HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-25, Page 1V XXX No. 46 Patroni • Capital +t : tre Goderich -- Phone 47 1yTow Playing --A Bauble Bill. "The ;flat Check Girl" and "South of the Ria Grande Mon., Tues., and Wed. CECIL B. DeMIL3:91 Presents,a wonderful cast in "''The SIGN of the CROSS" Frederick March-Eiissa, Landi !Claudette Colbert & Chas. Laughton Thurs., Fdiday and Sat. Stuart Erwin Allison. Skipworth and Susan Fleming -all about a wealthy bookworm, two secretaries and some screaming sit- uations. - 'He Learned About Women9.1. Coming' -"STATE FAIR' Matinees -Wed. and Sat. ata p.m. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH --- OWL "A Changeless Christ fox. a Chang- ing Wor'Icty" Friday, 8h: -Luther League., Saturday -Choir Practice. •SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.-Gerrnaa Seeerike:; 11.15 a.m.-Sunday Schee'& 7.3.0 p.m. -English. Service. Everybody Welcome to all Berrvicee.e E. TUERKHEI , reset:nee i - - yo • RICH, THURSDAY MOHN NC: MAY 25 1933, r ho r e Why Worry? Why do people worry? There are only two things to worry about. You are either successful or unsuccessful. in the Province, a suns considerably - If you are successful there is nothing larger than was expected. While this to worry about. If you .are urlsuc- revenu shows that the tourist traiiie cessful there are only two things to of Ontario is one of its good indus- worry about. You are either healthy tries; it is safe to say that the visit- or unhealthy If you are healthy there ors felt that they got returns for is nothing to worry about. If you are their money. We are in a position Mr. Edward Wurm and daughter Kathleen, of Markham, were Sunday evening visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Moucseau and family were Sunday visitors at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Haberer are spen- ding a few days at their summer cot - thee at Grand rend. - iii`. and Mrs, A. J. 1'IacKinnon, Free seed distribution to rural 31r. and Mrs, Albert Kalbf!ei •ch mot - school fairs will be resumed this year ored to London, on Saturday. by the Department of Agriculture,. Vies fxeraltling Surerus is spend- HYDRO- SALARIES according to information received 'at Ind, a few days at Grand Bend this At last; as a concession to public the county agiic'altural office. This week. opinion, the list of salaries of the was the policy of the departmeat 11 31r. and Mrs. Julius Thiel attend - Hydro "higher-ups" has been released former years, "but was discontinued t'(1 the funeral of the latter's sister (Elsie) in Kincardine last week. Chester L. Sn,dt>s;, Prehlfi tB /1.2.5 a year, U.S. $1.611 in, tatturtl ,1 $1.5Q IN ARREARS, $t$ MAY 1315 C 1ttiS 'ingt1 t and read the lut I pa r pape ONTARIO'S TOURIST TRADE (Sarnia Observer) Ontario estimates that American tourists last year spent x95,227,842 ;unhealthy there' are only two things to give them the best. We have a to worry about. You are either go- wonderfully law-abiding population. ing to get well or die. If you get well Our guests are not likely to be there is nothing to worry about. If menaced by gunmen or thieves, our you die there are only two things to roads are the finest in the world, the worry about. You are either going to sightseeing, 'fishing and minting cat - Heaven. or -.. If you go to •Beavon not be excelled. there is nothing to worry about. --'If +-ee you go to - you are going to be - so busy shaking hands with oold fri- Free Seed for Rural Pupils ends that won't have time to worry. So Why Worry :1..1..-.m Chief Engineer Gaby receives the "paltry" sum of $31,694 in 1932; the chairman of the Provincial Hy- dro Commission receives $15,595; last year. It is felt that the lack of free seed tended to reduce the in-. terest taken in. the school fairs, and free distribution has been resumed. each of the other two commissioners However,- the judging system adopt $9,195;'and the payments to thirteen ed last year will be continued in 1933 heads ranged from $5,225 to $13, - and it is expected that school fairs 894. WILL PAY LESS Lower school students who have the misfortune to miss the term ex- aminations, as set by the teacher, may take consolation this year in the fact that. they will save :fifty cents a paper. The Department of Educat- i:on has announced that hereafter Lower School examination teen will be ;1.00. Pupils,. it is-eepeutsd,, will be .generally agreed that 50c is sreall enough compensation for the holidays that have been taken from them by the new time table, which, in .some :cases, ':, ails for examinations up to July 11th. .A Trine Story The -other day. a Goderiele bus- inoss roan paid one of his elaf? $9 will -not be held jointly with other fairs. Up until last year the depart- mant supplied ' judging services in some places for rural' school fairs. This has been discontinued. THINK BANK'S ACTION UNFAIR' Reta Flcischauer of London visited at her home in Zurich on eaeon lay. Mr. and Mrs. William hiller are spending the week at Goderich, vis- iting with Mrs. Miller's son. "I'he various officials of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Company held a business meeting at Dashwood on Saturday, when considerable business was transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'l3rein, Mr. and daughter Miss Olive; Mr. and Goderich May 19 -Characterizing Mrs. Lee O'Brein and son Billie mot - the action as "unfair" the Town Co ore.d to Crosswell, Mich., on Sunday until tonight lodged a protest with v;lrere they visited with relatives. the Bank of Montreal against its; Mrs. Hy. Wesel -oh of town was action in reducing :interest on sav-, a visitor with her sister, Mrs. John ings accounts- by one-half of one per cent. and at the same time reducing interest charged on the innneipitl loan bne-quarter of one per cent. Mayor Lee and Chairman Prown of the finance committee were delegated to interview bank officials. The Co- uncil refused to increase a grant of $40 already made to the Musical So- ,clety. It instructed the ehief of 1.'onc;' to enrolee• the dog" 'le..use by- Harnick, at Ashley, week, 'owing to the Harnick. Mr. and Mrs. L. daughter Marjorie, Mich., the past illness of Mrs. W. Hoffman and and Miss _ Jane Lamont, motored to Forest en Sun- day, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. F. Diann and family. May 24th passed off vera t;uie't1;, wages. The AR was Immediately taw. The are III ,'bolo iG , •ked to in tolyl on Wednesday. the ; o= • taken to-anot1W1' business man an,l'supply a statement of its relief fund course, had their supply of ('1: cr:_c Bke n re''r; an tot>11 "ttltltl L 1 date. The 'testae. 01 l 2cl.ttt, ly used to dischit, t • a 1^ • U i. t 1.'C 1 , ..t It )t Core' -'C !11 ed of tee, '' ` the first bte'.0 e..-. '.ina.n - Iroirtiv..1;. t'r'i-. t t, n+o''tlr . _; l.r O .:it' i...t Ji,, ' .1.. 1 -1.'a t 1 f _ i.. t s l0 7:? 1G 1C :� pad that '1Ul,t...y I n d tl $9 b 1e ° I with 1 ntyor Lee to take u• tin f i' •- Y• 'We are unloading a limited quantity Of CANADIAN PETROLEUM t; OKE Get your winter supply. in now while it is a vailabie_ .Son"Iet Solvay Coke. Pocahontas and Miller Creeks Always on band. AGRICULTURAL TILE and URIUIL Highest CASH price pa; i ter Eggs on a Graded I? Isis. W. R. DAVIDSON' 'Phone No. 1tA e c e 1e ae : again i !'ern e. the ola te, t nt e - reed ...''. eeectlYld business: man to pay a cicely Lina:ai'ioo:1 flue him. Thi' -net result wa that 'z'-'' r'1 naneia 1.y the dirt c. were in ,,I al:fly the same position tAEI haivre' and yet three debts had boon pod t •ri even one of the three man 'tori }mope, an,; in the feeling ti -at he 'was free of debt. The point of the steary; of ceur'st, is that every LIrztk. you pay a ter 11t you ' ti , . start a cycle of benit::ficenco which of 1)o1.n lions .1, :.t bund''t id may extend far and wide and event- dont! of file be1efici ri ,s „[t bleed r r•t lotions of de tensed, v ito riaed re - one in the circle gats a'friid of trio tired at Seaforth for more then -80 INTERESTING ',:'%ILL 1t.Ti ir" 2 t.l 'ilI that of the Robert ttF "el Cot''! e, of Sea forth, ha,-, tle ea i..1 fre probation at,Goderieh. rt di.posns of n natant" of S54,40.09, ell c l th wally come back to elt,ort. hilt '_ so,t,c future and holds t3rrn .l;Yr tilt- chain lei 1.41.EINSAILlia ONT. broken. Mi•+. 4f`'+'1t t,: cr••+S 's i} .e•r-3{g.".t'aIE it sa:l' "x .., .. ,•....... ..e c. •s •. . + .- m' �rr+aT f �'a�j;: lh n�T3 C�".A •4i Last -M a�ure $16,50 TO Fill y GtTA NIT ," .i� 4 • • • f' 8% Never Have. W� Hear€ ',01 .Such A Law Price !: A SPLENDID RANGE TO :CHOOSE FROM NOW IS. THE I E TO FICA )(OUR SPRING t 5�1 .1 yettrti• R. S. I-litys. .veil known ttut'1'is tet', who i:, sol- u`_,.. of til,• c - Per,h ifizhiug has 11 t on.' q:ti(l pp - pular these fine dale Some nit:e i rut:-:: have bo,•a l;lati at `+ Joseph, by taking a boat out into a little de-• epee tt•0l auto' etrrege of perch hiiee� been CAUt4',ii:, 01(ti eteange to say that thorn is an oec•t::foltal herring that tali..: the hook. A BIG C%ii:.QUE A cheque for $e4.70:aan ,hood be' on its way from the Provinci tl Trees urer's office P.lrlianiet't i uiiclings, tate receives : 11 ' "-1 ee tee! `tar -'ort •Ito, tothe ofl tit• of Gordor. OP A. D. Suiht rland and t w rd o ` 1^. Connty Treasurer, Goderich. Hinchley, real c'ettte toxin an:l ill.-Ui' it ne•prc.(,ents 50 per cent. of what once event, reef it e like .r10 111 Th, was spent on Huron County roads et'I tY 1 . to:nten.ete':? ,+i,, ,','(.,"+ 1:•1'1`9 last y'e'ar. If the governn1 lit has its :Leeson, the? lata' I way', however, next yen t'' . t (01<' hatter's late mkt ch,,'iti will only be about hall this a llnunf, eon. Wm. Thompson. former neer reeve p' for it has intimated that the county tl 1 :i,.1�C 1 1111th 1.'Y'. Vc i t.l'' ,,it,, stet, 1Ir' Thompson and LetLit'110111�1e'UA'"]J it, 1'0td eApentut01 s (10.l"11 t0 11 00 tett V r .I 1:,, ‘, 11l. i:; $75,000, inwhich case , n: erla (i att d 'Jit (flih('l' l st, i tt . 0, ant.f pi.. merit would only have to I iiy ';'+:1-7,500 '1011:•1' 111th 011 la za',:.+1 i - + ,.,:.;, Last year the total epent on roads or th• total c:,t lt( 51 O1; l.; 2 i in V, 1.15 !1;-1-21',:472'57' There rt t 11 an- ,� J _ other ' an'Nt � to the ' the reditctioon is nliti,e. it world mean a Vo*pinion of Canada bonds end . " e angle t 4'33.27 e z:11 in 'tarok. +-47. WILL su'..7r•t?`:'73R. A prediction fl It the sun .,ill it' colder for the meat two yeaea, with drop of 11101» than a heli•-'nitl on the county tax rate, which now Stands at. 6;;: mills. • ,MEDICAL MEN MEET the pe. s;1;uhtyih e' 'i 11 i acted in a way as yet eri,nown, has. Huron Medical Ai'i•_ot.Irti.10 heldits 31:11 r ser cl-by: -the Smiteeene01 111- .$tituto at V1'ashi1 Lion. F'or the neat .?' t.. oc'nths, said 11r. Chari,a CharG. Ab- bot, secretary of the ilt.tat?.doll, th:' heat that 'issues from the sun and males life possible on ea:'th will be settl.t'a hat below nortnnl. '1"iii, does not ri,eceasarily mean the earth will have two cold year:, for ear -ally lt•ee- th.er is affected by many influences best:des the sun's heat. however, it is believed the cold years o11 the sun Metal have sonic effect on the earth, Chau ;lt what i:; will be i; unpredict- able. Dr. Alibat already 1-;1;, 111.11 ;'C111 sllta' :s a;s a predictor of the sen's "weather." In 1930 , i:a.t ttwoWwarmyctlt'1 077 2.if 'ell, t(i � t'i` 01' ...n fe i t.• .a I,IY}s 111 '!.'tits 1X1;>, ttr .. ., , tt`.•(tl. 'l./ '.`... a"ft „-: bIP('li}fihlit;i 11..1.(. avYan '7 rt the e''1 as'.1: `Ke• 'i:'... '(. ...1,'.f1 • rl quarterly meeting Wednesday :tiav l 1 't at Alexandre Marine and Gt n"ral Hosp- ital. Between twenty tied thirty members of the medical ltrofo ...;:ion were at Goderich from all parts of the county. Dr. A. J. 11ac1''',.1.i'mon, of Zurich, president, w'ts 111 Ult. chair The gueaat speaker, Dr. Gilchrist, of Toronto, delivered a eplend'd. address on "Tile Prcatmert of Diat'ett s With Insulin." Dr, 'Macklin, of Goderich, read an excellent leaser on "The Nervous Systole!; of • ft.a.oatoes An- aemia." Dr. Connell, of Lecknow; 1'. 'l'oylor and i)r. Whitley, tley, o!' tlod- t utll, :al a' di: cu :tat 01' 11T 1111ea^ee rem ..a fid to the peerealon. 'line r YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES ACCURATELY DU>- • a • O• t� e 0 666eaafLa0.6 0Ca00000seasigi e t gge t 4sr CATED ANY SHAPE OR COLOR. 0 ® CO= IN FOR AN EYE EXAMINATION, WE CAN FIT YOU aWITH THE NEWEST IN SPECTACLES; RIMLESS OR RD:1S p0p �9 Hess, Me le f'der Phone 74 n - P e`+3Se€,PosE': aacattaaecteotmea 'a#Ytt i3Peoas€ aaaot ANY STYLE $G.50 UI' --C. E. ZURBRIGG, AT (t i s�► see ?seem, +++++++++++++++++++++++++.: **++++++•t •4•'1 + *++++4.4f6 ?1.' rete i o FR TZ 8L SON BUYS AND ' SELLS The Best In Fite Motor Cars Call at Our Garage in Zurich and see the Best Assort,. •>~ rnent of High Class Used Cars in the County, at Logi t f. -II• 414 1931 Ford Coach, good as new, mohair •upholstering, trunk tae: !l and Fender Well. Prices ever offered, Quality Considered. 4 SA 'I• 11129 Pontiac Sedan, finish and upholstering Like new, and. new ter ' 1927 T: -•ex Sedan, used very iittle, by a party in town, ha:, alert' 4 email mileage. Name of owner on reet('st. Th:' price will starve ,7 ,7 0 Chev. in condition and good tires. �k 1:) i-Coupegood 1:129 Ford Couch overhauled with new pistons, a real bargain. oe 1031 Oldsmobile Sedan, make us an offer. Only 17000 miles, f . 1927 Pontiac Coach with new Rubber. ea.- ', 1:'+30 Chevrolet Cub Half TonlE::prrss Delivery. q'n' 1030 Late Chev. Sport Sedan, goc'd as new, wire whee's and wy 4. mounted in. fender. 41 1928 Chev. Sedan, an economical car good Iini,sh,etc AND 1):IANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FARO -l1.. Our Terms are Considerate and We Trade! Phone 82 or 115 +q,.I.,Z..},fr+++ ++ !.1.1+0 ,"renRetpFkC'I 444..efiKtetela...•;•++ 1.4 4 4e t'toK.Co ie9 ;+ *' owl Zulicit F• 41. • To jr WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, i ; ARD ARE, PAINTS, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOUTS. AND HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC, AT LOWE ` ,PRICES, QUALIFYCONSIDERED. NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT 5c and I.0c PKG.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. �fj ,�.a, tli � f�',rn rpP i� 1 � 1:.; 5: f� li •