HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-08, Page 111.10 • 1%o 1 XXX(UU 4 ZURICH:, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE p 1933. Chester L. Slrnitkr, POME&eM1,;; $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.611 la Actveneaz ta.so IN ARgEAR6,12 MAY BM Olt*MIS Let th&lleraid publish all your Summer Visits and Visitors Capital Theatre Goderich -- Phone 47 Wow Playing—•Twirl M "Rackety Rax" and: "Riding, for Justice" ' Mon., Tues., and WecL 'Ronald Calniara. and: ,Pickens: Hayes •offering a damatic and entertainiug -story replete with. mystery and action ARROW SMITH ' Thurs., Fdiday and; Sat. JOE E. BROWN .OId cave -mouth himself m a riotous cavalcade• of laughs "You Said A Mouthfur +Coming—Paul Wtitemam in "The King of Jazz. :idtatinees—Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. ' ST. PETER'S v.ngelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —1T "A CIaanolos. Clarice far am Chong - big W.rldl'e• .Friday, 8h:—Luther Lemon :Saturday --Choir Preef . !:SUNDAY SERVICE 10 a. m.—Gernsan Serene. 11.15 a.m.—Sandag Se inso.. • 7.30 p.m_—Englisbw Serene- 'Everybody era .'Everybody Wakeman to sit! S tediess. �. •TUERICHEIMn ram. .. -. :flue Scranton . Coal STANDARD ANTHRACITE 'We are unload-eag a. limited .quantity Of CANADIAN PETROLEUM 'COKE Get your winter supply be zistorninite it is avail" • Sonet Solvay Cone_ :Pocahontas and Miller + Alwayn on. basal_ :AGRICULTURAL, TRK aswt MICK. `highest CASH price parnliar ?.on' a Graded: Was.. 14 W. R. DAVIDSON `Phone N.. IG 111ENS11.11v fir. No Camp This. Year !Huron Regiment will. not hold •a training camp this ' `suiumer, Lt. Col. Sturdy, O.C., told last week. Lack of finances is the chief reason given Instead training classes will be held! at various local headquarters during the autumn months, as was done last year. Must Return To Normal By a recent regulation of the De- partment of Education, all teachers who obtained first or second class certificates from the Normal Schools during 1928, or subsequently must return for another year at Normal, if they intend to continue teaching. The minimum time without re-attend ance is now two years and the max- imum aximum four. Goderich Summer School The Goderich Summer School will he held in the week Monday, July 17th, to Monday, July 24th. ' Bible study, organized recreation, minist- ers' group, sightseeing trips, camp fires and public meetings are the lin- es of the attractions of the school and Miss Sada. Musa, Japanese • Chris- tian, will be the guest of the school for two days. Similarity of 1931 and 1933 Auto Plates The simularity of 1931 and 1933 automobile markers is proving tempt- ing to some people. So lar no less than three• Huron County ,people have tried to "put over" the old plat- es as this year's issue. They are the same size and colors, black figures on a yellow background. The figure '1' has been punched flat and a '3' pun- ched in. The deception ctauld noot be noticed except on close examinat- hen. Joseph Patey of .Wingham, •one offender, is doing' thirty days in jail Vega -use of his inability to pay $25' fine -for this offence. Leroy Beith as ekiigied. the country andleft his I1929 Essex roadster behind. lie is :sc'harged With the .same: offence, -den Inning enankede. The's. police : bane seizecl..his ,car:. Be ie'believed to be in "Detroit. A thiird ,ease is pending: •--fGuderldh `tar: In Police Cc'aar't (Goodenicid—Arrested a ick ago by prosiinniai -ponce, in. the act of ped"dling'boo'tleg alcho9, Fderireat•nve- eiile.:Pott 'Colborne, eras ,seemtemced to two months in . jail- His csompamion nidlliam'nnmands, same adthuas, con- vineeilthe' 'cisii2 he iiad no nore9aeection •swifh. the • ;ffne.it business- 'Iheeedie nerd :the .,couat,le'lens "through" with the "game"' and made a seta'tement ixivolving-a Y,hird' party, for wh•u e ar- s'est ;a -warrant was issuud. Tweedie's erti'nsomi file 'WILT confnscated- Om re - rapt osfo 'a report froom a cleodl r, `enet:an erring husband, charged evdth •ancemsuppoit, was able to work, 1V!'ag-- ' isbaa '.Reid 'made an order that ,leaf ins pay, up to nn a week, be tanned. ever to 'Inn ,wife - Here At 0 -- Made • SUITS Last eaure only $16.5Q CURE 'LEER •70 I;kTe wAr : rd f .Such ''.A�• Law Trice :)a)N�Y .? .^C' \ L�;t.I1.b ..t�i r✓a.:�'�. s .r. ii.., ��Ai : , •:A SPLENDID -RANGE TO :£H00. • .PICK YOUR. ,SJR G o_ .maa 4 ourAminuns► 4 .a.1' • ds SHEEP DIPPING • At this season 'of the year every sheep owner should give some tho- ught to the dipping of his flock of ewes and lambs for the control of all external parasites. Flocks which are not regularly dipped cannot help but be infested with ticks and under con ditions the general health of the ani- mals will not be the best. The lambs particularly will be heavily infested and therefore, will make slow gains during the summer months. The month of June is the most suitable for dipping as all lambs will have ar- rived and the weather is favorable. All ewes will be carrying sufficient growth of wool after the spring she- aring. It is suggested - that every ;owner endeavour to dip his flock sometime during the week commenc- ing the 12th of June. At this time the seeding of late farm crops will be completed and haying operations will probably not start before the 20th of June. There is a community dipping tank on 41, farms in Huron County which insures .the regular dipping of all flocks in the immediate neighborhood. In community tanks sheep may be dipped for from 2c to 5c per head depending on the numb- er put through. The Ontario De- partment, of Agriculture at, Clinton have the necessary forms for the bu- ilding of concrete dipping tanks and will be pleased to assist any farmer or group of farmers in the building of a tank. HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meetin the Council of the Township o was held on Monday, June 5th, with all the members present: the reading of the minutes previous meeting and the specii ening and the adoption of the the Council became arganized Court. of 'Revision of the 193 sessrnent Roll. •-Four appeals .L In - en received, of which three were dis- missed and the appeal 'of the Canada Company to have parts of Lots 1 and 8 in the 13th Concession asses- sed to the Company as owners was allowed. The following' resolution were pas- sed; That the appeals of Solomon Gin- gerich, C. A. Moore and the Cana-' dian National Railways against their respective assessments be dismissed and that the appeal' of the Canada Company to have parts 'of. Lots• '7 and 8 in the 13th concession assessed to the Company as owners be allow- ed, and that the Court of Revision be closed and that the Assessment Roll for the • year 1933 be confirmed. The Council then resumed the re- gular order of business. After dis- posing of the communications the following resolutions were passed: That the accounts covering pay- ments on Township Roads, Telephone and General Accounts be passed as per vouchers: Township •Roads: -Dominion Road Itchy' Co., parts 'for crusher 13.63; Treas. Stephen Tp., cement tile, rd. 8 9.50; T. Welsh, lumber for crusher 7.96; C. L. Smith, advertising re: tenders 4.50; N. Foster, road 6 12.80 Wm. Ducharme, power, etc., crusher 199.95; M. M. Russell, road 1 2.60; J. M. Ziler, rd 10 7.10; In A. Pfile rd. 14 2.00; M. Corriveau rd 17 6.50; R. Miller rd 9 10.00; Wm. Far- rell rd 18 11,85; C. Aldsworth rds. 2-3-13-14 20.70; G. Surerus, rd. 9 9.25; A. Smith, rd 8 2.63; T. Stein- bach rd 8 4.00; F. E. Ducharme rd. 10 5.00; W. J. Harvey, repairing cru - cher and trucking 230.20; S. Ropp, rd. 2 8.00; W. J. Jarrott rd. Supt. part salary 25.00; Telephone Acco- unts—Bell Telo. Co., tolls, TJarch to April 79.61; Geo. J. Thiel. cartage cable 5.00; F. R. Guenther, cartage wire, etc. 20.09; Northern Electric Co., cable, wire, etc. 1352.26; Nati- anal Revenue•ofr•Canadh;i ta"x ;on toils. 20.72,. Canadian Tei.• ripplies;r.tnetr'c erial 31 0;r: Zuriei ''Ceti Lair dsWitchiPg. Op ; else etps ' st er •ex Ptd it $9,ekl. ,�G85130 s,'llibdrnetc• 221:935 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer spent a day in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess and family spent Monday evening with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beaver and family of town, were Sunday visitors with relatives at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichler and Mr. and Mrs. Wideman of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting with friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess and three sons spent the week -end with friends at Elmwood, also motoring to Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dickerson of Detroit, spent Wednesday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Erb. of the Bronson line, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho of town, were week- end visitors with friends at Pigeon, Mich. Mr. Theodore Haberer, of town, and who has a pair of wild Canadian geese in captivity for a few years, the other morning had the pleasure of learning that they had hatched of out eight young goslings of the same :Bay species. 1933 After Mrs. Thomas H. 'Meyers and her f the mother-in-law, Mrs. Victoria Meyers of Blake, left on Wednesday, May 31st on a month's trip to the Can- ada West. They are going to Roblin Man., ;where the latter will visit with her daughter and :the former, after a visit at Roblin, will go. on to Moose Jaw, Sack, to visit' -With relatives., l me - same as a As- Genern , Ac cldlets--Munk •: World, ,collecbor's '`7 ,,,n d. H.•'ii dighefer equalizing `. union school .section 9.00; Pentane, excise, etc. 19.14; C. L. Smith, printing and advertising acct. 67.90; W. H. Edighoffer, postage as^ sensor 4.05; J. Block, mean.., transi- ents 1.20. • 'The Ouncil adjourned to meet a - Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and daughter Mae and Mr. Daniel Smith spent the week -end with finends at Du.nville, South Cayuga and Fisher - vine, Ont. This part of Ontario is where Mr. D. Smith •was born and raised• and was very interesting to see.these •old places;. While at• nun- ville we called on Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. J. Barry, former residents of Zurich and we. were indeed incased. to se..e. .them so comfortably situated in .that most, beautiful town on the banlcs..of the Grand river. HYMENIAL McBride—Cooper The manse, Kippen, was the. scene' of a pretty spring wedding. au. Sat- urday, May 20th, when Rev.. R. R. Connor solemnized the marriage of Margaret Grace, second daughter of Robert J.. Cooper and the lata: Mrs. Grace Cooper, of Tuckersmith,; to Edgar _Jar> .es. ,Mcl ride, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert -McBride of Stanley Afterwards. the happy couple left on a trip to Windsor, Ont., and Lensing, Mich. On their return, Mr. and: Mrs. McBride will reside at Kippen. • Meidinger—Geoffrey A very happy matrimonial event was celebrated at St. Peter's R. C. Church, !Drysdale, on Monday morn- ing, June 5th, when Rev. Father L. Marchand united in Holy W sddlock Miss Agnes Meidinger, daughter of Mrs. A.. Brisson and the late Stephen Meidinger, and Mr. Vincent Geoffrey son of Mr. and Mrs. Remy Geoffrey Of the Bite Water Highway;; south of St. Jerebp. This happy yeueag cou- ple are receiving congratulations from their' many friends. McBride—Belli very happy tnatrivaonal , event weas celebzated at the U»rte"t1Charch ,manse $en,si die Saarday, June kted V 1ne; Ifo •- VPeddl -i Miss : blit . 3rd selien Rev 'Arthvi Sinclair.. carni Mat, Mci3ride, nail-Waterof Mr. and Mrs John McBridel„ of the Blind•liin Ray Township; .a'net Mr. ;Harold Clif- ford Bell, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Wm. G. Bell iso of Hay Township After the cerement the happy couple left on a honeymoon, and upon their return will reside on the groom's fine farrre Hay. Township. The Her= gain on Monday, July` 3rd, at1,'80 ald joiue their many fre'end8 .ln ex,;, Ott self lit the eines/woe, ' tendinis 'acmgrlttulations.; 4 00 ••N•••• ••••r•l•• M••N • YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES ACCURATELY DUP CATED ANY SHAPE OR COLOR. • • 1 1 COME IN FOR AN EYE EXAMINATION. WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE NEWEST IN SPECTACLES; RIMLESS OR RIMS; ANY STYLE $6.50 UP—C. E. ZURBRIGG, AT Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74L'uri�a N•••••••N•MNNNN••IMN••N••N• +++++++++++++++++++++++++-: **+++++++++4.4 0 FRITZ & SON BUYS AND SELLS The Best In Fine Motor Cars. Call at Our Garage in Zurich and see the Best Assort~ ti- ment of High Class Used Cars in the County, at Lowest w Prices ever. 4..e.xegt, Qile3l3t , gami1cl 1931 Ford Coach, good as new, mohair upholstering; :trunk sue%.. and Fender Well. 192.9 Pontiac Sedan, finish and upholstering like new, and new tires.: .1927 .Ensue Sedan, used very Iittle by a• party in town, has eery small mileage. Name of owner on request. The price w*i13.aLartla yey 1930 Chev. Coupe in good condition 'and good tires'. . 1929 Ford Couch overhauled with new pistons, a real bargain. , 1931 Oldsmobile Sedan, make us an offer. Only 17000 miles. • 1927 Pontiac Coach with new Rubber. 1929 Chevrolet Cub Half' Ton Express ' Delivery. 1930 Late Chev. Sport Sedan, good as new, wire whee's sttd wFbeell mounted in. fender. 1928 Chev. Sedan, an economical car good finish,etc. AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. Our Terms: are Considerate and. We Trade! Phone 82 or 115 Zurick Your Spring Needs? WE HAVE A STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS". ,, r OILS, , SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS AND; HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. AT LOWEST 1 PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. t a i1 c A NEW. GARDEN SEEDS OAND:. t FRESH ^GR E i , , i AC'S . 9 GOOD AND WELL ASSORTED R. N. DOUGL 8 GENERAL ERAL YY,,, EROHA,IST d �c �r PHONE 11 0. 97 BLAKE • p ,r,