HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-06-01, Page 1Vol.. X I ti, No :rr . . 7.7 -77,117.1777,1 ZURICH, ,TI U RSDAY !WORMING, JUNE i. 1933, Ton.ize your home Capital Theatre Goderich - Phone 47 Now Playnig—He Learned About Mon., Tues,. and 'Feet, Eight .great stars ilei one grand -pict- ure "STATE FAIR!' -Jaynet Gaynor, Willi Reagan,. Lew .Ayres, Sally Eilers,, Louise "Dresser, Norma Foster, Frank- Craven and Victor J'oarye Thurs., Fdiday and: Sat. Two Features on one k.'i.ctgramil Victor McLagl'en and' Greta Nissen In a story ley Joe! Sayre "RACKETY RAX" BUCK .PONES In a fast moving, western. "ONE MAN LAW* Coming—Arrowsmxen. Matinees—Wed., and Sat. at 3: p.m. Presentation .+On :Saturday, May- 27th the ladies %af .Blake United Church, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Bride, and spent a pleasarif after- noon, fterroon, in the form of a miscellaneous .shower, in honor of their daughter, Edith May, bride elect of this month and who had been their organist. The weather being ideal, the guest of honour , was seated on the .lawn when Master Claire, and Miss Grace McBride, placed at her feet -a bas- ket decorated in .,pink, and white, filled with many beautiful arid useful gifts, when the following address was read by Miss 1Viargaret Douglas: Dear Edith: We, the ladies of Blake Congregation, learning that you are about to remove from our midst, have gathered to enjoy an afternoon with you. We realize that, although we are going to miss you very match our loss will be someone else's gain. It gives us pleasure to know that you are not going far away, and we hope to often have the opportunity of meeting you. We ask you to ac- cept these gifts with our best wishes for all success and happiness in your new home. ST. PETER'S 'Evangelical Lutheran Cbtrch ZURICH. --ONT. "A Changeless Christ for: a. Chang- ' ing WartcP Friday, 8h:.—Luther Leagtee., -Saturday—Choir P a t:iba. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German Ser` ice - 11.15 a.m.—Snnday Scheele 7.3.0 p.m.- English Services- 1 ..Everyhody r - :Everybody Welcome: to. all E. TUERKREIIM,; _ Eutaw. Blue Scranton Coal Signedon behalf of Blake Con- gregation. • After the presentation the bride expressed her appreciation of -.their kindness, and a dainty lunch was served. Silver Wedding A well-known and popular Goder- ich couple,. Mr. and Mrs.. Gilbert Plante, on Friday last cerebrated their silver wedding anniversary at • thei_r home on . Cambria road. Mr. and Mrs. Plante have been residents _of Go.derich for 24 years, and for 17 years of this tlnie "Mr. Plante,. has bean the "Imperial (}ii- district maYnag- er and his friends throughout the dis- trich are without number.' Tele house was .decorated for the occasion with a profusion of roses end earl • sum- mer flowers and the day was made - happily and memorable by the re- ceipt :of congratulations and good wishes from friends near and far. Mr and Mrs. Plante also roetived many appropriate gifts. A featuvao the occasion was the presence o eve area ena'cions of Mrs. Plante's 'family; Her STANDARii ANTI -M A. !1 E _father' Cypiau Jeffrey, Mrs. Joseph We are unloading 'a limited is -dut,y Ducharme, Mrs. Leon Bedard,1V�rs. Of Lucien Corriveau and babe lH.el'ecca CANADIAN PE'1'R'f14LI L 111 .. Ct)TtT Corriveau, :an elf •Drysdale. Mr. Jef- Get your winter supply in aow while fret', the patriarch elf -Lig.f'-'In 11y= is it is available_ 87 years of age, but ,till studio. r. Somet Solvay cord. and Mrs. PIante (the latter Lal' sabeth Pocahontas and Miller Creels, Jeffrey) a>;tere-married •in St. .`'etc •'= church Drysdale, • May 19th, 1909, the 'parish 'pr'iest, Rey. Paten' Loll elle, officiating. They week j tend- ed by Miss Pauline Plante, none Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Blake, and Mr. Ar- thur Jeffrey, now of Goderich. both of whom were present an Friday to Always on band. .:AGRICULTURAL TILE and Braca,. Highest CASH price paid for E ?s Oil a Graded Basis, Re DAVIDSON Phone No. 10 EIENSIALL,T C 41, OS' til"iM'kT'.M .. 4, •t'. :9:V•r i3 M'V e Al ...onnale.miareenbare.V., wan' •mA 1*0 C1,•..• :11110 s}tip y, ,k a?•G e+,3 4 le - i:k e • Neve` tr 4,1 t • 0 Chester L. Smith, P'° tf.0 et $1.30 a year, U.S. $.1.50 �zcs err : 111.50 Ih' ARREARS. $21 IAA 3C BE cos. aao tn' ohan,t and "pad the lccai paper Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. Thugs Friday, Sat., ,June 1, 2, 3rd "The SIGN of the CROSS" Paramount's Super Spectacle with Frederick March-Elissa Landi Claudette Colbert & Chas. Laughton Mon., Tues., Wed., June 5, 6, 7 AIR HOSTESS Sensational Novelty, Speed, Aerial Stunts, Thrills, Such as have seldom swept the talking screen. THELMA TODD, EVELYN KNAPP and JAMES MURRAY. Thurs., Friday,. Sat. June 3; 9, 10. TOM nap( and TONY in "The Texas Bad Man" Conning—Lee Tracey in "Clear Our Wire." take part in the proceedings of the day. Aeotoher honored guest was Mr. David Plante, father of the bei degroom of twenty-five years ago. Mr and Mrs. Plante have a family of five; four daughters, Mrs. N. Mixter and the Misses Delina, Doris and. Verna, and one son, Ted Plante. Hay Council. meets on Monday for the Tune meeting. - Mr. Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk of Hensall, called intown on ,Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Thiel of Kit- chener, were -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel of town. The congregation of St. Boniface R. C. Church in town observed the forty -hour devotion services the be- ginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gascho and IN MEMORIAM Colosky—in loving memory of Cy- rus Colosky, `who: passed away: one' year ago, June 3, 1932. 1650 GUARANTEED TO FIT! Have, We thud =Of .Such A Low Prica A r{ SPLENDIDRANGE TO CHaSE FROM a e� •NOW IS THE TIME .TO ,E.:ICK. TOUR SPRING y e • 4 SUIT. giss Geralding Surerus were Tues- . day visitor, with relatives in Tavis- tock. Prof. and Mrs. Herbert Kalbfleisch of London, are visiting with the for- inelr's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Louis .Kalbfleisch, Hay :Township, Mr. Chas, Grob, Mr: and Mrs. Floyd rook, and Miss Carrie Brenner, all o; Kitchener, were week -end visitors at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mrs. Demuth of Port Arthur ar- riv od Last week and `will spend a few months with relatives here. Mrs. Demuth is a sister to Messrs Louis and Charles Weber of town. Mr. Theo. Haberer, who has this spring had his dwelling house reno- vated and all modernly equipped, has now completed the same and the fam fly is comfortable situated in the new and up-to-date dwelling. ?:Beginning •next Wednesday noon te half holiday season will be, ob- God is great; he gives as sta.ength to ,,ri%ed °.by the local. merchants here near our :heavy eroas i :f, 'town; While " there. has been no He' is 'the only one who knovvs,'how I officialspetition signed, yet we under - bitter was my lass I miss him a thousand times along my • • weary ,'way For life is not the sense to ane since he was called away' IIe left behind an aching heart that. loved hila mot sincere. That never can and never will for- has been provided foor. AP ern re - get you Husband dear quests>d to meet at the town hall, Loving wife. not later than two o'clock. Coyne, e. --e and bring lunch baskets with you. l. Colu.yIn lel ,o n " Li pry of Ceerushle5.r se., _:. _':,ache and Coiosky \sho pt—t,4,,1 a» ay one year d. A Patterson of Hensel] were in ago, June 3, 1932, town Tuesday evening and getting He bade no one his l net faar,'rvel1, the bie• Chautauc. alt Entertainment '.1 : veined- his en:d to none, advertised which will be held at Hen - Hi, spirit fled lesions we knew, sell. from June. 10 to 1.1th, and the 'lariat he from it 1 :t .',^ne. class of esitert rnnxl put en br A father kind, a grandfather dear, this coinl,nne- is very unique, and it ti faithful fee -eel \then he was here is expected that a large number of. toeing De:editor and Granddaughter villagers will attend these programs. leneeeetnr ileaac,:,, of °;cit r•lch +--a+ gave the Zurich Public sclnoeI his S EPHEN COUNCIL official call last week, and went iov- er the year's work, and found things The Council of the Township of in good CO11d1tioTl.° r ::11 Ca? i .• >.1 h., Town 1'l 111. OBITUARY Ceediton, on Friday, May 26th. 11)33 o'clock p.m. Ail n:*1.1'tc>:s ��' le' Albert Rittenhouse Passes peccant. The miyut,.s of. the prev- '-'The bad ineei a} enee received ious meeting were read and approv- here last week of the passing of kr. ed. Albert Eittenhouose, a former resi- The Clerk reported that lie had iv e- dent of Zurich, and recently of Dun- ceived a statement from the Chief "vine, 'Ont., on Thursday, May ?i th Engineer of Public Hlghw•lve stating 1983, in his 78th year, alter a rather that rccomnneendat:or For the pee--- shorot illness. 'Mr. RitLF.r:.lnouse was stand that' it has been mutually a- greed upon to observe the half holi- day. ill in,° nbers of the" Zueich Wom- en's• Institutee are invited to the pic- nic. to: be held on Tuesday, June (ith at Tu hull's Grove. Transport ati Or. .49 e teed *10.00•®•*ees1TheS it®•*0®,.,emerADOO*a 6084004/0MOR •• YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLE i s • • • • • • 00 • • 0 0 51 s1 Q1 0 • e 2 CATED ANY SHAPE OR COLOR. COME IN FOR .AN EYE EXAMINATION. WE CAN FIT TDIJ WITH THE NEWEST IN SPECTACLES; RIMLESS ' Orli. R:BIS; ANY STYLE $6.50 UP—C. E. ZLRIJIIJGG, AT Hess, Ti_ Phone 74 Zurich eseaseseeoeceeaseecogbeeeseeseamitew. ment of the Government subsidy to a resident of Zurich for alaoaut nine the Township :for the year 19132 am- yean, and left for his former home ountine to $4896.70 had been made at D'unvi11e about two years n 0, or to the l'loyiineial Trea'=.ur•er and would be paid in due order. ' +++++++++++++++++++++4-..--:-:-: ,a`ai' 1-1-,. i^•{•.i..^a•{'rr3i'i+1.+'`e'1? la' 4444, ,p... sonic tiine after his wife died here in Zurich. He was a plan of sterling, The Cleik was instructed to call honest and upright qualities, and was fo r tenders to draw gravel on the loved by all wlloni he came in contact Boundary betweed McGillivray and'with, possessing a very, obliging and Stephen. Townships to he received up 'pleasing disposoition. The funeral to July Srd, 1933° was held on Sat -we -lay, Mee- 27th at Motion that the following orders 2 o'clock pin:., froom Clark's funeral end pay dere t • l c 1 cased home to the Mennonite church, South Young, :wet, 25c, Hydro- Cayuga for service at 2.3o, and fol - i lectric Power. Commission, acct. Hewed bl= interment in the. adjoining 8.59 ; Prov. Treas., Mall lic ein a. 1933- 34 3.00; Jos. Guinan, equalizatloal of 7 schools 35.00; Mus. World, sup- plies 11.54; C. J. Murdy, Funedal ex 'penses re Mrs. Jos. White 39.00.y sheets -.•-W. Merlin rd 17 19.65; Rate. rd 13 12.55; C. Wilson, rd 1 S I3 2,001 0: Wilson rd 1 1.60; J. Dolt - rd 16 147..68; J. Dioterich rd 16 1.23,20 T.. Trevethiek,neve tongue for gader 3.001 M. C. Sweitzer�rd 2,o 15 0 Cc, Eilber Supt. salary $80 P; Lisonbach gravel 51.60. The Cour it adorn -creel to : nr".e 1 cemetery. He leaves to mourn his demise, two sons, Henry, of Vancou- ver and Burgess of Prince Albert, S tsk, and many other friends. The funeral sermon was conducted by Itev. -Johon Shirk and Rev, Abraham Smith of Markham. ' Those froom a distance from Stanley Township were Mr. and Mrs, . Jolson Steckle, Mr. Henry Steckle and soon Edwin and daughtelr Maryann; Mr. and Mrs. 1e,Ienn'o 'Steckle and Mr. and Mrs. Llan Steckle The funeral wee very 1tieSeely 'ettenrlea by friends from 0 FRITZ SON BUYS AND SI-141iLS T.T. The Best In Fine Motor Cars 4 6e' t.r,� ,itc..l +* �terloa and Mse khann, also t ollie s. do at aha 1 ops> shit, I;ill, t„ , 1. ~e c0 Call at Our Garage in Zurich and see the Best ,sse meat. of `High Class Used Cars in the County, at Lowest 1,` Prices ever offered, Quality Considered, fix: a,3 1931 Ford Coach, good as new, nwhair upholstering, trunk melt, and Fender Well. 1929 Pontiac Sedan, finish and .-npholst‘Afing iiktnew, and new ees 1927 Essex Sedan, used very little by 1 perty in. town, has.. 1. r . 41" small mileago. Name of owner on ,, a sr”ice will 1980 Chev. Coupe in good condition and geed tires. 1929 Ford Couch overhaulcid with new pito1, , a real bargain. 1981 Oldsmobile Sedan, snake us an offer. Only 17000 miles.. 1927 Pontiac Coach with new Rubber. 4929 Chevrolet Cub Half Ton Exlas lee`,. r. 1930 Late Chev. Sport Sedan, goy ,l es pea. wins c •w ie•,'s anti o' es mounted in ?, li +, r. 1928 Chev. Sedan, an econondcal ear g.ir:li AND 3.IANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FleeeeI. Oar Terms are...Considerate and We Trade! Phone 82 or 115 Zwick ad ,y..b i�,s ea•i`ay , e, la,°y,,.Wre Gn «':' r. ,o <5. ;,+�""'•''i c'e.. ` , r. r. , .. : iu h, ,d'i"°ci `o "3 f i o M ; S? efe fou 8 rui Nec WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS,; HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BBC1.) -f& AND HARNESS REPA.IRS,ETC. AT LOVv E S 4 PRICES, QUALITY COASII LRE'='K NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT Sc and 10c PIG,., FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAIR R. IV. ticeLAN:2 GENEP4L MEROHILT