HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-03, Page 1O XXXIM.. $ o. L et " ZURIGY-I, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3 1933. e Herald publish all your Su Capital Theatre Goderich Phone 47 :Now Playing—Tallulah Bankhead & Robt. Montgomery be "Faithless". Monday and Tuesday JOE E. BI W % -- in his big lead baseball. comedy "Elmer, The Great" Wednesday and Thursday -5`liremarkable remarkable lemon on soc- ial dangers ever screened, "DAMAGED L VES" Women only Wed. afternoon and night. Men only Thurs. afternoon and night. No one under sixteen ad- - mittecl.. Friday and Saturday _:Aileen Skipworth--Roland: Young and - • Sari Maritza, in a, laughable farce "A Lady's Profession" Matinees ---Wed., Theirs'., and Sat. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. 'A Changeless Chriist gee a lag; Wawa' qday, Sia ---Luther - a tt#a,turday- ='Ghon Pmts en .. SUNDAY SERVICES ,© a. m. -German, S , 81.15 a.m.—Sunday er 7.50 p.m.= -Engles Sece. Everybody Welcome to all Services - E. TUERICHEEM„ Pastor, Chang - I.' 1n 'Police Court On Tuesday last, IVlagis. Reid gave out written judgment finding Melvin' Crich, Tuckersmith guilty or fraud in selling a purebred bull to Levi Parr, Brussels, after he had placed a chattel mortgage, on the animal. The court •directs that Parr be given peaceful possession of the animal and, that accused pay $57.10 court costs, or spend three months in jail. If the conditions laid down are met, sus- pended sentence is: accorded. Dog -Owners Pay Up The 22 tardy dog -owners of God- erich who .were hastened on their way towards the purchasing of dog tags by the simple means of serving a summons appeared in Police Court and in most cases without a murmur of protest paid the regular two -dol- lar fee and an additional dollar for court costs: One man had, grave do- ubts as to how the saying "a dog's life" should be applied. It seems that this particular dog owner would rather do away with the dog than pay three dollars for a tag. He made the mistake of saying so to his wife, who quickly replied to the effect that if the dog went hubby would go too. He bought the tag.—Signal. • Charge Dismissed Action against Albert Howard, Stephen Tp., who was arrested on July 17, on charge of •breaking and entering, was dismissed when he ap- peared before Mag. Reid. Howald was alleged to have entered the home of Albert Keays, same Tp., and stol- en a bag of sugar and other articles during the owner's absence on July 10th. Howald, who was remanded to jail for a.week before appearing on Tuesday, was very poorly clad, and, in spite of the fact that police found a batch of home-brew beer in the making at the time of his arrest, no Jae Scranton Coal STANDARD ANTHRACITE We are unloading a limited quantity CANADIAN PET.ROLE>=11hE COKE Get your winter supply in now while it is available:, Somet .Solvay Cake. Pocahontas and letiller Creek. Always on hen& AGRICULTURAL TILE and BRICK. Highest CASH price gala for. Eggs on a Graded Bads. W. R. DAVIDSON Phone No. If HEBISeqsLL, GO R!CH A S At Agricultural Park Civic Holiday On Monday, August 7thz 1933 At 1.30 o'clock Sunset Stake, Three-year-old t $5ro 00 Whitely Stake, 3 -yr. old pace 500.00 Bine Water Stake—Free-for-all $500.00 Golden Gate Stake, 2.17 trot orpace • 00 0e Goderich Stake, 2.22 trot or $5ce 00.00 New Covered Grandstand — Good.. Track. Betting Privileges Allowed, General Admission, 50c (tax extra). J. B. Whitely, M. D., President. E. R. Wigle, Treasurer. W. F. Clark, V. S.,, Secretary. -4 een Lewis, Olive Parsons, Wm. Pen - hale, Phyllis Prouty, Oiviile Snell, Elane Stanbury. 2nd Class Houours—Verma Barlow Almira Brintnell, Rob. Brooks, Mar- garet Campbell, Roy Campbell, Rob, Ellerington, Marian Gladinan, Helen Grieve, Evelyn Heamax, Margery mer Visits cheater L. smith,. Est:Sil 11.26 a year, U.S. $.5111 Issareeeed 11,50 IN IR REARS *2 MAY SR QEL 5f O food couldbe found in the house. 1 Heywood, Lloyd Jones, Wni. -Kydd, Ray Perkins, Ethel Smith, Dorothy Traquar, Grace Warm, Eddie Year- ley. Pass -John Brintnell, Chester Dunn Harold Elliott, _Marjorie Ellerington, Agnes Fairbairn, Marie Ford, Earl Frayne, Henry. Kestle, Alvin Linden- fieldt, Allan Richard, Anna Rhode, Wm. Rowcliffe, Chas. Snell, Jeanette Stone, Orville Webber. IIENSALL CENTRE . Sufficient provisions for the wife and family were purchased before How- ald was removed to jail. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS The following are •the results of the High School Entrance Examinat- ions in the vicinity of Zurich. First Class Houours means that the can- didate secured 75 % or more of the total marks; Second Class ilonours means that between 70 and 74% of the possible total was obtained. HAYFIELD CENTRE First Class Hona—Jean Dunn,' Eli- zabeth Gairdner, Bert Greer, Marg- axet Middleton, Wrn.. Reid, Ilene Tal- bot, Stuart Watson, Lillian Wilson. Second Class Hon:—Wanda C1uff, Phyllis Elliott, Mary Marks. Pass—Harvey Chutcu, John Keys, William MeAsh, Willa Pickard, El- eanor Rathwell, Antionette Rau, T. Scotchmer, Dorothy Stamp, Keith Westlake. ..EKETETR CENTRE First Class Honours—Lauren Bea- ver, Mary Borland, Edwin Buswell, Barbara •Dinney, Lillian .clecard , Lewis Foist, Gerald Fitzgerald, Paul- ine Pollock, Stewart Fula:, Eleanor NT. Hill, John. _Jennings, Ray Jones, Eil- e+tee+++.4+•i~,1aKef^• ec-e %£^erei4» +•, re 4.,24..i.*.¢„•ii••• 4.4.*•@ 4..H.+.: + 4,44+4 1 41- -4* 1• 4 + e '' er ic- u; Vis, Sahs and fee P. PLOW DEEP WHILE SLUGGARDS SLEEP z7S3Sil l D ieLY AFTER HARVEST 'GMT, PIMPS, an. :make brie us an o'fci dint Look uyour old: xt , � y ), g' T i�' ,� and we will get; r1 nu points for you. If its an old Massey -Harris made since 1.S47,. we win b'c: able to get points if not on hand. Would be pleased t'xs4 arraege demonstration nonstration 'with any farmer to try out a new disc pima best machine to destroy wee& after heaved. Have on hand: for quick sale . repossessed M. -H. Fe tilixer xlriTl, also a slightly used ttbckkliutt Fertilieer Drill at. a sacrifice. Agee used cultivatore. Order wide cultivator points and bean knives taerlir and save express Omegas - HOW ABOUT d PLOW DEALT .;. TIRES, Ill TTERI.ES, AT 'REDUCED PRICES; IIO!Ltekir, SALVED IS A 1')OT.LAR NAPll:'a' Tel. Shop �•}} P 149 KLO SONS .eat. 167 . uct'°. ori Prier'• ziig? ._.,. .1gi•: Percy Rowe, of Manatulin Island, is spending a few days with frit •s here. s: H. Hasenflug of Kitchener, wis ed with Mrs. E. Burn on Sun- day. . 'jr.land Mrs . Waiter Dumart of Kitchener, were visitors with Zurich friends last week. 1VIr. Arnold Burn and family, from Sas1- atoon, were visitors at Rev. E.' Burn's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thiel visited relatives in Kincardin e on Sunday last; Miss Reta Fleischauee of London, is spending a month at her home in the nvillage. iss Luella Appel of Milverton, visited with Mrs. E. Burn over reek, returned home on Friday whc a • . y last i2xe friends of Miss L. Rose, Miss Ida Routledge and Miss Euloine Gei, er, pleasantly surprised these bri.es-to-be with miscellaneous show ers the past week. r. H. F. Klopp and daughter of Kit . ener; Mr. Leonard Klopp and fa ly of Waterloo, were Sunday nisi ors with their mother, Mrs, Wm, Klo,p of •town. , EIizabeth Taggart dna ,niece, Miss Myrtle Raabe, of South herd, Ind., have :e been visiting with relntiv- s and friends here for a few wccics, and are returning Loreto this week. • DECORATION DAY SERVICE A big Decoration Day Service will be celebrated at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery,. Zurich on Sunday after- noon,' August lith, at 2.30 o'clock when a special program will be giv- en including numbers by the Zurich Band. The special epeelrers for the First Class Hon—Laura Diene,day will be Rev. E'. J. '+ De - Marion Dougall, ;Ilan Love. 1 troit, a former pastor of the con - Second Class Hon—Boris Alexan- gregatioe; and , Rev. LIoyd Kalb - der, Audrey Cochrane, Ross Forrest, i;eisclx of Elmira, a former Zurich Jean Foster. boy..: The public are cordially in- Pass—Loretta Bell, Rob. Drysdale, I vlted to attend this interesting serv- ice. Harvey Hayter, Muriel Hoskin, Ivan Kipfer, Archie Mustard, Ronald Peck Gladys Saundercock, Robt. Thomp- son. Audrey Swan. DAS(-IWOOD CENTRE OBITUARY The, news reached town of the pas- sing of Mrs. Ben Charrette, of the Mile water Highway, two nines south First Class Hon—Dorothy Aniy, of Joseph, oseph, aged 74 ye.Lrs, 11 mon- Myrtle Geiser, Jean McKenzie, Ray nest. 28 day., death ars, t;;' pie, < 1Vlorlock, Helen Vii alper • on 'Tuesday, August 1st, and the fun - 2nd Class HOns—Itiutli Becker, oral will be held to Drysdale R. C. Stanley Gill, Dorothy Hariton, Fred Cemetery cert' on Thursday morning. The Hopeeoft, Marie Region Piece Steb- bins, departed was born in Ontario, and Ilene Webb, Murray Wolfe. was a daughter of the late Alex. and Pass—Percy Atkinson, Bertha Be- .Phoebe Denomme, Mrs. Charrette a.ei', Elfrieda Becker, Ruth Carruth di,ti,3e bee yoeLi er years was a very ea.., 'levee G eelnea Phyllis Gill, Del - ton Schwartzentruber, Edmund Wale t stout,rble , but tiwa and leaves be - vin per, Pearl Wanner, Ralph Weber, Al- hind 3 vin W illert. ZURICH CENTRE First Class Hons.—Lawrence Ay- otte; Kenneth Breakey, Vera Deck- er, Laura Deichert, Patricia Duch - and and highly respected residen't of file erne, Wein Klopp, Edna Kochems, community on Wednesday, July 19th Mae 1 ,'..'ne ..; c , ,1.:, :. ill tee person, of Mrs. lie aha Eck - 2nd Claes Iloti , l;c rtrartd Delete -1 stria, who departed this life in . her ert, Francis Foster, Dorothy Gascho, 177th year, having lived a most cred- Karl Steinbach. rt l,lo and Christian life, and was hr. - Pass - Reama llenoninrc,; Isacl" I loved by all who knew her. Mes, Due•harme, Kenneth Blue, Cloinenco , matt warns friends, a;so her husband and a grown up, family of children, who will indeed miss her. Death of Mrs. Eckstein. Death claimed the life of an aged Jeffrey, Evan Messes. '.i lclred Pybus, Elgin Snider, Elda Stire. The Hay Township Mentoroinl Scho- larships awarded antn,ally' by the Hay Township Council to the three pupils residing in the Township of Hay who secure the highest totals at High School Eentrance Exams., were won as follows: (1) Patricia Du- charme; (2) Laura Deichert; (3) Vera Decher, all,three of Zurich Pub- lic `Sc1.tbol. Appeals—Candidates who have ;een rejected by the Entrance Board ;nay have their answer papers re -read by lodging an appeal with the Pub - lie 'School 'In p toy at least Iwo eve - eke lief o ahe reopening of school in lcp'em^,aber. The appeal should he areoinp"pled by a fea of $2.00, veil- ) 'ell] bre returned 1n Mae the up -1 eneeed, - Eckstoin had been a resident of this district since 1370 and had long be- en a valued member of the Evangel - teal Church. For the past two years or so, she has not enjoyed her us- ual good health, and has suffered considerably, which she boro all with Christian fortitude, , Is survived by a feenily of two sorts and one dau- grtos', Mr. John Eckstein and Mrs. Albert Hendrick, of Hay Township, and Mr. William Eckstein, ,f Galt. The funeral was held from the 'home of her son, Mr. John Eckstein, Bronson Line, on Saturday; July 22nd, when the funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Re'v. E. leen. • Interment was made in the:. Benison ison Line Cemetery, Hay. The funeral was largely attended. ,Six of the granddaughters acted as flow. gals, while six grandsons acted as . Visitors Bring :.it to us! oQc o We will repair it --_4D for very little Or you can trade 4 0 it in for a new BU LOVA This special Trade-in Offer is good for this month only. So don't wait. Bring in your old watch today!. We will give you a liberal allowance. HESS, THE JEWELLER i • b • �6to9s:Aie?t.d4i,t•e+s+•0$v9+*4+44 c .111,a,.s cis $.44,044+0., Here At Last de -T -2, eau SUITS Only .. $15.50 !'de ver GUARANTEED TO T a`I'! ,e Have We Heard Of Shies A Low Fr au A SPLENDID RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK YOUR SPRING • SUIT. s, seal,� r EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS a. o¢ k\ i vour „lip .10,..,.ci \„Trit,,e, 0 „:., WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASSORFED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, FAINTS, , OILS, SI -TOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, w ETC. AT LOWEST i�� AANDIHARNESSRREPAIRS,F �, PRICES, QUALM CONSIDERED. NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT 5c end 1.0c PK .. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAD. R. N. i Of. w S GENERAL ME OHANT PHONE11 - 97 LA ifj gvea:vz�ri.wsgjtxi�iu>•r: 'G�x.Y"l,f+�kC�:"x-n2zx .. "x. ,.s�.:¢.•<. I}