HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-18, Page 4BLAKE ara Johnston of tilcan, cal - lied on Mt. and Mrs, R, N. Douglas last week. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the play put on by the young people of Zurich in the town hall, hist Friday iiight. •and Mrs, Earl Barbour and family of Keinoka, accompanied• by. , Mrs. Tough of Bayfield, called on r friends in this vicinity on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton ;of Lutart spent Monday with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Airs. J. A. Carnie spent •Sunday evening at the home of Mr, and Airs. R. N. Douglas. Miss Gwendolyn Clarke wto spent last week under the parental roof, •;uruec o Goderich on Saturday. DRYSDALE Untended for last, week) lin and Mrs. Henry Ran and Mr. ..and Mrs. Chas. Laporte were in God- erich last Monday attending the fun - of the •late Mr. Charles Gravel". !Mrs. Claude Rau and babies of 'Detroit, attended the Roach and Du- rand wedding last Tuesday. Sorry to report that Mr. Cyplin Geffrey le confined to his room with Seeding e progressingvery rapidly these last few days of nice weather. Mr, John Laporte has been unable to 2.f -tend to business this last week :owing to illness. _Rise Margaret Durand of London , is home for a few .days .attending to her sister's wedding. • Mr. Maurice Durand of Detroit, has moved his family and household effects to the farm he bas rented for a few years from Mr. John 'Durand. • HILLSGREEN W,M.S—The regular monthly me- eting of the Women's Missionary So- ciety was .held at the home of Mrs• (Rev.) Conner on Thursday evening May lith, with Mrs. R. Consitt pre- siding. The meeting opened by sing- ing hymn 519. The scripture lesgen was Teed responsively from Nellie 96 and led by Mrs. R. Stephenson. Rev. Cbriner led in prayer. The devotion- al leaflet was taken by Mrs. W. Tur- ner. Hymn 256 was sung. the Secretary arid Treasurers' reports were read. Roll call was answered with a verse beginning With the let- ter I, and hymn 399. The study was taken from part of 6 chp. of the work of "The Women's Missionary Society by Miss Annie Jarrett. The business offering was then taken. It was plan ned to have the quilts quilted on Thursday afternoon, May 25th, in the church. Reports from the Pres- byterian meeting were given -by Mrs R. McAllister and Miss Annie ,Jarrott Hyinn 215. We closed our meeting with the mizpah benediction. Notes—The service in the Hills - green church will be withdrawn on Sunday owing to the anniversary services of the Young People at the Kippen church. On Thursday, May 25th vie ladies of the Congregation are asked to +++++4-4.4-4-4-÷4.4-:•++4-4.4 4. • 4. 4 4.1/1 in. and up, 8 foot long 35c WHY NOT RE -ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR SHINGLES AT THE 41: * PRESENT LOW PRICES. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND ICALdo, ILFAISCH SPE OI CEDAR POSTS PHONE 69 ZURICII 41° ve5msoss0000sseoesoseeooe4 esamoos000sec0000frob00000 s • •4 4i$ P.RANG'S GARAGE We are always at your service for Expert Garage Work, and Auto Repairing Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases WE ALSO CARRY Pumps -- Piping -- Pump Work COCKSHUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES,' OLIVER PLOWS,..ETC. ALSO • FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS AND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points) ID ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE L. A. Prang & Son Zurich Phone, Shop 1 14 Residence 76 WELDING 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, at a Sacrifice. 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one. 1 LEVER HARROWS AT COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. a • a emeowmputoosoos0000eososo 44$0.411,6040609410.09000.94,90 glaav ce-tzsocoovrlasg)osevioqv soaceszrooae SO 110114110304141066040 SEEDS SE DS • Now is the Time of Year to Look for your supply of • seeds... Garden Seeds of all kinds, Etc. Good supply ci Seed Oots, Seed Barley; all Clover and Grass Seeds .-• Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Etc., • Fertilizer Fertilizer OCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter -by usilig Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry F oods, and Laying Mash. None Better tin the Markets To -Day! "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency fox McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. on L,. se ',Jibe 1011400001.0.0064.4100004640. tioto$000041144041.6 0 • e have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will. at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! ST1 1 111 VHS**. 4640)*(0 0 ZURIC1-f HERALD come to the church and help oat foil the bale sUPpliei. We are pleased to report ,at date of writieg that Mrs. -Gordon Love is re- covering from her recent sot back a few days ago. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Fee of near Hensall called at the, home or the lattee's sister, Mrs, G. Love who has been seriously ill at her home. . Mrs: W. Johnston of 'Zurich, hae been musing Mrs. G. Love for a few days. Messrs..13.arold Reichert, Earl Love H. Adkins,: W. Weide, mootored to, London on Monday and attended' a Wrestling Match. Mr. Ross Dick of Toronto, spent the week -end, with Mr. -and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs.. Dick and Douglas; Who spent several weeks with their parents,..yeturning with the former to their home. Mrs: Roy Weber and Mrs. Jas. Dick of. Hensall, visited recently with friends in this vicinity. Misses Edna ''Cochrane and Annie Jarrott sang a delightful duet at the service on Sunday afternoene entit- led. "For Mother's Sake". Rev. R. R. Conner delivered a fine sermon. Messrs Alf. Westgate, Norman Jones, Alf. Coleman were in London recently. DASHWOOD Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Nadiger were; Mies Edna Seebach of Steatford; Mr. and Mts. A. Al- lemang and family of St. Clemens; Miss AIN Weismiller, Mr. and ,Mrs. 0. Strome and Clare of Elmira; Mes. J. Ruppel of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. 1? Stade of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams of London. were Sunday visitors with Me. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. • Mr. Clarence Routledge of London spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Airs. P. Fassold. We are pleased to report that Mr, Chas. Guenther, who has been on the sick list has improved and is able to be out again. Rev. and Mrs. T. Luft and family of Pembroke and their household ef- fects have arrived. and are now conie fortably settled in the Lutneenn par- sonage. A large crowd attended the induc- tion service in the Lutheran church on Sunday morning when Rev. • T. Luft formally began his pastorate nere.. The impressive service was conducted by Rev. Kinnyr of Lon- don and the choir under the direct- ion of Clayton Pfile rendered special music. Mr. Garnet Wildfong was suddenly stricken with appendicitis on -Satur- day afternoon and was rushed to LandoneHespital where he '-was op- erated' on Saturday. 'Garnet is gat - ting along nicely. • Mr. and Mrs. N. Sitter of Arkona Mr. and Mrs. Wm.- Thiel of .Zurich end Mr. Howard of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. J. Schroeder. Mr. Leonard Bender and Garnet Bender motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Leonard Schroeder of Windsor spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schro- eder. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thiel of Hensall, pent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Geo Koch, The congregation of Dashwood Lutheran church tendered a -rousing reception to their new pastor, Rev. T. Luft and Mrs. Luft and family on Monday evening. Mr. L. H. Rader acted as chairman for the occasion A male quartette composed of 1.. Kraft, C. Pfile, F. Preeter and R. Miller, sang and C. Pfile also favoreu with a solo. A mouthorgan anti or- gan duet by Alvin and Laura Rader Speeches were made by the three visiting ministers, Rev: &burin of Mit- chell, Rev. Pollex of Seebach'11111, .and Rev. Shute of Logan. 'At the close of the •progreen the audience in. file passed and shook hands with the pastor and family. During the serve ing of refreshments the guests of nonor including the four ministers and their wives and the elders of the church were seated at a prettily ar- ranged table. Rev, and Mrs. Luft were each PreSented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers by Mr. Morenz the oldest member of the congregat- ion. The meeting closed by singing. the doxology. . 'Mother's Day was fittingly observ- ed in the. Dashwood Evangelical ch- urch on Sunday. At the morning 4ervice special music was rendered by the Junior Choir under the dir- ection of Mrs. J. M. Tiernan. During the Sunday school session a .boys ehorus Was sung and recitations Wee re given by. Shirley Doerr and Ruse eel Tiernan. An interesting feature was the -presentation ' of bouquets of tulips to six, invalid mothers of the zongregation At the evening ses- sion the pastor gave an, appropriate oddress and an anthem was song by the Senior choir, solos by Mrs. M. ioman and Rev. A. W. qaucr and children's quartette 'composed of ::oris:Willert, Margaret Wein, Rey and Jack Gaiser. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. , of Oashwood Evangelical church held heir May meeting in the church base nerit recently with Mrs. G. Wildfong 1 the chair. • The program consisted ' ;:alo i.y Mee, j. AL Tientsin, iea- ....gs by sin. Nitni,Snell and Mrs:G. Therrsday,, May 18th, 1933'. *a. BA eposit_Accounts Denote Corfidence At its offices throughout Canada the. Bank of Montreal has over one million deposit accounts. The depositors, Canadin individuals and Canadian business firms, represent everyclass of the conimunity city and country alike2-from persons of large means to children starting their life's savings, from industrial corporations of international scope to farmers and small tradesmen. Good faith, good will and good banking practice nn the part of those directing the Bank grow naturally out of the sense oflesponsibility iinposed by this ex- pression of nation-wide confidence_ HEAD OEFICE MONTREAL. 1. Established 1817 "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARIca 21E" Zurich Brandi: C. H. JOY, Manager r, ...1.6-riorzw.cusso.-snas“..mmeselm”..smen seesea.reerewerese.e.e. es.esee., Wildfong and a piano duet by Miss down. and,a neat garage erected. Anna Tiernan and Mrs. A. E. Oes-1 Anniversary, services were held in treicher. Mrs. D. Tiernan presided Carmel Presbyterian Cluu•ch on Sun for the business session. There we - day, May 21ste Rev. Kenneth Me- re 52 sick. visits reported and the I Lean • of Winglaana was the speaker vigiting dem. for next month is Mrs. for the day. On IVIonday evening, a J. Wildfong and Mrs. W. Wolfe, the new flower. Com. is Mrs. E. Bender and Ales. D. Tiernan while the folloW ing Com. was appointed to arrange the flower beds, Airs. R. Willert, Mrs D. I-Iaugh and 'Airs. H. England. It was decided to hold a strawberry social on June 21st and the commit- tee iiinchaige are Mrs. A. E. Oestrei- cher convenor. 1VIrs. E. Bender, Mrs R, H. Taylor, Mrs. E. Gaiser, and Mrs. W. Wolfe. The program will be arranged by the choir. A motion to contribute 25 to the General church treasury, carried, Mrs. D. Tiernan and Mrs, A. W. Sauer were appoint- ed delegates to the W. M. S. Conven- tion to be held in Tavistock the lac' ter part of May. The next meeting will be in charge of Mrs. R. H. Tay- lor and 1VIrs. W. Wolfe. The Anti -Can't Club of the United Farm Young People of Ontario_ met in the Blackbush school recently with an attendance of over 60 young peo- ple. The meeting opened with a sing song led by Eail Witmer with Miss Reta Hayter as aceempanist, •fellow - ed by'a paper, "It requires Brains to be a Good -Farmer", by Mrs. A. E. CreStreicher. The president, Kenneth Wein reported, a membership roll of 29 and 16 new membera" were receiv ed at this meeting, making a present membership of 45. Plans were made to hold a box social on May 31st in the. Evangelical church sheds. Miss Tema Birk read the Club paper, duties. . lie had a close call from! "The Tatler.„ The main feature. of having his arm cut right off by the the program . was a debate Resilved swiftly revolving saw." - that modern dress plays too great a Mrs. D. B. McLean -has returned Part in the life of a Young Canadian. from St Thomas, where sne liad be- • The affirmative supporters were Earl en called owing to the critical illness Witmer and Ella Martinson, while ' of her brother-in-law, D. McTa,vish, the negative side upheld by Ella Eve - land and Agnes Robertson. The jud- there. followed by his, death while she was ges were Airs. R. H. Taylor, Airs. G. Link and Airs, G. Wildfong, end gave ,their decision in favor of the affirm- ative. An interesting contest was then conducted by. Miss Reta Hayter after which refreshments were' served by the ladies of the executive. COUNTY .NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Petty,_ of Tor- onto were recent visitors with the former's _parents; Mr. and 1VIrs. O. L.. Petty of HaY 'Township.' Wednesday laet was the first of musicale was given in the church con the weekly half -holidays of the sea - siding of ehoruses, duets, solos, guar tetter and instruraentals. Mrs. G.M.. Young of Nairn., elocutionist, also took part. Viola. Lemon of Toronto, is visit- ing at the home of her, father, Wm. Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay Township, attended the funeral of their eitece, Betty Colvin of Byron on 1VL o:hdealyinalaldson' of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr.. son for the business rnen--or some. of them in Goderich. Witighanes municipal tax rate this., year is 45 mills. For 1932 it was 4 mills, and for 1931 it was 49 mills:. Miss Agnes Conabe, of Clintone. left for Toronto Wednesday last and' . sailed -on Friday from Montreal on a. trip to Fmgland and the Continent's. Miss Come is ,being accompanied by - a friend, Miss Luser Jackson of- Tore onfie. Wingbarn population this year, as found by the municipal assessor, is; 1923, a reduction of 35 from last and Mrs. C. Hudson. year's ftures. The total assessments Annivet.eaxy services will be held' Is• 1141 Otik4?!.g. in the United Church on Sunday,iker A joint spring flower show of Ful - 28, Rev. Mr. Finlay will be the spea- lartori and Kirlecon Horticultural So- ker for the'day, cieties is being held in Kirkton hall, on Thursday, May 18th and musical. Orville Twitchell was in Detfiiit, 'program under the direction of Mean being_called there through the death Mellartiy-Smith, of London at 8130.. of his younger brother, Harold, who During the month of April only 7'1 ' passed, away quite suddenly us !transients called at Brussels as corn- • thirties. The remains were brought pared to 136 during the month of" to Seafoeth for interment, and the March. Signs have been posted at,' funeral was being conducted by the the Sleeping hut in the town -hall, and Masons. ,at the station that transient relief Stephen Troyer of Hay Township, 'stops there on the first of May. a few miles from town, who had the It happened on the farm of Mrse misfortune some time ago to, get his N. McCauley, igrey Township, Mrs.. arm quite badly cut with a circular McCauley has a goose -there evIiiclein• saw, hag fortunately got the full use the morning laid a double yoked egg,. of his arm pretty well back again and and that same night it produced a. is able to he engaged in his fanning, single yolked egg. A. E. Bradwin, who has been pnb- liShing the Cliffoed Express for sev- • eral years, has discontinued that pub, Heaton and is removing from that village the past week. Gypsies interferred twice with a rural mail carrier on route 5, Brus- sels, while delivering mail on the 4th,. concession of Morris, wanting to goe The local bowlers are organizing through lies bundle, but he would not let them. The Township of Wallace finished' :the year 1932 with a credit balance of 49185.10, and all taxes aceounted forwith the exception .of $200.00\ ,whiCh have leen returned to the Cle— linty 'Treasurer and may yet be clean.: ed up, so the Township Clerk advises. St. ,Leonard's Anglican' Church,.. Toronto, was the scene of a 'quiet an& pretty wedding when Margaret Libre youngest daughter of Mrs, L. What- ton, Toronto, was united in marriage to Wm. C. W. -Barber, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barber, of Sea - forth. Rev. C. Carpenter officiating Geo. 'Flynn, the new section fr.- ILIENSALL Rev. Arthur Sinclair attended a meeting of the Huron Presbytery at Goderich 'last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd McEwan and datighter were visitors at the Beach - o -Pines. • . • Mrs. Lorne, AleNaughton of Rib- hert is .visiting at the borne of her ?ather, W. IVIcLaren, and planning for a good season's play and it is expected they will be joined by a number from Exeter. The funeral of the late 1V.L.rs. John 'C. Stoneman of 'Toronto took place Saturday last on the arrival of the noon train eat the C.N.R, depot at Clinton, to the Hensall 'Union cem- etery. Mrs. Stoneman was a former resident of Hensall where her husb- and, the late John C. Stoneman, was a prominent business man and Clerk • a the village. The family moved a- -Way from. here about 25 years ago to reside in Toronto: Mrs. Stone - man's maiden name Was Margaret Adams Robinson and she was born in Lambeth. Last '1'hursclay.morning man for 'Exeter on the L. -H. and B.. she was stricken suddenly with heart is moving to Exeter iron' Claude-. fair from which she failed tceral- boye and :has rented the residence one Iv. • She leaves one son. Curtis. trer ,Cailing St .recently vacated by Wes- Mts. A. Scruten is improving the ether son, Bert, was killed in "the Ilainnione. • M. 1:eleennone 1.4 moving , appearance' pi her property on Qu- Nay. and her husband predeeeagedfher into residende of Mabel FoIlickn, Oen et., by haver her barn taken dome. yearn ego. , 1 Main Ste