HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-07-06, Page 4rquit rt-i,DG�•+t Zogi u •Miuiu'•4 zir4:3b uiN N...rm:ingiill' r rS au=ey. i4Mi::14 J . ""'"' 44 Yn .r N A FEw s For Our' °k :t ilty ECIALS 12 QUART TIN PAILS, EACH . . , .. ....3'0'c 10 QUART GALV, PAILS, EACH ..25c 1-1b. Tin CASTLE FLOOR WAX at 2'5c 1 Quart Cans READY MIXED PAINT. 69`c:40c 1 PINT Tins READY M1XED PAINT Half Pint Tins, READY MIXED PAINT. 223c 65c as Joseph Roger's. 2 blade Jack Knives, each d 0c Motor Oil, per Gallontui Good. Quality Fuel Oil, per gallon 5c Coleman Handy 2 Burner (gaso) Hot Plate $11.90 Perfection 3 burner coal oil Stove $23..00) Ovens for 2 Burner Stoves, with Thermometer ....$4'..75• King and Climax Bug Killer,. 20 lbs for ... , .....'itis 10 lbs. for .. PARIS Green, 1 Ib. Package, each 40e: Arsenate of lime, 1 -lb package at 26c• Walnut Beds at each $4 and up 33ed Springs, at $5 and up) Felt Mattresses at $5, to $10.. Marshall and Spring Mattresses at $12 to $28:. ALSO A FULL AND COMPLETE RANGE OF THE FOLLOWING AT LOWEST PRICES:. HARVEST TOOLS, ROPE and SLING ROPES, HAY CARS and LOUDEN STEEL TRACK,- GOLD MEDAL, TWINE, CEMENT, ROOFING GALV. and ASPHALT. S WIRE No. 9 GAGE EVEN SPACED FENCE at 48c per ROD; BARB WIRE, STEEL POSTS and FROST GATES. SEE US ABOUT THAT EVE TROUGH OR ROOF JOB OR PLUMBIN, d PIPING. OB, TOO BIG, NOR TOO SMALL! 'This is the time of year to have that Roof Painted. We have several kinds of Roof Coating, including AIlum- inum Paint for Steel Roofs. SR-ERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOODYEAR TIRES, BEATTY and MAXWELL'S HAND AND ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES AND WRINGERS. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL "NOW" WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST. Stade & Weido EVERYTHING IN 1-IARDWAI E, SEEDS and FURNITURE PHONE 92 ZURIC.I-I . r4 : _:.,.,.�.� ..; ....,...n r� .n.�ii.. r�. r ..1 .�r:.✓ r.�nnu-r�.'r.n'. � ul ai SI emelt'. p Tr. r the Dates: OF THE IVIG ay C. • 1 L. Schilbe Son Seeds, Flour, Feed and Coal Merchants TRUCKING No Job too Big or too Small; Very ` Reasgbie Prices.;,; WE HANDLE McCormick -Dearing Repairs; Twine, Etc. All kinds of Plow Points at 55c and 65c. Special Prices on Insecticides as follows: Climax Bug Killer 20 lbs. 65c. Arsenate of Lead 18c lb... Arsenate of Lime 12c lb. Phone 52 -_Lu ZURICH Zurich Dru t' ;>!; Store PICNIC SUPPLIES:—Sanitary ', .rapped Papel• Plates, Cups, Etc, Etc. PHOTOGRAPHIC 'SUPPLIES Good Supply of Hand. Bring ins your Films for Developing and Prithi''# w 1 roomer 1111111IIIIIIII1101I1l11I11l10011111111111lI011111001IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1I0111111I 11 llptimmulonsifi!lllnlimlliU111 1ilf nl[IIIIIIi1I11111IIIII!IIIIIII[lllll11111IUmom UI0111!!IIIIILIIII!IIOI!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!l I l THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Co Y LE WE ARE OFFERING EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES OF GOODS FOR THIS FIRST COM- MUNITY SALE IN OUR TOWN. As Customers of Ours, you unaoubtedly realize from past Clearing Sales, Which We have conducted, that when. We advertise special events such as this, our Goods are marked clown to Lowest Possible Prices. BE SURE TO CA11. AND SHARE IN THIS REAL MONEY SAVING EVENT. REMEMBER THREE DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JULY Sth, 7th, and 8th, 1933 (STORE OPEN IN EVENINGS) Voiles and Rayons Reg. 50c and 65c a yd. to clear at 29c Finer quality, to clear 39c Rayons, Special at 23c to 35c Prints! Prints! 36 -in... Prints, Reg. 35c for 27c Reg. 25c for .19c Reg. 19e for 16c Peter Pan, Reg. 50c to clear at 29c Krinkle Crepe, all_ colors, Reg. 25c at1.P c . Toweling Bath Towelings, Special at yd. 150 Linen Toweling, Reg. 35c for , 27c Reg. 25c for 18c Crash Toweling, Special at yd. 10c Bath Towels, Epecial, each 19c Lingerie See our Angel Skin, taffetta slips at, ...98c Mesh panties at 35c Mesh Panties at 49c Special Silk Bloomers at.... ..39c and 49e .Ladies' Hose all New Shades, Chiffon, os Service Reg. 95c, for Reg. 75c for ills Hose, Special ,nom .isle Hose, Special at 7.otton Hose, Special at ..adies' Sox, Special at pr �b.1dren's Sox, 25c and 35c Clearing at..19c Bathing Suits All Wool, Men's or Ladies' Reg, 1.95 at $1.65 Reg. 1.50 for ...._ $1.30 Misses, Reg. 1.25, for $1.00 iioy's, Reg. 1.50, for $1.25 Curtain Goods Curtain net, Reg. 45c for ...33c Curtain net, Reg. 30c fIrr 22c 2 pieces only Net, Special, yd. ..15c 1 piece inly, scrim, at yd. 9c 3 pieces, frilled curtains, at 15c Cretons, from ..........: 100 to 19c House Dresses 35 ONLY IN STOCK AT CLEARING PRICES Reg. 1.25 for 98c Reg. 98c for ... is Reg. 75c for 60c Remnants! 'Remnants! SEE OUR TABLE FOR BARGAINS REMNANTS OF VOILES, PRINTS RAYONS, ETC: IN MEN'S WEAR Weight Men's Fine Pullovers, new shades, each $1.39 Balbriggan Combinations, Reg. 95e for 85c 89c " Special ... '. . 68e 69c 'Overalls, red back, Reg. 1.75 for $1.30 33c I Special for ...88c 25c . Men's Work Shirts, Special. ' ........ _68c 15c " Reg. 1,10, for .... 95c .15c Men's . Fine Sox at 19e Men's Work Sox lbc, 19c, 25c, IVIen's Straw flats, at only....... , .. , , , .15c J. GASCHO 111UI111111t111111III 0111111111111111ll(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111 00111011111 1 11111 11111110 1 IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 10111111 III 11811111111 111111IIII111IT MEN'S SHIRTS Fine Shirts, Collar attached 75c VVork Shirts, Special 68c Linoleum ' Specials Following E'trds of .4 -yd. wide Linoleum a way beaow Reg. prices. End, 4 yds. 8 in., E. quality, Reg. 3.25, End, for $11.00', 1 yd. 30-in,.E quality, End for $12.751, 3 yds, 25 -in, heavy quality, Reg. 3.60, End for 10.95 2 yds. 13 -in. D. quality for $6.95 Floor Coverings 2 yd. wide Feltol, at yd. .70c 2 yd. wider Oilcloth, Reg. $1 for 3 yd. wide Congoleum, Reg. 1.95 for ..1.75 All Lino. and Congoleum Rugs in Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices Groceries, Etc: White Cups and Saucers, dozen .......... White cups only, dozen ...60'c 7 -in. plates, ; Special, doyen :......_...$1.00 Fine glass 'Tumblers, . 6 for .25c Brooms, 4 string at ' 25c Oxydol, large at . ...19c Colgates, fin Toilet Soaps, 3 for.. , ..15c Castile Soap; 11 for . 25c Japan Tea, Mixed lb. ........35c Pink Salmon' 1 Ib. tin .... .....100 Pork and Beans, 2 ib. tin ... ........100 Choc. M. M. Cookies e1 "''c Puitred wheat or rice, 2 pkgs. for ,.., 5e• Jar Rubbers, 6 for . ..I.. .... . 2be ,11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII81I111IIIIIII 101011111 18818IB111100111IBIIIIIIIl818118111III11111111I81111111{I lBlil811 1111101111811 ffi Jul(} •IamalIIIIg!�l ll hili SRF. OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Toptr Pastes, and Urusbes FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Buy Genuine Massey -Harris PARTS FOR. YOUR. MASSEY-HARRIS' PLOWS & MACHINES: N'aw:i r tine'"tb e. is look over your Binder and Replace Worn Parts ira ,,avoid' delay- an$ expense, '[TSIW MACHINERY-LIncluding re.pAssessed Fertilizer Drill, Cult- • ivators, Binder, Wagon, 7,Vlower, Rlake, a*g Plow, 17 Tooth Culti--• voter nearly' new, all at Saeriffee Prices. 110W ABOUT A E'IP7D REAL? Plow Points and Skimmer Po nts a °fall. Plows ONE FREE TUBE WITH EVERY TIRE ORDER, DURING THIS' SALE 11 PLATE BATTERY $4.39. 13 PLATE H.I.-BATTERY' $6.95 GAS OIL . GREASES Tel, Shop 149 O. KLOPP and. Sons Res. 67 .Auctioneering? UI Bet!' alfp MMLuh1ll SILVERWOODS RANCH CASH MARKET FOR CREAM, EGGS, and POULTRY Give Us A- Call. We Cull Your Poultry FREE W. O'BREIN & SON Phone 101 ZURICH You Wreck Ern! We Fix Em! BUGGIES, WAGONS), CAR TOPS ETC, ETC. HESS, The .. r Wark ZURICH, ONTARIO All Stores Open Evenings, During this Three -Day Com- munity Sale. STANLEY TOWNSI--IIP Rev. and Mrs. Murray of Woods - 'tock, Fit_, have spent the past week • visiting relatives and friends in Stanley. Mr= Wm. Palmer, and daughter, Miss Maxie of Hamilton', spent the, closed Thursday for the holidays,,.. week -ori with Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, Varna. Quite a number of continuation sch - ool students tried exams. in Exeter.. The Township. Council held their I41.rs. Arthur Rennie of Frobisher,. regular monthly meeting at Varna Sash are 'visiting relatives in andll on Tuesday. round Hensall. Mrs. Rennie and her. The Orangemen attended divine mother, Mrs. Raymor, motored downs service at the United church, Varna Mrs. Raymor visiting with her sis� last Sunday evening, and listened to _ in Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs. Rennie? have been . in the Frobisher district a very fine address by R. E. A. Psalter. about25 years. They had a'tcomplete Mr. and Mrs. Paul John and Miss crop failure fox the past five years,., and this year the grasshoppers ares' Grace Reid of Flint, •Midi., spent ruining what would have been 'a. couple of days with friends in this good crop. .• vicinity.Stratford and Hensall baseball' Mr. David J. Stephenson of Gosh- en Line,. and: Mr. ]?rank Cole or teams lined up on our local diamond'. Hensall, have: returned home after j last Monday' evening, Stratford be-- spending a month with friends: ia3n ing' defeated 7-3. A large a I -finessed the game. The Hensacrowd Manitoba.. ll Mr. Sam Pollock of Canora, Sas• t so far eve` been very success-. has been visiting his brother; 1VIr. m 4the .schedule games. Win Pollack and family. Russel Sterling of Melita, Man., is: Mr. and Mrs. Valentine of N. Day spending a few days visiting friends Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Melick of Sar- nia. spent the week -end with iVlr. and Mrs. S. Merrier and Geo. Brock's. Judge Costello of Goderich was in town. Tuesday last, hearing the ap- ' peal of Owen Geiger against the as, sessment of his house. The many friends. of A. L. Case: will be pleased to hear he is impro- ving after his recent illness. He has; been seriously ill during the past 3.1 months. ' The public and continuation schools.. kota, have been visiting friends in Stanley and Bayfield. Mrs. Valen- ,ine is a daughter of Mr. Robt. Pol- :ock of LaRivere, Man., and was born on. Goshen. Line; Stanley. The Penhale-Snowden-Westlake re- inion picnic which was held at Springbank park on June 24th, was vell attended from' this vicinity there Bing over 100 present. Miss Eleanor Scotchmer• of Strat- 'ord is at present spending thesum- .ner holidays at, her home on the $ronson Line. in town. Mrs. Sterling .was formerly- ' Stella Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr-' and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Tuckersmith t Mrs. John Pope has returned home.• 'after several .months visit with her - children at Preston and Galt. Jas. Morrow of Winnipeg is vis- iting friends and relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. "Mickle of Rid- getown are 'visiting at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. C. Cook and A. W. E. Hemp- hill, are being visited by the.i;r neph- ... ew, Mr. Smythe from Nelson, B.C. Ben Allen of Alberta and Edgar ' Allen of Cromarty called on friends on Monday last. Dr. and Mrs. Collyer and famil3r• are spending two, weeks "vacation at 1VIr. and Mrs. Earl Parimer of their cottage in Hayfield. Windsor, were visitors with Mr: and RT. and Mrs. J. Randall of Platts- ..Urs: Thos. Paclmer. villa visited at the home of Mrs. A. Milton Ortweiuk, and son. Lloyd of McMVirirtrie. o7rdbn. 'iv[:3:.e, visitor with his par- Alice Dougall of Windsor, spent :an . bare:, few days at her 'home here, . HENSALL