Zurich Herald, 1933-06-01, Page 7This TESTED R } ;Will Restore Your Energy Enland to Study Dutch Housing Plan ✓ No analysis of the slum problem coli be finally satisfactory that does not recognize that the question is indi- vidual and moral, as well as economic. A 'girl :'Who .works 'i•n en office, who got.•very Tittle /real). air •and sunshine, 'lost 'color, became 'enervated, and on 'November 14, 1932, went to a physi- cian's 'office in a Canadian dity and firer blood tested. . The result was 'alarming. 'The haemoglobin showed 'only 40 per -cent„' the re' corpuscle teoun,t ,only :3,700,000. •She was sur- pr3sed to learn that elle was anaemic, 'but was relieved t hen told that the condition ,could be corrected. The physician knew the formula .of K (Popular blood builder, Dr. Williams' ''ink Pi11a, and told her to take two of the pills after each areal for a' Riontli and then return for another :test, The second test was made on becember 16, and showed a increase to 84 per cent. of haemoglobin (which surprised even the doctor) and a red blood corpuscle count of 5,408,000, When it is explained that haemo- globin is the oxygen-bearin,;, life -sup- porting element of the blood and that red corpuscles are the carriers of haemoglobin it will be understood wby the young lady felt renewed energy and ambition, or, as she put it, "felt like worlang again.” If you lack •"pep," tire easily, are weak, pale, have palpitation of the heart and dizzy spells, get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your own druggist's and begin the treatment af- ter your next meal. You take no ohances. fir.. Williams' Pink Pills are clinically tested, OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZU Horizontal 1 -a -Kind of nose 4 -Mantle 9—Cutting tool 12—Beverage 13—Artery 14—To hasten 15—Ship worm 17—Great dominion 19—Poles 21—Electrified particle 22—Cicatrix 24—Total 26—Impudent 29—Corn bread!! 31—Pile 33—Ocean 34—Above 35—Bird of crow family 87 Insect egg 39—Chinese weight 40—To scold 42—Jewel • 44—Part of flower 46—Secret society 48—Small chunk 50—Songs 51—Encore! 553—Implements 55—Rubies 58—Girls 61—Card game 62—Assistants 64—Before 65—Japanese coin 66—To seize 67—Brown - Vertical 1—To tap - 2—Mexican tree 3—European 4—Coarse persons 5—Robs 6—Conjunction 7 -Eroded 8—Japanese spirits of the dead 9—Glistens lO—Tune 11—Small 16—Having a spike 18—Soft drink 20—Luminary 22—Courage 23—Guns resin 25—Homo sapiens 27—Subsidiary circuit 28—Appendages 30—To sink 32—Mark on card 36—To marry 38—Counts 41—Defense cage 43—To entangle 45—Thigh armor 47 -Nothing 49—Tree trunks 52—Cabbage 54—Kiln to dry hop 55—To soar 56—Deer 57—Title 59—Age 60—Japanese coin 63 Prefix: down The Drama Festival The Dominion Drama Festival, just /finished at Ottawa, was beyond doubt het distinct success. • To organize and carry through such an undertaking in- volved a great deal of hard work, and the able manner in which the whole 16usiness was discharged reflects the igreatest credit upon the honourary lieeretary, Col. Osborne, and his staff. j'ihe Governor-General must have been a -ratified with the great public interest taken in the competition, not only in the regional presentations, but also in he final performances at the Little • �'I'heatre in the Capital. While heartburnings over the re- sults are inevitable, a very graceful Wpiiit of mutual appreciation has been tivanifest. The benefit of such a fes- tival is not confined to the winning of ti n •t1be trophy. It will be seen in the re- &aival of interest in the drama from �Coaat to coast. The hundreds of ama- h eurs who have taken part in the cora- titian have discovered that they can o things. They have been helped to tiealize that there is a great deal of *amine talent scattered throughout „,f,Iie Dominion, and that all it requires xor its proper development is public encouragement. They have been able Io exchange ideas with their fellow- rsanadians from other cities and have thus been enabled to approach their letwn problems from a more compre- �iensive viewpoint. cultural value of the Festival Thec r is, after all, its main justification. As Sir Cobert Borden put it in his brief ad - Easy Teething "Baby cut all his teeth with no trouble thanks to BABY'S OWN TABLETS,' tviites Mrs. Thomas Shaw, H'aniiiton Ont. Scores of other Mothers have w itten hi similar vein. Give YOUR child BABY'S OWN ' TABLETS for teething troubles, upset stomach, simple fevers, colic, colds, constipation, sleeplessness, or whenever h" is cross, restless and fretful Easy to take as candy, and absolutely SAFE-- sap analyst's certificate in each 25 -cent package. Over 7,23'0,000 Packages said 1,1.19.31. 212 pr. Wlilisins' BABY'S OWN TABLETS Answers to Last Week Puzzle HEDGE FEELS RATION AGREES O N N 0 AS -a/ I B ME S% LE SL ER J C E i S A T A N H A I L E D F E D G E M I 0 v E N S I N R E S IS R E E E N P T S D 0 M E S E v E A T w A D v T A E L N E v S R A ,xaNB A %T T 'EXUDE DINES 0 T B 0 L E E S dress at the close of Saturday's per- formances, it is in the realm of the Ideal and the spiritual that a nation is ultimately tested. The seed sown dur- ing these weeks of rehearsal and of performance cannot but result in gen- uine cultural progress. Lord Bess - borough may well have builded better thau he knows. The spirit of friendly rivalry ;in artistic achievement is a fine one to foster, .and the develop- ment of such an important factor as drama in the social life of a nation is a work in which His Excellency may most fittingly play a leading part. It is to be hoped that the Festival, so happily inaugurated, will become an annual feature, and that its benefits will in 'due course be felt from coast to coast.—Montreal Daily Star, The Washing Day The, little cottage on the shore Has clothes -lines woven in and out; The waves conte almost to the door, And all the linen pinned about Catches the freshness of the gales; And, leaning to the waterside, Gathers the wind, like sunny sails Ready to journey with the tide. There, where the sparkling waters spread Their foaming ripples at the feet, The linen dangles over -head Flapping, fluttering, clean and sweet. Below the hillside's grassy slopes Above the fringes of the bay It tugs against the tautened ropes Full 01 its breezy holiday. --Elizabeth Fleming in The Christian Science Monitor, A Malayan bear" broke']oose in a dr - cue at I oenlgsberg, Germany, recent- ly, and killed an attendant. • If slums make slum dwellers, slurp dwellers also make slums. ' Many municipalities in Britain arid the United States have found that when the physical slums have been pulled down and their inhabitants housed in better places, only the fringe of the problem has been touch- ed, Habits formed through years of living In undesirable surroundings are. not easily lost. It is being suggested in Britain that countries with- slum problems might find Much to imitate• in certain experiments that have been carried out with considerable success in recent years in Holland. In Amsterdam and The Hague the. inhabitants of slums marked out for destruction are not moved immediate- ly into normal houses. They are given a period of training in intermediate dwelling places under the supervision of people specially educated for this purpose. At The Hague -there is a center of 106 houses of two stories on the outskirts of the city; at Amster dam there are two centers, one of 66` and the other of 139 houses. These houses have a clubroom for social pur- poses, where religious services are held and instruction is given in handi- crafts and needlework. With certain modifications accord- ing to differences in national outlook and character, it is felt in many quar- ters that these Dutch schemes have something in them of value for lands. far way from Holland. Somewhat similar proposals were made several years ago by a responsible body in Glasgow, but nothing at that time came of them. If Britain should adopt some form of the Dutch idea, it will be an interest- ing case of reciprocity, for the super- visors who are so important a part of the Dutch scheme are all traned in the fundamentals establshed by the Eng- lish social reformer, Octavia Hill.— The Christian Science Monitor. FREED FROM PAIN AT 95 What a great thing it must be for this woman, after suffering from rheu- matism for many years, to be free from pain again at her age. ,She writes:—"I should like to tell you that since I commenced taking Kruschon Salts two years ago, I am completely relieved of rheumatism, from which I had been a great sufferer for many years. I am -now in my 95th year, and much appreciate being free from pain, which I attribute to the regular dose of Krusehen."—(Mrs.) A. E. S. If only everyone would realize that the "little daily dose of Xruschen" is just as important as internal cleanli- Best Ctuality Shaving Brush FREE for POKER HANDS Shaving :Is a real pleasure with a fine quality shaving brush like this one .. . bristles set in rubber , .. a gift you'll surely appreciate and use. Given in exchange for only 5 complete sets "- Turret Poker Hands. One 2Oc package of Turret Fine Cut will prove the quality and economy of tflis mellow, cool Virginia cigarette tobacco. You can roll at least 50 cigarettes from one package . . and cigarettes of sweet Virginia fragrance and flavour . . , supremely satisfying. pugs to "Roll Your Own" wirtli TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS ...SMILES. B Jealous Fiance—"Why didn't you ' troduce that fellow to me?" Girl—"Dearest, I couldn't. I've for- gotten his name." "Then why did you call him 'darl- ing' 7" "I've just told you — I've forgotten his name." The circus was touring Scotland. The baboon died and was cast into a ditch, Two Highlanders passed and saw the corpse. "Who'll that be now?" asked Tam. "I dinna ken," replied Angus, thoughtfully. "It's no' red enough for a Macdonald. I'm thinking it must be a Macdonald. I' mthinking it must be one o' those English tourists." Youth—"Will you gve us ten cents to help the old ladies', home?" Business Man—"What! .Are they out again?" ness as soap and water are to exter- A man who hadhad a rush for the nal cleanliness, there would soon be morning train and had not time to buy no more constipation, no more slug- a paper said to the other occupant of gish livers, no more rheumatism, gout the compartment who was reading or lumbago. one, "Well, what's doing in China to- Iiruschen is a combination of six day?" . salts—each one is necessary to some "Durno,'; said the other. "I'm in particular organ of the body. Just cutlery." what you need to persuade your sys- tem back into a healthy condition: Ask Me Another very gently but very, very surely! What are the most common forms of holdups?" Answer—"A man's suspenders and a woman's garters, lit - Speak but a name, and I shall sure- I've lost my ly see, Girlie—"Oh, dear, With its shaped freedom lately from tle pink bow!" the mines, Boy Friend—"How perfectly awful! Black, hungry steel run swiftly in What did he look like?" long lines To its new prison of the sky and sea; Shall, with the ship's every trembl- ing, be Faithful to every prompting in the heart, Shall answer to her toil in every part, And earnestly her strength shall comfort me. Freighter As galley slave against the Afric wind, Until, spice -heavy, came they home to Crete; So fight these iron monsters, low with wheat, And darkly slip into their ports as- signed. For what has urged him on since time began, For all his iron ships, still urges man. —Leo Cox, in "The Wind in the Field," Builders to Meet London.•— The International Con- gress of Building Societies will meet in London June 5.9. Sir Enoch Hill, chairman of the council of the National Association of. Building Societies will be president of the congress, and among the countries represented will be Britain, United States, Germany, Austria, France, Den- mark, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand, More than 150 delegates are expected from America. The British Government will give a reception to the' delegates at Lancas- ter House June 7; with a reception and dinner at Guildhall the following evert 3ng. Previous meetings of the 'Con- gPess have .been held in London, San Francisco and Philadelphia. The largest penknife weighs forty-two pounds, has 1,851 blades, and Is valued at more than Home should be a place where joy is doubled by companionship and trou- ble halved by sympathy. A 'woman in an English court, charged with shoplifting, was asked by the magistrate if she had anything 'to say on her own behalf. "Yes, air, I have," she replied hope- fully. "I take only British goods." Some One'to Look Up To Landlady—"A Professor formerly oc- cupied this room, air. He invented an explosive." New Roomer—"Ah! I suppose those spats on the ceiling are the explo- sive?" Landlady — "No, they're the pro- fessor." Faithful Guardian's Sacrifice The dog is man's best friend. If you keep a dog, there's never anything left for hash. A news story tells about a man and his six sons, each of whom is more thati six feet and a half tall. We'll bet a thin dime it's one of these fel- lows who always takes a seat just In front of us in the show. Man—"I found a four-leaf clover on my lawn to -day." Neighbor—"1 snppcse you think that is lucky?" Man—"I d0. I'nl lucky to find any- thing in that lawn except dandelions and weeds." Things go by opposites. For In- stance, when a man clerk takes a va- cation he just sits around on a river bank and feels sorry for the people who have to work. When a woman ver made •clerk gets a vacation she cleans' the house, paints the floors, cans fruit and vegetables, polishes the floors and weeds the flowers. The man goes back to the store all worn out. The woman goes back with a smile on her face. Classified Advertising Cure For Dumbness Jack—"This liniment makes my arm smart." Joan—"Why not rub some on your - head'?" Pat—"My brother never met with a disappointment in his lie." Mike—"How's that?" Pat—"He never looks for but trouble." anything Man—"What cured Fred Hymes of arguing with his wife?" ' Neighbor—"Arguing with his wife." A boy goes around giving the com- bination to his heart to every girl he meets, yet he always acts surprised when some girl steals it. He—"People living together get to look alike." She—"Here's your ring. risk it." University of Toronto School of Nursing Young women who are thinking of nursing as a career will be interest- ed in the new School of Nursing. In its three-year course the School plans to give a thorough general training in nursing, one that will en- able the graduate, if she so wishes, to proceed easily to post -graduate work in any branch of nursing. This three-year course prepares the nurse for both hospital nursing and public health nursing and thus saves a year in the time of preparation for those who wish to enter public health nurs- ing. A young woman who has com- plete Pass or Junior Matriculation and the Upper School or Honour Matriculation subjects as outlined for admission to the Arts Courses may take the training in nursing in this School instead of taking it in the usual hospital school of nursing. This School has close affiliation with, the Toronto hospitals for the purposes of practical training. The Calendar and full information may be obtained from the Secretary, School of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. I dare not Not Enough Children Born in Cities of U.S. New York.—This nation's intelli- gence is being nurtured in its metro- politan areas where women are not bearing enough children to reproduce the population, while the peak of fer- tility is in the farming districts, Fred- erick Osborn, trustee of the American Museum' of Natural History and Sec- retary of the Galton Society of that institution, said at the annual meet- ing of the American Eugenics So- ciety. Farm women, he said, basing his figures on the 193.0 census, produce about 50 per cent. more children than would suffice for equal reproduction, In the cities with populations of over 100,000, on the other hand, approxi- mately half the number of children necessary for permanent replacement are born. Kennedy & Menton . „ 421 College St. Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors �Vra le at once for our bargain list 01 used motorcycles, Terns orrai•g'd. t3tlinsect, 1 T E$ snake, or animal . the best trcatmeef is plenty of Minnrd's at once. It 0 soothes, heals and cleanses. Draws out the poison PRINT AND MIN REMNANT.. 1 ; POUNDS PRINT OR SILK QUILT! •ING Remnants, $2; 2 pounds 50o. A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. PILES—WHY SUFFER TORTURE? Y Send 100 for ten-day trial Rainbow Pile Rernedy and obtain quick relief, letme. Lalonde, Box 100,'Windsor, Ont. BIBLES for the BLIND (RING JAMES VERSION) Distributed in Braille With the Aid of „Philanthropy V luntary contributions appreciated. Special Price: $1 per volume, $21 complete. BRAXIME BIB:LE SOCIETY, Inc. 739 North Vermont Ave., Zoe Angeles, California, Telephone Now Links Canada and Indian Points New York. — Regular telephone communication between Canada and India was begun through the co-opera- tion of the Bell -Telephone Conipany of Canada, the British Post Office and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, it was announced last week. WE BUY GOLD Send in your old gold watch, chain, ring, jewellery, etc., and receive a money order by return mail. If not satisfactory return money order, and receive back your gold. Better prices are given at =WALLS' "1Pactory-to-Pocket" rewellery Store, 150 Yonge St., Toronto YOU can earn good money im spare time at tn.-.14.g-.14.g display cards. No selling or canvassing. We instruct you, furnish com- plete outfit and supply you with work. Write today for free booklet. The MENHENITT COMPANY, Limited t - 647 Dominion Bldg., Toronto, Ont. elf •11,.�a....r i''ill. CUTICU .A Quickly Heals Pimples, Rashes and Eczema Soap 25c Ointment 25c. and 50c. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depressed, sour on the world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are being slowed ep, food is accumulating and decaying inside you and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel -movers like salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gain, or roughage, don't, go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the boat one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sura Ask for them by name. Refuse eubatitutes. 25o. at all druggists. 62 WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinkbar?s Vegetable Compound Have you ever felt ;that fyou were too weak to do anything ... that you didt not have the strength to do Your work? Women who are weak And tum -down should take a tonic such as Lydia 11. ?Inkhorn's Vegetable Coenpouad. need- aches and backaches that are the result of a tired, run-down condition often yield to this nnarvelous medicine. 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they are benefited by this medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug- gist today ... and watch the results. ISSUE No 21 e33 8 9 10 11 1 1 • . P18 14 ' 5 16 i 19 i 1 22 7 a aa 24 25 ///j 26 27 28 29 34 , 30 35 V 36 31 32 0 33 7 38 �f, 39 40 IA 44 45 46 i42a / 48 lir,/ 52 54 55 56 V, 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 ■ Horizontal 1 -a -Kind of nose 4 -Mantle 9—Cutting tool 12—Beverage 13—Artery 14—To hasten 15—Ship worm 17—Great dominion 19—Poles 21—Electrified particle 22—Cicatrix 24—Total 26—Impudent 29—Corn bread!! 31—Pile 33—Ocean 34—Above 35—Bird of crow family 87 Insect egg 39—Chinese weight 40—To scold 42—Jewel • 44—Part of flower 46—Secret society 48—Small chunk 50—Songs 51—Encore! 553—Implements 55—Rubies 58—Girls 61—Card game 62—Assistants 64—Before 65—Japanese coin 66—To seize 67—Brown - Vertical 1—To tap - 2—Mexican tree 3—European 4—Coarse persons 5—Robs 6—Conjunction 7 -Eroded 8—Japanese spirits of the dead 9—Glistens lO—Tune 11—Small 16—Having a spike 18—Soft drink 20—Luminary 22—Courage 23—Guns resin 25—Homo sapiens 27—Subsidiary circuit 28—Appendages 30—To sink 32—Mark on card 36—To marry 38—Counts 41—Defense cage 43—To entangle 45—Thigh armor 47 -Nothing 49—Tree trunks 52—Cabbage 54—Kiln to dry hop 55—To soar 56—Deer 57—Title 59—Age 60—Japanese coin 63 Prefix: down The Drama Festival The Dominion Drama Festival, just /finished at Ottawa, was beyond doubt het distinct success. • To organize and carry through such an undertaking in- volved a great deal of hard work, and the able manner in which the whole 16usiness was discharged reflects the igreatest credit upon the honourary lieeretary, Col. Osborne, and his staff. j'ihe Governor-General must have been a -ratified with the great public interest taken in the competition, not only in the regional presentations, but also in he final performances at the Little • �'I'heatre in the Capital. While heartburnings over the re- sults are inevitable, a very graceful Wpiiit of mutual appreciation has been tivanifest. The benefit of such a fes- tival is not confined to the winning of ti n •t1be trophy. It will be seen in the re- &aival of interest in the drama from �Coaat to coast. The hundreds of ama- h eurs who have taken part in the cora- titian have discovered that they can o things. They have been helped to tiealize that there is a great deal of *amine talent scattered throughout „,f,Iie Dominion, and that all it requires xor its proper development is public encouragement. They have been able Io exchange ideas with their fellow- rsanadians from other cities and have thus been enabled to approach their letwn problems from a more compre- �iensive viewpoint. cultural value of the Festival Thec r is, after all, its main justification. As Sir Cobert Borden put it in his brief ad - Easy Teething "Baby cut all his teeth with no trouble thanks to BABY'S OWN TABLETS,' tviites Mrs. Thomas Shaw, H'aniiiton Ont. Scores of other Mothers have w itten hi similar vein. Give YOUR child BABY'S OWN ' TABLETS for teething troubles, upset stomach, simple fevers, colic, colds, constipation, sleeplessness, or whenever h" is cross, restless and fretful Easy to take as candy, and absolutely SAFE-- sap analyst's certificate in each 25 -cent package. Over 7,23'0,000 Packages said 1,1.19.31. 212 pr. Wlilisins' BABY'S OWN TABLETS Answers to Last Week Puzzle HEDGE FEELS RATION AGREES O N N 0 AS -a/ I B ME S% LE SL ER J C E i S A T A N H A I L E D F E D G E M I 0 v E N S I N R E S IS R E E E N P T S D 0 M E S E v E A T w A D v T A E L N E v S R A ,xaNB A %T T 'EXUDE DINES 0 T B 0 L E E S dress at the close of Saturday's per- formances, it is in the realm of the Ideal and the spiritual that a nation is ultimately tested. The seed sown dur- ing these weeks of rehearsal and of performance cannot but result in gen- uine cultural progress. Lord Bess - borough may well have builded better thau he knows. The spirit of friendly rivalry ;in artistic achievement is a fine one to foster, .and the develop- ment of such an important factor as drama in the social life of a nation is a work in which His Excellency may most fittingly play a leading part. It is to be hoped that the Festival, so happily inaugurated, will become an annual feature, and that its benefits will in 'due course be felt from coast to coast.—Montreal Daily Star, The Washing Day The, little cottage on the shore Has clothes -lines woven in and out; The waves conte almost to the door, And all the linen pinned about Catches the freshness of the gales; And, leaning to the waterside, Gathers the wind, like sunny sails Ready to journey with the tide. There, where the sparkling waters spread Their foaming ripples at the feet, The linen dangles over -head Flapping, fluttering, clean and sweet. Below the hillside's grassy slopes Above the fringes of the bay It tugs against the tautened ropes Full 01 its breezy holiday. --Elizabeth Fleming in The Christian Science Monitor, A Malayan bear" broke']oose in a dr - cue at I oenlgsberg, Germany, recent- ly, and killed an attendant. • If slums make slum dwellers, slurp dwellers also make slums. ' Many municipalities in Britain arid the United States have found that when the physical slums have been pulled down and their inhabitants housed in better places, only the fringe of the problem has been touch- ed, Habits formed through years of living In undesirable surroundings are. not easily lost. It is being suggested in Britain that countries with- slum problems might find Much to imitate• in certain experiments that have been carried out with considerable success in recent years in Holland. In Amsterdam and The Hague the. inhabitants of slums marked out for destruction are not moved immediate- ly into normal houses. They are given a period of training in intermediate dwelling places under the supervision of people specially educated for this purpose. At The Hague -there is a center of 106 houses of two stories on the outskirts of the city; at Amster dam there are two centers, one of 66` and the other of 139 houses. These houses have a clubroom for social pur- poses, where religious services are held and instruction is given in handi- crafts and needlework. With certain modifications accord- ing to differences in national outlook and character, it is felt in many quar- ters that these Dutch schemes have something in them of value for lands. far way from Holland. Somewhat similar proposals were made several years ago by a responsible body in Glasgow, but nothing at that time came of them. If Britain should adopt some form of the Dutch idea, it will be an interest- ing case of reciprocity, for the super- visors who are so important a part of the Dutch scheme are all traned in the fundamentals establshed by the Eng- lish social reformer, Octavia Hill.— The Christian Science Monitor. FREED FROM PAIN AT 95 What a great thing it must be for this woman, after suffering from rheu- matism for many years, to be free from pain again at her age. ,She writes:—"I should like to tell you that since I commenced taking Kruschon Salts two years ago, I am completely relieved of rheumatism, from which I had been a great sufferer for many years. I am -now in my 95th year, and much appreciate being free from pain, which I attribute to the regular dose of Krusehen."—(Mrs.) A. E. S. If only everyone would realize that the "little daily dose of Xruschen" is just as important as internal cleanli- Best Ctuality Shaving Brush FREE for POKER HANDS Shaving :Is a real pleasure with a fine quality shaving brush like this one .. . bristles set in rubber , .. a gift you'll surely appreciate and use. Given in exchange for only 5 complete sets "- Turret Poker Hands. One 2Oc package of Turret Fine Cut will prove the quality and economy of tflis mellow, cool Virginia cigarette tobacco. You can roll at least 50 cigarettes from one package . . and cigarettes of sweet Virginia fragrance and flavour . . , supremely satisfying. pugs to "Roll Your Own" wirtli TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS ...SMILES. B Jealous Fiance—"Why didn't you ' troduce that fellow to me?" Girl—"Dearest, I couldn't. I've for- gotten his name." "Then why did you call him 'darl- ing' 7" "I've just told you — I've forgotten his name." The circus was touring Scotland. The baboon died and was cast into a ditch, Two Highlanders passed and saw the corpse. "Who'll that be now?" asked Tam. "I dinna ken," replied Angus, thoughtfully. "It's no' red enough for a Macdonald. I'm thinking it must be a Macdonald. I' mthinking it must be one o' those English tourists." Youth—"Will you gve us ten cents to help the old ladies', home?" Business Man—"What! .Are they out again?" ness as soap and water are to exter- A man who hadhad a rush for the nal cleanliness, there would soon be morning train and had not time to buy no more constipation, no more slug- a paper said to the other occupant of gish livers, no more rheumatism, gout the compartment who was reading or lumbago. one, "Well, what's doing in China to- Iiruschen is a combination of six day?" . salts—each one is necessary to some "Durno,'; said the other. "I'm in particular organ of the body. Just cutlery." what you need to persuade your sys- tem back into a healthy condition: Ask Me Another very gently but very, very surely! What are the most common forms of holdups?" Answer—"A man's suspenders and a woman's garters, lit - Speak but a name, and I shall sure- I've lost my ly see, Girlie—"Oh, dear, With its shaped freedom lately from tle pink bow!" the mines, Boy Friend—"How perfectly awful! Black, hungry steel run swiftly in What did he look like?" long lines To its new prison of the sky and sea; Shall, with the ship's every trembl- ing, be Faithful to every prompting in the heart, Shall answer to her toil in every part, And earnestly her strength shall comfort me. Freighter As galley slave against the Afric wind, Until, spice -heavy, came they home to Crete; So fight these iron monsters, low with wheat, And darkly slip into their ports as- signed. For what has urged him on since time began, For all his iron ships, still urges man. —Leo Cox, in "The Wind in the Field," Builders to Meet London.•— The International Con- gress of Building Societies will meet in London June 5.9. Sir Enoch Hill, chairman of the council of the National Association of. Building Societies will be president of the congress, and among the countries represented will be Britain, United States, Germany, Austria, France, Den- mark, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Canada, South Africa and New Zealand, More than 150 delegates are expected from America. The British Government will give a reception to the' delegates at Lancas- ter House June 7; with a reception and dinner at Guildhall the following evert 3ng. Previous meetings of the 'Con- gPess have .been held in London, San Francisco and Philadelphia. The largest penknife weighs forty-two pounds, has 1,851 blades, and Is valued at more than Home should be a place where joy is doubled by companionship and trou- ble halved by sympathy. A 'woman in an English court, charged with shoplifting, was asked by the magistrate if she had anything 'to say on her own behalf. "Yes, air, I have," she replied hope- fully. "I take only British goods." Some One'to Look Up To Landlady—"A Professor formerly oc- cupied this room, air. He invented an explosive." New Roomer—"Ah! I suppose those spats on the ceiling are the explo- sive?" Landlady — "No, they're the pro- fessor." Faithful Guardian's Sacrifice The dog is man's best friend. If you keep a dog, there's never anything left for hash. A news story tells about a man and his six sons, each of whom is more thati six feet and a half tall. We'll bet a thin dime it's one of these fel- lows who always takes a seat just In front of us in the show. Man—"I found a four-leaf clover on my lawn to -day." Neighbor—"1 snppcse you think that is lucky?" Man—"I d0. I'nl lucky to find any- thing in that lawn except dandelions and weeds." Things go by opposites. For In- stance, when a man clerk takes a va- cation he just sits around on a river bank and feels sorry for the people who have to work. When a woman ver made •clerk gets a vacation she cleans' the house, paints the floors, cans fruit and vegetables, polishes the floors and weeds the flowers. The man goes back to the store all worn out. The woman goes back with a smile on her face. Classified Advertising Cure For Dumbness Jack—"This liniment makes my arm smart." Joan—"Why not rub some on your - head'?" Pat—"My brother never met with a disappointment in his lie." Mike—"How's that?" Pat—"He never looks for but trouble." anything Man—"What cured Fred Hymes of arguing with his wife?" ' Neighbor—"Arguing with his wife." A boy goes around giving the com- bination to his heart to every girl he meets, yet he always acts surprised when some girl steals it. He—"People living together get to look alike." She—"Here's your ring. risk it." University of Toronto School of Nursing Young women who are thinking of nursing as a career will be interest- ed in the new School of Nursing. In its three-year course the School plans to give a thorough general training in nursing, one that will en- able the graduate, if she so wishes, to proceed easily to post -graduate work in any branch of nursing. This three-year course prepares the nurse for both hospital nursing and public health nursing and thus saves a year in the time of preparation for those who wish to enter public health nurs- ing. A young woman who has com- plete Pass or Junior Matriculation and the Upper School or Honour Matriculation subjects as outlined for admission to the Arts Courses may take the training in nursing in this School instead of taking it in the usual hospital school of nursing. This School has close affiliation with, the Toronto hospitals for the purposes of practical training. The Calendar and full information may be obtained from the Secretary, School of Nursing, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. I dare not Not Enough Children Born in Cities of U.S. New York.—This nation's intelli- gence is being nurtured in its metro- politan areas where women are not bearing enough children to reproduce the population, while the peak of fer- tility is in the farming districts, Fred- erick Osborn, trustee of the American Museum' of Natural History and Sec- retary of the Galton Society of that institution, said at the annual meet- ing of the American Eugenics So- ciety. Farm women, he said, basing his figures on the 193.0 census, produce about 50 per cent. more children than would suffice for equal reproduction, In the cities with populations of over 100,000, on the other hand, approxi- mately half the number of children necessary for permanent replacement are born. Kennedy & Menton . „ 421 College St. Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors �Vra le at once for our bargain list 01 used motorcycles, Terns orrai•g'd. t3tlinsect, 1 T E$ snake, or animal . the best trcatmeef is plenty of Minnrd's at once. It 0 soothes, heals and cleanses. Draws out the poison PRINT AND MIN REMNANT.. 1 ; POUNDS PRINT OR SILK QUILT! •ING Remnants, $2; 2 pounds 50o. A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. PILES—WHY SUFFER TORTURE? Y Send 100 for ten-day trial Rainbow Pile Rernedy and obtain quick relief, letme. Lalonde, Box 100,'Windsor, Ont. BIBLES for the BLIND (RING JAMES VERSION) Distributed in Braille With the Aid of „Philanthropy V luntary contributions appreciated. Special Price: $1 per volume, $21 complete. BRAXIME BIB:LE SOCIETY, Inc. 739 North Vermont Ave., Zoe Angeles, California, Telephone Now Links Canada and Indian Points New York. — Regular telephone communication between Canada and India was begun through the co-opera- tion of the Bell -Telephone Conipany of Canada, the British Post Office and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, it was announced last week. WE BUY GOLD Send in your old gold watch, chain, ring, jewellery, etc., and receive a money order by return mail. If not satisfactory return money order, and receive back your gold. Better prices are given at =WALLS' "1Pactory-to-Pocket" rewellery Store, 150 Yonge St., Toronto YOU can earn good money im spare time at tn.-.14.g-.14.g display cards. No selling or canvassing. We instruct you, furnish com- plete outfit and supply you with work. Write today for free booklet. The MENHENITT COMPANY, Limited t - 647 Dominion Bldg., Toronto, Ont. elf •11,.�a....r i''ill. CUTICU .A Quickly Heals Pimples, Rashes and Eczema Soap 25c Ointment 25c. and 50c. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depressed, sour on the world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are being slowed ep, food is accumulating and decaying inside you and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel -movers like salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gain, or roughage, don't, go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the boat one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sura Ask for them by name. Refuse eubatitutes. 25o. at all druggists. 62 WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinkbar?s Vegetable Compound Have you ever felt ;that fyou were too weak to do anything ... that you didt not have the strength to do Your work? Women who are weak And tum -down should take a tonic such as Lydia 11. ?Inkhorn's Vegetable Coenpouad. need- aches and backaches that are the result of a tired, run-down condition often yield to this nnarvelous medicine. 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they are benefited by this medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug- gist today ... and watch the results. ISSUE No 21 e33