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e are always at 'your service for Expert
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Choice Gasoline — Best of Oils and Greases
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PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Point)
' Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one.
e 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost.
L.A. Prang & Son - Zurich
Phone, Shop 1 14
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41% -in. and 1:113, 8 foot long 35c +
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:Is' PHONE 69
Canadian Chaufauquas
TOWN HALL --- HENSALL June 10,12, 13, 14
• A Pair of Sixes"—Brilliant Farce-
•, - Comedy at Chautauqua.
This popular production will be presented by a splendid dramatic cast
=the foarth evening of Chautauqua.
it concerns two business associates whose manufacturing company has
eprospered but at the same time brought misunderstanding and conflicts be-
tween thein.
After a series of events one agrees to become the other's butler for a year
einem effort to settle their difficulties.
he subsequent adventures that develop and impossible situations that
sardine provide an hilariously mirth -provoking evening.
Here is a comedy that entertains and at the same time stimulates feeling
in thought, ° een., • ' "
You will not want to miss t.
ateneenatoaattta statenennens neneeneneennanfttietifinhitakantengla
:as Day, Evening, Concert "Deep River Plantation Singes" 1
... • 4
2nd Day, afternoon; Lecture—"Nuggets of Gold" Robt. Hanson.
f2nd day, evening—Drama; "Sun -Up" . Peerless Players
tf-rd Day—Afternoon; Musical Sketches. The Lombard Entertainers
,3rd Day, evening—Prelude Lombard Entertainers
Lecture "On the Bottom. of Sea." Robt. M. Zimmerman
4th Day, afternoon, Entertainment. 5, Hasting'e Marionettes
4th day, evening—"A pair of Sixes" Farce Comedy . Can. Prayers
• Season.. Tickets—Adults $1.75. Childhei $1.00.
Afterncion Programmes -3.80 p.m. . •' Evening peon. '8.00 p.m.
BLAKE ; daughter of Zurich, spent. Sunday
• with friends in the village,
end. son of Lucan, accompanied hYlcompanied by Mn. E. Clarice, epent
•tfeiernis called on friends in this vie- Tuesday with Mends in London.
neater Sunelay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ttonner an(
Mr. and Mn. Gilbert Freckleton Mr. Wm. Finlay and family, ac• -
Ur. and Mrs. Joe Brennerman of. I eon of Gaderich, spent the week -end
Detrtit. epent a :few days with frie I with friends in the viihige,
YstivitfnitY. Mrs, •17. Meye.re left last week on
Miss Jeesie Tough, of the Bronson a trfp to the rteet
osou, , pent last whelk 'with Quite a nember from tens vicinity
ntrientis in Hayfield. attended. the song. service in the Evn
3111tr. ;and Mrs. Earl Weido andiangoiicai church, Zurich, on Sunda,
ZURI cliC7 firriMO:
Mrs, Ross Johnston is visiting fele.
ends in Goderich.
Mrs. R. N, Douglas, and daughter
Margaret called on friends in Hen -
sail last Saterdan.
Miisa M. Wilson, Supt of Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seafortli, aecptiV
o . 4.71
panied by Miss Ceichrane, 4alled` oh
friends in this' Vicinity last' Wean -
On Monday, May 29th, there as -
sed away at the old homestead farm,
Goshen Line, Stanley, Ellen McLin-
chey, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. 'Henry McLinchey in her 66th,
year.. She had a stroke about a year
and a half ago and since then had•
been unable to get around. Though
confined to her room she was always
very patient and cheerful and en-
joyed having her friends call to visit
her. She is survived by three broth-
ers and two sisters, Geo. of Varna,
Albert end Arthur at home; Mrs.
Wm, Hart of Stanley and Miss Eliza
at home, also a large number of
nephews and nieces. The funeral
service which • was held on. Thursday
was conducted by Rev. Mr. Paul of
Bayfield, interment being made in
the family plot in Bayfield cemetery.
The pall bearers were six nephews—
Orval McClinchey, Wilmer IVIcClin-
chey,•Earnie, • McClinchey, Norman
Stephenson, Albert and Willie Mc-
Mr. David J. Stephenson and Mr.
F. Coleman left last week to visit fri-
ends in Manitoba. They expect to
be away about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont and
Mrs. Elgin McKinley spent the week-
end with friends in Bay City, Mich.
Mrs. 1VIcClymont remaining there for
a short time.
Owing to last Sunday being Con-
ference Sunday, no Service was held
in the United churches on Varna
charge. A number motored to Lon-
don to take in the sessions of the
conference including Rev. E. A. and
Mrs. Poulter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy La-
mont and Margaret, Mr. Coo. Poul -
ter, Men. •Margaret Erratt and Miss
Olive Erratt..•
Mr.; and Min. Geo.. Lilley and Mr.
Calvin Dewson of Seaforth, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
•Mr. and Mrs. Strang ana family of
Auburn, spent Sundayafternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McLinchey. •
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lowden, of
Hamilton, were visitors with the lat-
ter's mother, Mrs. Robinson, Sr.
-Mr. Pee, the Misses Sara and Mary
Fee andnMiss Ilelen Smith. of Hen-
sall, also Mn. Simpson) of St Marys
were &Jests of Mrs. Robert McKinley
and family one day recently.
_Miss Anna Hess and Mrs. Albert
G. Hess, of Zurich spent Wednesday
with Mrs. Wni. Reichert.
The Hillsgreen congregation at-
tended the services on Sunday in the
Kippen church, when Rev Rutherford
of Woodham conducted the morning
service at 11 o'clock and Rev. Chan-
dler of Kent Co. conducted the even-
ing service at 7 o'clock. A. meeting
of the evening congregation was held
at the close of the service to call a
minister, owing to the former min-
ister, Rev. R. R. Conner, receiving a
call to Embro. At this meeting Rev
Chandler Was asked to be the nee:
minister at Kippen charge. Rev. A.
Sinclair of Hensall and lcev. Craik
of Goderich were in charge of this
Mrs. Albeit Hess and daughter of
Zurich, Mrs. Nellie Granville and
daughter of near •Thedford, visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rei-
Mr. and Mrs. C. Seimon and son
Leaton, Mrs. E. Broderick and son
Harold spent June 3rd at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love and dau-
ghters visited recently in centralla.
Mr.. and Mrs. J. Baker, Clarence
and Dorm. Reichert spent a day in
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and
son Bobbie of Walkerton, spent the
waek-end with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson. The
ter returning with their on for a
few days.
MI'. and Mrs. John Lee attended
the wedding dinner � the bridal cou-
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell at the
'lane of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Bride'n. on Saturday, June 2rd. • -
•Mr. and Mrs, C. Seimpn. and son
iteaton7visited Mr. and Mrs. J.- Mei-
dinger of Zurich, •
Mr. W. Jaerott and daughter Anna
Miss Edna Cochrane visited friends
t Kippen on Sunday. •• • •
Mr. John Cochrane is spending r
!ew days at Huron Springs, in the
'nterest of his health, which s been
•ery poorly, We hope him success
.0 a speedy recovery,
Mrs, Gordon Love is still under
;he doctor's care pleurisy having de -
eloped. At data of writing there is
sotne improvement.
Miss Jessie nohonston of Clifford,
visited with many of her friends in
eve vieinity during the week.
Mr. Ed. Deters of. Zurich, Inspect-
or of Hay. Township Weed Act, is
o. .ie weed pest
hrougnout the township.
ItliaraaY0 "ne •18 thi •
D y u tu
• IF your home is not equipped' vvitte e tanning water, let
a Duro Pressure Water System prove what a benefit
it can be. • '
A Duro.Water Rump will allow you 'to liave running
water throughout your home, barn and dairy—and, more
important, to install a modern Etna) bathroom, an
improvement you undoubtedly have 'long desired:
• Prices have never been low7 and Easy Time Pay.-
ments can be arranged. •
The -Duro -Special Pumping System, ton 0
all Canadian -made, complete, only —
Complete three piece bathroom. with all
.7 fittings ready for installation, as low as - $825,
We wilt gladly mail you, without cost, Rtustrated.
booklets showing our fuff line and prires,
Johnston and Kalbfleisch.
London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver
• Yee.
erspatit' y250ffras.perhoun.
AR ?accessary waves and
• fittiigs &lawmen pump and
.10.gaL Gravanized Tang..
%MP. 110 'Volt Motor—
.60 $..7pale r thrp
. he .%A ‘..r.,,,ZiRMIENNEEENstemn
W. M. S. meets at the home of Mrs
H. Turner on June 14th at 2.30 p.
Anniversary service of Young peo-
ple of Hillsgreen church will be con
ducted on Sunday evening June 11,
at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Farrell of Clin-
ton will. be the guest speaker for the
occasion. The Kippen choir are
preparing special music.
ThetOntario Brotherhood of Thr-
eshermen are holding their annual
picnic a,t Springbank on Saturday,
June 17th, 1933, in London. All in-
terested in this Society are asked to
attend along with friends and bring
funch baskets,
Children's Day will be observed in
the Evangelical church on Sunday,
June llth. The Junior Choir will
render several selections at the
morning service.
' J t --
morning service. 'The evening serv-
ice will be in charge of the Junior()
League assisted by the Junior choir
and the Sunday School orchestta. Ev-
ery one is cordially invited to attend
Rev. and Mrs. Sauer and Mrs. D.
Tiernan • 'attended the W.M.S. Conven
tion in Tavistock last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas and.
Mr. Hy. Callfas of Sarnia, spent last
Thursday .in town.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft and fam
fly motored to Woodbridge on Sun-
day and visited with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Burris of Port Huron
are visiting her mother, Mrs. Witzel
Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams of London,
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Kraft.
Mr. Ira Tiernan of Hamilton and
Miss G. Cornell of Waterloo spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tie-
Mr. Clarence Routledge of Lond-
on was the guest of Miss Nelda Pas -
sold over the week -end.
Miss MyrtaTaylor and brother
Jack of Landon', spent the week -end
with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. G: Howard and Ev-
elyn o xbeoer, called on friends in
tOwn en Sunday,
The lintlIWOOd U.V.Y.P,O, -staged
their public enteretainment recently
in the form of a box social in the
Evangelical church shed. Dr. R. H.
Taylor aeted asechairman for the
program which coneisited of select -
address of welcome to the new pas-
tor and his wife. Rev_ Inift. resp-
onded in a few well chosen words. A. quantity of small pigs, 3 weeks
The President then took charge of tilde for quick eale.
the business meeting. The various Apply to, Aaron .A. Weber.
committees gave reprts and new coni
mittees were appointed, after which
Mrs. Luft was received. as a new levening,, when the fell from the backs
member. The .Aid also. decided. to of Epp'a transport truck onto the •
held ,a Strawberry Social on. lune •Ranentenee He was later found by a
;traveller, :lying unconscious on the -
avemnt and taken. to Hensall fore.
4sriedical attention. lie was able' to ,
OEhe Ladies' Aid of Zion Luther:sin be: taken home slier -11y afterwards.
church extends to you a enfant hearty
A. sad accident occurred on • the •
welcome. We had the privilege a
farm of Jack Yuill, Porter's Hill,
being. introduced to you as members
of the congregation and now 1,Ve Sat.*. whevt_en Raszell Fenn, who has been
an introduction as members cif tI/v(1'1W for Jack for some time,
ihitchen the teara the roller, tyrag
Ladies' Aid. This being the Ant
the harrows behind, the team became
official meeting of the Aid since your
introduction, it is therefore fitting at frightened mid ran away, throwing
this time to welcome you Rev. Luft him to the ground, the roller passing
Dear Rev- and Mrs, Luft. •
as a leader, adviser and Minister to
the many problthns and needs that
beset us as an organization from
time to time. We welcome Mrs. Luft
as a valued nrember, co-worker and
social arbiter to whom we will look
for many things in common. During
the last pastorate the Ladies Aid as
over his body, killed him alniost in-
stantly. •
. -
Fine broke out early Wednesday -
last in the upstairs portion of the
premises at Clinton occupiedby the
Pletch. hatchery and about 1200 chi-
cks were suffocated by smoke. Ad-
eoinuig stores were in danger, but
an organization of the church "went the fire was confined to the hatch -
forward in almost leales and bounds ery ineentes, where considerable
in comparison to its former dormants damage was done to the equipment
position. We have at times* been and also to the building. •gek
critized and there have been' disseei-
sions amongst the ranks, nevertheless
the main spirit •of the Ladies' Aid
has allowed us to forge ahead. to
many useful conclusions. So now
with. our new pastorate I would ask
from every member the same co-op-
eration and even more diligence in
a desire to work togethe.r in harmony
In the tournament held in Cen•-•
traria on the 24th of May, Crediton
were the winners. In the opening
game between Centralia and Lucan
;the latter team won 9-2. In the se-•
collo' game the Crediton boys wane
victorious sever the Exeter team bye
'the seam e 7-4. Willard punned for.
.Exetere while Trich was in the box
for the common cause - of church work for terediton. In the final gaine Cre-
Every member has the right and prier- !dam again came out on to
ilege to seek information and advise
from our postor, his decision on mat-
ters of information should be accept-
ed as final. Again 1 say that if we
work together in one happy unit our -
future efforts cannot help but to be
crown.e.d. with suecess. ••
Mrs. A. 3,11cColmell of Varna, has
gone on a 3, =atiOn to Minneapolis
and Toronto,
L. V. Efogarth of Exeter, has leas-
ed the rchard of E. Guest on High-
way No. 4, south of Elginfieht, fat a
ions by nn, erCheetra, shell aeldeessee
by the Pieeident Xeiiiieth Wain and si
Dr. Taylor, Alvin 'Rader delighted
the audience ;with a mouth organ sel-
ection and whistling solo, Two shod
plays were given. :The. first "Corn
Ped, Babies"•,..was given by Mimes
Ella -Martinson, ;Florence Baker • and
Laura Witmer: -and Hower& Klunipp
and Irvin Guenther. The .senend was
a black fat playlet entitled "Axing
her Father'''. ,given by Misses Agnes
Robertson, Ella e • Wither aneE
Eveland, and Gordon Keener and
Aaron Oestreither. Three vocal sel-
ections were given by Alvin and
Norman Walper. At the close of the
program Mr. Arthur Weber auttion-
d off the boxes
The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran
church met in the basement of the
church for their regular monthly me-
oting., Mrs. Felix Wilds, opened' the
meeting by singing, scripture reading
prayer. 'trio by Mrs.. Wild, Mrs
• Retteineyer and Mrs. hIessnene
Soto by win, Messner.. Aim• Herb.,
they defeated the Lucan team by
the score 3-2.
The death occurred in Exeter on
•May 18th of Fred. S. Sothern in his
55th year. Although he haa been hi
poor health for about a year the en&
came -suddenly. Be was blern ir, Fordt
vvich,, Ont., and name to Exeter 11
years ago. He • is survived by two
sisters who have been. - caring for
him. The funeral was, held by Her
11L. A. Hunt ;:if the Trivitt Memoriat
It is reported -that laborers flu
Goderich are being offered as low as:
16 cents an hour. A man walked into,
the Town Hall and reported that
suchan offer had been made to him
erne of five nnenent The Orchard, Con- and that be had refused it; although.
sis oi about 2 acres, 1de family, lad been 'on relief ' last -
Lee McConnell of Varna, has put- 9 winter;Re secured work elsewhere,.
Th I6 -cent offer was made by an
industry -which has received concese
gimes from the liown And in saidntothen
paying as low as 15 cents an hour..1
Many one request has heem Made fon
tenef shine May Jet; ,Witent ;the, wel•
After an ' of 'two ' menthe,
having enffened a stroke, 'the death t of fInelate Lamicelot, .lirk oncurred
;on May, n lianeiltinni• inhere lie had
been residing -with his sort, Clifford
the past feev months. He had been
.a. life long and highly- respected cit- •
liken of the Township of Stanley. Ile
'was a eon of the late Wm, and Mar-
• chased the Mitchell honiestead, Day-
fieact Road, for the sum of $3,8,00.
• At the graduation exercises of the
Victoria Hospital Training School at
London for nersee held Monday last,
at the University, a Western. ()meanie
the following Were Panisented
!their diplomas 'and. pins; Misses Anis
itindenfield and Annie Simmons, of
Exetere Miss 'Marjorie itunfer,•; of
Usborne and Miss 0. Wallrea ef.'Itent,
,The death occurred,: following, a
protracted. illness of Peter Cleary,
well 1(de:wit and highly esteemed' re-
sident of Tack-ersmith. Ile was in garet Clark pioneers of the Town -
his 80th year, and was horn on. the 'ship. Had lived most of his life on
old. homestead on the2iid con. of the Tann taken by his father and now
Tucketernitle. He was twine married 'owned by his, eldest son, WmT.
. *
his -first wife, died 21 years ago, after park 'The deceased was a member -
which he was minded to Mary Keel- of v.. family of ten having seven sisen
inane• and two t e.tharn A present
ibut three et the sin:tense Of the fani--
ily survive one:, ot which is '
lanai* sive,
of Sternal,' tp..
nee Wile, survives hine, along; with,t
son and tr. dieughtere.
A. serials accident: happened to
Weni,„ toe president, then rend. Mt WmOri