • 4. * Weekly Witness ....,. .. .. ... ................... . !' ,3.15 • Farmers' Magazine .. ....... $2.50 • Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.73 1 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. Wib have the Agency for every. reputAle Magazble .ila Canada ana the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. 4 Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich Kitchener Daily Record Toronto Daily Globe ....... .... . ...... ....... $6.00 $5.10 • • 4 4 4 4 4 4 *****************••••••••• *e eOsSetteaes e* -****44+44•444. •