HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-25, Page 8VOW! THE STORE WITH THE STOCK New Curtain Goods _________ See Our new Stock of Curtain Scrimms, Marques- elle, Etc. Also ready made Swiss and Net Curtains at very Low Prices. Special in Frilled Curtains, a pair 50c Frilled Scrinzrn, at per yard t 5c Plain ScriAnm, at per yard 12c Curtain. Net, Special, per yard 19c Fine Net Curtains, Pr. $1.25 Fine Net Curtains, fringe ends, pr. 1.50 Fine Scrim curtains, pr. 1.50 New Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Tapestries, Chintzes, Cretons, at New Low Prices. SEEDS! SEEDS! We have everything in Garden Seeds,.. also Seed Corn Manges and Turnip seed,. Chick Starter and Scratch Feed. Try our Special Rolled Oats for baby . chicks, 9 lbs. for 25c; 100 lbs bag for 2.35 J. GA C PRODUCE WANTED ON PHONE 59 flasinownerw HERALD 1 HURON& ERIE DEBENTURES A SAFE INVEST1Vff,NT Debentures issued for over - 1 to 5 Years 5% Payable twice a Year .A . rew F. Hess, - Zurich $100 and MY MOTTO—SERVICE' AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 4.42.14K^J11,45C.V V1.7%"X IVIM.Vell.F.A.V.A3M34+'4.44.rwa.Tiiei+rl�aMh'CtlL2'G.91SwYn�l1 oseasoamog HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SPRING NEEDS est Assortment of Government Tested -Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enarnls. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall, Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. s PRICE WE SELL THE BEST FOR. LESS SPECIALS FOR MAY 18, Chipso, large pkg. 19, 20th. ..17c 29e 23c New .,....,•...25c McCormick Chocolate Mallow Cookies per 1i ..t5c Coley Soap (with face cloth free) 3 cakes. 25c Peanut Butter, pint jar 23c Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c Huron Toilet paper, 7. rolls. 25c IOe Maple leaf peas, per tin - ac 25c Lelys' Soap, 4 cakes 25c Blue Boy Coffee, per 1'b , .. , . , , .. ... , . , - - .. 29c De Lux Jello Powders, per pkg. •5c Large 40 -oz. Jar Raspberry Jam: Sultana Raisins, Seedless, 21bs. ' New Cheese 2 lbs. Choice Quality, tamotoes large tins Golden Bantam, corn, choice quality, 2 tins Children's Hose size 5 to 9, sand cotton, . pr. .. 15c Ladies' sand cotton Hose, all 'sizes, pr. 15c Ladies' Silk fullfashioned Hose, pr. 75c Eggs Wanted at Highest Prices 9. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 BUSY FARMER NEWS White Grub Control White grubs may be expected to be present in injurious numbers any- where in light soil in Eastern Ontario A warning states that unless the greatest precautions are taken in the districts named in planting crops sus- ceptible to injury, the crop of this year, particularly potatoes ant corn -will be almost a total loss upon thous ands of acres, and a serious shortage of hay and winter forage may be ex- perienced on niany. farms. Lettuce Bulletin A very valuable bulletin on the subject of Ontario -grown Leaf Let- tuce has been prepared by the De- partment of Horne Economics, Mac- Donald Institute, Guelph. It describes the value of leaf lettuce, how to select lettuce, storage and care in the home, aro well as givin • a lengthy list of recipes for the use of lettuce. Copies of this bulletin can be secur- ed from this Department or through your local agricultural office, or the O.A.C. - • • Fairs Provide Own Judges For many years "Government Judges" have been available to Ag- ricultural Societies ata very nomin- al charge. - For masons. of economy this service has been withdrawn for this year at least, according to J. A. Carroll, Supt of Agricultural Societ- ies. Assistance will be given to some fairs in the north, but no jud- ges will be provided in old Ontario. As there are capable and experienc- ed judges in almost every community this should not provide a hardship. it might be considered wise to select jud ges from a neighboring county ee in most cases. - 1 • AO 1 1 a E! DO rw ERVZCE Keep Orchards Clean Orchard surveys have been made throughout the apple -growing secti- ons of Ontario and other provinces In order that information regarding ap- ple maggot in festations will be readily available at the trine of pack- ing apples for export. The law is that no apples may be exported from Canada from infested districts, and efforts are being made to keep the orchards 100 per coni, clean during the coming season of growth. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs .Butter per Tb Wheat bushel Oats .......... Barley .. , ... Buckwheat ...........:i2 10-8 27 80 22 38 32 Flour 1.60-2.75 Shorts, ton .. 20.00 Bran, ton `0.00 Hogs, cwt. - 5.00 Ontario Honey Representative Returns:. George R. Paterson, Honey Com- mercial Representative, Ontario ' Ex- port Association, London, Eng., re- turned to Canada this week. Mr•.• Paterson comes back after his first season's operation on the United King; dour market in the interest of Ont- ario beekeepers and this year sold over one million pounds of various grades of honey. Prices realized have-' been, fair and in the majority of cases above returns obtainable on the local: market. Mr. Paterson will spend the next three months among Ontario beekeepers organizing mat- ters for next season's shipping pro- gram. - Bean. Prices Improve :Bean prices have moved ap rap- idly during the last few weeks and quotations now going out are $1.25 for choice stand picked as compared wilt about (i0c per bushel some two months ago. Enquiry of the Ontario Marketing Board elicit the in.format- i ion that the Railways and Con.ferenc- Lines have recently issued a revised through freight wab- for export on 'est as about 40 per ; ,rot less than former rates and effective ts '::onfer- ence shippers until Nov. ins', neat This rate has enabled beans to move into export channels and prices have risen accordingly. New T. B. Policy After May 15 stock owners whose purebred c attle have ve been ordered to ,e slaughtered, under the, T.B. regu- lation;: are required to produce car- " fi.'rtes: of registration at the time of the eoamnetieement of the test. .)ne: r wisf. no ' ct)rnrndlrx ".ir<ion for 9e.e,rtr'placn. 1'i.irw + ill giro rnado by the P f •i •.1, lit,^ar�rr.il; Canadian Fruit Only The City of Hamilton announces as a result of a circular letter from the Ontario Marketing Board to all provincial welfare agencies, that in future all groceries orders for food for relief will specify Canadian fruit only, to be purchased.. Beef From Western Canada Within the past .few weeks" several carloads of graded beef carcasses from Winnipeg have reached Toron- to. From the ready sale with which this Western beef met, according to the Federal Government' beef gfader at the Union. Stock Ynrds, , the amo- unt of Ontario beef offered, of suiti- able weight and finish for grading, is considerably less than the demand.. In addition,., the price on the Toronto live cattle market, this week, was" brought by a load of western - fed yearlings suitable for branding. Farm Prices Improve Substantialimprovement in the agricultural situation is indicated by recent • price advances in a large range 'of farm products. In some cases the increase was slight, but in others it was noteworthy. Hogs ad- vanced 52 per cent., cattle were up 40 per cent. and wheat 62 per cent at the end of April. Other products h -goodgains included butter, with poul try, oats, flax, honey, corn, potatoes and beans. For Ontario's output,the increase in prices alnounted to a tot- al, of $84,1.83,000, or 15 per cent. of the total agricultural revenue in 1932• This ,Department has been given much attention to the deveiopment of export markets to Great 13ritain: have occurred in the .past twelve months, thus having a favorable ef- fect asresult of ti :Pett upon prices, a the upwa;rdd turn, the divergence betwe- en etwe-e i pziees of faaiit goods and manu- factured articles is lessened and farmers will be r eH eved or the •bur- , den :under which they have been l<al•,- q`ori ra!, antdI 1101; n at .dente too tw'llf " - ;iao3xcaat/ :from increasing c.r�nprro„ rxrelrt. Iard Thuxsd, May ti'tll jl7a + 4*••4'R7' TJAG ' 'F T's" 44+++4A++++4 + ****: .. YO are {�s 11 Fta STORE WE ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOC]i AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY WE, I ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat, tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain . Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure an Hand,. Also 'Old Hickory Smoke Salt. JOhflSt�fl Hardware eC Furniture. Phone 63 *, , ,;. 444***+fir+++****(4h .**rif++++i• .4 ++++dr! +++++.44vt!+04 glltl(INII {;YCigINIliRIIIiHIHIII1n11111111111111HIH111111IHIII11!PM Il!!✓ltI181H1!1!U!1111111111161WIli fiTifilnHHION 1111111111111111111111111601!(IH1111111111111r rn111111111111H!(HllM e J epai.r Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon at .. ... 1 good buggy at ...-..,.-...�. _...._...._._.._......._.$30 4 wheel Trailer Complete $25 KEEP ON &MILING! - DESS, the Repair lea, dl011iHlIN6i11110N1i01l1i01119(!,'1HlI4fNi11011i11;lllllll!i0lHi0lii71lui!lliiii;1;N191i01HHiIHIIIHIIN!ilsliilrii�tlHi�;;iillill'0i10lIII!0HII0 I''' r��' • rr •+r�r c<•�� .11 r,�h>.,hNl,.,1.�,u.1.�,rrf<i6HH111i1111Vi11lf11110i111ifc61fCF�' 1 tl 0 ATTENTION ----To Fawners and tractor Owners: s We are again this summer fully equipped to supply all users of Gasoline in larger -quantities with a good stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our. Delivery Truck at. low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Ovcrhauli Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. .ous eau Zurich ................+q44;41444:21,044^44+144+4,44411•444 4. 444**44.0.444.4++.+S • 4* tl f! , Fp' 7 ,-*Kiri*#'09$•1.*1.4-1.1 sewri"+%O Q+ ;• HERALD OFFIOE Do You Know?gip That I am the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Succe,9s for :ill men? Merchants, '.: :11$1'€ " Manufacturers,Etc. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service ^',�..r,and Sound Merchandisingl.. And the World listens when I speak 1 For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have 15m.. gathered untold millions into them coffers. I comxnand the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever 1 gee i a1fields sow f iellds for you to reap a Golden Harvest 1 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is ADVERT SEl ,,pp,.;,<a�¢_ Y^.�P T Q;y`"�ti. r' n '•'II pAx�� 'M •.aQm,rox?. tY"ZO L' L`ti.:"T,nra�+.a ?C: �' :\ � "v�'@�i,".T1lp Si• ��io.9i O'S�f�,#,'l c