HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-07-06, Page 5' , �. � NN INNNi I � ! !Ill II !I 11NNN N IN N NNNNI[N (�I. _ N N N NN NI_ NN NNN N NN l !.lNNN.I NNN NNN_NNNNNNNNNN NN INS N ! ! IN�NNIII�N N N l NN N�" ::: �,6�iNNiiNN1NNIN1NNNiNNNNNNINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN�NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNI'INN�NNNNNN�� NN. � N �N NNN !NNNN _!N NIN � N� N� N N IN. � �e `� �N NNN !I NNlNNlNNNN,NNNNNNNNlNIN�lN.INNlNI��NlN STORE OPEN EVERY EVENI.N, DURING THIS SALE WPM lotipiode 41. IMMO YINSIMM moidsiasio ummown . AMMO THE DATE: JULY lith,. 7th,. 8th. MEN'S NEWEST STYLES IN FELT HATS LIGHT FAWN AN a GREY $1.50 MEN'S OVERALLS Red Back, 9 Dozen, Heavy Weight, ' Per . Pair $1.59. Medium Weight at $1.35 inWm bmiOmm Amman Lighter Weight, God Quality Per pair '95c. Men's Striped Pants Extra Special $1.25 pr. Men's heavy AIX -wool Jumbo 3 Days only. July 6th, 7th, and 8th. Thurs., Fri. and Saturday Prices we are quoting here are only a few Items we r offering at Reduced Prices. Many others are on Sale Men's Socks Cotton Work Socks, Pair Wool, per pair ....15c Fancy Cotton pr. 15c Silk per pr. 35c GROCERIES! GROCERIES! 15cMAXWELL HOUSE .COFFEE, 1-1b. Tin BROOMS,GOOD WEIGHT, Reg. 65e at MAPLE LEA? SALMON,' 1-1b. Tin PINK SALMON, 1-1b,. Tin 0. K Soap, (a pure yellow Laundry Soap) Challenge Corn Starch, per pkg. 1 lb. Tin Pork and Beans, 4 tins Ready Cut Macroni, 4 lbs. Tomatoes, large Tin, 'choice, quality MEN'S PULLOVERS SWEATER ZIPPER FRONT Polo Collar -Fine for Cool Evenings 98c. Boy's Pullover =15c 39c 49c 29c .9c 10 cakes 25c 08c 25c 25c 10c Tea Setts FANCY 32 PIECE Per Sett $3.95 Printed Voile Reg. 25c at yd Reg. 50c at' yd. Reg. '75c; at yd. PRINTS Yard Wide, Best Prints Reg. Z'Se: at yd. Knit, Sweater Coats at Reg 20c, at yd. 15c $2.75: Ladies' Print House Dresses ; µ: J. oMerner ISE 59c to $1.29 lilill$llllllllllliliilllllll[lill[lit[l![Nllllllllllliillill[IIIIIIIIIl9lI![![[!!i[ilii;[[11Nl11111[I[ill!111�11?[!r[�oIlli![i![�ll�i!!!II[illi![I�111�i111![1i91ilIliillllNllliiliilillill!!!liIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIiIIIlllill!!!!!I!!!I1!!lllils[IJIIIIII[SIIiNIii!llllllitllNi!!I[llllililililllillllilalilll[liliilliliilll! ...18c Gold Seal Congoleum .Rug " A FEW SIZES ONLY IN STOCK 9x9, Sale $6.25 9x101/2 Sale $7.25 9x12 $8.25 35c 59c Size Size Size 18c LINOLEUM RUGS . Size 9x9, Saleti Size 9x101/2, Sale .. $8.75 Size 9x12, Sale $9.75 Linoleum 4 YARDS WIDE FIRST QUALITY Per Running Yard $2.75 Men's Work Shirts Plain Light or Dark Buie, Guaran- teed Fast Dye Reg. $1.00, Sale Price Reg. 75e, Sale Price Men's All Wool Dress Pants Regular Value $4.50 ALL SIZES SALE PRICE _$3.75 790 69c CUPS CLOVER LEAF or Plain White Cups, only, each 5c Table Oil Cloth FIRST QUALITY . 1% yd. wide, at yd. 39c FACTORY COTTON ENDS From 11/2 yd. to 10 yards, Values up to 20c yd. Sale, per yd12c Ladies' Cotton Hose . er pair CHILDREN'S and GIRLS Ankle Sox, all colors, at pr.....19c 15c Don't forget Stores open every Evening During this Sale LADIES' HOSE • 11,0.11111 Rayon, per Pr. 39c. Fullfashioned Pure Silk Hoseamoaloi Per Pair 59c, CHILDREN'S HOSE COTTON Sizes 5 to 9 v All Sizes at 15)c. LADIES'.. SILK No Run Bloomers 39c Pr. BATHING SUITS . For Children, Ladies and Men At Greatly REDUCED PRICES Our Phone Number 140 is tl eft Offerng��e FOR THREE DAYS ONLY, IN THIS GIGANTIC STOCK MOVING SALE, THE FOLLOWING FURNITURE AT PRICES LESS THAN COST. We also have in stock Cedar Chests, good Rockers, odd chairs, Library tables, living room, tables, Breakfast suites, a very heavy stock of steel beds, springs and mattresses, Some very at-. tractive used Furniture 2 sidehoarde ^ nip -0-- '"' Dressers, Couches, Dining Room Tables, Kitchen Chairs, and numerous other articles. HARDWARE - A full line of hard ue at low- est prevailing prices. Let us take car3 of your ill{ requirements. Our Mechanic, iVIr. Lin rd (YRr"» •h. .\ is ever at your service for the very best of work- p manship in heating equipment, plumbing, roofing, evetroughing and all sheet metal work. STORE WILL BE OPEN DURING THIS SALE .i 7 1 Solid Walnut Dining Suit, reg. $175. for $110 Oak Dining.Suite, reg $140 for X90.00 70.00 Oak Dining Suite, Reg. $110 for 1 solid Walnut bedroom Suit, reg $175 for $110.00 Solid Walnut Dresser_ Reg. .$45.00 for .. • . $32.00 32 00 Dresser,, Walnut. fi'nis'h, reg: $17.00 for - - - $1.3..561. 3 5 Washstand to match, reg. $1u.0,:, Ler $ 60 Dresser, surface oak, reg. $15.00, for ... $.00 1 72 Dresser; walnut finish; reg. $20.00 for $.50, Chill: robe;, walnut finish, reg. $32.00, for $23.00) 2 Chest of Drawers, walnut, xeg. $35.00 for $20 00 Kitchen set, reg. $69.50 for ... $60.00 Oak Kitchen CaL• set, reg. $50.00 for 1 only Fibre Livir_,, room suite, reg $39, for.$.26.00 Johnston al Ieisch p, _C+c�s;M�-C --. '_R ;. J' �:: ��'u�3�. � .. �-:t�%/.. �-:\+L�.F�/.✓�w���•�'i�ia:•":�?_•`.y.¢" '-�•:�,.��-,. ��-:.� :: �:: �•`��w...� � ,� nom--.�.' c .-�.-.,, "' - Phone 63, Zurich �-a y, Eickmeier PAINTING and DECORATING WALL PAPERING FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP IS OUR MOTTO. PHONE 85 ZURICH HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN SO IS Reith'a Bakery WITH. "HUSKY" BREAD, CAKES AND COOKIES Phone 75 ZURICH,*Ong Hess Insurance Agency All lines except Life and Windstorm .Insurance written New Low' Rates on ,Autornobile Insurance under Spec, ial Merit Plan. Rates on any clans gladly quoted A ndreN4 F. Hess Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. -• Zurich, Ont. THIS IS. THE F;fRST COMMUNITY SALE, OF' ITS KIND EVER HELD, T .Zl 1CI3 AND THE PUBLIC IS HEARTILY INVJTEt TO TAKE. I�; .R , 1.r1 I'a. At VAi'iT On" THE M ";.NY B'i r:GAINS OPPE..'REIL 41THERS; .AE:.a ;' ti', AND COME EVERY DAY XguRsELE COUNTY NEWS Chas. Stelck of Varna passed a- way in his home, on Monday after- noon last. The Goderich Summer School un- der the auspices of the United Ch- urch will be held July 17 to 24th. Miss Mabel Bailie, of Goderich, is the registrar. Robt. North, of the 12th of Wal- lace has a cow which gave doh to o• triplets and day recently, which died after birth.- The calves were normal in size. Albert Hildebrandt, of,..Seafntuth, had a bone in his right hand broken and the arm severely bruised by an accident in Cardno's bakery one night recently: His haud was caught in the mixer and before the machine could be stopped the arm had been drawn into the blades. Arthur and Ernest Hebden of Lon don have purchased the farm on the 16th concession of Goderich Tp., be- longing to Rev. W. A. Townshend of London and takes possession short ly. Justice Kerwin has granted a div- orce decree nisi to James Herbert Stretton, .of Brussels, Ont. from his wife, Mabel Thelma Stretton. The parties were married in Teeswater in 5927. His Lordship ordered -•hat Exposure to the sun's hot rays last week was the immediate cause of the death of Mrs. Roland Hube, Listowel - During the afternoon she had been in apparent good health and spent' most of the time in her garden. To- ward I o - ward evening she became ill and pas- sed away about 9 o'clock. She was 60 years of age and was a successful school teacher previous to her mar-: riage. Bill Steel, of Saltford, has only one arm, and it was broken above the elbow when struck by a cable at I the Colborne Township Municipal) gravel pit, with the result ,r:at is is now necessary for Bill to have some- one assist in feeding and caressing him. He suffered amputation of the arm as a result of an accident some gears ago. A terrific explosion followed by fire occurred at Thos. Sandy's mach- ine shop, Goderich, last Saturday, when fumes collected in the empty tank of the Huron county tarva truck igniting while Sandy and Jack Whittingham were at work welding a hole in the tank. The' shock of the explosion was felt for blocks around and the detonation was heard as! far as a mile away. Both ends were blown from the tank and the work- men were hurled ten feet and the truck by the blast. Mr. Sandy was unhurt, but his fellow -worker rece- ived severe cuts on arms and face and a badly burned chest. The flam ing terve was extinguished with water from a nearby pump. Falling from a loaded hay wagon on the farm of Wm. Routledge, on the Huron Road, about 21/ miles west of Seaforth, Harry Sears, 28, brother of Mrs. Routledge, suffered a fractured neck and paralysis of the bady. The accident occurred a- bout 4, o'clock. Dr. Burrows was called and had the injured man im- mediately removed to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where his con- dition was reported critical. Holstein -Friesian breeders of. Bruce and Huron counties held a field day at the farm of Lorne B. Reid, nine miles south of Kincardine. Over 50 were in attendance for the judging competition in which 75 took part. R. B. Faith, Brantford, extension direc- tor for the Breeder's Accociation of Canada, was in charge of arrange- ments. He urged Huron and Bruce farmers to improve their herds with purebred stock, not only for their o'vn benefit, but for the cause of ag- Cecil Hodgins, co-defendant pay riculture throughout the Dominion. ,costs of the action. Hon. Duncan Marshall, noted agric- ulturist, was the principal speaker. The hundredth anniversary of the settlement of the Wallis family in Goderich Township, was celebrated in the form 'of a picnic held at the beautiful pine plantation of Thos. Wallis, on June 24th. The afternoon was spent in games, after which sup- per was served. At the end of the Ga ac >g as toast- master called on Miss Caroline Mae - Kenzie to give a sketch of the early history. of the family. This was fol - TELL. I , many of the aired by speeches by jompan y,, meal Rev..Mr. G� le ting The other day a new site was pur- chased for the Seaforth golf course. It is the Case farm of one hundred acres, on the Huron road east of Seaforth. The price was $2,750 and one share of stock in the golf club. Work will commence shortly on the construction of a nine -hole course. The Seaforth Golf and Country Club has been located for 15 years on the Dodds farm in McKillop, nut satis- factory arrangements could not be made for the renewal of the lease. ImPMMO s Viminsa olowsoft maamll WA G Nl E RS FOR GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, KODAKS FILMS, AND HOLIDAY SPECIALTIES. July 6th, 7th, and 8th, will Find Us Serving ICE CREAM as Usual. Phone W. C.. WAGNER 91 Zurich, Ont. ZURICH FLOUR MILLS Flour and Mill Feeds, Poultry Feeds, Oil Cake, Tankage, Salt, Etc. Chopping and Rolling every Tues., Thurs., and Sat. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Highest Prices Paid for Wheat at all Times. J. k WILLIAMS & Co. Phone 60 Zurich LOOK YOUR BEST ON THURS., FRIDAY, and SATURDAY July 0, 7, 8. BY HAVING YOUR WORK DONE AT Milton Oesch's Barber Shop EFFICIENT WORKMANSHIP MEANS SATISFCTION Haist's Bakery MEANS ``TASTIE" Bread, Cakes, - Doughnuts, Cookies, Confectionary, Ice Cream and Tobacco. All Wrapped in Tastie Service. Phone No. 100 E., HAIST Zurich, Ont. At Zion Evangelical church, Kit- chener, Miss l'Inz•aret Cat'. •-•:47-1-, Reider, daughter of Mrs. Reider and the late T. H. Reider, was united in marriage to Elmer Wm. McEwen Paisley, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. F. Barthel and Rev. E. E. Haiman.' After a re- ception at the home of the bride's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Paisley left on a honeymoon trip to the Georgian flay district They will reside at' Kirkland Lake, where Mr. Paisley is practising law. The other day '75 members of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, gathered at Goderich for their quarterly meeting. They came from Simcoe, Brantford, Woodstock Owen Sound, Kitc': ;r, Guelph,Han over and other towns. Visiting nurses were there from Saskatchewan and Ohio. They were welcomed by May- or Lee, for the town, an'l by Dr. Martin, for the medical profcsssion, when they convened at Maclay Hall in the afternoon. In his address Dr. Martin dealt with unemployment a- mong nurses today and their greatly lessened earnings. H:e urged a slid- ing scale of fees and huhoinously regretted that fewer were' getting married. Dr. W. F. Galb'w gave a very capable address on "Temperat- ure, pulse and respiration."