HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-01, Page 5l'huneday, Aura 's 9 s BUSINESS °" CARDS : LEY E. of oar-, ;BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,NOT- ARY li'U$3LI , ETC. ' Dilt`FICE--•Hpxnilt,nn, Street, 3saet: oft !fhle Square, GODERICII, Ontario. 3peciaxl A.ttentio;n to Counsel and Court Work. XV. Bohnee may be connalted M ? .oderich by Phone, and Phone chargee reveawed. L. D. S. D. I) S. DENTAL SURGEON DBITZ BLOCK—ZURICH 1•iaary Thursday, Friday, &Auras ,at HARTT,r++,IB' S BLOCK, DASHWOOD leery 1'don.dhy, Tuesday a ediaesaay and Licensed Auctiemeu For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TOCON. s= dant ,any Auction Sale, z a raz to size or article to sell. 1 solicit ,your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- red,ARTFIUR Dashwood 7,rh'on.'e-18-5' _. urichs' Pop filar MEAT MARKET 'Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - :ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept • fresh in Electric " e t ardgera tion Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Bi, Yu rtgblut & Son SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers NEIGH CLASS- GOODS, U. S. L. 315ATTER1ES, MOBILE OIL, MA.R- ELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND, TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION 'Parts, Hohning and Meehanieni Work r ons+ to Microirieter Settings, No ;mass rorork. Watch the tars that !STOP at WEIN'S, They aro al11-11GH -CLASS CLIENTELE. iIDASILWOOD QNTAR1O *atilt Farmers' Mutual illieatiter insurance Co - OF WOODSTOCK Me Largest Business of any radian Company doing Business in Ontario- ni of Insurance at Risk oaa Deo• alit, 1931, 319,693,724. Sag Cashin Bank wad Bonds ,Nos -44,113 per •1,0$9 ice' years, . F. Klopp--Zur%Ch ,,a4eat., Also Dossier is Lidhfaing Rods As A kb . of rim tnsn nsce L1VE POU LT RV WANTED slamsvelry Day kin * e3'elostk, pm. Oho aiM feed Viral muse xnoraing when l'trught in. Highest Cash Plices } £REAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ' Wilt Ile terb, Real. 94, Zurich 'THEE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT 1 SIB ever ready to nerve the pub. c with Commercial and fine !Printing. Get our prices -+ twee=l'eaVii ?,oz ' orderloo. '1"'".r, r S Wi l e, Lest,. Wound, ul tic Etc.Ads af VHS ClinX/31111i4 TOWNSHTP OF HAY URT OF REVISION gave Elis .Zurielii friends a tall the Notice is here=by given that a ' other day. Court of Revision of the Assessment Mr, and Mrs.: Loyd Hendrick of Roll of the Township •of Hay will the Blue Water Highway, south, we- holdits first sitting in the Town tial Zurich, on Monday, June 5th, 1938, at two o'clock: in the afternoon. A. F. HESS; Clerk, Township of Hay. a1 Zurich, Ontario, May 20th, 1933. ,KURICH_ HERALD Mr. and Mars. Daniel Koehler and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Well. Johnston. The dune session of. the Huron County Council will be held next we- ck, beginning, on Tuesday; June Eith Mr, John N. Cantin, o' London, Dated FOR SALE A quantity of small pigs, Ze weeks old, for quick ..ale. Apply to, Aaron A. Weber. • For Sale SEED FOR SALF—A quantity of Dwarf Essex Sweet Clover Seed; Improved Banner Seed Oats; O. A. C. 211 Soy Beans- Kindly get in touch with.—W. Alexander, Hensall Phone 13-82. SUPERIOR BABY CHICKS A close checkup reveals that of 8,230 chicks sold before April lst, there are approximately 8,243 living and doing well or over 100%. We• allow 4•. extra -chicks to the 100 and this more than covers all loss to date April 12th. Govt. approved chicks from bre- eding stock bloadtested by Capitol Laboratories, Ottawa.. It takes throe weeks to hatch mit chicks so please order well in advance if possible. Prices for May and June. W.R. 33..R. W.L. After May let 10e 10e 8c, After May 24th • 8e •Sc Sc After June lst P1;ie 6lrac G;izc If there should be a sadden change in egg prices we • inay be obliged to reyise this list. J. E. McKinley, Zurich. Phone 97 r 11, Hensall. WANTED ' PRODUCE. WANTED We are now in a position to take crcarri• and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We •will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial, First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phones. 116, Zurich. --- DANCING --- Every Thursday Night Exeter Opera House Admission 25 cents Of Special Interest to Hors Breeders e The Cleveland Bay Horse 'PRINCE OF' THE SIXES" Will for the Season 1933 be con- venient to the people of Huron Co- unty at the farm of Ma. Percy John- ston, of Varna, P. O. .Farnsis located on Goshen Line, Stanley Township, one mile south of Bayfield Road, Where dates can be arranged Prince of the Sixes is .a very large horse, standing 1'1 hand:, and weigh- ing 1500 lbs. Has the best of Iegs, and feet and is a proven Sire of large, sound colts. This horse will sire wagon and express horses, which are more in demand than any. other type, and ,when bred to breody mares will sire horses of the hunter and :;addle type. He is a sure foal , getter, and a type of horse that few pessple have -ma the opportunity to use in recent ye- ars. Terme $19.00 toinsure a mare in foal. This price is within the l reach of anyone. PERCY JOHNSTON, Proj rie'toe, Varna P:O., Phone 81r2', MensalL Cootkz::taxrl_ aeo. tibia Carnet Siete. es. ',aye Sunday visitors at the hooiiie o3 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Brenner of town. Mr. and Mee, May, Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Stahl of Kitchener, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs.' J. K. elhiers one day last week. Mrs. Roland Geiger was on Fri- day operated on by Drs. .O'Dwyer and MacKinnon, for removal. of her tonsils, and is gradually improving. A real nice and xefreshing rain visited these parts on Monday, and it was welcome indeed. The weath- er since the rain has been quite cool but things are growing nicely. , Mr. Ward Fritz is erecting a two story building on the main ;street, at Grand Bend. The building' will be resited for a store and for dwelling apartments. Mrs. E. Burn and Mrs. L. W. Hoff- man, Mrs. O. Surerus and Miss G. -Su:erus are attending..the annual W. M. S. Convention of the Evangel- ical( church at Tavistock this week. Tha directors of Zurich :Agricul- tural Society held a meeting on Sat- urday evening last. Some changes were ;made in the prize list and other business disposed of. - Mr. and Mrs. David 4 ingerich, Rev. and Mrs. C. Schrag, .emu Miss Nan.cy Gingerieh were visitors at Kitchener and New Hamburg. They also attended the Mennonite Mission- ary Conference at Breslau. ' On - Sunday, June 4th, the choir of the Evangelical church will observe an old hymn Sunday.- A special pro- gram is being given in the 'evening. All old hymns will be used in congre- gational singing as well as by th, =hair. The pastor, Rev.,H. iiurn, will give a short address on singing and :nusic. Everybody is' welcome to at- tend this special service. The Kellogg' sample del:, -:pry wag. on waJ in town one day last week, and left a sample package of their product at each house, and since it seas "something for nothing" we tri- ed a breakfast of the good old corn flakes. Strange to say we did not notice or taste the "corn" but the "flakes" were More conspicious, and just how much act', ale nulishment there is in a box of these, we are unable to state. • - Mr. John Brenner is having a fine new eei'a.1day erected. The anany friends of Mr.. Menne 13echler are pleased to .learn that lie is improving nicely. Mr; Irvin U. Smith of Hamilton,. called on his brother C. L. Smith :on times, the price of admission, of course, will be only. enough to defray e cpenses, the committee states, ivad also that tickets be bought in ad- vance if at all possible. PIONEER PASSES Friday.. . . After living 81 years on the sane Mrs. W. C. 'Wagner and soca nem. farm near Centralia, William White and and laths Ethel Williams motored died in his 83rd year. horn m Port .o London On Friday. I Hope, 1A1" wee ,:r,.•:;.•,ltt tO i:i:: ;.ti't::. Mr: and 'airs. ;Duly Schwnrtzentru-1 ..t•A' of the 1 —& lA .;i, 1..111{'., arr• Np ald- •A : a few days at Nt•y: IlaMbarg, and ether t:',.tern pointe.,, Next Sunday evening thele will be a Song Service in the,,, i•.:. sngelical Church. Open for anyone. :ou are cordially invited. Meiare. Oscar and son How- ard were at la✓xt ter Lt week attend- ing the Massey -Barris impieniont con f erence. Mr. Edmund and Mabel Schwartz- entruber; Miss Rena Erb and Ida Schwartzentrube.r and Roy Glingerich motored to New Hamburg, Poole and Wellesley, a few days last week. Mr. Henry Walper has leased the property on the Babylon Line, which he has occupied for a year for a fur- ther term of two years, from Mrs. P. Koehler, of town. The local horeesho'» toessers are ucginning to wenn up a lit and with a few more ` o ou ;:•111 soon be looking mound for strange fields to conquer in this interesting sport.. Mrs. Guscho and family of Pigeon. Mich., spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Gellman, Thefamily returning home on Mon- day, while Mrs. Gaschoo is remain- ing over for a time. Mr. Daniel S. Steckle has_ purchas- ed the 100 -acre farm on the Bronson Line, Stanley, from his father, Mr. M. D. Steckle, who purchased the farm a few years ago from Mr. W. H. Talbot. Saturday, of this week le June 3rd known as the "King's Birthday" and a goodly number observe .:.ie - holiday, at least it is on the calendar as a Dominion holiday. The total bank advises that it is a holiday with the banks. So it will likely be all the same if we do a hard day's work of take a holiday. Good Fishing Fishing at Goderich was never bet - tee than during the pest week or so and amateur angiers are having their .:A.l.ng. aeLerl,.:., ti two ant' three dozen perch and herring :n a fee hours are not unCo,ilnion, w 1:10 one part from out of team gathered in 150 pounds, filling two potato there have been parties there from .London, Kitchener, Stratford, Exeter and other places, some staying all eight so as to get an early start. The uoaviest catches are being made from Mr. Henry Steckle, of the Bron- the breakwater, but fishing has been son,e north of Blake, lost a valuable hood from the ends of the piers and lforse through an unusual accident;on Monday last. His son was »unloading a load of etone on e e: ie a lea when the wagon slipped down an -in cline of six feet and putted the Lor:. es down with it. The horses lancle. on top of the upturned wagon and one was sa seriously injured -that it had to be killed. His son managed to jump clear of the wagon but had a narrow escape. ONTARIO OFFERS $25,000,000 Loan Toronto, May 31—A new issue of $25,000,000 Province of Ontario De- bentures is being offered for public subscription. The issue includes; $10,000,000 4% serial debentures maturing in equal annual amounts of $2,000,000 from June 1, 1984 to June 1, 1938 inclusive, prices rang- ing from 99.76 for 1934 maturity Yield is 4.25% for the 1934 imatur ity varying through the successive maturities to 4.40% for the 1938 maturity. Denominations are $1,- 000 only.. $15,000,000 431a % 17- year Debentures due 1950. Price 99.00 yielding 4.58% to maturity. Denominations are the popular ones of $100, $500, and $1,000. Accrued interest applies to both offerings. even' between the piers. Present con platen,! are expected to laet until dull,+ i i, di. The number of fisher- men is not as great as in former ye - ors; for some reason or other. YOUNG LIBERALS WILL BANQUET AND DANCE Arrangements Being Made For Big Rally on Wed., June 7th Arrangements are now being con- cluded by the members of the Thom- as McMillan Young Liberal Club of Seaforth for a big banquet and rally to be held on Wednesday, June 7th, in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth. Over towo hundred members, friends and Ialies will be present. R. 3. Deaclnan, a Huron old boy and well known Ot- tawa speaker, will give an address. Mr. Deachman, who t000k an active part in the bye -election campaign last fall, made many friends in the dis- trict, who will look forward to see- ing and hearing him again. Other speakers will be Fred G. Sanderson, DI -PP., and W. H. Golding, M.P. In- cluded in the program will be a short toast list and. special musical numbers Phe evening will wind up with a big dance and echre, with music to suit old and young. In keeping -with the /••Nf•Lt�4 iw• v .. w .. .. N,••rh0•600••e•ANe10•r•A0 • 1 1 • SEEDS . SEEDS Now is the Time of Year to Look for your supply of seeds... Carden Seeds of all kinds, Etc. Good supply of Seed Oots, Seed Barley; all Clover and Grass Seeds Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Etc. Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver • at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! • STOCK FOODS s Keep your Stock and -Poultry Healthy this Winter..by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry I'oods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day 1 "We-... do Custom Seed Cleaning" it Agency for McCormick -Deering 1Vlachinery Repairs. t L. Schilbe & Son +e99eeaee eke e • • when his parents calve from that town izi :a-iigllt wagon drawn bye a Horse. Over :i0 years ago lie mare Had Margare=t lluhlbeiil, Who at the. age atlef 12 came to thin' ; o:h:,try from, Germany. In his earl;+' clays Mr. White made the journey ati foot, for grist to Kippen or Sit, John,,..a distance of nearly 20 miles, thoose ;wing the nearest mills et that time. He is survived by six sons. • iN TALL WI fel l COM NiAr OU may have done ...without a bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than you Could afford. If so, that- reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every • part is entirely made in Canada. Let us show you different designs in Emco Bath- room equipment. The three pieces shnwn in the illustration, with all fittings, ready for installation,> d tL only cost - .. alF.Zeeneal Our booklet, showing different styles in Emco Bath- room equipment and with prices shown, will be gladly mailed you. THE FRESH FLOW Can be used where fresh water direct from the well is required. Capacity, 250 gal. per hour. ,Small 3 gal. Galvanized Tank. H.P.,110Volt Mr- -• 80 cycle S5 cycle . . . $O'�� Extra for 80 gal. Galva ized 'lank ... e r' Duro Pressure -Water Systems, all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your home. Easy --time payments available on all Emco equipment. FOR SALE BY Johnston and Kalbfleisch STADE and WEEIDO ZURICH - ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Toronto Winnipeg Vanc = 6insons wweiwywahvimmumwwwwisameamwt Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies •••••••••••••••••••••••••• PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. •!••t•••••••••••••!,••••••• ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: • Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Dr, Zurich!