HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-18, Page 8• .:ItTO rr THE STORE WITH THE STOCK New Curtain Goods See Our ette, Etc. new Stock of Curtain Sclimms, Marques - Also ready made Swiss and Net Curtains at very Low Prices. Spccial in Frilled Curtains, a pair Frilled Scrimm, at per yard Plain. Scrimm, at per yard Curtain Net, Special, per 1.25 1.50 1.50 50c 15c 12c yard 19c Fine Net Curtains, Pr. Fine Net Curtains, fringe Fine Scrim curtains, pr. New Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Tapestries, Chintzes, Cretons, at New Low Prices. ends, pr. SEEDS! SEEDS! We have everything in Garden Seeds,.. also Seed Corn Mangel Feed. and Turnip seed,.. Chick Starter an ana Scratch Try our Special Rolled Oats for baby chicks, 9 lbs. for 25c; 100 lbs bag for 2.35 SC PRODUCE WANTED SOFT PHONE 59 pip........,...uNacrry..430. H1TRON& ERIE DEBENTURES1 DEBENTURES A SAFE INVESTMENm E Q Debentures issued for 5100 and over - 1 to 5 Years 5% Payable twice a Year Anarew .1. Hess, 1411 MOTTO—SERVICE rt ND SAFETY d 2 rp,a You MADE YOUR WILL? Zurich .w -+..t 4f VtD..••'-+"0.:._. "'13'[C...:�r,LCf.' ':..�Ui54'.ttS,..+..�nv. ��Si2+:A.ffill'IGi t Ls HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SPRING NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds •• We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- ing at Lowest Prices. 1 PAINTS! PAINTS! Full -Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty, Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. E ICH �,. PRIC WEIDO 0Te a •RVICE a WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS FOR MAY 18, 19, 20th. Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb tins Maple leaf Salmon, 1 lb.. tins Sultana Raisins, Seedless, 21bs.. New Cheese, 2 lbs. McCormick Chocolate 11! lallow°-Cookies per Ib Colay Soap (with face cloth free) 3 cakes Peanut Butter, pint jar 39c 29e 23c 25c TiC ?5c 23c Kelloggs Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c 25c 10c Maple leaf peas, per tin ,c Golden Bantam corn, choice quality, 2 tins 25c Lelys' Soap, 4 cakes 25e Blue Boy Coffee, per ib ' - 29c De Lux Jello Powders, per pkg. , 5c Huron Toilet paper, •7 rolls Choice Quality, tamotoes large tins Children's Hose size 5 to 9, sand cotton, pr. 15c Ladies' sand cotton Hose all sizes, pr.... 15c Ladies' Silk fullfashioned Hose, pr. 75c Eggs Wanted at Highest Prices J. W. ME Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCA INTEREST ( . LOCAL MARKETS Mr. W. C. Pearce of Exeter, was in the village on Monday. Mr. George Poulter of Varna, cal- led in town on Tuesday. There was over $150,000 worth of automobiles in a recent funeral cort- ege in Goderich. And some people still wonder where all the money has disappeared.—Star. Dr. 11 H. Cowen is attending the annual Convention of the Ontario Dental Association at Toronto this week, and consequently the Doctor's offices at Zurich and Dashwood will not be open for business. BUSY FARMER NEWS Better Year Indicated 'Says Poultry Authority That Ontario farmers are confid- ent poultry is again to be their best cash clop, is evidenced by the fact that more chicks have been hatched and sold this year than any year to date. From best indications, accord- ing to T. A. Benson, Dominion Poul- try Branch, this year should be dis- tinctly better than 1932 :for those in the poultry business. Poultry Exports Increase For the twelve month period end- ed Jan. 31, 1933, Canadian poultry exported to the, United Kingdom a- mounted to some 1,308,895 pounds. This represents an increase of ap- proximately 1,080 per cent over the previous twelve months, during whi- ch poultry exports to the United Kingdom approximated 73,194 po- unds. • m 0 Old. Time Prices The report of an auction sale of farm stock and implements in Wel- lington County states that a huge crowd was in attendance and prices reached old-time levels. Eleven grade cows, two of them heifers freshened for the first time, were sold at an average price of $73.25., while the highest price for an exceptionally nice animal was $114.00. The farm of 137 acres had been previously sold for $4,500. The grafting compounds mention - Purchase Certified Seed Now ed previously in this column were all Demand Greater Than Supply tried 'in a small way as wound dres- Based on a recent survey made by sings and in addition several asphalt the Department, there are approxi- paint compounds. The effect of tree mately 3,500 bags of certified seed vigor on. wounds healing was evident potatoes available in Ontario at pres- Medium sized wounds on vigorous. ent. Growers who delay in obtaining trees healing quickly and well with - their supplies immediately are al- out any treatment. Most of the mat - most certain of disappointment, since orials used reard healing on all -wo- the amount of certified seed potat- uncle as compared to those untreated. oes, available in the Province, is not The two exceptions were Braco 'and likely to take care of the demand. Latex, which encouraged callus for - Quality of Lambs illation. The clean, healthy callus for A statement relative to Iambs of med with Latex has been mentioned unsuita.hle quality in weight has previously. Paraffin was intermediate been issued by the Industrial and De ill its effects on wound healing. veloprnent Council of Canadaian The value of these compounds so Meat Packers as a suggestion to pro- far as prevention of decay is coneer- ducers that they should look after ned, is still uncertain. :Small wounds I the quality of their lei, r: i•, order to up to 11/2 inches in diameter,will secure the highest market : : , The doubtless heal safely without any tre message is headed; "I3uck Lambs and ;fitment whatever. Larger wounds sho- Heavy Lanibs". The market will con: tinue this year to pay more for ewe and wether lambs and lambs of suitable weights. Even early in the season before buck lambs take on their most objectionable features they are of poorer quality than ewes and wethers, being bonier and having •11aelt backs or loins. «r.vh el of )h1 practice .nrC+e,+ fluty fali/a z•end r., :•a• e ,7: 'IP CV^ ,,,,, h.<luttlg,?a�a�:Pti�iP„ w..rx iirat not :,b (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs ...............11-9-7 Butter per ib 27 Wheat bushel 80 Oats 22 Barley . . 38 Buckwheat 32 Flour 1.60-2.75 Shorts, ton 20.00 Bran, ton 20.00 Hogs, cwt. 5.00 some 6,000 head of cattle and, this number will be increased to 20,000 by the early part of Jane. With the revival of our export trade with the Old Country, a popular practice of sorne' thirty years ago may be re-es- tablished. Transportation companies make provision for one roan to trav- el with, each carlot of cattle and, when export trade was brisk, many farmers availed themselves of this opportunity to visit Great Britain. In addition to .those engaged in ag- ricultural pursuits, it has been stated that a great number of. Ontario's ol- derprofessional men, during their college days, visited England and Scotland as a result of getting the job of tending cattle in transport. Ontario Sends Many Entries Of the 2,500 entries received by the World's Grain Show .and Confer- ence at Regina on the closing date, 302 were from the Province of Ont- ario. A. H. Martin, Secy., of the On- tario Committee, states that the cla- sses receiving the heavyiest entry from. Ontario are; Red clover, 29 entries; alsike 26; white winiter whe- at 16; medium or late oats 14; six roowed barley 15; field beans (small white) 13; alfalfa 12. All the lead- ing grain and seed exhibitors of the Province have made one or more en- tries. Wound Dressings uld have the point of infection and decay, the centre of wound, protect- eel. One of the tar compounds, kept away from the outer edge of the wound, should be valuable as it lasts indefinitely and penetrates into the wood. Braco is very satisfactory and and protects for at ]east three years. T1 asphalt paints, if kept from the - edge. of, the wonnmd, appto giv 114104045401044+1.44+++4144i0401604* +4.in4,444 fr"4' 4,,:"tip•44++ k'4+1M IiPr You Hararnd nriitur ST1 WE ART -E ----NOW FINIS -HED TAKINGSTOCK AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK F HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, . AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCE : PRICES. ' We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat- tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain * -Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are All Gone.. • For some areal Bargains; we number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. 4, Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hugel, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. J'hn,ston Kalhflejsch Raid are & Furniture. P .®ie 63 +,++44 ,E•+++++44' 41 111111111!M1111111111111111a ERTI !+,'{!Lt,4Nfll;lN!11I 1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIihlllllll11111NRIIIIIIiiNll!Illlllllllll1i911!I N111111111(11!11ffillI RI!(INI1IIUIIIIII11111111111!!1HIIiIlIl9111111!il!IIIYfHiil11111111r W6 Repair Wagons, '`ufe gt -Auto.. Tops, Etc., .tea 1 good Lumber Wagon at ...._.. 1 good buggy at .. _.._ ... ._. -..�5 4 wheel Trailer Complete... -..._ .................341 r $25 I KEEP ON SMILING! IIESS, the Repair Man. &I��{1�i�u�Y.1131Iis�tili!i,h`Ltilri!ii111;plillUlllllltllllllilll;llfill(IIIHIi9Ii':9if!"�e^',?;i111Gy1111!y;jirlit.'1;Ilillflilll`IIIII �! '!+�' N •� � INII11lIII,.811G�uf11..Illllia.IIID?Iih6LN�lIIIf(11I8111III!ili(Il!il�!nT(Ifi, w +f��°E��rcK �s• ,66 r .I.,x..r.ar'�3�E�R'to�'�i�� �;ti•i dr�•�'���z � �'�>'��'��'tr���� S •: !IO. 1 r4 , .'wi Si1i7I �.'c. fneri 4Yas 4h ATTENTION ----To Farmers and tractor Owrseas: We are again this summer fully equipped to supply all users of Gasoline in larger quantities with a .good stand -. and grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert W'orkrnanship on Repair Work, and Overhand Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reascnaibe, Mon Zurich 114•14,04.1:+4.4,++++++++++++14404 + ++++ +$14 . +$ 4. F t. TO FURTHER ADVERTISE THE SUPER LASTIC TIRES, WE • WILL GIVE FREE ONE TUBE ON ALL -ORDERS OF THREE OR MORE TIRES. GOOD UNTIL MAY 27th COLE IN AND • Bean Seuffler and 1 4+ 4. SEE TIIB No. S HAY LOADER READY FOR. WORK, IT'S A PEACH. puller slightly used; Used Fertilizer Drill; Used: Plows, Cultivator, Disc. ORDER YOUR GENUINE MASSIJY-HARRIS 'PARTS EARLY AND SAVE EXPRESS. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AT COST. 4, t PLOW POINTS AND TIRES BELOW MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE. 4" PRICES. 4+7 MASSEY-HARRI.Ss SALES AND SERVICE TeL Shop 149 0 ICLOPF& SONS Auctl'e'neer it g? 4 Res. 6744.