HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-18, Page 5'Thurrd May 3:Bas, BUSINESS CARDS rim ri34/0 Wants, Fter Bale, Lost, NEWS DUDLE Y E. HOLMES F." "do rdoticel Etc Ade ILiklitbk13113.1k SOLIC1110110 1140T- Lmoo agi)Vja IVir. and Mrs. L. Prang iniotored to Loriden, on Saturday. ARY PV.H3L,IC, ETC, Mr. jolin A. Hartman spent Sun- -11DIFVECE—Hitunilten Street, at Oil O ,day with a friend in (Milton. le Square) GODIMICH, Ontario. NOTICE piii Attentlen to Conneel and wmaur pernoo, who has a slip Mr. Cyrus Sehoch of Kitchener la spending a week with,,friende here.. Court, Work, seraper owned by the Township of Holmes May be collimated at' Oodericia by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. 11. It COWEN L. D. S, S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ 33LOOK--7URICH livery Thursday, Friday, Solarday At RARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DA SIIWOOD Monday. Tuesday and fWsdnesday ENery Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 3 AM IN A POSITION TO CO •titratt e.ny Auction Sale, regardless Ssu to size or articre to sell. I solicit trour business, and if not satisfied will zankee no charges for Services Ren- abered. ARTHUR WEBER. --Dashwood lime 18-57. Zu.richs' -Popular MEAT MABT(ET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and. Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always., on -hand_ Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration tlighest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins JL Yungblut & Son ..101111,001•1110110./.011•10.1......1•1 • SERVICE. Why We have the Better Class of Customers —WW1 CLASS GOODS, U. •3IATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - "VELURE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Ifurts, Hohraing aud Mechanical Work slielveie Micrometer Settings, No Arstass work. Watch the cars *that ATOP at WEIN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE.. 0111 a 'DASHWODO • ONTARIO Western FarmersMtuo Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of insurs,noe at Risk on Dec. 315t, • 1931, $19,593,724. •-.Total Cash in Bank Dna Bonds $199,101,.61 altates—$4,50 po., $1,003 tec Bylaws E. F. Kiopp—Zurich Ainnt, Also Dealer in Ligbinind Rods end all kinds ol Fire Insurance mramenosestanammoormeleamareer....wrolsogonmemirsgsenr... 1.4 I V E POULTRY WANTED ltakol, every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. 0. seat bed Fowl same =riling when, brought f.n.; • Highest. Cash Prices 4...•CANO FOR—, CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ' note 101, Res. 94brfcb THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT is ever ready to serve the pub, Jit with Commercial and line, 'Ptinting, Get our pricest beL waits not till a bill we send, iisne- leaving your order else- , il)vt promptly sen ft us' the, amount, Wititrikerewtth. to ata eaighten his count. o ; ' ' :1Athwit ti Hay bring or eend the same to the Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weld° visited office of the Township Clerk Zur- with friends at Exeter, Moonday ich at once. These scrapers are ening. needed and -persons who have one -Of A number of our citizens have re - them will confer a :favor on the cently enjoyed the. Oakwood Golf Township by retuning same at once course at Grand Bend.' A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay. Dated at Zurich, May 15th, 1933. County Council Meeting The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber, at the Court House, Godericli, at two o' - Clock, in the afternoon, Tuesday, Jane the 6th 1933. • All accounts, notices of deputat- ions or applications and other imp- ortant business requiring attention at this Meeting of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Moonday previous to the meet- ing of Council. • Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk. Dated at Goderich this 16th day of The nice and balmy days we are enjoying this week is putting things in good condition and the • ear* spring growth is coming along nicely Mr. and Mrs. 'William F. Braun and family,. of Forest were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. William Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Weber and fam- ily of tlensall, were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber. judge T. M. Costello of Goderich presided at the Tenth Division Court in the Town Hall, Zurich on Tues- day morning. Very little is heard around town about the mid -week half holiday this slimmer. However, next Wednesday is May 24th, and a whole holiday. May, 1933. . Mr. and Mrs. • Percy Clarke and family of Windsor were in tovvri, a FOR SALE few days last week. They were over attending the funeral of the form- er's mother at Kippen, on Thursday. The spring seeding erations are now practically over and farmers are preparing the land for beans and corn crops, or hoe crops. The grain is coming along nicely, and some real nice fields og fall wheat are to be_seen. The terve roads in town have this week received their first attention for some time, and the holes, -Which .7. -ere quite numerous, have been clos- ed nicely, and we understand that a LOST new coat of asphalt and gravel will , A one year old yellow. Collie, hasbe applied soon. .1 long tail and white breast. Kindly The pump in the deep water well notify owner.—Ehner Deters, Dash- that supplies the near by town cus- wood. toners from the town well, was re - A limited quantity of choice buck- wheat seed for sale. Apply to Amos Gingerich, Bronson Line, St- anley Tp. NOTICE , 75 acres grass for rent, Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay Township. Ox cattle put in for season. W. C. Pearce, Exeter Phone 184. CATTLE' WANTED Wanted Cattle to Pasture for this season. Apply to David Gingerich, Zurich, Phone 139. FOR SALE Two fresh cows, 6 years old, for quick sale apply to. • Edward Haberer, Zurich. • For Sale SEED FOR SALE—A quantity of Dwarf Essex Sweet Clover Seed; fmprbved Banner Seed Oats; 0. A. C. 211 Soy Beans. Kindly get in touch with.—W. Alexander, Hensall Phone 13-84. SUPERIOR BABY CHICKS A close checkup reveals that of 8,280 chicks sold before April lst, there are approximately 8,243 living and doing well or over 100%. We allow 4 extra chicks to the 100 and this morethan covers all loss to date April 12th. Govt. approved chicks from bre- eding stock bloodtested by Capitol Laboratories, Ottawa. It takes three weeks to hatch out chicks so please order well in advance if possible. Prices for May and June. W.R. B.R. W.L. After May lst The 10c 8c. After May 24th . Se 8c 8c .After June lst 63e 61/2c 6Y2c If there 'should be a sudden change in egg prices we may be obliged to re'vise this list. J. E. McKinley, Zurich. Phone 97 r 11, Hensel]. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. — DANCING -- Every Thursday Night Exeter Olpvta Muse Admission 25 cents A Publisher's Blessing 0 blessed is he who doe( not fuss When he receives a bill from as; But knowing his subseription due, Sends in, the Money to renew. 'And doubly blest is that good friend paired on Monday, as the iron rods that lift the water was broke of a bout thirty feet from the top. Luck- ily it was so close to the top .;to -a- void a great deal of work. Mr. and Mrs. John McBride wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Edith May, to Mr. Harok Clifford Bell, eldest son of Mr. ano Mrs. Wm. G. Bell, both of }fay Towr ship. • The marriage, to take play early in June, - - . • . County Trafffc ,Oitcor Noenia. Lever was through these parts x.. cently and looked after the rea. signs, and also erected some new ones at the narraw bridges, which i quite essential to insure safety to the publie. The lucky candidate in t;.e guese ing contest was won by Mrs. E. Snyder of town, who was the closest to the number decided on, and Mrs. Snyder is to be congratulated on es- pecially as this is the second tirne in 'succession she has won this con- test, also winning last,. year. The prize is a Gongoleum rug. . The play entitled "Eyes of Love" put on by the young people of Zur- ich, and under the auspices of the Womens' Institute, Last Friday even- • ing was in every way a decided suc- cess, as a large crowd was present, and these young people gave a good • account of themselves. The proce- eds will be used for the improvement • of ,the stage in the. local town hall. The local hydro peak load has been kept within reasonable bounds during the winter months and in an endeav- or to keep the peak load down dur- • ing the summer months it will be necessary. for all range and hot plate • users to watch the use of power a- round six o'clock in the evening. It has been ascertained that tie critic - a1 time at present is around 5.45 to • 6.15 and if consumers could arrange' • to use as few elements of the range or hto plate as possible at that time the peak load could be kept down to a safe. margin. OBITUARY Mr. John Thirsk The death of Mr. John Thirsk oc- curred at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on May Gth, after an illness of one week and two days. Deceased had been in failing health for some tirce. Be was a resident of Blake, Ont., having spent all his married life in that community, mid was most favorably known to a large circle, of friends •and acquaintances. Deceased was in his 81st • year. The funeral, which was very largely attended,was held from the home of Mrs. E. Clarke' o Plaket with whom In had made his 1101t0 for the past eight ysus, on May 8th, to Bayfield cemetery. He leaves to mourn his loss two nephews in Canada, Samuel Freckleton, Ham- ilton, Gilbert Freekleton, of Lucan. His wife having predeceased him seventeen years ago. Relatives and friends were present at the funeral from Hamilton, tucan, LOndon, Tien - salt, Brumfield, Seafororth, Goderich, Zurich and roullarton, • Mr, John A. Hartman was a week- end visitor with 'his parents in Sen - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, and M'r. Clayton Hoffman of Galt, visited with their parents here on Sunday. Mr. C. B, Zurbrigg, who comes to Zurich as e first clase eye sight Spec- ialist, has changed his day of coming to Tue:day evening, 7 to 10.30 p.rn.. Instead of Wednesday. Mr. Zurbrigg has been fitting spectacles here for a number .of Months and is highly recommended, Mr. and Mr. Ed. Talbotand da- ughter, Eileen, 1V1r. and Mrs. John foromation was sought by the 0j i position during the recent sessioon of the Ontario Legislature and was the. I subject of debate at a eacus, where IVfr. Cooke contended the Legislature I had no right to demand the inform - Won, on the ground it was not a denartment nf 11, ic governrne, rag= NOVO BORN Denomme—At Lake Road, Hay Township, on May 9th a daughter, • Witmer—At Hay Township •on May 9th, to 111r, and Mrs. Beni Wite ITID1' a son 4iMiaNWINWWW.MWWWWINAW-fs ;.7N. Turner and family and Miss Susie Westlake, Stanley; 11i'. Comet, Ex- eter, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tal- • 4 and family, Goderich, and Mg. Lawrence, London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake, Hay- field. After a week's illness, Chas. Gray - elle, we..,11 known in railway circles in Goderich, and formerly of Stratford lied at his home in Goderich on Junday hist in his 77th year. He had :yen in perfect health until the we - k and his death carne as great shock to his family and fri- ends. He was born in Drysdale,Ont. he son of the laLe ltii'. and Mrs. L. Gravelle. In 1875 he married Miss! Tillie Lapoite, of Drysdale, 'whol survives him 28 years ago. Mr. Grabelle went to Stratford where he lived for two years, going to Goder- • erich 26 years ago, where he was employed as section forreman on the C.N.R. and has lived retired the past 13 years. Hydro Salaries F. S. Gaby, chief engineer of the Ontario Commission received "less than" $30,000 per year remuneration including $5,000 as general manager of Wahnapitea power development) and only seven other members of the! hydro staff receive "in excess of $10- 000 a year", a letter to T. J. Hanni- gan, secy-treas of the Ontario Mimi - dial Electric Association, reveais.The letter is signed by Hon. J. R. Cooke, chairman of the commission, and st- ates that only oue of the staff re- ceives more than $14,000 yearly. The information contained in the letter: was sought by Mr. Hanningan, the ' letter indicates, on behalf of the Municipal Assochrtioon, which owns the hydroo enterprise. This same in - ....,...••••••••=211•••••••••,•••••••••••. Zurich Drug Store.• We have a full Line all the requiTements School Supplies *4104094,6 4•0•••01-0,1,4.+4•4. 43.0. oj- of PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. olacensioceescobegetim,ocaeseo Al 1. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT e eeeeeeelee 0.0841teeneetee•Enatee .4e SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIIONS: Toilet Waters, Perfurnize:rs, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes, _ 1 . If.. 4 -- FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS, PkMMMM Dr, A„ J. MacKinnon, Zurich prowwwwwW\MFIVPAPAMWMARMIWARJ ?MEM= J., JJema., We want you to know about 5T ENA MEL 6-514 IN Durable 4 -Hour Finishes that tndy beautify! The transformations you can effect in your home with a few brush strokes of Sher -Will -Lac I Dingy corners painted with pure sunlight. . . new kitchen or porch furniture for old . . in soft tones that hold their brightness, and dry in just four hours! Sher -Will -Lac Enamel gives a finish that wears and wears . . a surface that washes magically. And SHER-WILL-LAC FAST -DRI STAIN merits your investment. It gives interior wood- work, floors and grained furniture new life, lustre and beauty. It stains and varnishes at the same time, and also dries in four brief hours. This is Paint Headquarters ... drop in here for the enamels and stains you need. They're on our shelves, waiting! 1.**1.11,0=1. IMMO. Our Hardware Store Mode by .SHERWIN-WILLIAMS FRENCH GR -At S'NeRiew.WautmsCo. .anado Vin;,. IS EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AL- WAYS THE NEWEST AND MOST MODERN • STOCK ON HAND. Let Your' next Wire Fencing be the well known 4'FROST FENCE" If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember, • WE HAVE IT! GOODYEAR TIRES' and TUBES that will give you Years of Good Service. SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always good supply on hand. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH .- ONTARIO