HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-25, Page 5}*, 1'iay 2 e 1933, SUSINESS CARDS DUMB YFloicams 1400IIIISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ART PUBLIC, I.TC.. 1CE--Hamilton Street, Just off Square, G ODEBICIZ, Ontario. Spacial Attention to Councel . and Court Work, Adz Bol3raa s nay, •°'be consulted at l adericls by Phone; and Phone charges reversed, Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. B. • D. D DENTAL SURGEON ilk DEI' M nLOW - ZURICla 'Avery Thursday, Friday, Saturday 41-1ABTLEIB•'S 73LO0L DABHWOOD E'rery 'Aionctay, Tuesday' and tWednesday - Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A. POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless via to size or article to sell. I solicit air business, and if not satisfied will miosis no charges for Services Ren - red. Huron County Council ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Meeting ;throne 13-57. The Saluron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber, at the Court House, Goderieh, at two o' - Clock, in the afternoons Tuesday, June the 6th 1983. All :accounts, noticesof deputat- ions or applications and other inip i to i r#tS, For Sale, Lust, '+ti N. foe, Etc, Ads] ,a.lt ra a MeV XI TOWNSHIP OF HAY COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court ,of Revision of the Assessment Roll of .1.be Township of Ray will hold its first sitting in the 'lawn Hall Zurich, on Monday, June 5th, 1933, at. two o'Glocic in the afternoon. A. P. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay. Dated at Zurich, Ontario, May 20th, • 3.933. lit ZUR 8 A few villagers attended. the Mit- ehell races on the 24th. Mr. Frank l3ossenberry or Kitch- ener called in town last week., Messrs Win. S. Johnston and Lloyd O'.13rein were on business to Clinton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sreith .and dau- ghter Mae, • motored to London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach and Earl of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howald, Mr. and Mrs, Waiter 1luiser of Detroit, are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. FOR SALE Mr; and . Mrs. John Wagner, of A quantity of small pigs, a, weeks . Guelph were holiday visitors with the old, for quick sale. :former's brother, Mr: and Mrs. W. C. Apply to, Aaron A.. Weber. Wagner of town. Will any persof whe has a .slip j scraper owned by the Township of Hay bring or send the sante to the office of the 'Township Clerk at Zur_, ieh at once. These scrapers are needed and persons, who have oneof them will confer a favor on the Township by returning same at once A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay" Dated at Zurich,. May 15th, 1933; uri.chs' Popular MESAtr i MARKET ortaut busess requiring attention you with the/ l at this Meeinting of Council should be trtUs '�`in the hands of the Clerk not later very Choice of Fresh - nd Curel Cu?than Moonday previous to the meet- aed'Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,, ing of Council. , :Etc'.; always.. on hand... Kept I . Geo. W. Hohnan, County Clerk. :fresh. in Electric Refrigeration Dated at Goderieh this 15th day of Highest Cash Prices for n May, 1983. Wool, Hides and Skins FOR SALE 'u YuBgblut & Sou :SERVICE Why We have the Better Better Class of Customers SIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. l L TER1ES, MOBILE OIL, MAR Y.V3E JEE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ► ID TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts,, Hohni, and Mechanical Work amne to Micrometer Settings, No diocese work. Watch the; cars that /MOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH ` EL SS CLIENTELE.. II. B. Wein '?DASHWOOD -- ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK he Largest Business of any :Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- ,.ulAZIsit Qtn01,11100 tt Risk 90*. alai, 101, $1.0,508,724. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 Yet AM -x :60 p'er $1,064 tor $ years. E.. F. Klopp—Zurich Alio Dealer in Lightning Rods spa all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT•R Y WANTS I ' a*'wory Day till $ ethnic, !.riles. wet toed bowl nail storming when btougbt In, Highest : st Cask Prices CREAM AND - EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, 'r;uricia THE HERALD'S DEPARTMENT a +ever• ready to serve the pub.. Me with Commercial and fine sti�n�g. Get Doke: prices be- ~ fr-aving your cotkr el'ie- •+�.:.:.,.,...,...�. A limited quantity of choice buck-, wheat seed for sale. .Apply to Amos Gingerich, Bronson Line, St-� aaniey Tp. 1OR SALE Two fresh cows, 6 years old, for quick sale apply to. Edward Hal; erer, .Zurich. For Sale SEED FOR SALE —A quantity of Dwarf Essex Sweet Clover Seed; Improved Banner Seed Oats; O. A. 211 Soy Beans. • Kindly get in touch .with.—W. Alexander,, Hensalt 1J'hone 13-82. SUPERIOR'. BABY CHICKS A close checkup reveals that of 8,230 chicks sold before April,. 1st, there are approramately 8,243 living and doing well or over 100%. We allow 4 . extra chicks to the 100 and this more than covers all Toss to date April 12th. Govt. approved chicks from bre- eding stock bloodtested by Capitol Laboratories, Ottawa. It takes three weeks to hatch out chickz so please order well in advance if possible. . Prices for May and June. W.R. B.R. W.L. 3 ase 10e 8e.; 8e Se Se 6'/2C 6%c 61,4c be a sudden change may be obliged to a - After may Ist After' May 24th After June 1st If there should in egg prices we revise this list. J. E. McKinley, Zurich. Phone 97 r 11, Hensall. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and egg's" at my home- at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. 'We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay at:- cording c=cording to grading give us a trial: First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Picone 116, Zurich. 4 -- DANCING Every Thursday Wit Exeter Opera Rouse Admissions 25 cents ' A Publisher's Blessing O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives :a bila from us But knowing liii subscription duel, Studs, in, the money to rem*: ,And, riioubiy blest is that good' friend' ,Who waits, rtot tilt a bill we send, But Ininnptly se ids us the am szri1, 14003:r4t itli. to) straigklteit Buts acct rant The various Sunday Seh000l teach ers of St. Peters' Lutheran eirurc] , atter%ded the District Sunday School Convention held at New Hamburg on Wednesday Mr. Menne Bechler of town, is not enjoying his usual health: this week, having taken a sick spell on Sunday, from which he has not as yet recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peachey and family; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ginger;--. ieh and daughter, and Mr. Melon Heatzler, were recent visitors at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ging- erieh. The nice and warm weather this week, is bringing on a most wonder fell growth. The fine maple shade trees ' around town are a beautiful sight, with their foliage out almost like midsummer, and a lettle shade these rather warn days does not come amis. Mr. LIoyd O'Brein, one of our breeders of choice and fancy poultry has made an interesting safe of one cockerel and four pullers to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph of Golden Campines. 1411, O'iirein has improved his flock to sail an extent that the big government ex- perimen,aI feline are now using his birds for breeding purposes. Con- gratulation Lloyd! \'!"he half" holiday season is again with u.;, and these warm days'""hnake one feel like rolling on the .Grass or take a refreshing dip in the raise. We notice that a goodly number of sur-' Won that they are asking a favor when they want us to insert the names of their friends who have Neel el -spending a few days with them. No per.,on need feel that way about giv- ing iving ue news items for we are indeed glad to get thein all. months of June, July, August and September; and in order to make thin .,1 3 a success, it should be observed by ���� ATO a6 one and all as near peirec% as sible. No official petition has so far this year been passed around, seem- How They Rel'te i0 Agr clnitur6 Binder twine should aot be used to ;tie fleeces, it can be separated from the wool Only by carbonizing or burning out. The public wants a man to think well of himself, but it becomes migh- tily bored when he begins to volar 1 o his thoughts. ar Mr. and Mrs, Elmore Thiel of the i. Zurich .11,oed, rtecootlactnie•d sty Mi :Ind sirs. (, oike Koi'h of oashwee; ; ..aetoied to L Itiey, 41it.11.; the pa. 9 week, where they: visaed web iii 1 4 Koch'8 sister, Mi::. Hernia, who 1 quite ill, 'l'lre fine rains on Saturday, ht'r. still i increased the a oittle:•;trl ,-.ot t. WO an. havbig this r, 0'1t11. ,i:'' lie. meadows and fall ‘ heat. iNde are looking eery good enei ee tbiine looking for a bountrou hila wt sit, ec ge:rdless of whet .the lia:'e;ieii i of the cold summer and no at • i w e,,t. Choltosa A,Ir. Leo Bedard or neat. a':.losep' sustained very painful and:Moe inuries last week, while in the act of going down the hill et, The -lake 4,3 with the team and wagoai .,loch wa. Iaden with fish boxes full of saw- ' sn duet, in some way the end•boai'd of the wagon box became diconnected and the load, man and all went tum- bling towards the horsee down the lute anis iii the terrible mixup the wagon pnasefl twice creel' Mr. B.r.rl- ard's body, and injured himvery much, so that he was inearki:,cio+.is for several hoer-. On the oae the wagon wheel tore loose the tiesh tc� the bone. Mr. Bedard was indeed lucky to escape with his life or some fractured bones. 9 n The Local News - The main aim of the weekly news- paper as the name implies, is to give news of its own district. It inay have other aims, such as to give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of ail it must give the news. Sonie of this rn.ws is not easily obtained anis no editor can cover it all without -assistance, Especially is chit !lire when you have vtsitors.• Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most interesting read- ing in the. whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to, have their names was app•.tar, so send thein in. Sometimes people come in and give the irnpres- +aedr;rui4orixr GtrYwi+ttife4 41. 901 000tJefill,9 ►i S3Iiei90 i i td�,+a b0 SEEDS • SEEDS Now is the Time of Year to Look for 'your supply of seeds... Garden Seeds of all kinds, . Etc.Gy Good supply of Seed Oots, Seed Barley; all Clover and Grass ,Seeds e Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Et..' l�� s C erf i. izer Fertilizer We have a at $19.00. a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK_ FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter -by using Our Various Brands of Steck and Poultry 1' nods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! good Brand of . Fertilizer that we will.: deliver 0 dr 8 9 4'We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L. &iliac KD oss ; leuaF.a+::vim..- . , . w:D4sof:4P,A,ce?recal emerei-2,p.crFle, > va 0 rounding towns will a ;ail observe the half holiday beginning the last week in May. We are nowever in- formed that the business teen of town will again observe the Wednes- day half holiday in Zurich for the ingly it is done in good faith andlly word of piouth . this year. Mrs. Oliver Davis Dies . Mr. Sidney Davis, Exeter, receiv- ed.the sad news of the death of his daughter-in-law, wife of Mr. Oliver Davis, of Fort Erie, who passed a- way in the prime of life following an attack of intestinal flu, Mrs. Davis was formerly Mis Schafer, daughter of Mr. John Schafer of Parkhill. Be- sides her• bereaved husband she is survived -by two children, Noreen and Bobby to whom the sympathy of and Production. Old Sol Must Be Considered ---Frosts a Little Late or pearly Decrease Farm Profits --Moist Air a Better -.Blanket Than the Dry. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agrioulture, Toronto.) ' TMOSPHEII,UC temperature has ever been a matter of much' concern to agricultur- ists. A high temper atare, although necessary and beneficial in many friends is extended. Mr. Oliver some cases, is detrimental in others, Davis is well known in Zurich, having but in each case requires a liberal been on the local bank staff for a amount of precipitation. On the goodly number of years, about ten years ago. other hand the destructive frost of LEAVES $22,693 ESTATE Under the terms of the Will of the late Charlotte M. Stanley, Lucan, be- ing entered for probate, assets of $22,693.42 are distributed to" six niec es—Mrs. Sarah E. Jeffries, Louisville Ky.; Miss Bertha L. Cooper, Canton Ont; 1VTrs. Margaret E. Watson, Cle- veland, N.Y; Miss Elith A. Reid, Brockville; Mrs. Gertrude 13. Ziegler Waterloo; , and Mrs. Marion Spicer, Algonquin, Ont. Mrs. Stanley, whose death occurred on May 3rd last, wat the widow of Bernard Stanley of Lucan where •she had resided until last autumn when she went to Wat- erloo, Ont., to spend the winter with her niece, Mrs. Gertrude B. Ziegler. The 'estate consists of $10,000 in Huron & Erie Debentures, 58,509 in stocks, $4,000 Dominion of Canada bonds, and personal effects $184. The Canada Trust Company is named sole executor, and Carling and Mor- leya Lucan, are entering the Will for probate as solicitors for the estate. SPORT NEWS late spring and early autumn is an unpleasant but frequent visitor to the agriculturist. Man has harnessed much of nature and made it his ser- fa`.nt, but as yet no Oise can say that man can control the atmospheric temperature, although lie may modi- fy it in a few instances or overcome some 'of its disastrous effects. The primary source of all teat kr the sun, Old Sol shines and heat and light travel the intervening 93,000,- 300 miles of space with a velocity of 180,000 miles per second. Some . of this heat is absorbed in Its transit by dust particles, water -vapor and :he air itself, thus increasing the temperature of the air. The rentain- der is absorbed by the earth and thus raises its temperature and the tem- perature of the air in contact with it. The lattter has the greatest effect on air temperature. Local conditions have a great effect on temperature. ` Water requires about five tines the quantity to raise its temperature ane degree as does soil,' thus large water areas tend to prevent high temperatures. Also„ as there is always slow evaporation and 300 titues as mucia Baseball Meeting A meeting of bout heatn conto ro S ate one gallon of water the Huron -Middlesex League was held in Lucan the other evening, Repres- entatives were present from Lucan, Centralia, Crediton, Exeter aand Kirk - ton. The latter 'withdrew from the league and a four team schedule was drawn lip. Since the meeting, word has been received from Mensal! of their desire to inter a team, a :mis- understanding in some way prevent - ling them from being at the meeting. The opening games were to be play- ed: an. May :29th with Lucan at Cen- tralia and Exeter at Crediton but if the executive decide that Hensel' en- ;' ne as team a new schedule will have to, be, el avitit Ups - as to raise its temperature one degree, the temperature is kept more mod- crate. Large swamp and_ bush. areas Tree largequantities of water to the atmosphere, as well as retaining the spring water longer in the country and consequently have a moderating effect. frosts are also prevented by water, swamp and bush areas because they produce a high humidity and are not so readily cooledas large land areas. Air of high humidity acts as a better blanket as it were, than the dry air. , Also the temperature at which dew is formed Is higher and the lowering of the temperature mai be suruciexitly arrested to eliminate any danger ox frosts. 1 Dru Zuric.h S �.. We have a full Lhe tom" al . School. St Ales •d4.b�'4 4^r/� K4+^:�iC�PwG�.nays T of PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. sootg000velsee000soes000nso ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT 4•00•0....***...44•080400•a4*s SF.F, OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet -Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. rift. Dr. A. J. MacKinnori, Zurich AilAWMAIMAPAPIIMWRNMAMMWMPAPPV9f °• 4..4144.4...•sa 4 • • 4 4' • e • 4 a 4 4, 4 a 4. 4 - • •. 4' • • 4 . • • • 0 4. • • • • • • 0 •9 nep44...1 P4-•0*'»O-n e,• a 04e 9+!a •G>••4.• ZJRJ[H HERALD'S Olubbillg List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record Toronto Daily Globe Toronto Daily Mail and Empire Toronto Daily Star Toronto Weekly Star London Free Press London Advertiser London, Farmer's Advocate Farm and Dairy Farmers' Sun Family Herald and Weekly Star .,......:... Family Herald for 3 years .................... Canadian Country -l: n Weekly Witness Farmers' Magazine Huron Expositor, Sea forth .................... $5.10 $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6,00 $1,25 ... $2.75 $2.50 $2.25 $3 00 $2.25 'i.15 :?2.50 $2.75. And a great many more that we cannot enumerate hors. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. Renew allg Papers our Pand Ma azines at our Y f? Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE • Zurich .H . •.•••..•••••••w` ••••44•+••••••••s•••ss•a 4. 4 • • • • • • • • • • • 4, • • 4 4 • 4. • • • • • e. 4. . 4 • • d • 4. • • • •• • • • •- • • 4 • • • • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4