HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-07-20, Page 4' .
,„ 140103
4444:4'. 11, 1. 11,4s1.4 Csr
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We are always at your service for Expert
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Choice Gasoline Best of Oils and Greases
Pumps Piping -- Pump Work
• PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points)
1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one.
1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost.
A. Prang & Son - Zurich
Phone, Shop 1 14
Residence 76
-4004h4241)1••••*00000030410•11 3••••••4000001000•01,00,0900
• WL ---The regular monthly me-
•-Natiqg of the Wornen's Missionary So-
ld -ay was 'held at the home of Mrs.
.Oeclirane on Friday afternoon,
•Anly .14 with Mrs. R. Consist presid-
e2 ug. We opened our meeting by
.extenz 241, Mrs. (Rev.) Chandler
in prayer_ The scripture lesson.
',was read from I Cor. 9 verses, 24 to
• TieOeveticinal leaflet, "The
beel.lan.--Rath, wag siv,
len 17 Miss Anniiett. The rell
?.e enal -was answered with a verse With
eftr A. Mrs. W. Tufter read a
Ttenflet on Korean Girls' school 'work'
'The Secy and Treas. then gave their
marts which were adopted. Tem-
' eperance Topies were then given and
.?..86 was sung. The study leaflets
were then given by Miss Edna Coch-
' zrane, `Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mrs. R. Me -
Mester and Mrs. H. Turner. Hymn
MU isms sung and the meeting closed
'BW all praying the Lord's Prayer in
'Motes—Miss Lettie Love is holiday
s• ing avith friends in St. Thomas and
Port •Stanley.
• MIT_ and Mrs. C. Siemon and Lea-
"eamai zpent the week -end with friends
fain Waterloo and Kitchener.
er. John Cochrane visited his da -
Mrs. R. Dick in Toronto for
• lewir days.
Ness Mildred Workman visited ov-
er; Sunday at her home in Kippen.
lite number from this vicinity
enema in July 12th (Orange Walk) in
Ttonny Eller spent a day with his
'naiad Mrs. McMurtrie of Kippen.
Peggy Fuss was visited by her
•nconsins from Clinton a few days.
* 'Mee and Mrs. E. Broderick and
• lamiy visited with relatives in Pet-
s• ielia rm. Sunday.
Mese L. Eller spent a few days
exisng friends in Toronto.
• IMr. and Mrs. Oster Koehler and
tfarail' y of near Hensel], spent Sunday
ewith Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb.
MT. and Mrs. Allen Steckle and
non, Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gin-
te with and family spent Sunday with
Mr- and Mrs. Chris Gingench.
,11' r. Bill E., MeRae of Blake, spent
'Vire -week-end with his sister, Miss
LI Item M. Erb.
n. and Mrs. Amos Gingorich and
%itaber Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
' eneasele and daughter Dorothy of
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Bopp of
.eiear Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr.
ea Auld Mrs. Stephen M. Peaehey of near
e Mr- and Mrs. Chris. Sehwartzen-
lether and family and Mrs. John L.
efGerher were visitors at the Lonna of
re.? -Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Steckle.
Hr. Leoria.rd Erb was a Sunday
at the hews of Mr. and Mrs.
round Erb,
VIss Ina Roppof near Flonsall, is
• tiding the week with her cottoin#
'',4t,AfgArYtt gifigeelat of .131A -rte
Mr. and Mrs. Moses S. Erb and
daughter Rene; Mr.. and Mrs. Bill
E. Rae, spent a day with Mr. and
Mrs. Sant Gingeriche
Mr. Earl Gingerich and the Misses
Elda, Gladys Gingerich and Melinda
Steckle were Sunday visitors with
Miss Ruby Schrag.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schwartzen-
truber were visitors -with Ma. Arthur
Weber and family, Dashwood.
Miss Arlene Sittler of Breslau is
-visiting 'with her cousin Melinda and
leesiea Atn atc.eld*- .114 Bonen Tann
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Erb
spent Sunday at the home of Mn
and Mrs. Rudy Schwartzentrulear.
Messrs Ervin and Emanuel Zehr
and Dan Gerber and Misses Emma
Lichtie and Idella Zehr of Poole sp-
ent the week -end with friends on the
Bronson Line.
Mr. Emerson Erb spent Sunday
afternoon with his friend Mr. Eph-
riam Gingerich of Blake.
Mrs. E. Flynn of London, spent a
few days with relatives last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Detroit and
Mrs. Richert and son of Flint, Mich,
are visiting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Baumgarten.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biesendahl of
Pembroke, 'Mr. and Mrs, Leonard
Schroeder of Windsor, lelr. and Mrs
Leslie Edge, Miss Warren, Mr. Saar
and Mr. Walter Kirk all of Detroit,
were week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jasob Schroeder.
Miss Hilda Snell of Detroit, is sp-
ending her vacation with her parents
Mr. Leonard Bender spent the
week -end with friends in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Seldon and son
Richard and Miss Annie Seldon of In-
gersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Doerr
and family of Kitchener, Mr, and
Mrs, John Wilkinson of Tillsonburg,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman
on Sunday, also spending the day at
Grand Bend,
Miss Fanny Preeter is spending a
few weeks in Ingersoll.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Lutheran Synod in Stratford
on Sunday.
The Evangelical Sunday School
will hold their pic-nic at Grand Bend
on Thursday, July 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybeil of
Toronto apent last week with •his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Gray -
Mrs Demuth of Port Arthur and
Mrs. Beers of Buffalo, spent the past
week with the Misses Kraft.
Mrs. J, C. Reid and daughter Laura.
Mae visited friends in Mitchell on
Dashwood Band will give an open
air concert on Saturday evening at
8.30 p.m.
Dashwood Hand will attend Decor-
ation services on the Bronson Line
Cemetery on Sunday aftertoo,i,
Ross Guenther spent a week holi-
days with friends in Kitchener.
Promotion Results—
Room 3, Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Garnet
Weiberg 65%; Hilda Mair 62, Leon-
ard Shellac; •Below pass—Douglas
Shellac, Lloyd Guenther, Ward Kraft
G. M. Keeler, teacher.
Room 2. Sr. HI to Jr. IV—Don-
ald Resteineyer 78, Har'y Hayter
77, Lorne Kleinstiver 77, Dorothy
Kraft 75, Lois Gaiser 65, Joyce Ross
65, Roy Bender 63, Harold. Maier 6].
Ruth Hopkraft 60; Below ',ASS—
Leona Fischer, Jean Molton,
Jr. III to Sr. III—Jean Held 80;
Margaret Wein 79; Ruth Willert 76;
Ieren Pedersen 70, Carl Wein 66,
Ross Guenther 65, Milford Mason
63, Evelyn Baynham 61„ Mary Mol-
ten 60, Willis Mcisaac 60. Below
pass—Lester Shenck, Francis Eve -
land, Ray Fisher, Mildred Luft, Hel-
en Baynham, Verde. Rinker.
II to Jr. III—Margaret Guenther
75, Jack Gaiser 68, Doris Willert 65
Dorothy Baynham 61, Kenneth Kraft
60. Below pass—Hazel Shenck, Sig-
rid Pedersen, Ray Guenther, The-
dore Luft.
Grace Pepper, Teacher.
Room I
1 to II—Grace Restemeyer 96, Dor
othy Wein 95; Dorothy Hayter 95;
Donald Gaiser 93; Russel Tiernan 91
Norman Eveland 91, Gordon Kraft
89, Mildred Maier 85; Ada Willert
84, Shirley Durr 80, Harold Fisher
Primer to I—Ruth Gnenther 95,
George Wolfe 95; Mabel Jackson 94
Phyllis Baynham 92; Glen Guenther
92, Lillian Fisher 92; Hazel Moulton
90, Craire Musser 89; Hubert We -
berg 79, Emma Andersen 56.
Beginners—Lilly Isen 96, Irene
Jackson 96, Grace Maier 95, Wilma
Musser 92, Jimmie Taylor 91, True-
nian Fisher 87, Herbert Luft 81,
Harold Luft 80.
Ella Martinson, Teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
children are spending a couple of
weeks vecatien camping at Reneleau
Dr. Margaret Strang, from the
Peace River district will speak in the
Carmel Presbyterian Church, on Sun-
day afternoon, July 23, at 2,30. A
children's choir lead in the service of
The Sunday School of the Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their an-
nual picnic at Turnbull's grove on
Wednesday afternoon, July 19th
Friends are pleased te see Mr.
a r two accident which befel some
Sparks. able to be around
months .azo-
Jas. Tapp of Montreal is holiday-
ing at Ills home here.
Ea. McBride, who some time ago
purchased the threshing outfit of S.
Merner is getting the machine over-
hauled ready for the season.
Lois Moffatt of Brucefield is visit-
ing at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. P. Fisher.
Mrs. Roy Flear and children of
Turonto, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth.
Ellen Pybus of Windsor spent a
few days recently with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adair, Robt.
Adair, accompanied by their mother
Mrs. Maria Adair, of Monkton, were
Sunday visitors with Eliza Newell.
Mrs. Arair, Sr., is the only surviving
sister of the late Robert Newell. She
is 93 years of age and hale an:.
Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of the
Carmel Presbyterian Church left on
Monday last to attend the summer
school at Kintail.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Johnston and
family of Varna were visitors with
Mrs. Harry Jacobi.
Rev. M. B. Parker left Monday last
for Dorchester where he will spend
his holidays with relatives.
Ferris Cantelon of Stromberg is
holidaying at his home here.
A.W.E. Hemphill has now a very
capable assistant, who recently grad-
uated as a druggist in the person of
Mr. Dietrich. Miss Jean Stone with
good • experience, also continues to
On Friday evening last the Hensall
and New Hamburg basetian teams
played another of the schedule gam-
es at New Hamburg, The umpires
were O'Brein of Zurich and Gilbert
of New Hamburg. The Hensall team
is a little too good for this other
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Buck, of
Moosimin, Sack., announces the en-
gagement of their elder daughter,
Annie Eliza, to Geo. Glenn Broad -
foot, youngest son of Mrs. Sarah
l3roadfoot of Hensall, the moulage
to take pl-ace this month.
Mrs. John Fisher " has returned
from Toronto, where she had been
for some .weeks accompanied by her
daughter; Mrs. Roy Thompson, who
had been quite ill for some weeks.
• Mrs.- Syclu iy McArthur and Mrs.
M, Peck have been visited by their
sister, Mrs. Mealey, and her husband
of St: Johi N.B., during the past
The mand friend:f Chas. Ped -
Tor many yean a reAdent of
eThhe Tp , in:11;:z nortkwat of
toan, revet to learn of his serious
L'Iness Pit tbo bec of datIghterl
• Tharsdaz,
are famous for mileage
and safety!
Don't put unknown tires on your car. It may be
the costliest mistake of your life. So-called "chea,, p"
tires are not usually cheap at all— often they are
Goodyears have the sinewy strength Of Super -
twist cord construction—assurance of long, safe
mileage. The well-known Ali -Weather and
Pathfinder treads protect you
against skids.
Don't be misled by too low a price!
There's no better bargain than a
AN -Weather Goodyears
Zurich, Ont.
Telephone 92
Mrs. W. 'Whitney, of 1V1ilveeton.
Harry Howard has been Vightng
his relatives and friends in the nor-
thern part of the county and Is im-
proving nicely in health.
Lloyd Hedden and family have mo-
ved out to their new home a short
distance east of Chiselhurst, Lloyd
having a job with T. Wren and work
ing land for 'him and residing in
the dwelling owned by Mr. Vennor.
No longer will citizens of Goderich
be required to push perambulators
though the sand or to fill their shoes
with it trudging from theirparked
autos to the beech. Councillor Wor-
sen, water, light and harbor chair-
man, was given authority to have con-
structed a plank walk at once.
James Handford, a life-long resi-
dent of Exeter community and the
oldest citizen, observed his 94th
birthday on July 6th. A number of
old friends called at the twine to of-
fer congiatulations.
The engagement is annoulmced of
Blanche Weathey, dauyhtee of Mr
andMrs. Geo. Weathey of Seaforth
and Rev. Charles W. Leslie, M.A.,
son of Mn and Mrs, G. I. Leslie of
Orchardists of Colborne and God-
erich townships report the best pros-
pects for the apple crop for some ye-
ars. The fruit set well and is re-
markably clean, and barring unfore-
seen mishaps there will be a bump-
er crop.
Capt. and Mrs. 5. Barrett, officers
of the Exeter Salvation eermy have
been transferred to Ridgetown, leav-
ing last week for their new field of
labor. They have been successded
by Capt. Silvet of Wingliam and L!et
Prior of Toronto Training Gaerison.
For, many years there has not be-
en as large a catch of fish as that of
this season at Grand Bend. The
fishermen had put in the usual sup-
ply of ice, which has been thus far
inadequate, and twice a week five
tons of artificial lee is truceed out
from London.
The other night, while driving cia
a Goderich Township road, a mile
south of Holrnesville, lames McLarcu
of Varna, suddenly came upon a
1,200 pound black steer. There was
a crash and the animal was so in-
jured as to require destruetion. The
radiator, head lights and one fender
of the car were badly smashed, the
driver escaping with a shaking up, ,
There is considerable discussion
and disappointment over the rernov
al of the Bank of Commerce from
Varna., it canoe as a shock in the
very buTie: seas. art with farmers and
merchants, giving them little or no
time tor a plea or petition. •-
N. W. Trewartha, who has been
conducting a poultry and egg hugen-
ess in Clinton with a brancn at Ex-
eter, has sold the Exeter business to
Reeve Francis of that town, who
got possession on Saturday.
Seaforth's recently rejuvenated
silent policeman, which for many ye-
ars has patrolled the corner of Main.
and Goderich Streets, was last week
retired to the rear of the town hall.
The Department of Public Highways
gave the order and Chief of Police
Jas.- V. Ryan acted.
The death of Andrew Duncan oc-
curred at his home in Parkhill on Sat
urday, July atli, in his 87th year.
Ile was born near Varna, in the year
1847. In his younger days he spent
some years in California. In 18Ts
he married Anetta Arcoat of Mc-
Gillivray tp., who survives. Thete
were born to them 5 sons and 2
Work on the new course of the
Seaforth Golf and Country Claelle
will commence shortly. A committee
which has been appointed by the
shareholders to choose a layout, ex-
pects to report at once and as soon
as this has been accepted the work
of breaking the ground, will begin.
Notices were out annenneiag, the
closing of the Bank of Commerce, in
Hayfield, and the transfer of aceoo-
unts to the Bank of Montreal,. Clin-
ton. After having had. the services
of. a bank for the past, 2.6years,. the
people of the community strongly
protested this action and, a meeting
of all interested was called when an
effort was made to have, the banking
service continued.
A heavily loaded cat of coal, bo-
und for Goderich and: alsoan empty
car were derailed on; the, CZT.R. Tine
from Stratford to, Goderich; fuer a
little west a St. Otaumbau last Wed
riesday afternoon. The mishap oc-
curred shortly after one o'clock and
the auxiliary from Stratford had the
track cleared again later in the af-
ternoon. The cars were part of a
string of some 20 freight and coal
cars on their way to. Goderich. It 18
believed that something went whong
in the friction blocks on one of the
cars loaded with coal arid it kit the
track when the train wa.s going a-
bout 25 miles an hour.
After an alt -day hearing on Wed-
nesday last, judge Costello, reserved
judgment in the action of Jas. Shiel-
ds, Sohn R. Reid, ROM. 5. Wilson and
other shareholders, against R. Maar-
ris, 5. R. McLelland and other dir-
41tor.; of the IChicardine Packing- Co.
ale case was tried' last Sept. before
Justice NC t:. Raney, who returned
fend made a refenence to. tate l'Oeal-
, ^rens-ter, Judge Costello,- an -±to • the,
damages suffered by the chareholdersi
of the Kincardine Packing Co. Ltd,:.
14 xenozi of their having purchased
stock in the company. It was direct-.
ed in the judgment that the basis wan
to be the difference between the act-
ual value of the shares anthe date
of subscription and the amount paid
in each case less the dividenos. ,416. fr
The Huron County Council held fine
annual picnic at Port Albert on Yrs-
esday last. The day was ideal, but
rather too hot for vigorous games or
sports. The attendance was good, but
but not up to other years owing to
the heat no doubt and a busy time..
About 100 people attended and a
majority of the reeves Were prasente.
'who with ex -reeves made the repre--
sentation of the council completeePte.
Albert is an ideal spot fair eamppg;
a beautiful beach, easy,of ucess,atnill
the number of shady nooks near,thet.
water makes a splendid location for •
rest and for tottages. Owing to -the,
Estallishod 1900
Herald Priniiim Office
year, strictly in advance; 9/.50 1* t
arrears or 92.00 'may be charged. T.U.
S. ;LSO in advance. No paper discook.,-
tinned until all arrears are paid us -
les at option of publisher. The dots,.
of which every Subscription is pail
is deflated on the Label.
Display advertising made knoonom
on application.
Miscellaneous articles of not morn
than four lines, For Sale, To Rent,
Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One
tion 25e, 2 ins. 40e., 9 ins. 90o.
Faun or Real Estate for sale $2-0110/
for fast month, $1.00 for each fol-
lowing month.
Professional Cards not exceeding.
1% Inches, per year $6.00.
in Memoriam, one verse 60e, 26*:
for each additional verse; Card s1
Tbankl,, 50c.
;Auction Bales—$200.• per shalt".
Insertion if not over four inches fors
lent*: •
Address an communications to: ,
71t1HI, HUI. .1
fleTgutht m favor: of" the plaintifEk,i, ZURICH ' ON,L. V1,4
rrrrr,rii-r r-4. U4ZW WflttftU fl.ijma4