HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-07-20, Page 8IPAc:, C,tr r • Sale Prices Continue on Many Lines of Summer Goods See our Table of Voiles and Rayons at Clearing Price of 29c. a Yard. Bath Toweling, at per yard House Dresses, only 25 in Stock, Reg. 1.25 for 98c Reg. 98c. for 75c Reg. 75c for 60c. 15c .EN'S SHIRTS Fine Shirts, Collar attached. ... 75c Work Shirts, Special 68c GROCERIES White Cups & Saucers, per dozen ...95c Cups only, doz. 60c Fine Tumblers, 6 for ..25c Brooms, each 29c Japan Tea, lb. 35c Pink Salmon 1.c. 10c Colgates Soap, 3 for ..15c LINOLEUM SPECIALS Following Ends of 4 -yd. wide Lin- oleums at way below Reg. prices End, 4 -yds. 8 -in., E. quality, Reg. 3.25, End, for $11.00 4 yd. 20 -in, E quality, end for$12.75 3 yds, 25 -in. heavy quality, ..Reg. 3.60, End for $10.95 2 yd. 13 -in. 0 quality for .... $6.95 Orders taken for No. 1 Mont mot -sonny Cherries, to arrive within a week. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 'i7ltuxsda,Ol Nth 193 Th + YOUR Hardware and Furniture STORE err® war HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES A SAFE INVESTMENT Debentures issued for $100 and over - 1 to 5 Years 5% Payable twice a Year (C,FFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFT- ERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND TO SEPTEM- BER 13th, INCLUSIVE Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND IAFZTY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? w PeimIlmimmiMmem Otell01100110411000000411411411414114141000000000000041001101/0000000000 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SPRING NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils,. Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses 110. •,,, ;,,, ,t.. Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIL ►C URICH ONT, QUALITY M- PRICE . SERVICE . 4t1Z VA.S.. «.: 1:S 'P Lxh::� ���wvJ44vW'S:.P.:���Ay.Z4.Zttw.�vaJy��' WE SELL, '.THD ` REIT POR Leaf SPECIALS FOR JULY 20, 21, 22nd Ke1Iog's all Bran, large pkg. Tomatoes, large tin, 2 for Crosse & Blackwell's 8' o'clock Marmalade Infant's Delight Soap, 4 cakes Family Blend Coffee, freshly roasted per Ib. Coconut Bar Cookies, 2 lbs. for - .23c Puffed wheat, 2 pkgs. ....25c te Hillcrest Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c Cross & Blackwell Vegetable Soup per tin •IOc Choice Golden Bantam Corn„ 2 tins 25c -19e 19c 23c 25c 39c Men's Blue Red Back Overalls, pr. 95e " good weight $1.35 Children's Fawn Ribbed Hose, all sizes, 2 pr., . , 25c Ladies' Fawn of Black Cotton Hose,per pr. 15c Ladies' Fullfashioned Silk Hose, per pr... 69c Mens, Boys acid Ladies' Straw Hats, Reg. up 35c at 15c We are Agents for Parisian Laundry, Suits Dry Cleaned and pressed $1.00. Pants 50c. Ladies' Coats $1.00. - Eggs Wanted at Highest Prices J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Plan 140 Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas were Saturday visitors at Seaforth. • Miss Emma Dinsmore of London is spending two week's holidays at her home. Town Line. Miss Edith Cameron of Toronto is spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mousseau, and fam- ily, neat" Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach of' London, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry How- ald. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. England of Toronto, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Julius Thief, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas and Mrs. T. Dinsmore spent Wednesday at Hyde Parke where . they attended the Nichol re -union picnic. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kalbfleisch of Detroit, are spending a few weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. F. Stade. Sorry to report that Mr. William Miller, who is confined at London Hospital, is not progressing as rapid- ly as anticipated. The four U. F. Y. P. 0. Clubs; Dashwood, Western Stanley, Night- hawks and Tuckersmith Aggressive will hold a picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield on Tuesday, July 25th. Sp- orts beginning at 2 o'clock. All the young people in the above mentioned committees are cordially invited to attend. SPORT NEWS SOFTBALL Zurich 4—Grand Bend 3 In one of the best games played at Grand Bend this season, Zurich de- feated the fast Grand Bend team by the score of 4-3 on Monday even- ing. The full nine -inning game was played and the game was in doubt until the last man was out. Harold Stade, our local pitcher pitched great great ball and gave no more than 3 hits to the hard hitting Grand Bend team. However, he received air- tight support from his team mates, especially when Ivan Yungblut in. left field made two spectacular cat- ches and the Zurich infield pulled off a snappy double play. Ed. Gascho played a good game at third base and also featured with his fast base. running, For Grand Bend, Desjardine and Ravelle also pitched good enough' ball to win most games, but the Zur- ich batters made their hits count. Ravelle of Grand Bend also featured with a home run into deep centre field. A return game will be played on the Zurich diamond at the Fair Grounds on Thursday, July 20th. Game called at 6,30. The lineup: Zurich—R. Bedard c; L Yungblut l.ffli L. 'Willert 1-b.; E. Gascho 3-b; M. Desch 2-b; M. Brown s.s.; 73 Stade P; I. Willert, R -f ; +n', Schilbe c.f; E. Yungblut 1.f; A. Heideman, Utility. Grand Bend—W. t esjardine .p i L. Mason s.s.; G. Statton c; R, Rav elle 3rd.; G. Brenner 2nd; A. Greb r -f; J. Kruetiger e -f; B. Carswell let; t,. Ravelle 1-f. Umpire—Gerald .Bedard, Toronto. BUSY FARMER NEWS War Against Weeds Dry weather and bright, hot sun- shine are the farmer's greatest allit:s in the war against weeds, says A. H. Mart sr..,a. i stat r1ir'<'etor, Crops and .Maotl:tai,, lls: tr.'li. I.i .ar!ci ,d3.u,gtxSt LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 14-11-9 Butter 24c Wheat bushel 75 Goats . _ ........... 0 35 Barley 40 Buckwheat 42 Flour, cwt 2.50-3.00 Shorts, ton 20.00 Bran, ton 20.00 Hogs, cwt. . - - . 5.00 are busy months for the farmer, but. it is during these months when the weather is usually hot and dry that the maximum damage can be dobe to weeds with the minimum of effort. July plowing and early after harvest cultivation is to be highly recom- mended. Hay fields known to be dirty should be ploughed immediately after haying, the furrows left to bake and dry out for 10 days or two we- eks, then cultivated frequently as a Summer fallow and seeded to Fall wheat early in September. This so called dry cleaning method is very effective ion Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion and other perenial weeds. Preventing Pig Losses One of the common causes of death among sucking pigs is nutritional an- aemia. The critical period is be- tween two and four weeks of age. During this period and until weaning the sucking pig must have access to some source of iron in addition to the mother's milk. Professor Knox, O.A.C., states that one of the siimp- est means of prevention of loss is to place sods, one foot square in size, which have been treated with a sol- ution of ferric sulphate, in a small pen, one sod for each pig each keek. This sulphate can be sprinkled on the sqd with an ordinary watering can, and the strength of the solution should be one teaspoonful of ferric sulphate to one quart of water per sod. It is wise to secure sods from areas where pigs have not frequented forat least one year, in order to prevent possible paralitic infection. Spraying Potatoes Sprayed potatoes yielded one hun- dred and twenty bushels more per acre than those not sprayed in re- cent tests. The yields were one hun- dred and seventy-two and 292 bush- els per acre on the two adjoining fields. It took twelve sprays to make the.. difference. J,ncreased yield not the only consideration. If glight is present, and the weather is unfav- orable, spraying is necessary to get any kind of a yield. Spraying pays in -a good year, and is absolutely es- sential in a. bad year. Big Week at 0. A. C. Over ten thousand people visited the Ontario Agricultural College dur ng tl7g .ve a s o .tl1e 4.4nRal F dill band 1'onte Weer them. This is the largest attendance in, several years for this special week. On the final day two thousand came, chiefly from the counties of Middlesex, Oxford, Brant, Wellington,: Victoria, Peter- borough, Haliburton, Muskoka, Ont- ario and other northern parts of the province. Prof. Buchanan stated that the Parris and Home Week this year was a real old time success, of the type that w,as -prevalent several vesrs ago, when thousands of excur- k1tEl+ti dt. k1 £t, 't4 LYfr' ro.ti(, e cacl, 1di sO. WE ARE NOW FiNISHIED TAKING STOOK It AND FIND THAT OUR STOOK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO IVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE jT VERY RAPIDITY WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are continuing our Special lief on Mat.andtresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain. Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are t• All Gone For some real Bargains, we have anumber of goodused Dressers that we will sell very gyp. Be sure alstil sae thews. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Han{ Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. J6hnt c Kaibfloisch Hardware. & Furniture. Phone 63 0004440++++++++4,44.04+044.040+44"6+++40.4414".",40•4400069. 0044+ ++s$ *f +s4wss40+4 w"6ss ; ++ae . WilltN,`IIE ININI MdYIIllNMNW(SiRllNlNIINWIIIIIN111184I1110 tNtlptillEtt' alBIjy>I> ININkNe 6inatiOiy IIIIIINIIINIINNgIINNYJItNIsEIIINININNf ate -E We Repair Wago s,: Buggies, bg , Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. _. 2 1 good Lumber W ,.gen 1 good buggy at ...... ..-____-•-•-- ..... 4 wheel Trailer KEEP ON SMILING, CESS the Repair .tau. RtlpIMIII,didNlNNgNgIIIIN' IN aiiiitnaliNNNNfNi19 atio Nlb'Ih nigni' lNdliNNl ItNINf11N,[fr#1N 17f 'p?19INIraM014I1 pee- e.......+++ ++++Fig++++k.1a4+++ +4*+. +++++++....i..• ZU s) ti IC RAGE ATTENTION --To Farmers and tractor Owners: We are again this summer fully equipped to supply all users of Gasoline in larger quantities with a good stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and scall quantities. Let us fill your barrels or • Containers). E Brest Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Saha on an Makes of Cars with, Comes Very ReasolnL MouseauZurich $44.0.44444+000.44.+++++444401474444++++++44+4404444t 31P+ A• USE OFtlt'• GENUINE MASSEirwILARRIS REPAIIIR, PARTS Von tan ontr get Otnuute Mattergarciu Utcpairr Son your Local Mate .R.nie ,raft: They nt Boar and lot Wpm Oan BRurtaute Hata mid they Con Na Rfortr [Mot se (knuis* Uoeaernli tie Borst woo "Mr leralmawls .rq l�s.++tttn Nasi. at Tette re tleia. artmew ,.,an 'Ait svv r 7sY'rry'!!^rrrYj e 1CICICICICICI1 - irLimiiSir.= ,„All urn TsPrtra l6WhR ice 11110041.11 liaise *Is 1 -- , --= -_ t sigrim t) 1 GENUINE MASSEY-MUMS REPAIRS SOLD BY O. KLOPP ZL1ll lCHe .. ON°"A. i�:�wnn:r�aaMri�r�tnen:nnxat—..aw9rw� ..:.br�iSSwraw+,rata'",.savptiu.naa.+.awre¢Ua:wHWn x.'�rxa.httma:sr✓arrear�Y+�auar�ia,w�ra.xr�;;,w'