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Zurich Herald, 1933-06-15, Page 4
ANG'S GARAGE are always at your servicefor Expert o `4Urage Work, and Auto Repairing Chokt Gasoline .. Best of Oils and Grease s • WE ALSO CARRY,• Wer •• Mums .,. Pump ' I"4 AT REDUCED PRICES,. • t,OC�,SII13TT FARM IMPLEMENTS e; OLIVER PLOWS, ETC, ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS AND LAND ROLLERS, PRICES LOWER THAN 'ME LOWEST, PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobryers' 'Points) ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH , REPAIRING. ACYTELEI►S'•E - WELDING 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SE1'ARATO,B,, :at •a Sacrifice. 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator hi good order, get the price on thiekene. 1 LEVER HARROWS AT COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. A. Prang & Son Zuich Phone, Shop 114 Residence. 76 Samar alla011400m*eatea eitf®ieli0© OOG•m6010684110 090 +++++++++++++•'r+•F•+-, -'r-i•- •'s-++ I +++++++++++++++++++'3'++: +F, + SPECIAL CEDAR POSTS— SPE CI AL CSSTS— F • 'Y2 -in, and up, ;8 foot long 35c .8110101111 HY NOT RE -ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR .SHINGLES AT THE PRESENT LOW PRICES. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND F. C. KIALRFLEISCR 'I-IONE 69 - - ZURICH + + + - ++-4•-§-+•;--;.Y.++++-f •e+ -F +4-1•++ ++ BLAKE Pease take notice that the Blake .tore will be closed at 12 o'clock on 3lednesclay, ,June .21st. Mrs. Mary Falconoer and daughter ztaf Minnesota, accompanied by Miss aeandeen who are on their way 't,e+ Cal- eifornia, spent .last week at the home eof Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and with Mr. and Mrs.. John Douglas and exither friends in ; this vicinity. ` 34;x. and Mrs. G; Freckleton : of ?vcan, called On frfends in The 2/age Met week. • Mrs- Rudy -Desch and. daughter, ;Susie and Miss Violet Oesch spent [onday with friends in the village. Miss Alberta Finlay called on fri- - rads in the village on Monday. Picnic parties to the lakeside is the girder of the day. DASHWOOD A grand Strawberry Social will held at Calvary' Evangelical church Dash'w00 d on Wednesday, June un•..Is t Supper served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock .Following the supper a good pro- , ..grant will be given by local talent. 12iashwood Band in attendance. Ev- ,eryrbody is cordially invitee. Miss Anna Tiernan spent a few :slays in Toronto last week. Miss Verna Kraft of London, is ..,pending a few weeks at her home :ihnxe, Miss Fanny Preeter of Kitchener ':ss .spending a few weeks with relati Ares. Mr. Edgar Restemeyer had the -misfortune to get his leg fractured 'storing the big storm we had last "-Wednesday. 1VIr., and Mrs. Burns who spent the past week with Mrs. Witzel returned Ito Port Huron. Don't forget, the strawberry' Social ,of the Evangelical church will be. :laid on June 21st. A good programa .s being prepared. Miss Selma Rader of London, sp- end the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L,, Rader, Don't forget the date of the Straw- berry Social in the Lutheran Church :ton June 28th. 'STANLEY TOWN• SHIP Mr. and Mrs. W. I3. Stogdill of ntte n spent a day or tv, a .... ., visiting the latter's motoher, Mrs. Vete Dawson. 34r. and Mrs. W. J. Dowson left ^est week for Park River, N Dak., to Wish Mrs. Dowson's broother, Mi•. ?leo. Peck, and family. 'Iihe Stephenson families held their .eeenneual re-unioon picnic at Layfield 7;aust Saturday, when about 100 of conrtectioon were present and ytrperat'a very pleasant afternoon. A- .mrmnng those who attended front Mar . ate, Mich., *ere��yj�1 fr. andy�Mrs. W. .,a:o.4 ea total 4 Are *IW. lar, „Cope, I-H.. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stephenson, Mr. Herb Graham and daughter. Miss Hazel 'Siroillie has been en -- gaged . as teacher of S. S. No. 5, Stanley for another year. Mrs. Jack Bryan and Mrs. J. Col- lins of London visited their mother, Mrs. Wilson Armstrong' over the week -end. The Blake -Goshen Y. P. S. are holding .a picnic. at Jewett's Grove, r .Bayfield on Saturday afternoon, June 11t1t HILLSG-.REEN Rev. Farrell of Clinton, spoke very fine here on Sunday evening to the Young People's Anniversary of Hillsgreen church. The Choir of Kippen Church gave an anthem, `I was glad" which was much appreciat- ed. Miss Edna Cochrane gave a fine solo "Some Day". Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Reichert were visited recently with friends from Auburn. rn, • The heavy windstorm on. Wednes- day last done a lot of damage in this vicinity. But one call be very grate- ful that things were not any worse off, which they could have been. Mr. Frank Hagan had a barn roof lifted off. Lorne Coleman Iost sev- eral hundred chicks, the .wind blow- ing his brooder house down. W. R. Stephenson had his house roof de- stroyed and other farmers had shin- gles and evetroughs damaged. Mr. and .1VIrs. W. Weide visited at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs. B. Elder near Hensel]. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parsons of Hensall visited with their sun, Mr: and Mrs• A, Parsons On Sunday. Mr. •and Mrs. R. Stephenson re turned to their home after visiting their son, Mr; and •Mrs. G. Stephen- son in Walkerton. • • Mr. and Mrs. W. React visited Mr W. Jarrott and daughter, Annie, on Sunday. Mrs. R. Love is spending a few days with her son Ross 'arid Mrs. Love.. The W. M. 'S. will be held on Thursday afternoon, June 15th a the hone of Mrs. Harvey Turner. Mrs. Wm. 'Thiel. and. Miss Mar Reichert were visitors with Mrs. W Reichert. Mrs. K. Kenny, of Seattle, Wash..is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JJ.J Cochrane. Mrs, D. 13. Saunders and son Nor- man of London, visited on Similar with relatives in this vicinity. Mise O. Walker, R.N. of Hensallhas been attending Mrs. G. Lova --ho has been on the sick list, for se - oral weeks. We wish her a speedy recovery soon. Mr, and Mrs. C. Sinim)n and son Lt:aton visited their daughter on the Goshen Line near Zurich, re- t y 1 rliFa lIENSALL.. t _ Ro we Cnneitt was in (3oderroh last week attending the June sessitinn of the County Council, Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Dunkin and far milt' of Farquhar spent Sunday - at the la,otne of Wm. L. McLaren. M.rs. Jas.' Bonthron hes returned home after a pleasant visit with fri- ends in ICitcberer Mrs. Peter Fisher and daughter Eleanor are spending a few days visiting friends in Brucefield. Mr.. and Mrs, Earl Partner of Windsor were visitors at their horns here, .'The baseball match betweed Cred- iton and Hensall ire the Cyclone lea- gue last Monday evening resulted in 10-5 for Crediton, Mr. and Mrs, Jaao. Passiriore and daughter", Gladys, spent a few .days with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts of Tor- onto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred,Hess. Miss Annie Consitt had the misfor- tune to fall when - going down the steps hurting her knee severely and is confined to .her room. Friends of A. L. Case are pleased to learn. that he is;improving. He has• been very ill fair some time, but now he is improving nicely.. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. C. Soldan and members of the family were in Mich- igan attending a large annual reun- ion of the Soldans and .had a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin of Stratford were visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howard of Ex- eter were visitors with •relatives in town. Jas. Sangster has moved into the dwelling on Oxford St., formerly ow- ned by the late John McD Wilson. Ed. Little of Hanover is visiting for several weeks with friends and relatives in and around town. Dolly Carlin has returned to her home in Seaforth after several we- ek's visit with friends here. - A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian manse, Hensall on Saturday morning, June 34, when Edith Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, Hay .Town- ship, near Zura.ch, was united in mar- riage to Harold Clifford, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wan. G. Bell of Hay. Rev. W, A. Young officiated. The bride was becomingly gowned in a frock of rose silk and lace wan ac- cessories to match and for travel- ling dress of royal blue with shoes and coat to match. After the .cere- mony a wedding; dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents,. after which the young couple left for. Niagara Falls and -other points. Hensall'Council i mutes The regular meeting of the Vil- lage Council was held on the eveeof June 5th, after the Court of Revis- ion on the Assessment Roll at 9 p.na in the Council Chambers. All mem- bers of Council being present. ' -Minutes 'Of the 'three previous me- etings were read and adopted. F. G. Bonthron appeared as a de- legation and presented a petition signed by the majority of. the rate- payers on part of Richmond St. Se- uth, between Albert and Nelson Sts. also on Nelson st. between Richmond st. South and King st, asking to have. same streets oot; 5 tiLat ed with road z d of 1, Motion—That said petition . be granted and that said cost of oil levied against the owner or tee - ants facing said streets. W. Spencer appeared as a dele- gate of ratepayers on King St., W.; re the grass in front of the vacant lot of G. C. Petty's asking the Co- uncil to level the boulevard in front of same, to make it like the rest of the properties on the street. R. Higgins reported re. the gravell- ing of the streets. F. G. Bonthron reported re un- paid taxes as being: $712.75. G. C. betty and Jones that M. G. Drysdale be 'granted $5.00 per week to help defray the Cost securing the Clinton Band. • The following " bills and accounts were ordered paid; Huron Expositor printing $1.40; G. Parker, work at hark 5.00; E. Sheffer work at park .3.25; A. Spencer and Son, material for park 28.18; Geo. Hudson, 2 lic- enses hall and park 6.16; J. Priest cleaning catchbasins 4.00; R. Hig- gins labor on streets 7.40; M. G. a)rysdale, grant for band 5.00; J. ?assinore, Hydro 4.63; Motion that we now adjourn. James A. Paterson, Clerk. COUNTY NEWS Tenders are being called for the position of lineman and also secret - 'Ty treasurer of the Tuckersnnith Municipal Telephone System. The tenth annual re -union of the Webster Family will be held at Luck -ow on Saturday, June .17th, 1938. rhe mneiriorial cairn will be unveiled t 10,30 a.m. T. 3. Webster, Sea- .n th, -is president, While driving in zit^ntor:.ev'lie, Wee. si;xashed ';y ai car drivelr . b 9Ii•tio',,arrr r�ry'e t!=+r: tint • th' turning around at the Chilton and/ 016 failed to si'a the buggy' b, traur . the heavy tog Kincardine is enjoying a " frit. ,vex" the price of thestart of caving been reduced from seven c to 4c a loaf. Chief Constable 3 Srnith purehased a loaf of the the Tread and finding it under weight ,confiscated 1200 loaves. Dr. Margaret Strang, who has b an engaged in mission work in t Peace River district, is at her ho near Hensel] on furlough. At the Huron County Council1 week the application of Wm. Oliv for appointment to police duty Grand Bend, at $75 for the seas was referred to the executive co mittee, In ..931 he had receiv '$200; in 1932 $135. Thos. Shaddick, foreman of t Hensall railway section, and his m are preparing' and getting in sha flower beds as in past years, a which makes the railway yards attractive. • The total amount on deposits the Penny Bank by Seaforth pub' and separate schools at end of A ril, 1933 $1,532.53. Comparati figures of a year ago. $1,678.99. Archie Davis, of Exeter, a w veteran, who since the war has su fered from the• effects of shrapn wound in the right leg is in Westmi ster Hospital, London and was ope on for the amputation of leg: just below the knee. E. H. Senior, barrister of Toront and son of Jos. Senior of Exeter, h been appointed King's Counsel f the Province ' of Ont. He is one the 155 lawyers in the King's Birtl day honor list announced by actin premier, Hon. W. H. Price. Kenneth Stanbury, B.A., son of G. Stanbury, Exeter, has'passed hi •final exams at law school, Toronto and will be called to the barshortl lie has been invited to join the la firm of Aylesworth and Co., Toront with whom he has been connencte for the'past three years as student, Early submission of a by-law t the ratepayer's is asked in a-ietter t the Town Council from the Goderic Salt Co., which seeks a ten-year e. tension of .the present arrangemen whereby it is .exempted from taxes. other•, than school taxes, and enjoy free: power, up to 12 horse power The -letter, a lengthy one, was refer red; to the committee. The rebuild ingot the open -pan building, 90x32 feet, at a cost of $20,000, is conting ent"upon the success of the propose bylaw. iob Carswell, catcher of the Gran Bendsoftball team, sustained a bro ken jaw and the loss of several teetl when a runner crashed into him at the home plate last Tuesday evening at' Victoria Park, Godericit. Cars- well. was stooped to receive the throw to' shut.oft the run when, the blow came. = He was terribly cut about the mouth, •and a doctor worked with him fOr hours: The accident is a most egrettable one. Goderich won, 13 —12. • Goderich Tp., has lost. another of its prominent citizens, Geo. Hudie of he 7th con., having passed away on ni his 72nd 'year. He was a. man of who took a deep interest in the af- airs: of the township having served s councillor for 'a number of years nd was well in the running far re- ve at one.. time. • The second annual meeting of the. chool: Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association of Tuckersmith was held ecently. and addresses were given nd :discussions held on educatidnal natter s W. G. Medd, M.P.P. and Dr . M. Fields, inspector of public sch- ols, were among the speakers. Offi- ers elected for th ,..coming year are res., S. H. Whitmre; Vice, W. Bro dfoot; secy-treas, Rev. R. R, Conner, who for a nuns er of years has been pastor of St. ndrews United Church, Kippen, as recently called to Knos. United hurch, Embro. He will leave Kip - en the end of the month. He was. ire unanimous choice of the corngrs- ation of lCnox church at a recent eeting held. Rev. W. D.. McIntosh wlio has resigned to accept a call to amford. Rev: Conner was the one ut of then five who preached to the nox ' eongregations: The charge ear ed a salary of $1800 .a Year, with, ee manse and four weeks vacation. An accident occurred on the Blue ater Highway, just east of the Bay ld garage, when a sedan driven by r; Doak of London, collided with sedan driven by Merton . Merner. oth cars were slightly damaged and erton Merner- was cu.t .about the ce, while the accupants of the oth- car, Mr. and Mrs. Doak, were ba shaken, up. , Kenneth Merner d been unable to get their own car start and Merton in J. W. Me- ad's. • car, was' pushing ,the ,other le As soon as their own car, start he Puller out to pass it, directly in ont of the ]soak car which was oceeding west. Mrs. Annie Wessman, of Mitchell, s started to serve a term of 1'7 ys lit the "County jail at Stratford. e is sojourning there in prefer- ce to paying fines amounting to 9 on charges of speed:ieg and clriv- g a cat` without an operator's lid se, 'Pie woman was stopped on :Hu st..u.Stratford, by city officer, csulsegd ntly she was summoned o o.ittt on :two charges, Three we- went byand she did not appear court. 'When :rhe was convi Le. u;i � officer's testimony Chief Const;;.- Gagen informed her by letter to 1if ts. as., ap he 0 - he ixne la er at on tri ed he en ape nd. s0 in is p-, ve f el n el' he. is 0 as or O g is y 0 d 0 0 h ex 'r t a a e S r a r 0 b A C p g St ou K ri fr W fie M a 13 M fa er ba ha to Le La oci fr Pr ha da Sh $1 ing ori FI an 1 :rx 4 Tigeteet�ae... sr1C.e 115th, 993 irmansmarn "lIi'iMLI!I ®,.,, s.! !� 11111111111111111 - , � ! ■ rr! ri�rr�■■rrrrrrri- = I '1�■®fry tarn 1111 1/It1®i:11:11 1 ' tl■ii/®®®//■fir �.s�:r �ae■r■■rc■u®■ice■■rA�■r- _ ll•1■1 ■MININiai in ■■ iia ta 1 11®11111110 �a■rl�■� ■■laiggLa awl ■rwa r■! r■■rw�� r s:. i aru,�►�. --- ="-•� ; y ,, ��s�islrwlu�sr��r r�i= as • Are you satisfiedto. "W do without Bathroom conveniences? And without up-to-date kitchen facilities or other.modern requirements that running water in your home will instantly make available to you.?' Prices have never beer lower for •Canadian -made Emca quality bathroom equipment and Duro Automatic Pumping Systems. Three pieces—•Week Shower; J aysl-o, ail t , 7c Toilet, as Masi -reed; with ati, finings - u Other complefa li haoom eautpne as ago 7c ? Jaw as - - - - - - ■ The Duro-Special Doping System, all Canadian made, having a capa•- rity of 250 gals. per hour;• complete with 30 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or Gia ,cycle, 110 volt: imotoa;, costs only $90.0es Write for free illustrated booklets err Bnthroorn Erlrsipmentor Plumbing Supplies. Easy time payments -both On Pump,. 'and; Bathroom .F >c -tures may be. arranged. Dueo-SrSCJAL • ezie FOR - AALE BY Johnston and.Kalbfl�eiscla, SI,ADE . and WEJfD° ZURICH - ,ONT, EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED' London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver - 28 drop in and pay the f•fines. _ She re- fused to do so, and as a result a warrant for commitment was secured Russell Campbell, aged 26 of Hug - on Tp., was sentenced:to three mon- ths in jail by Mag. Walker at Wolk- erton, for inducing Patricia Robert- son, the 17 -yr. old, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Geo. Haines, Gleinis, to 'leave her home and go with him to Toronto. The girl is a ward of the Children's Aid Society and tb. ac- tion against Campbell was taken in behalf of the Society. Since August last when he the it accompanied ccom ni n g p a ed Can pbell to Toronto, all trace of her has I been lost. Campbell said he had taken her to a boarding-house . and that they had set out from this house to find work, and the girl disappear- ed- The authorities are still looking for her. After a hearing in surrogate court lasting one day and a half, Judge Costello Saturday last gave judg- ment upholding .the last will and st- testament of Mary E. Morea, which hex daughter, Mrs, Catherine Mc- Auley, Wayne Co., Mich., sought to upset. In her will the testatrix gave practically everything to another da- ughter, Mrs E. Mudge of the sante place. The :case which Aroused much interest,_hinged on the capability and mental condition of the late 1VIre. Morea. In a- previous will; it was testified, she°hail given everything to 1VTrs. McAuley, who came with her husband to live with the aged lady Goderich during the winter of 1929-30. Clarence Ellaeott, 21 -year old' sou of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellicott of the 9th con. of Gxay, received. painful in juries to his head and side one ev- ening recently in a rather myster- ous manner. Ile was returning home with his team from his brother and was noticed staggering along. the road toward.a cor which was parked on the sideroad. The'owner of the car took thee injured man to the farm where he had been working -and medical aid.was summoned. Fie was then in an unconscious condition. Later he was taken to his home, wh- ere he .is making good' progress to recovery; but he has been unable to recall 'what happened to him. A country -wide cam ai�•n in be- half of the crippled children's fund is being organized by the'Goderich Li - ns Club with local co-operation in the various points to be vieited,r- ely, 7sxotcr.-, Clinton, Seaforth, Win - ham, :Lucknow and Goderich. The week coatmten:cii* .l;tine 19th has,be- eu selected add at Il leetiug will bee held in each of the six towns during the week, In each place one of the churches is giving the use of its and itoriurn for the evening. Reg. Hoop - per, executive ;sec, of the Crippled Childhen's Association ;of Ont. will give a 20 -min, address illustrated with moving pictures, and there will be az feet -class mucical program at eanh- point- For this the services of Miss: Peggy Moreland of. Burlington, tile brilliant young violinist who won the gold medal at this year's Stratford; music festival, have been secured; there will be h. •radio concrt org .reg, sobais and vocal 1 . nurn berg u11w i be ". given by Chas. Meakins of Goderich and various- local artists, • , • . FOR SALE A quantity of small pigs, 5 weals old, for t;uick sale. Apply to, Aaron„ 'A. Weber. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY - 'NOON FROM fiEh3', • .Herald Printing < Office- SUBSCRIPTION fficeSTJBSCRIPTION RATES ---$1.25 a- year, strictly in advance; . $1.50 in arrears or 4.2._:00 may be charged. IL S. $1.50 iii ,$dvance. No paper discon- firmed until all arrears are paid we. • leas at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid;,: is derated on the Label, ADVERTISING RATEa - Display advertising made known - on application. Miscellatneous articles of not moxi than tour lines, r'or Sale, To Ren$,, • Wanted; Lost, Found, etc., One buten- tion 25c, 2 its. 40c., 3 ins. 50e. :Farm or Real Estate„for sale $2.1Or for first month, $1,00 for each folr- li wing month. • Professional Cards not exceeding- .'33t inchesg' per year'$5:00.' In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25 r for each additional verse; Card of Thanks, 50c. Auction Sales --$2,00 per single insertion if not over four inches attic,. length- are '•an to a' ri-NE HERALD ZURICH ONT.' ",.