HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-15, Page 8rforrr THE STORE WITFI THE STOCK ew Curtain Goods See Our new Stock of Curtain Scrimrns, Marques- ette, Etc. Also ready made Swiss and Net Curtains at very Low Prices. Special in Frilled Curtains, a pair Frilled Scrimm, at per yard .., Plain Scrimm, at per yard Curtain Net, Special, per yard 19c Fine Net Curtains, Pr. Fine Net Curtains, fringe ends, pr. Fine Scrim curtains, pr. .50c 15c " 12C $1.25 1.50 1.50 New Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Tapestries, Chintzes, Cretons, at New Low Prices. SEEDS! SEEDS! We have everything in Garden Seeds,.. also Seed Corn Mengel and Turnip seed,.. Chick Starter and Scratch Feed. Try our Special Rolled Oats for baby chicks, 9 lbs. for 25c; 100 lbs bag for 2.35 J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1 HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES A SAFE INVESTMENT Debentures issued ued for $100 and over - 1 to 5 Years 5% Payable twice a Year OFFCE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFT- ERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND TO SEPTEM- BER 13th, INCLUSIVE Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 minammimmomemommoolnoroinolcos HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SPRING NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested. Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your., orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc- Also do Custom Seed Clean- ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always y in stock. I4p,. MVO- STADE- WEiDO ZURICH _- ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE SERVICE *219II101.iQ1A 6.41400/***S.S60.000414000101iNe00.41110 tiErtAt WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS FOR JUNE 15, 16, '17th. Kellog's Corn Flakes, per pkg. Pearl Naptha Soap, 10 bars All Bran, large pkg. per pkg. Orange Marmalade, 40 -oz. Jar, per jar Salmon, 1 lb. tin, at Golden Bantam Corn, choice quality, 2' Challenge corn starch, per pkg. Superior baking powder, 16 -oz. tin Our own Blend Tea, (lead pkg:) half Ili Coleo Soap (with green glass free) , .3' for• Sc '8.c 11M 29e10c tins 23c 9,c 23c 1'9c 25c Infant's Delight soap, 4 cakes'25c Blue Boy Coffee, per ib.......... , . 23r. Laundry Starch Bulk, 3 lbs. 25c Kellogg's Pep, 2 pkgs. 25c Chipso, large pkg. per pkg. 19c DRYGOODS Factory Cotton ends, from 1.4 yds. to 1(' yd. reg. 18; at....12c Dress Voile, new Patterns from 18c. yd'. up to 75c Ladies' all wol Fancy Pullovers atEggsWanted at Highest Prices J. �K. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone/40 BUSY FARMER NEWS Farmer's Cheques Exempt Hon. E. N. Rhodes, Federal Minis- ter of Finance has made provision in legislation to exempt farmers' cheques, • money orders' and postal notes of less than $5 from the pro- visions of the 3 cent stamp tax,the Ontario Marketing Board anounced recently. This means that farmers' cheques for eggs and poultry as for milk and cream are now free of the stamp tax. Farm and Home Week at O•A.C. Walnut Trees Distributed To Women's Institutes ..Several hundred. Japanese Walnut or Heartnut trees have been distrib- uted to the Women's Institute of Nor. folk and Durham, and to more than one hundred of the Junior Institute delegates, who attended te recent Girl's Conference held at Macdonald Institute, O.A.C., Guelph. J.A. Neil son, former nut specialist with this Department, generously donated the trees from his Guelph garden, for the purpose of stimulating an inter- est in this neglected form of horticul- ture in Ontario, These trees, which are of a hardy, fast-growing •race of Japanese Walnuts, are vaulable, not only because of their very palatable nuts, but because they make attract- ive shade trees on streets and lawns. The Heartnuts require very little at- tention after planting, and if plant- ed on otherwise waste land, they make a very desirable permanent crop. An Empire preference of four shillings and sixpence (over a dollar) per cwt. of 112 pounds is given by Britain on all apples and pears ex- ported from Canada, on the under- standing that Canadian growers make every effort to inease production. Trouble Shooting in the Binder Knotter A pamphlet, setting forth a simp- le and practical system of locating and correcting some of the common tying troubles that occur in the knotters of grain and corn binders, has been issued by the Dpartment of Extension, O.A.C. The system of trouble shooting set forth in this cir-cular is based on the appearance and location of the "trouble bands" as their characteristics provide the sim_plest means of identifling the various knotter troubles. Each trouble is illustrated by' a drawing of the defective band, and is clearly dealt with under the headings Description, Ca- uses and Remedies. The Circular (No, 24) is known as "Trouble Shooting in the Binder Knotter"and may be obtained free of 'charge, byapplying to the Department of Extension, at the Co lne. It i' interest to note that the system will be fully demonstrated each day during Faint and Home Week (June '19 to 23) at the College. Ideal Range For Chicks An ideal range for chicks is a clover field beside a corn field, or a.n orchard, where they can get all succlent green feed they can eat and still have shade as required,Giv-en those coditions, once the chicks go upon range thy can be reared ith very little labour, dependence )(;ing pieced mainly on hopper fed -ng. 1161 LOCAL MARKETS (Corseted every Wedday) Eggs 12-10-8 Butter 23 Wheat bushel 80 Oats " 22 Brley 38 Buckwheat 82 Flour .._.-.1.60-2.75 Shorts, ton 20.00 Bran, ton 20.00 Hogs, cwt. 5.00 Honey Retards Disease. 'To prevent the false impression being formed that because bes are subject to disease, some honeys might not be used for food, it is importantto draw attention to the fact that what affects bees produces absolutely nd effect on human beings. So far as bee disetse is concerned, all hon- eysare perfectly safe for food. Fur- ther, it may be noted that honey, in- stead of promoting disease, tends to retard it, because most of the dis- ease .organisms that attack man can not live in honey. Honey draws the water of their construction from the organisms and kills them. RoseCulture The simplest method of increasing roses is by the laying method. Take a branch that may be bent down, re- move leaves and cover it with soil in spring or early summer. Rooting will! take place more readily if the branch is injured by cutting into the wood at the base of bud under the' soil.The climbers are very easily increased in number by this method. It is well!to top dress the lawn at this -•time with bone meal.Keep lawn properly cut and edges trimmed. The shrubs that bloom in spring and early sum- mer should be pruned after flowering this permits of vigorous young gro-wth which flowers the following year - Thin out the old wood, keeping the plant in a good shape. Avoid tak- ing too much wood from any one part of the shrub, simply thin it out on all sides. Confidence in Poultry Deal Felt by Ontario Producers "Poultrymen generally would ap- pear' to be confident so far as the 1933 egg and poultry de al is concer- ned.'" said T. A. Benson of the Do- minion Government, who is Senior Poultry Promoter in Ontario. "There have evidently been more chicks hat- ched and sold by our hatcherymen this season than last. It might be thought by some that while this con- dition may indicate confidence, it may be discounted by a heavy 'crop of eggs and poultry later in the sea- son, resulting in low prices. "It should be pointed out.however, >;hat stocks of poultry meats in stor- age as per figures published by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics show a decrease of 56.07 per cent as at May 1st, as compared with the same date last year, and a decrease of 35.83 per cent on May 1st as com- pared with April lst this year. Eggs held in storage as at May let last show a decrease of 15.08 per cent. as compared with the five per cent. average, although there is some in- crease in the holdingsas at May tat 1933, compared with May 1st,, 1932.: • STORE ^��v H Smoke c onxu4 Amb. ale�H.is3mb�s.4 Hardware & FnruitmrePh ae 88 WE ARE NOW FINISHED ------�� TAKING STOCK + AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY WE I ARE OFFERING OUR • ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCE PRICES. We are continuing our Spm Prices on Mat- ttresses, and still have a few left the w go at Bargain. Pry. Be sure and get your . � �gly" before they arre 1 Gone. For some real used [?res.�rs that Bargains,e wiIl sell verye cheaa number of good. .' nee them. Be sure and Always ao good supply of Snno9�e Also Old Hickory Smoke Cure Hanel, Salt. �ard�a�>a�"u����ea��ain4�E}-a--�?� Johton & Ka1Jflf0 !�3flf�IHgl�!Ntltlll�;I!!IIUHkIIIIUIUIIIIIBIII(1rJil�t!�llyW�l!gy Nlk lllNd ill !ftl lHtl4k�las • ;+rs.aiBfltlllflIgIlI We Repair Wagons Buggies, LI"bt7ji8s} Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon at ...... ._...._. $45 KEEP ON SMILING! UESS, theIan Repair1i. = ,.OnflEl1,df�rii'".!t!IHIflIIH!IIII!!ll!kfIIN!Ii!!!!t�'I a, X11#v 9.,11llt� Nlp} gGJ!I!Im!!I!1tINIAflIUIHI NNIBINlliNRIIUIRtlN 111N!pll.,...._____________________________„, ZtT3Is { GABIAGE .ATTENTION—To Fanners and tractor Owners: We are again this summer fully equippeal to supply all users of'Casoline in larger quantities with a good stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. GaeSoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars -'arida Charges Very Reaaonalbe. It Mousseati Zurich 44'444.4iM 4-A--l.44*44444f-4f4 11F44 -4404.144-k'444" '4404.414444 t BUY GENUINE MASSEY=HARRIS PARTS! _ _ F a •For Your Massey' -Harris Machinesl°• Look over your Bean and Corn Cultivators and „ order parts early. and Save Charges BRING YOUR MOWERS (ANY MAKE) TO OUR MOWER HOSE t PITAL AND HAVE SAME OVERHAULED AT PRICES YOU'I CAN AFFORD TO PAY. ESTIMATES . CHEERFULLY GIVEN';, GUARDS FOR ALL MOWERS AT THIRTYCENTS. GOOD USED . BEAN SCUFFLED AND PULLER, RAKE, USED WAGON, DRILL,, GANG PLOW, CULTIVATOR AT SACRIFICE PRICES; PL:OW REPAIRS, ALL IVIAKES. See the Wew Hay Loader and New No. 23 Mower, will s#art in grass. Highest :speed Mower on the Market', 4. 4 t fr t a GAS OIL GREASE AND TIRES 3a' TeL Shap 149 O KLOPP & SONS R Auctioneer'ing?,... r L , BIT;! t.: , +khtak+I'+(4+4•+ sb'0474,+-t 4,,i,,.N°,g.. 4; ',iter:sF- `+ +14'vl`*,&,4a4**ept e*t.tp,A