HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-22, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK • r New Voiles in Season's Latest designs, priced from 25c., to 75 cents a Yard. !.1.adiies' Silk Hose, in new wanted .shades, , such as Dawn, Grey, Greylite, Shadowtone, Malt, Ocrebeige, Deansan, Chiffon,.. .or Service Weight, 75c. to $1.25 a pr. ,New Ladies' Knitted Silk and Wool Pullovers for Summer Wear, at, $1.98 each. All Curtain Materials at Reduced Prices. Men's Wear ..See our New fine Shirts at Work Shirts, Indigo Dye at Work Pants, red -back Special Buttonless Combinations, per Pink Salmon, 1 lb. 'tin Cheese, ber lb. 85c to 1.95 75c $1.00 /5c ioc T5c ,pr Suit., GROCERIES! GROCERIES Pork and. Beans, 2 lbs tin - Palmolive Soap, 4 for Fine Toilet Soap, 3 for Brooms, 4 -String Special at 10c 25c 5c 4 29c We sell Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, Climax Bug Killer, Paris Green, all at lowest prices. J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 a- 440.4416+++.4441444,1411.44,444.4.40 - '1►arsd(t R. uhl "` t '194 �xr s 44,1 x+11- t +40 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 'SPECIALS FOR JUNE 15, 16, 17th. Oxydol, large pkg. ....19c. Kraft Salad Dressing, 12 -oz. jar+ Many Flowers Toilet Soap, 4 cakes Certo (Jellies all Fruit per bottle 23c 25e 29c Coleo, and Fair Sex Soap, Reg. 10c Size) 3 for 15c Paper Napkins, Assorted Colors, , per pkg. 15c Table Syrup, 10 lb pails .. 65c Jello Powders, pkg each ... 5c ,'Stuffed Olives, large Jar 19c 29c Peanut Butter, large 2-1b. Jar Toilet Paper, Hillcrest, 3 for Cookies, Mixed Sandwich, per lb Broom, good weight broom Ladies' Silk No -Run Bloomers 25c 14c 39c 50c Ladies' Silk Hose Fullfashioned per pr. Ladies' all wool white skirts, special price Men's Bathing Suits, wool at Ladies' Bathing Suits at.. .......... . .90e to $1.50 Children's Bathing Suits at' .' 50c to 9Octs_ Several colors to choose from. Eggs Wanted at Highest Prices 69c 1 95 90c to $1:50 J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 The strawberry season is now in its best, and berries are selling fro}n �.�•� six to ten cents a box. A rain is needed badly to keep this crop going. HURON & ERIE,: The annual trConvention of the. Evangelicaldischurcicth, which was held,,in Zurich last Wednesday and 'Thursday, was well attended and a good attendance was present. The ,.Convention .came to an appropriate ; close Thursday evening, with the dis- trict Superintendent, Rev. J. P. Hauch, of Stratford preaching the closing . sermon. BUSY FARMER NEWS DEBENTURES IA SAFE IN-VEBTMENT ,.,.ha.,«,..o� issued ice. $inn and Debentures for $100 over - 1 to 5 Years 5% Payable twice a Year OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFT- ERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND TO SEPTEM- BER 13th, INCLUSIVE Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? evespe4easese•••••••••eseeeeseeeemesneeesseeeesee • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SPRING NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested . Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According cuWa lity. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- . • ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a + line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts.. - Goodyear Balloon and ' Cord Tires .:•,and. Tuber; in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, and Beds. Felt and Marshall Furniture, Springs Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing' and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY --• PRICE w- SERVICE owes 6401110.00.4141401111442.1164.10.1108.414141.441111046414.00610 Haying Time Hint - Now that haying time is here a- gain, it is well to note that, accord- ing to results obtained at the 0. A. C., Guelph, sweet clover makes the best quality hay when cut late in the bud stage and about ready to bloom. Certified Apple Orchards The opinion that apple orchards should be certified is gaining ground among apple growers and horticult- urists. It is contended that certified orchards would raise the standard of apple growing throughout the pro - Ince. A certified orchard would be one which had no hawthorns, wild apple trees, no neglectd or maggot - infested trees within 300 yards of it. A certified orchard would be one which was well -sprayed and free from aple maggot. With every orchard certified, bumper crops would be as- sured. Defective Chicks A casual glance over the chicks may not detect any culls or pickouts But on closer examination it may be noticed that some are not doing as well as others. Some have defects of body conformation, feet or wings. These might better be taken out than left to add to the crowding in the pen. There will be pullets that are off in type, have poor heads or some other defects and might. better be sold as broilers than kept to matur- ity. C'n'lc'r prc5f nl pri'co.• con..lit:ionr, one can afford to rear and keep only the 'best for the laying Hock. Crow- ding is frowned upon by expert poul tryxnen. If at all possible, separate the cockerels from the 'pullets so as to give the pullets mare room at the feed trough and on the roosts. Some of these - cockerels may be sold as broilers, and the best carried along to be sold later as roasters. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 127I.0,8 Butter ....,.... ............ 23 Wheat bushel Oats 22 •Barley.......... 38 Buckwheat . .. 32 Flour ..:. ..... 1.60-2.775 Shorts, ton 20.00 Bran, ton ...... 20.00 Hogs, cwt. 5.00 New Health Broadcasts Stress Vaule of Milk The Ontario Federal Women's In- stitutes will present regular weekly Health Prograinet over radio station CRCT. The firs.t fns given on Mon- day evening,- June 19, at 6.15 Day- light Saving Time. These talks will stress the value of milk in the diet and, it is expected, will create a gre ater consumer appreciation of this important product of Ontario farms Such plans have been made possible through the courtesy of the Hen. T. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture.. Honey Prospects Good if Quality Maintained Uniform quality, good packing; and continuity of supply are three important items in building and maintaining an export trade, in honey Ono. R. Peterson, Overseas Commer-- cial''Representative of the Ontario Honey Export Association, recently retlikned from England, reports a good steady market for high quality Ontario :honey in the British Isles. He said that consumers are gradually learning the importance of honey in. the diet and also appreciate Empire brands. He states that quality in honey is judged by texture, flavor, and color. Further, that British buy ers .think highly of the good clover homey from Canada, and are quite prepared to pay raif prices for a well presented product. In Holland there is, a•fair market for dark honey, and Ontario buckwheat compares quite well with Cuban; Russian, and' that from other sources. Crop' • Report A review of crop conditions as of June lst showed that pastures, hay and clovers had grown rapidly, show- ing much improvement over a month earlier. Clovers and • alfalfa gener- ally. promise heavy yields. In Eas- tern Ontario new seedings were badly winter -killed, but old stands appear. good. Haying commenced early this year and. bps been in full swing in most counties. Pall wheat has come along rapidly except in low lands. The fall of moisture has been very uneven, with some sections suffering from drought and others needing rain, Crop prospects are good in Northern Ont. Livestock on pasture have plenty of grass and are in good condition. Bruce County reports manyfields of fall wheat badly Iocl ged due to heavy growth. Huron Co- unty, in common with most Western Ont., suffers heavily from early June windstorms, in which many farmers lost barns as well as crops. Sow Buckwheat in July The acreage ' of buckwheat has shown a steady increase in Ontario every year and now stands at 200,- 000 00,000 acres. Its popularity is increas- ing due to • the- opening up ;of , the European market for buckwheat and to its ability to ssmother weeds. Buck wheat fits 'naturally into the crop rotation as a Iate sown crop or as a Special smother crop, and for best yi- elds and as a means of checking; we.. eds, should not be sown until after July 1. The practica of some farm - in planting buckwheat in June results in buckwheat becoming mix- ed with clover and other light honey with a tremendous loss to the bee- keeper, cutting the sale value of the White honey crop 50 to 75%. The apiary is valuable asset to any faun in aiding fertilization of •all plants especially fruits and the apiary own- er should not be forced out of bus- iness by thoughtlessness on the part of the farmers in sowing buckwheat early in the season. 2; - YO F Mita STORE WE ARE ;,'NQV FINISHED ' TAKING STOCK I AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE. AND . FURNITURE IS. TOC) •'HEAVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are continuing our Special Prices on. Mai tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargains: tPrices. Be sure and -get your supply before they are All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. John.stou & Kalbffejsoh Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 11,44++++++++++4444.144(44444r4+++++44.44+.0144+.4441.144.• 1,4 +F+>ti+>F1++++++++44 t. +++++44.+f+s+raist4++1,> +s YIIIE1I11111111110111III211IINIE114lillli 111111111111uII1111111111I11MIIIIliIMIIIIIIIIL'INIll(fi`lads;;(VANNINHi;111111111160111i111111yL 1111{f lI1OMMINIMIIIatk We ' Repair Wagcn s, Bu icy Auto Tops, Etc.,,Etc; good Luber Wagon at.........:,....... l good buggy at..........,...... .......-....... .......�_.... 4 wheel Trailer Complete.~_..~� ��� KEEP ON SMILING! . UESB, the Repair Man I iiiIIN'( (NIINIIIINIMINU11111111111111111IN1 INIII11Ifitls;#NfNl111lllllllIRMI1NHftN!(IiI11llIMINI_ ' 11EMIklIINllMNTIINIIlf *' 'f b+++++ .,h.44++ 01y-t+++f+++++++.1444+ �tss 11 zunicg Gli.RAGE_ ATTENTION ---.-To Fanners and tractor Owners: We are again this summer fully equipper to supply all users of Gasoline in larger quantities with a good 'stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at 'low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand _ in Large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Maks of Cars with Charges Very R nalbe, sa>so H. Mousseau Zurich 14411.16+44444444++++++++++0++++++++++44.14“44+14 741 1.16 F4444++44+++++++++ 0+++++6 ++ +R°44"i"6`“4+1 Ftp, (4+4 +4-e +++++++++t++++ 4,+t• +++4++++ +++4-244-44 f '{ li: BUY GENUINE MASSEX HARRIS PARTS! • 4. For Your Massey -Harris Machines. Look over your 'Bean and Corn Cultivators and •., 4. order parts early and Save Charges • ' , BRING YOUR MOWERS (ANY MAKE) TO OUR IVIOWER HOSE: ,c • PITAL AND ; IIAVE ; SAME • OVERIIAULEb AT PRICES YO ' : 4- CAN AFFORD TO PAY. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 'I' , . GUARDS FOR ALL MOWERS AT THIRTY CENTS. GOOD J .SED, >BEAN SCLIFFLER' .AND PULLER, R A7;.ZE, USED ' `WAGON;"DRtLL,' GANG PLOW, CULTIVATOR AT 'SACfLFICE PRICES; PLOW R.EP.AIRS,ALL MAKES. See the New Hay Loader and New No. 23 Mower, will start in any grass. Highest speed Mower on the Market. t GAS OIL GREASE AND TIRES 4 ' k Tel. Shop 149 0. ICLOPP & SONS Res. 6 • Auctiotseering? BET! tiwIt