HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-01, Page 4ss 'art'*..ffi&�l�er�'�YrIpN[uP.inmr3. ,...._..:.T,.�� ...��.. _. --i�• saeoit ,''QAS34o*ovocseb tsa islEi!isloses a itco4Asv1aof,sgltr 0 PRANG'B aft always at your service for Expert Garage Work, and Auto Repairing Gho ce Gasoline -- Best of Oils and IC3reases WE ALSO CARRY Pumps -- Piping — ?wrap Wor k I:1-11'L1~;ME:' `:f`S .ekT 1'tEDUCED PRICES, CttC,KSl�1T;i'TT FARM I _ OLIVER PLOWS, ETC''. ALSO FLEURY A.IV BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. .GE'r OUR PRICES ON BISSELL' DISCS AND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL MATES, (No Jobbers' Points) ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE WELDING 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, at a Sacrifice, 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one. 1 LEVER HARROWS 1T COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below. Cast. L. A. Pran.., Son - Zurich , Phone, Shop 114 Residence 76 vaegammesettersoe R?ce:De-ve-eos 3 000000000:90,000000000600 ZURI t LD Mrs, Ill 'llrodea':.i('k and Mrs. C, SIe- men sperm, t dsaS •with friends oai. e ((oahen Laiate''tt':te Zurich. y Mrs. Re Str eshe.tason and Mies. Aid•- nes Love have been on the sick list, • We hope they may have a speedy re - revery to -better health, .46HO0lY. .ti.. Mt•, J. Reschke of Detr(ai't, spent * the week -end at the Ilona? of Mr. and e) Jrncr. S Quit.' a number of the anembere ra .Ar ++:.x3.4.4.•3 ++3.++++++++4*+g.+' ".++++++++ 4-44++++++++++++++1; 4 CEDAR POSTS-- -in, and up., 8 f tot long 35c 4 HY NOT RE -ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR .SHINGLES AT THE } PRESENT LOW PRICES. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND r FL ZURICH a ,r+4,—;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PHONE 60 ,a a dian Chautauquas TOWN HALL --- H_ENSALL. June 10, 12, 13, 14 Deep River Plantation Singing )tai. Radio Quartette and Young Van Osborne 'The deep, rich beauty of the negro spiritual, the plaintive pathos of lullabies anrooned by soft darkey voices, the mellow carefree laughter that rings through 1J a plantation melodies—are marvelously presented by the Deep River Plan- tation Singers. The phenomenal popularity of negro music in the past few years is easily aunderstood when one hears such music sung by capable negro musicians. This Radio Quartette is one of the most unique and delightful attractions eau the platform today—an organization of power and finish, authentic in svvery detail. DAILY PROGRAMME las Day, Evening, Concert "Deep River plantation Singers" "end Day, afternoon; Lecture—"Nuggets of Gold" Robt. Hanson. end day, evening --Drama ; "Sun -Up" ` Peerless Players .•nrd Day—Afternoon; Musical Sketches, The Lombard Entertainers and Day, evening -Prelude Lombard Entertainers Lecture "On the Bottom of Sea." Robt. M. Zimmerman 4th Day, afternoon, Entertainment. S. Hasting's Marionettes 4th ,day, evening °"A pace 'of Sixes" Farce Comedy Can. Players Season Tickets—Adults $1.75. Childhei $1.00. Afternoon Programmes -3.30 p.m. Evening prog. 8 00 pan. I-IILLSGREEN 'he Young People's Anniversary .=vice will be held on Sunday ay- -Awning, v-- ing, June 11th at. 7.80 p.ni Rev. llilarxell of Clinton, will be the guest. eleptaker for the occasion. and the Kip - n choir are preparing special mus- e. 'Quite a number celebrated the 24 earl .t lay going fishing and boat. riding tiU. and Mrs. C. Miller and family aft spent Sunday .with Mr Vii. firs. 0. Simon. .Z'Iiss Mildred `Workman of Kippen taken a position at Mr. Gordon .mire z for a few weeks. Mrs, Forrest and Mrs. Fuss. Mr. Victor Dinnin of near Crom- arty has been re-engaged in S: S. No. 7, Stanley for another term. Mrs. Andrew Love •of Hensall, is spending a few weeks with her son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs: G. Love, Mrs. Jas. Love and daughter Anne visited with the former's son near Iippen on Sunday. The ladies of the W.M.S. quilted their quilts for the bale on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Harry Acllins last one of hi: best cows last week. M. and Mrs. 13,. Elder.: Mr. ` ail saes nnie mid Agnes Cobhra.ne ;ylrs, A.. Mousse, of near H.;nsaii, on: ole Vinton visited with tiioir sisters led on friehds on Sunday afternoon. of the Lutheran League attended the Rails at 'Tavistock on Sunday. Mr. Leonard Birk of Guelph, sp- ent the week -end at his home herb. Mrs, E. Guenther and Shirley- vis- ited in Kitchener on Friday. Mr. and Mee. J. C. Reid andl:.atn- ily were Sunday visitors in Bayfield Miss Bertha Elliott of Therlford, spent a few days with Miss Laura M. Reid last week; An aitern000n tea was gavel in the basement of the Evangelical ch- • urch by the "King's Daughters" San - day School Class on Friday afternoon Miss Laura 1MI. Reid z1ttended : the guests while Mrs. Di. `1R. H. Taylor presided at the tea table. About 35 ladies called during the afternoon.. A play entitled "The New Minister Arrives" will be given by the mem- bers of the Lutheran Walther League on -Wednesday evening, June.7th in the basement of the church.. (Intended for last, weak) Hiss My-rta nehmen of Kitchener spent the week -end with het.' parents Miss l';'•nrl Bender` of Kitchener; who recently underwent all 01nrati- 011 lot' appendicitis, • is pending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Ml's. John Bender, Mrs. A. E. Oestveicher and (laugh- ter Eunice and Miss E. frlartinson spent the week -end in Elmira. Mr. Chas, Snell is all sni:Tec on the arrival el' a daughter En > Friday, May Lath, Mr, Fred Preeter made a business trip to London. on Monday. Mr. and Mray J. C. Reid and fain. fly and Mr. Gordon Elliott motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Children's Day will be observed in tate Evangelical church on June llth and the Strawberry Social will be on June 21et. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker, motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. The U. F. Y. P. O. will hold a box social in the Evangelical church sheds on Wed, May 27st. Two short plays will be given entitled "Cornfed Bab- ies" and "Axing her Father" besides other musical selections. Ladies bringing a box will be admitted free. Gordon Eagleson, 12 -year-old son of. Mr. Henry- Eagleson was seriously bitten by a•laige dog on Friday at the home of a neighbor, William Becker. The titleideiat occurred in the house as the boy on the way to the dinner table, stooped to pat the a suddenly d: 1. • a and was dug oat he ted attacked. Before members of the family could render; assistance • he was badly bitten about the face and on one arm which he raised to pr - tett himself: -He was rushed to the Doctor where his -wounds were dies- sed and is now doing, as well as can be expected. Glasses which the bey wre protected his eyes although the, • were, torn off by the .dog. The dog is being kept under observation to see if any symptoms of hydrophobia should develop. Gordon. has been rather unfortunate as about two ye- ars ago he was seriously hurt; by fall- ing oft a load of hay. The aminal meeting and election of officers of the Walther League of Dashwood Lutheran Church t000k place recently. Miss Zeta Nadiger, the retiring president occupied the chair. Norman Walper gave the Treasurer's report. The election of officers resulted as follows; Pres., Alvin Wplper, Vice -Pres., Reta Hay- ter; Secy, Olga Martene; Treas.,Dor othy ltv.der; Hostice Secy., Norman Wolper; Librarian, Kathleen Mertter Preparations are being made to give a play entitled "The New Minister arrives" in the near future. The committee in charge are Feta Hay- ter, Verda Burmeister and Martha Rader. Awe cions 1 t, 1983. .COUNTY NEWS Sid Daws has 'sold his and r stah- li;hcrflour leadd feed busine5 at -, eter• to Southsott Bros, The Huron County stone crusher hae moved into the Logan and 1Vte- C:lyntont guar :l ;pit, nc.ar Varna and is now in operation. Blyth Ti'le.;phone System has leas- ed the east part of J. II. 'Hoover's. lot on 'litorris ;street, for flrl, years at '$5 00 per year. J. 'C.Proctor, hue purchased from the Cooper estate the building at the corner of :Xing and Mary sts. and. wilt start a machine and radio shop After a fiery session the salaries of Collegiate Institute teachers in St. Marys have been reduced -by 20 per. cent: The schedule starts at $1200 a year and new contracts are to be tendered to replace those which ex- pire at the ;close of the present term Eldon .Keisling, Exeter, had a nar- row escape while .assisting E. Cooper They, were taking an auto across a wire fence pinning: the wire to the ground when a post was broken str- iking young wading on the back of the head rendering him unconscious. After the death of Emily Keys of Varna, Miss Annie, her sister, has aimed the 11 rause and returnd with her Sister, `Mrs. Rathwell to Lucknow For years, the Misses Keys have clo- sed their home an Varna for the win- ter months, 'but always returned with the warns weather and their neighb- rr ,sere glad to welcome them back. New Issue ON TA -F31 O THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO OFFERS FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION $25,00,001 GOVERNMENT F THE - ROVINCE OF ONTAR JIMV 4% and 41/2% Debentures (Non -Callable) $10,000,000 - 4% Serial Debentures, dated June 1, 1933, due i:err :al annual amounts of $2,000,000 from June 1, 1934 to -June .1, 1938 inclusive. $15,000,000 4M% 17 -Year Debentures, dated June 1,1933, due June 1,150. Coupons June 1 and December 1. Registerable as to principal only.- ,,Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada in the Cities of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax or Saint John, N.B., ' at the holder's option. Denominations: 4% Serial Debentures, $1,000 only. 41A% 17 -Year Debentures, $100, $500 and $1,000. Legal opinion'of the Attorney -General of Ontario and of E. G. Long, Esq„ K.C. These Debentures are a direct obligation of the Province of Ontario, authorized by Act of the Legislature of the Province and are a charge as to principal and interest upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province. The proceeds of this issue will be applied to the funding of short term indebtedness -•/ :.; incurred for capital expenditures. :,... ,. ISSUE PRICES $ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due 1934 - 99.76 yielding 4.25% to maturity. $ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due 1935 - 99.53 yielding 4.25% to maturity. $ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due 1936 - 99.16 yielding 4.30% to maturity. $ 2,000,000 4% Debentures, due 1937 - 98.73 yielding 4.35% to maturity,. $ 2,000,000 .4% Debenture's, due 1938 - 98.22 yielding, 4.40% to maturity. Subscribers to the above Serial Debentures will be required to accept allotment of all or any part -of their subscriptions in any maturity or maturities of the above series • $15,000,000 4%% Debentures, due 1950 - 99.00 yielding 4.58% to maturity. Plus accrued interest in each case Applications to the above loan will be received by any Branch of any Chartered B ank in Canada, any Branch of The_Province of Ontario. Savings Office, and by recognized bond dealers and stock brokers,from whom may be obtained copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the loan, Subscriptions to this loan will be subject to allotn>ient and the lists will close at the discretion of the Treasurer of Ontario.. Interim Debentures in bearer form will be available for delivery • on or about June 12, 1933, TxcAsrJar DEPARTbIs1NTy PAC L:i:rtMnNT BusLnz ciS TORONTO, MAY 51, 10*8Y.