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Zurich Herald, 1933-05-04, Page 7
HERE'S THE ONO OF `BLOOD Value of Advertising Stressed by British Firm Loi}don, Tng.—Aad essirig the an- TESTED" PATIENTS TO PROVE-- Waal meeting of Bovril, Limited, }n •London recently, Lora Luke, chair* that Dr. Williame -- Pills haemoglobin in the, blood that clears man of the board, drew :'articular the system of poisons and carries life -1 attention to the fact that, while due giving oxygen from the lungs and economy bad been practiced in every nutriment from the kigestive organs other department, they hao not dim- to the innermost cells of every organ iniehed their advert Bing, "We em- end tissue of the body, then you can sider it of the utmost importance," realize the value to you of the re. he said, "to keep our advertising markable haemoglobin -building power bright and persistent. At a time "when purchasing power in, ma ay countries is m -:eh reduced, a policy o` keeping the virtues of our Product well in the pl~blic eye meets strongly with your board's approval." 73•ovril is sold and advertised all over the world. Those in charge of its sales policies therefore have ex- ceptional opportunities for gauging' the benefits to be derived from con- sistent advertising. Lord Luke and his associates are emphatically not of that school who look upon advertis- ing as a regrettable but necessary expense, and who argue that when sales fall off advertising expenditure should be cub proportionately. On the contrary they maintain that is the very time when one sho:ad main- tain and if possible increase one's owns advertising. In other wards they believe in capitalizing on a competi- tor's weakness, and making a bold bid for that portion of his business that has been made vulnerable, through his failure to defend it. Lord Luke's comments on radio.as an advertising medium are interest- ing: "We have not utilized :hie serv- ice " erv-ice," says Lord Luke; "and it would• take a great dein of persuasion to in- duce us to do so. The reader of a newspaper does not need to read the advertisements it contains unless he likes.. He can keen himself occupied With whichever section of its news columns appeals to him. But the Lr.'oadeast listener has no such choice. Hemust listen -fo whatever is thrown at' him through _ the ether or switch off his set. If there is one thing that long experience in advertising has �t light us, it is that one must be tact- fiul in Making one's approach. One buyer, or one potential buyer, annoy- ed;iiiight well count for more on the debit' eide than several of the merely int`eres'ted type on the assets side:" Fishing D Quicidy and Safely Build Rich Red Blood, 'Create New Energy and Restore Strength. If yen are pale, tired -out, easily irri- fated—df you have heart palpitation or dizziness—if your blood is ,thin, appe- tite poor don't be discouraged. ,There's a scientifically prover remedy that will quickly and .safely restore your sundown, anaemic •condition. Just recently •a reputable physician, 9.t the request of .the, owners of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, made a scientific hest of a group of typical rundown, ,esiaeinXc people. Blood .from these people was tested Igor haemoglobin content and for the umber .of red corpuscles before and After taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s.' t every case Dr. Williams' Pink Pills creased the haemoglobin satisactor- 'Ay. In some cases the results were remarkable, the haemoglobin, being in- creased double the percentage normal- • to be expected in a month's time. • every case where the blood count spas below normal, Dr. Williams' Pink pills increased the number of red ,t3orpuscles. When it is understood that it is the of Dr. Williams' Piiik Pills. When it is furthee understood that the red corpuscles are the workers in the blood stream 'and the carriers of the haemoglobin, yon can still further appreciate the value of a preparation that can increase the _.umber of red blood corpuscles as the "blood tests" proved Dr. Williams' Pink Pills could do. All patients in the "blood -tested" group had quick and safe improve- ment_ in their pep, vigor, color, strength and general health. The physician said the re-ult., were re- markable. Remember, a blood test o infallible. It tells the truth without fear or favor. This group of patients* furnish abso- lute, positive and convincing proof of the merit of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. What Dr. Willams Pink Pills do i^r others they can do for you. *The names of the patients, records of the tests, physician'.. name, are on file, and can be produced as evidence of the truth of the above statements. OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1 -Scout 4 -Conceited person 8 -To mature ;11—Grassy plain • 12 -Solitary 18 --Small particle its—Strong scented plant 1,7—Bow 19—Above 20 ---Negative t1—Tree 22—Poein Z8 --Ran away 25—Sorrow 26—Genus including holly S7—Color 48- Slang: enthusiast 29 -Turf 30—Pronoun 21—Contempt --Belonging to 5 --To follow 26—Briirt_ g7 --=Respect 18—To att. efy '1 • 40—Jewel 41 Paradise 42—Achieved 43 -Temporary fashion 44 Past 45—Pronoun 46 -Cap 47—Disdains .50—Courageous 52—Western .slate 54—By birth. 55—Preceded 56 -To carry 57 -To plant Vertical 1—Crafty 2-Legumiuous plant 8—Told storie's 4—Conspiracy` 5—Quarrel 6—At home 1 -Spirit n Arabian Nights. 8—To help $-To depart r0—Musical �istudy 14.• -Top 16—Whip 18—Conjunction 21—Petted 22 Antique 23—To: cook 24 -Shelter 25—Existed 26—Electrified particle 28—Fruit 29—Slight tanto 31—Spanish title 32—Goal 33—To be due 34 ?harsh 35—Brown 37• --Decorates 38—Drink 39 -.—The whole 40—Scale 41=Self 43—Note of scale 41=Tobe pain4'u1 46—To spread 47 -Held session ,a—Prefix: new 49 Stitch 51 Pr"ououn 53—Preposition Laughter _lighter has bright, golden hair; X,aughter ,slat me on the stair, Ietl, alit said, as she peesed3Y, "bale d-'b"V. "Ce and meet me by -an" {>Nhter dances on the green; lighter ha i:... he gayest' mien, •a;slwaye meb ori ,she �g,Oes 1iTough` the world on tripping toes. cold that I might be like thee, ways happy air"edn be; N a• per, take me by thehand, ash'me, clear, to undersand. •=-hlizalieth 'Whitteinoreilley. o -- usts Shipped by Airplane sn y'* don.—:•our crates ofie locusts o;inudenthe.ca4'gCo of in air fxom Miiea. Kenya colony sent to Erglreh sc,�ie lttiets who are ing mama to combat the ravages the insect. I No ratting r r '.'Turing Baby's teething period I found 1$ BY'S OWN TABLETS especially -eficial, as my child did not fret of nSsas so many children do. I conside► Y S OWN TABLETS a Moth is >.n, d e 7 rites Mrs . Earl Hayrei Monc tis` N.B. alit, ar proof of the effectiveness of ) BY'S OWN TABLETS. is being eattantly furnished by Mothers every- w `ere. These sweet, inexpensive litlittlee b1ets are positively harmless. 2:- ' n of safety > every antes uar eg 1 tent packs ;e. Dr Williams' • sf`s AMPS OWN TAO4QTS Answers to Last Week Puzzle SAY HEATS P 'O D 'AGE EXTOL c 0 s >tia I C V p A A L R Y ARES Y E 3 PEDOS U1,9 ZA LM'A 0 I L�4A S PERS IOW L A 4A L I fA I T %T 0 ENORAV INGv,N OD ooRAEND T0R•E A S NEM O R I S E s R E a A R D c OUR TOW ER 'PET SUEDE TB11. L X But give to me a fishing rod, And a wild river running free, Where hazel groves and alders nod, And the happy birds sing wistfully. For oh! it is a joyous thing, And makes a lovely singing sound, And mine is like a zither string, Stretched taut above the silent ground. Tt starts down little gbylls and dello, And flashes from "the mountain's crest. And thele' the heather shakes its balls •• And calls a tired man to rest! :. ..w. ilk.. :;.�M... ". 'MF•�:f:'' om "The Collected Poems" of Herbert Edward Palmer. 'Nursery Car Proposed - For British Railroad London.—British railway passen gersshoed'theniseh ,fullto" deaif for bettering xail txavel . w�I%ntlle %ndon, Midland 'and Scottish Sr�he vited suggest1One for improver nts in its •service. %titters poured in at the rate of COO a day, providing , tthe"corn �_" nv's exp1?e its with usefuwa1 l hints as 1 as 'much amusement. Carriage seats all :facing one way '.`so that people will not hSave"'to look ttt' each other's fades," WAS. the rifest 'Wane traveler, A father wrote to. ok`° °. •a "�' s ••'itrhr b • car u ear g n rs ' kfo ra y as ' a., n+. d toys for 1 e:l. ' G lildl A hiker suggested converting plate layers' huts into Yiinth hostels. Fur- ther ideas were electric fires in wait ing rooms operating on The coin -in - the -slot system, and cheap meals in restaurant cars. One cOrrespon,dent "'What Is the meaning of the Masa, 'the higher the .fewer'?" 1,!"lit may allude to the Oysters in a Stockholm Grows to 519,711 Stockholm. The population of StZtkii inn. has been officially an- nounced n- no cad at 519,711 persons, an in- ciease of 5,378 since the close of 1981. HADACHE.AFTER HEADACHE Now She's Free From Them A woiian writes:—"I would like everyone who :suffers from headaches to ^til Kiuichen Salts. Before taking Kru c in m I wa's hardly ever free fro a�headache. But since I have been taking it regularly I have hardly had it'elgitdache, Per which I am very thailkftil, for headaches can make ode feel quite i11. I have been taking that s"�na1I dose of Kruschen every morning ... ina glass of warm water, before my breakfast, and I feel so well." --(Mrs.) E: D. 5ee�l e co 0 „i nds 4111 ttiErtes) yon IA INA440 St v ow Iastlilsiikt ex ha ' h ba ani � � ate setq �� c � p�e�e with ore of tinea-1�.snas, toUr l na/ shin'e'r, ( and b� t loaf ) • ... Q L tills liana/ o ,? the h a ge for r�l ti eeeed tach x a saes S fug in the cat �t' exp �ssoz 'a , extra xtra+n Vihe t' agile �,{rs g rich sour. In egg Vali �SQnalit9 you want Nan in & s- fe botacc on get 1.11 y caGk geoith ie;sege leo na You can lle Cut. only o. ette9 Coll. at t5psig es e� leas e• rely t �4¢ gado , front 8' ...SMILE'S . a Q .0-4-0-0-41s s..o•. Husband (making overtures after a quarrel) -"And what little Christmas present shall I buy for the one I love best?" Wife—"How about a box of cigars?" Down In the "Sticks" Out our way there's much of gladness, More of faith than cruel doubt, More of laughter than of sadness, Many joy germs scattered 'bout; Silver lining comes a -shining When the sky shows darkest gray, And it seems like God's bestowing Special favors—out our way. There's the blessing of day's duties, Nights for undisturbed repose, There's a wealth of outdoor beauties From the hilltop to the rose;, Ther"e's a happy, friendly spirit . In the air from day to day, Till it seems like God's bestowing 'Weisel Special favors—elft our way. There's a bit of time for playing And for mingling with the throng, There's a bit of time for praying And the voicing of a song; There's. a roaming o the wildwood As a balm for heart's dismay, And itaseems like God's bestowing Sp,.,• .. Special favors—out our way • Headaches can. generally bet traced to a disordered stomach and to the un- acted retention in the system .of s grathig waste;ntMterial which pelt, blood. Remove tli:ese•liois"ons e onethe n. . -- rid a forming a sin • ant them f g g -- rev p or, you 11 never Have to worry ally :mord . Ad that is )list how Iiruselieu Salts brl'ng swift and lasting relief from headaches, lerusche:l Salts aid Na - eel.. tune to cleans© your -body Oomph t y of all clogging waste matter, Start on r Second (encouragingly) — "Stick it, Nobby! Keep at 'lin an' you'll come .h'rough wiv flags ,.; iio}ier,(wlio has had enough)—"Yus! At alf=inaet!" Hostess—"I'm afraid you'll have rather a long drive back, jou p$or de''ars:' Departing Guest—"But, darling, your sweet Vouse is so' charmingly situated that Henry and I agreed that the j ur; s,.; iley book will be the most •deli$hA ul part of our visit," Tie -"I just paidethe doctor another , tens dollars on his bili." ,,;;.,alfa-, Goody! Twomore pay= regi s andthe baby is all'ours." Drops of Ink Contract B °idge In a Nutshell Culbertson System Tells you at a glance—ho-.7 to value your hand—the meaning and value of honour tricks, playing tricks, sup- porting tricks. Tells how and when to bid—how to respond to p:.rtner's bid—explains demand bids, forcing bids, slam bids, defensive bids. Lat- est scoring. Large folders 25c Pocket size 15c Vest pocket size 10c POST PAID The Wilson Publishing Company Ltd. 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto In a Japanese Garden A jade green bridge o'er a silver pool, A laughing brooklet clear and cool, Where panted fishes sway and gleam Like flecks of sunlight in the stream. PBENT AND SUM IEMBNANT;.. 1 r POUNDS PRINT OR SILKQUILx ING Remnants, $2; 2 pounds 500. A. MaCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. Some tall white lilies in a row That curtsey as the breezes blow, Lining the pathway to a shrine Set in a grove of stunted pine. Some cherry trees with blossoms sweet That shower down petals at the feet Qf a small lady of Japan With her kimona and her fail. —Kate Calquhoun. 'Colors Now Rule Fixtures in Kitchen and Bathroom Modern pluinbing fixtures are dis- fiitkuished by color and beauty of nis. During the last few years 'Manufacturers of plumbing equipment and decorators have gone in enthusi-; "estically for colors, and nowhere in the house has this trend toward the colorful found more expeesexion than in'the bathroom and kitchen. In these rooms the old institutional white has been¢ completely routed by color. bile May have plumbing fixtures in mint green, ivorle de medic:, autumn bri'e'a, grey, citrus yellow, ja a tan, slion kilue;' or 'orchid of 4ineeiinee. Parson -"Well, Mose, hgw m your. tier half this morning?" Mbseee llie'e ettah, thanks, suli, but To' sho' is careless wif yo' fractions." Following lines of least resistance is, whaL'malies rivers, and ming'ciooked a. If 'therein any luck in odd niiiiibers, lea -Eta -king to reflect than 193'3 fat four iethein. Unlike solitaire, jig saW ;,iiizles offer no temptations to c'heat4 The man who tries to dodge his obli- gatiq s ueualiy findsthe detour muol% rougher than the road. It isn't hard for a ;woman to make up her mind to marry aiis;au, the h bpart is malting him"belie`ve he "thy ght upthe idea,. From the Humorist "Of course, you're lucky! I'm afraid my hlrsliand is one of the kelpie kind, If he wants to darn some scoff or sew a button on, I always have is thread the -needle for him!" Employer—"What do you mean,. by thls; SEithers? I told you distinetly� that 1 could grant you only seven clear days' leave, arid here you at last pit in an apjiearance ou the eleventh!" Smithers "'Yes,air. Thizee'of them were foggy± Man • hie to Nese ue a woman . (rushing who had slipped on t e cement Are:: n'ient)' -'Did you fall?" . "Plronlan—"Oh, no, 1 just sat dowti here to see if 1 couldn't find some. , �ttf clovers." s. " 1 vitt"ced his opinion that ( 1 t lfallts of the "the little daily dose" of l rusclleil to- One of the most perplexing things '. Y railway ivay ititr it °during new tra:Pflc should rnoi•roilr, Then you.will very soon have every harried woman has to put'llp be granted free travel. >+'axe with headaOliele with is a hatband, (1 Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors uWritsed rie ib'�i3 '% tat os}ee,4or our bargain list of rc oles.:Terrnswrra fact. :PATENTS, 4N OFFNtt TO EVERY I.NV"alNTO 1-1 List of wanted inventions and 1, information sent free. The Itamcay Co psay, Vold Patent Attorneys, 273 Ba Street, Ottawa, Canada. AGZNTS WANTED. AGENTS TO HANDLE F:.` T-SELtn* ING, attractive packets tested gai den seed. Handsome profits. Exclusive territories. Standar" Seed Sales, 120 Wellington St. '.Vest, Toronto. Scientific 'why pay money for jobs you can do yourself? Now you can mend our own poultry and dairy equipment, autos, trucks, tractors, potspans and kitchen- ware—and most anything ode of metal —with Kester Flux -Core Solder. You can do it easily, and save money. This solder is different, folks --it carries its own acid inside. It's easy to use. Write for big Free Sample and Instruction Booklet. Always ask for Kester by name. Koster Solder Company of Canada Ltd. Dept. 1; Brantford, Ontario. KESTER S,,OLDER 1 "Marie :n Canada" Steel Septic Tanks Sanitary Toilets, Closets and Baths. Bathroom OutfltS. Water Systems. Steel Tanks, Roofing, Siding and Ceilings. Ventilators, Hog Troughs, Water Troughs, Poultry Fountains, Steel Stone Boats, Steel Furnaces, Have - trough, Eto. Send for Catalogue and low Prices. SEv. Gordon Steel Works Limited, Tweed, On':. IFS LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Calomel necessary For yon to feel healthy and happy, your liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile feta your bowels, every day. Without that bile. trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination.. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. Bow can you expect to °leer up a situation like thin completely with mere bowel -moving Nolte, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing Sum, or roughage? They don't wake no your liver. You need Carter'e Little Liver Pills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Asst for them byname. Refuse substitutes. 25e at ail A CORNS & WARTS 23 Remove dry skin. Dab on Mtnard's 3 times daily. Let it dry on. After a while Corns and Warts lift right off FOR CONSTIPATION `rC.UIVERING. NERVES Yield to Lydia E. Pinkham'el 'Vegetable Compound When you are just on edge... chil- is fond the when you can w Y iren s noise ... when everything is a burden ... when you are irri- table and blue ... try this meth- cine. 98 out of 100 women .report benefit. will give !. It just the extra you energy you need. Life will seem worth living again. ISSUE No. 17--'33 Cutiienra Ointment 1:2013. and heal btlrne, outs, rashes and aft mart y'rttati.ol s1 - of cbirali d. Price 25e, and 50c. Mek ' I�r F' Id YOU can earn goal money Lamm* time et V home making:display ost&N. Ne esfling:ox o n. trust ou furnish i F nngg. 1 1 s canvassing. ie a outat and supplyyouNide work: . N rite to -daft for free booklet., *V0*,The MSNmENIZT COMPANY, 647 Dotedh on Bldg., Tdr(etato,.,• .r