HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-08, Page 5"° raaSId��.ii0 `p+. aline t er.^ /933
. mFYE. HoL Es
• JF10E---Hamilton Street, Just off
Us Square, GODERICH, Ontario.
'dal Attention to Cour, eel and
. Court Work.
Ur. Holmes may be conn udted at
Nil•derick by Phone, and Phase
charges reversed.
Dr. IL H. C O E.
L. D. S. D. 'D S.
Waalitaa, For Sade, Loot,
Founds Notice, Etc Ade
Mp� *,X
Mrs. C. Eilber spent the week-endg *•010• *11.o •r0 r�r yrs• ,0.•,�0wrn
with friends at Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler were •
Mrs: Jul Block was a visitor lin Rev. and Mrs, riirkheim motored �
Sunday visitors at Bayfield. SEEDS S E E DS
Toronto last week. .
to Waterloo last week.
Miss Apna;t�Datrpent the „past , Now is the Time of Year to Look'{for your supply of
week wat�i frmends in Kitchener. : seeds.., Garden Seeds of all kinds, Etc, Good supply
Mrs. Wendell Srrxi+tli, ;of' town vis- it
ited friends i'n Seefairth last week. Seed, cot•', Seed Barley;; all Clover and Grass Seeds
M. Herb. Mousseau motored to �' Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Etc.
Preston one day last..week, :..
Messrs .Arthur .Haugh and L..Mor-
enz of Dashwood, called in town .on t Fertilizer Fertilizer •
Monday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. R. R. M. Geiger of 1 We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that are visiting for a few days le we will..deliver
in town. : at $19,00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Orden! .. '
The perch fishing at the lake con- •
A very enjoyable time was spent in realmuss to be'fairly good and some • STOCK
Blake Church last Friday . evening, nice strings are being' caught. X71 V it 1' 1J IJ
when. the Blake and Goshen.Y. P. S. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd wereKvisitorsiseh g Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this 'UVinter..by
the the League of the Evan. -and family of Elmira,
with relatives here the past week. usingOur Various Brands of Stock and Poultry I.. oods,
gelical church, Zurich: � •
• and Laying Mash. None Better on the
IMarkets To -Day!
is "We do Custom Seed Cleaning"
• Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs.
For Sale Reeve A. Melick is attending Hur-
An sel><rrost new tapestry County Colrncii at Goderjch this
pe ry rug 6x71 week.
feet, in very good condititm, a r•�ela
bargain for quick sale. Apply at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gottschalk of
Herald Office. _ Seaforth were visitors with frier}ds
here the past week.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. Charles Scotchmer, .of Stan-
ley Township, has purchased the
NOTICE is hereby given underthe hardware business of Mrs. A. Rouatt
statutes in that behalf that all per, of Bayfield, and has taken possession
sorjs having any claims against John the first week of June.
Thirsk, late of the Township of Hay,
�t DEITZ BLOCK— ZIJIZICHE deceased, who died on the 6th day
of May, 1933, are required to send
Every Thursday, Friday„ Sasietday to the undersigned Executor of the
Estate, full particulars in writing,
At EIARTLEIB'S BLOCK. and verified by affidavit of their
Mr. and Mrs. Ayres and son of
claims and the nature of the seenrit- Workmen are at work cleaning up Detroit, are visitiing with Mrs. E.
Tuesday les, if any, held by them., on or be -
Every Monday, y fore the 24th day of June, 1933„ a branch - of Zurich_ Drain, south, Truemner of town.
:Wednesday ; after which date the said Executor. which drains the south-eastern Dor- Hay Council held its June meeting
`tion of the village and some farm on Monday proceed to distribute the .assets when the usual business
_ :.�. of the said deceased; having lands adjoining. Mr. David Fuss is was transacted.
.- _ acting as foreman and directing the
only to the claims of which they then work. The half holiday season was usher -
shall have had notice. ,ed in this week, and owing to wea-
DATED at Zurich, Ont., this 2nd The following from -Stanley Town- cher conditions we all observed it.
day of June, 1983. ship attended the morning services of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad •Seinibe, and
WILLIAM CLARKE, the Conference held in Wesley .ch- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe of town
3 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- Executor, urch, London, on Sunday: Rev. E.A. were recent visitors with friends at
coact any Auction Sale, regardless R. It, No. 2, Zurich, Ont.and Mrs. Poulter and son George; Thedford.
as to else or article to sell. I solicit
Mr. and Mrs. Griffis Smith; Mrs. Mar
l r business, and if not satisfied will - garet Erratt, and Mx• and Mrs. Royens and Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit-
;eke no charges for Services Ren- home ,spent the week -ens, at the
SUPERIOR Lamont and daughter Margaret. home of Mr.and Mrs. T. Johnson.
Spred. ' Next Sunday Rev. E. Burn will Mrs. Henry Lipphardt, who spent'
,ARTHUR WEBER -Dashwood BABY CHICKS ' preach anniversary services in Wat- the winter months with her daughter
lune 13-51. erloo, one of his former pastorates. Mrs. G. Fee, at Hensall, has taken up
A close checkup reveals that of Mr. Newell Geiger will have charge her Zurich residence for the summer
'-' 8,230 chicks sold before April 1st, of the morning service in the Evan- The song service in the Evangelical
• a there are approximately 8,243 living gelical church, ' Zurich, while the' church on Sunday evening was a
Zurich Popular and doing well or over 1D0%. We evening service -is being lifted. great success. A full church and a
°�� allow 4 extra chicks to the 100 and good programme.
1VI31ii � j�,�,���i The other night a goodly number
this more than covers all loss to date Mr. C. Fritz is spending most of
April 12th. oof citizens were awakened at about his time these days at Grand Bend
1you with the Govt. a roved chicks from bre- one o'clock at night, when the large; where theyare erectinga business
Leff Us supply pp
eding stock bloodtested byCapitol clock in the tower'' of the Lutheran block.
Choice of Fresh and Cur -church began ringing, and continued
very Laboratories, Ottawa. It takes three until the attendent, Mr. Albert Hess, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ferd. Haberer and
ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, weeks to hatch out chicks so please local jeweller, rushed over to the daughter Greta and Aryls and Mr.
Etc., always.. on hand... Kept Prices for May and June.
order well in advance if possible. } scene and stopped this ringing which J. Deichert spent the past week vis -
fresh in Electric Refrigeration
,R B.R. W.L. was caused by the shutoff mechanism ting friends in Buffalo, N.Y.After May lst. lOc 10e gc, when the clock strikes the hour, not i
Highest Cash Prices for After May 24t11x 8e Sc Sc functioning properly, and consequ- Messrs. Hugh MacKinnon and
entLy it kept on ringing, which alarm -and Ward Fritz of Town, ann Mr.
Wool, Hides and Shins After June let 6`3' c 6'/z c 63ie c
If there :should be a sudden change considerable people thinking there Gerald Zwicker of Crediton, motor-
, un glut Son in egg paces we may be obliged to had a fire broke out. We are told ed to Detroit and Windsor, on Sun
that some farmers ner town ' who 'y^
revise this: list. r heard the tolling of the bell were up
---A., Capt. Eldon Burn from New York
J. E. McKinley, Zurich. and ready to go it town thinking a city has come to visit his parents,
Phone 97 r 11, Hensall. fire had broke out. Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn. Mr. Walter
Burn has gone to take charge of a
Traffic Officer Norman Lever of summer camp near Ottawa.
Clinton, called in town one day last
WANTED week and calling at the Herald o;ce Owing to the raise in the price of
he warns all trucks and trailers to wheat and flour, bread went up to
HIGH CSS; GOODS, U. s• L. '. PRODUCE WANTED be equipped with the necessary re- 7c a loaf on Monday, but we under-
RATTER1ES,. MOBILE OIL, MAR. We are now in .a position to: take 'lectors and lights according to -the stand it is aback to 6c again in the
" ilELUBE OI , GOODYEAR a2 TIRES . cream and eggs at my home at Zur- Highway Act, and that all accidents village. '
ieb, for which we will pay highest especially where personal' injury is .
ID TUBS GENUINE IGNITION. market plisse. We wilt grade your involved must be reported." A num- " Mr. Ed. Datars, Sr., the newly ap-
1!'arxs, Haahning and Mechanical Work eggs as we receive thein, and pay ac-„ bei of young men of town who we- pointed Weed Inspector of Hay
zo Micrometer Settings, No cording to. grading. give us a trial. re on a joy ride recently had a some- Township, is making his first rounds
:dozeFirst house south of Dominion Hotel what a "spill" when goingover a at present, and asks the public to
{' " '' W Watch the c that ; T. 11 Meyers, Phone 1/6, Zurich. bump in throad, and ell out, some- co-operate with his in this undertak-
:P at WEIN'S, The -Y aro al?l! HIGHhow, the Goderich authorities got 'ing to destroy the weeds.
CLASS CLIENTELE. wind of it and made a case out of
The annual Stratford Disrtiet Rally
it, and there was onlyone car. im- will be held in the Evangelical church
� -'-DANCING --- plicated in the case., These laws
�� - are very strict and are being inforced Zurich, on June 14th and 15th, from
:Et S. � '
Every Thursday NightWednesday at 2 p.m. to Thursday
as well as possible,
DASHWOOD -- ONTARIO _ �,xeter Opera House night, everybody is invited to attend
c ,nissioi- 5 cents - OBITUARY the meetings.
Pioneer Passes
esters Farmers' Mutual Of Special Interest to Horse
One of the pioneer residents of
the Blue Water Highway, near Drys-
dale in the person of Mr. Frank
Durand passed away at the home
of Mrs. Rachael Deuomtnc, in Hay
Township, on Friday, June 2nd, af-
ter about 10 days illness, an the ripe
old age of 87 years. The late Mr.
Durand was born in the Province of
Quebec, and with the wen: known i es.
Durand family came to the French
Settlement some seventy-five years
ago. The funeral was held to the
St. Peter's cemetery, Drysdale, of
which the departed,was a faithful
member all these year. Rev. Father
L. Marchand, the parish priest,
having charge of the ceremony. -
:rent, Also Dealer in Li.jhtnind Dods
Onen of the worst storms that has
and all kinds of Fire 1nsiiranee The Cleveland Bay Horse visited this part of Western Ontario
-„ for some years occurred on Wednes-
�"'-" "PRINCE OF THE SIXES" day morning about ten o'clock, when
E the sky gradually became darker and
1 Will for the Season /933 be con- finally it was so dense that one could
°� .i•v�enient to the people of Huron Co- ,hardly see to get aroaind in the build -
kJ` �,, 7 anti at the farm of Mr. Percy John- ing,sy this darkness was accompanied
ston, of Varna, P. O. Fermis located ' by a te:rife& wind and rain, also a
7=l AN l ,B3 D on Goshen Line, Stanley Township, continuous thunder and lightning.
leery Day till 3 o'clock, P.m. one mile south of BaylieTd Road, 'While the damages to trees and pro-
. . • where dates• can be arranged. perty was comparatively small in`the
AllieZurich vicinity, yet we learn of the
yrs! feed P'oRl�', Prince of the Sixes is a very Targe part of Mr. Sam Oestreicher's Barn
when,.btrought ha. horse, standing 'IT hands, and weigh- o
. • of the Bronson was demolished, and
Highesti ding. 1i0D' me. Pias° the best -of legs,
�Ca�� ��a� ' 'his hired man wad; hit an the Ieg' by
and feet and is a proven Sire of
CAS FOR-- • .lair, •sound :colts. This. horse will a flying beard which fractured it in
.. two places. The.. greatest damage
CREAivt: AND EGGS !sire, wagon nna ' express horses, *hien was mine to the 'north and south of
iIy < • more in: demand than any other us, where dozens of barns and other Awarded Divorce .
W. O'Brien , and' when bred to breedymares ;buildings were demolished to the Earning a former hired rifen as
will sire horses of the hunter and ground, orchards; and other trees
Phone 201, Rea. 94, Zurich•saddle type. correspondent, Adolphus Allen, Mc -
were just fairly twisted off. The Gillivray Township farmer was away
II'e is a sure foal getter, and a type ' loss will run into hundreds of thous -
of' horse that few people have' had ands of dollars, and it is very unfor- led a divorce degree against Eugenie
- Lunate for the farmers who last their Alien by Mr. Justice Kiirgst: at
THE HERALD'S the opportunity to use in eertent ye non-jui^y court in London, The hired
y p
Mc -
, ate, barns, as the .ha cru will be along man is Wilfred Sifter, also of Mc-
in about three weeks. Many placesGillivray. The Aliens married on
Is r ever readyto' serve the ally
Terms— 10.0 0 to insure a rimers were also bit by litrltlniug, but this
J'r s
lar fade)'. This price is within the di that November` 25, 1.904, at Grand. Bend,
w reach of anytime. d tot do nearly the damage ,, children. Allen alleged that
civvrth Commercial and fine y the stormy destroyed. It sure Is a ad six c,.
i nting. Get our pribes P° tCCY JOHNSTON, Proprieterr•, tough break to the' farmers who have last January Mrs. Allen and Seftcl
.. Vanmr+x P.O.,a.• . lt. r2 It natal.. , ., ,' i had been arrested en charges of 1m-
low y , , had a b1g struggle. with the, d�eptes,ton
leaving your oa;+Clt eliS �: ... .lural conduct and had pleaded guilty
r :. rued not, this, calamity. has come. i
za`. �i6 .w ,i% C • :dam taro R' 4 0;01 Sire rn pubes 'court,
Licensed Auctions.
For Huron and Middlesex
Why We have the Better.
Class of Customers •
Weather insurance C
The Largest Business of any
Canadian Company doing
Business in Ontario-
Artaount of Insurance at Risk on Dee.
31st, 1931, $19,693,724.
Total CashRunk .nd Bonds
llatea-44.6e ever lu,•t uu cur 8 yam.
E. F. Klopp--Zurich
The spell of rather dry weather
was brought to a close on Wednesday
norning, when the terrifl'ic storm ar-
rived with much rain. But the wea-
ther is extremely hot this Thursday,
and likely another shower will isit
us soon.
The Herald will reach its subscr-
ibers a day late this week, this is
owing to the storm on Wednesday
morning, when the Hydro went off
till nine o'c.o.k in the eveeing, and
we could not operate our machinery
without any "juice"'.
On Tuesday afternoon, at two
o'clock the local Branch of the Wom-
en's Institute are entertaining the
Crediton Institute members when
1.4 •
rioesieofeeeettafeeeeesaasee,,wee.ete,e 400
riWWWWW �i w �fi [//r
Zurich Drug Store 1
:a. �V
and preparations to destroy all
kinds of troublesome Insects
We have Fly Tox and Fly - 0 -
.Cede; Paris Green; Arsenate
of Lead; Helibore; Insect Pow-
der; Black Leaf 40 Evergreen;
.orde;r ux Mixture; Corrosive
Sublimate; Saphine Anti -Moth
I ra A Jr MacKinnon, Zurich
PA . Vs
In Canada's inland fisheries more
whitefish are taken than any other
variety of fish. A large part of the
catch is exported to the United Stat -
Returns From England
George R. Paterson, Honey Com-
mercial Representative, Ont. Honey
Export Association, London, Eng-
guest speakee
Cres Gest Toronto,. will be the land, returned to Canada last week.
r, and her topic will be Mr. Paterson, who is well known in
"Meeting Present Problems in a Clinton, and throughout Huron Co -
Practical Way'. All Instite Members unty, having been for a time Agr-
are cordially invited to attend. oicultural Representative in Huron,
A numberr n changes will be ef- comes back after his first season's
fected in the schools of the commune operation on the United Kingdom
ity. Miss McDonald, who has been market in the interest of Ontario
the teacher of Blake Union school beekeepers and this year. sold over
has resigned, and Miss L. Rose, the one million pounds of various grades
teacher of Room II, Zurich school of honey. ` Prices are reported to
has tendered her resignation, while have been fair in the majority of
Mr. P. Rowe, the teacher of the Con- eases above returns obtainable on
tinuation school- is taking up some the local market.
more studies the coming year, and
a teacher will have to be. secured to ;,v
fill. his. vacancy. There will also be H E N A L L
a reduction in salary. irx.Zurich school-
as both the Provincial and Township Mrs. Jas. Preist and Mrs. Alphine
grants are reduced very much. • McEwan were visitors with friends in
-McGillivray Farmer Ts
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gram of Lan-
sing, Mich, spent a pleasant week -end
with his parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Bonthron spent
a few days with friends in Kitchen-
er and Waterloo.
Mrs. Harold Twitchell of Detroit,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Twitchell.
A number from herr attended the
graduation exercises at Victoria Hos-
pital, London.
Mrs. Hannah Taylor, who has sp-
ent the past 3 years at Filmore, Sask.
returned home last Saturday evening.
Her husband, Mr, Edward Taylor,
who. has been seriously ill for quite a
number of years, is now in a hospital
out there for treatment.
Irene Hoggarth is visiting for sev-
eral weeks with relatives in Toronto
Miss Olive Walker, daughter of
Mr. and DIrs. Geo. Walker, of R.R:
1, Hensall, was one of the graduates
of Victoria Hospital at London on
Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Walker
and son, and Rev. W. A. and Mrs.
Young attended the graduation.
Jean Elder, who holds a good po-
sition as druggist at Toronto, is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Elder, of the village.
The contract for the graveIIing of
the Hensall streets is busy at the
job, two trucks bringing in about 60
yards of gravel a day. Every street
in town will be covered.
Commencing May 31st, the busin-
ess men of town are observing the
Wednesday afternoon holiday during
June, July and August.
The baseball park was officially
opened on Friday afternoon for this
season. The Clinton band was in at-
tendance and a parade was formed
on Main Street and marched to the
fair grounds headed by the band. The
have Leen greatly improved
and the grandstands rebuilt. The .
St. Marys and He -14.'1 teams played,
the game being won by the visitors
score 8—'7, a large crowd was pres-
Alexander Sparks who a couple or
so weeks ago had the misfortune in
the dark to open the cell;'r door on
his way out of his dwelling, instead
of the door he intended, both being
near together, and in falling down
the cellar breaking his collar bone
and fracturing three ribs in the heavg
fall he sustained, was able to be tak
en home from Seaforth Hospital wh
ere an x-ray revealed the extent o
his injuries and where he rested fo
ome time, •
K: .