HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-08, Page 8r, `• IF; • OL''e )'rust' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK fiey , ag Sale Thure4h1)t, MiVik i'tnS s 0044844444064.44.0444,4440.4641,*+444,40,,,,b44.444,-+++,14440100E, !AVE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH OF TORONTO'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS F. LADIES' READY . TO WEAR' . TO 'HOLD 0 NE DAY SALE OF DRESSES ' AiNts f �1 'l'•1174 v.1.� COATS' EVERY;: AVE �', .' HELD ,.ON NEXT SALE ‘179 :BE � p Tuesday, June 13th 300 DRESSES.. TO.. CHOSE.. FROM. PRICES $1.75 UP.. These Dresses are " Strictly New in Season's Latest Styles. We invite your in- spection. Terms --Cash or payment in 30 days. SEEDS! SEEDS! We have everything in Garden Seeds,.. also Seed Corn Mangel and Turnip seed,.. Chick Starter and Scratch Feed. Try our Special Rolled Oats for baby chicks, 9 lbs. for 25c; 100 lbs bag for 2.35 J. GASCHO SON" PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59. BEV 111111111111, HURON&ERIE DEBENTTJRES A SAFE INVESTMENT Debentures issued for $100 and 11 over - . 1 to 5 Yearn 5% Payable twice a Year r. 'OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFT. ERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND TO SEPTEM- BER 13th, INCLUSIVE ' • Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE. AND &A11'1STT-' Have You MADE YOUR WILL? s.sr.N.M .N•N! 111 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE WE SELL • THE BEST FOR, LESS. )' .kS' go,n " 1 1r,i,�fl, 9, i0th �••r<.,r, . Ii,• spberiy' jan!`: '4104it jar' . t • .r; ti l;1,4'4 .;Lo- '.t- ;ru:r.. }.e ?9:C • h i ce ''Qialrty No. '!:'peas••per Ain; .11.141. .. 4, la • Bine 'Boy 'Coff'e'e,' Per lb r, ;, , :, El; „r, , , , ; t a;:. _'29c rape Nut ;Plhice§,^ 2,tf r p;+r t _.•,. 23c tern Flakes, 'Kellogg's, ' 3 for 25c Puffed wheat, 2 pkgs . -25c. Peanut Butter 32 -oz. jar each , 29c .,Superior Baking Powder, (no' clam) 16 -oz . ... _23c Bon And,- cake or ' powder, 2 for. .. .. . ......... .. . . ..2bc•• Hillcrest "Toilet 'Tissue, , ' 3 for ...- . . Sunkissed Food (with door • stop .free) Large bottle olives, plai or stuffed :each Kellogg's all bran large pkg. F and G white Naptha soap, 7 for _'2.5c ....23c 19c i'9c 25c Palm Olive Soap, 3 cakes ipc Girls silk and wool beret 35c Girls ankle ,sox, all sizes and colors 15c 19c, 25c. We have underwear for the whole family; Mens, Women:' and Children's in all lines and prices. - Eggs Wanted at Highest Prices J...We MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr., motored to Kitchener the past week. Miss Ruth Turkheim of the Water- loo ' College is spending 'a month at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner of town Mr. E. Blake Horner and Mrs. E. Krueger -.',Of the .14th' .Con.;'.mutoted to Bad Axe, and Pt. Austin, Mich., over the week -end — Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Koehler and family- of Baden were. Sunday, visit'. Ors at the Aome . ,of Mr, and, ,Mrs Johnston The local ,brand•► of •the,..Womens' Institute held their'picnic to ,Turn- bull's Grove the .beginning of , 'the week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gascho and family of Harriston; Mr. and. Mrs. 3.1 E. Gascho and Mr., and Mrs. Norman Gascho of town, all motored to the henie of Mr. arld Mrs; Peter Ravelle at Grand Bend on Sunday. BORN SPRING NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, . Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White . 'and' Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- s'� ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints '40c; quarts 75c, Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z -;GASOLENE WHITE -ROSE �, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, f .Springs S a d Peds. Felt, and MarshNia4 ga4• �.� :..t.., ttres.es Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tiii it1i ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard-: ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH- ONT. QUALITY -� PRICE SERVICE LOCAL MARKETS ` (Cerrsetsd every Wednesday)` Eggs — 12-10-3 Butter ... - .. 23 Wheat bushel_ 80 Oats , . . . .224 Barley .. .. .;.... • ASS Buckwheat 32 Flour 1.60-2:75 ants, ton 20.00 ran, :ton 20.00 • .. gs, cwt. ..,,..... . , .5.00 ,t. Bedard—At Hay Township, on June 5th, to Mr., and Mrs. Leon Bedard a daughter. n_ c-At.Bronssoxl;line,Hay Town- slup, on ,June , 4th, , to Mr. and Mrs.. Dennis Ducharme, a daughter 'BUST FARMER NEWS factor: To keep satisfactorily, mar- ket aarket milk must be cooled to around 45: degrees F. and ,held at :that tem- perature. "Acreage of Spring Grains Reports received by the Depart- ment indicate that 'the acreage devot- ed to principal spring grains will not differ materially from last year. Spring wheat and oats show small percentage decreases,- while barley and mixed grains are estimated to increase slightly. The total acreage to be , sown to the above grains in 1933 is placed at 3;869,660 acres as compared with 8,886,300 acres . last year. This decrease is likely to be offset by an increase in the acreage. of last cash crops, including tobacco soybeans, roots and potatoes. The condition of fall wheat is below nor- mal in all sections except Central Ontario. Counties in eastern and southwestenn Ontario experienced considerable winter -killing of wheat, rye, hay and clover. In feeing barley to horses, care 3 .t; Pears Are l;'ceuliar„ Pears are • somewhat different to other • fruit in so far that they dill, not= rd'evelop their highest quality if allowed 'to ripen on the tree. For example, a William pear that has a'tinge . • of color on it, wrapped in paper and plated in a drawer for a few days, will ripen in such a way as, to give a flavor that is highly de sizable. n YOVR r, nes Fur aura STORE Vf E ARE ' -NOW' FINISHED TAKING STOCK D FID THAT: oug..5Tioac,of HARDWARE OD VY; ARE- OFFERifi1G OUR El►tTI* •STOCK' 11.T. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are continuing our Special Vices on Mat tresses, and stat have a few left that will go at Bargain Prices. ' Be sure and.get your supply before they are s All Gone. ac F -or some real Bargains, we have a giber of good Used Dressers that we will sell' very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. Johnston c Kalbfleisch ;Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68` 4 ease.+++47** ++44 ,444,144444 rr+tt444++++e++r+ ss Q. M. B. Reports Syrup Going to British West Indies• a' lThe Ontario` Marketing • Board„re- ',port`s that"in the near future; ,seveia hundred gallons of maple syrup will go from Montreal to Jamaica, Trin- dad, ' Bermuda, British Guiana and other' points in that- .-region.. Figures show that practically no Canadian maple ; syrup has. reached. the 2,000,000 population of the Brit- ish West Indies,' and very little from. any other source. June 19th to 23rd Inclusive As usual the •Ontario Agricultural College will be at home to the farm folks of the province for one special week in `June.iThs year it has Ileere arranged' for June19th to 23rd' in- clusive, and, ;alth$ gh many visitors. find it impossible to -remain for Only one day, provision is now made :for those who wish to remain for Born two to five days—at their coriveni- erice---and the week's program is, prd Pared with this in view. A special;lov. rate of $1.00' a day for room ''ant should be taken that it is never fine- meals. has been arranged for those ly ground because it makes a sticky meal which adheres to the horse's teeth and cheeks. • Kill The Woodchucks Woodchuck holes are a great nuis- ance. They may cause ' a horse to break- a. leg; 'While the mounds may break the cutting bar of a mower or at least blunt the. knives. This is the time to get rid of the pests., Search nnk all the hales`>and 'Org. up all'ex-' rbc 'Into the' entraiteb either.' put cal crutn "cyanrili or' dlset rthe»ex- haust' off' an''autotfibbile. "ro `use 'tele automobile, attach=•a•-pipe.and run the. engine for 20 minutes, then, plug, up, the hole and go to the next hereb4,r. In the- case of cyadide also the bur- row must be carefully closed, pre- ferably with damp earth. 'When us- ing both these methods care must be taken. Be' sure no cyanide is left a- round where animals or children can get it. Keep away from the deadly gas coming out of the car 'exhaust. The keeping quality of milk is de- termined more by the temperatulre at { which it is .held tan by' any other' who remain aver and they should, if possible, send notice to the college in advance and should register for their rooms immediately on arrival The program includes practical de- monstration: and lours of inspection for both men and women each day, as ,weIl as entertainment it: the ev- ening, and visitors are allowed to choose what most interests them in the program. Noon -day lunch will be free' to -all. Most of the members of 'the` faculty will be at•the 'tho' week and will -do everything' pees_ :sible 'to` assist visitors to have an en ..jayableo, and profitable tune. It,;is the wish of the college that as'many as` possible of the ferny folks Should arrange to stay for two or more; days. This will give theme" chance to en- joy the early mornings and evenings' on the campus.%n comparative quiet- ness, or to ramble about the gardens, fields, paddocks and buildings, and thus to get samething of the spirit and atmosphere of the place as well as to get information on various farm problems about which they May ii& to en nit {. ”. X :.. upgiftweennatimiamminumagagaii We Repair • Wagons, Buggies, Aute 'Tops, Eta.; Etc.. 1 good Lubber Wagon ant.. 1 'good...�w..._._. - wJieel T'rai Complete..__ ;': 4:$ KEEP. ON: 514ILtGd IIESS, the Repair. Man Mill llin iNllS111491 NaaN 91111 1 Mif++4444+*****44-**64+•+++.*** �*'++4++**�M iN, t '. ZU31:C ' GARAGE ATTENTION To Farmers and tractor Owners: We are again this summer fully,tiquipiped.to supply all users of •GaOolitie in larger quantities ' tie a good stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Tnicic at low est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. z' Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in lare end srnall quantities. `a Let us fill your barrels or c9 49K•- f �:^' •Vi Contain Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Rationalise. -- .� H. Afousseau. •Zurioli 44444.4441.4 4114,64.444 t4i144l rl+F444.414 a i3 il',$++$4,+++44 ++++ +++. 44' 440441.44.044.44444444+4+114t14441( tt.'‘BUY GENIJINE MASSEY HARRIS PARTS! For Your Massey -Harris ]Machines Look over your Bean and Corn Cultivators andt +t -order parts early. and Save Chargee +4M• 4 BRING YOUR. MOWERS' (ANY MAKE) TO OUR MOWER HOS- I. PITAL AND HAVE SAME OVERHAULED AT PRI,OES YOU 4r CAN AFFORD TO PAY. ' ESTIMATES CHEERFUL-L''Y GIVEN. ,+' t .. GUARDS FOR ALI.. MOWERS AT TIi1RTY CENTh. f ' y, 'FOOD rt3S'ED BRAN St UFFLER ' 4NT3 FUf..Rli, RAKE, USF,, WAGON, DRILL, GANG;. PLOW, C Tt 3'OR'114'4Af .i� .", , PRICES; 'PLOW REPAIRS, ALL 11IARES.. t , . , t siBee tom'N;Map' er!and i1en Nt 2Sow1er,wtiell dart i4 ra s.. ,Highest speed ¥oeronthe:1V arket:, t '` `t: GAS *OIL GREASE AND TIRES. Tel, Shop 149. 0. KLOPP SE SONS Res. Aloneering4 --w- U. BET!