HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-04, Page 5Th '••1.4 GYyY 4e idly 1983 „eeemeseeeeeeeee ES CARD$ 'DUDLEY „ 'Hozimris $W';Y';Ele, 5 iLICieleene, !4!9'8'- .Aitit PUBLIC, ETC, firef »ICE---Hami1'lui; Street, awe mfl ;lam Square, t$ODERICEi, Ont exio. paciaal .&ttention to Coen el and Court 'Work. .111Cr. 'Holmes may be casrrsazlted ,t Ireoderich by Plume, mazie, raa:ml Plsone charges ravened. Dr. I, Mei C O W E N L. D, el, D. D 3. DENTAL. SURGEON M DI ITel BLOCK—ZURICH leerisry Thursdays Friday., Saturday At HARTLi3?1 i° 1 BLOCK, .DABH:WO.O1 Lr -very Monday,. Tuesday sba Licensed Bonner For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- -Theta any Auction Sale, regardless Ala to size or article to sell. 1 sollcxt vet r business, and if not satisfied Neel ,mss no charges for Servit Ren - red. Al fegUR VEB.ER—Dashwood wens 18-67. .Zurichs3 Popular MEAT MARKEMARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh ane! Cured Meats ire:lognas, Sausages, Weineis, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cada Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins `Let Us. Serve Your Yunghi it & Soma. SERVICE _Wily We. have the Better Class of Customers imam CLASS GOODS, 0.,IS 1RTTERIES, MOBILE OIL, IVIAR- IleiLUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ..tl 4D TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION; arts, Hehning and Mechanical Wor'IC :eras to Micrometer Seabees, 1io amaze work. !'Hatch that ears it ant IMP .at WEIN'S, Thee, are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. P3 VTcin lDASt3WOOD ONTARIO -Western Farmer's' MutuaJ Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - mount of Instcrartae at Biala on Teo.. 21et, 1981, 619,593,724. , i ota1 dash in Bank aucl Bonds $199,101,.61 ntes-44m per %Los este • 8 ysaa . E. F. Klopp—Zurich *gest, Also healer in Lijhinind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance (� L l VE POU b.1 R .i WANTED Mak** every Day till • ! oeceock, p.m. i*. net feed 7 Fowl came morning when brought ice. �t Cash. Pulte --CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGG` Ws 0'' >den mous 191, Res. 9. Muria THE HERALD'S 3010 DEPARTMENT alever ready to serve the pub. tic with Commercial and fine •l'itinting. Get our prices be - Aloe I ,ling' your order el - ti .. C f,"d?ere& rIF,`.1T1i.'. !ant**, For 84 a9 Lortw Found t)tla *9 Ete. Ade le1 =AVM FOR SALE 'Two fresh cows, 6 years ale, for quick sale apply to.. Edward Haberer, Zuric"la. NU 1 it; R tessrs. Garnet Weeper and 'Melvin Brown have xnutually agreed to look after the needs of Zuzrielr in the sup- plying of fish, They will make their calls at each week alternatively_ Pat- ronize your horns citizens. NOTICE I have purchased a chestnut Hack- ney Stallion,is well mariceci with three white legs and a :mice white strip on face, I will announce his route as soon as possible. John Hey, jr., Zurich. NOTICE I hereby wish to notify the people of Zurich and Hay Township, that after May 20th I will make shy an- nual rounds in the capacity of Health Inspector, and ask every citizen of the connnunity to have all their yards. outhouses, stables, etc., cleaned and in a good condition to pass the sani- tary laws, and also that people are to have all ashes removed, and refrain faxen throwing broken glass of any kind on the roads. By Order. Jul. Block,Inspector. FOR SALE We have a few- of last year's New Ford Cars, while they last .at $100. less than this year's low prices. L. Prang & Son, Zurich. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Ed- ward Deters, Sr., of the Village of :Zurich, has been appointed Inspector to enforce the provisions of the Nox- ioYas Weed Act in the Township of Hay. By 'the said. Act every occu- pant of land,• or if land is unoccu- pied, the owner, shall destroy , all weeds designated noxious by the re- 1 Mr, Ward Fritz spent the. end in Windsor, The •local fishermen report catches of fish in the trap nets Miss Edith Klapp who is at ent at London, .spent Sunday her parents here, Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Ha called on his brothers her o last week. The auction sale advertised for in Zurich on Monday was not held as a mutual settlement was made which cancelled the sale. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader and Mr and M Whit - k hire *reek - good. pros - with milton, me day i rs't . ii'ney Br ens spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, Crediton. The Evangelical Young 1'epole's League spent a very pleasant social evening in church last Friday even- ing. Mr. E. E. Weide is making sone extensive improvements in his house by the addition of some new wood- work and oak floors. Mr. Herb, 1Iousseau has 'purchased a very valuable" Spaniel dog, which a prominent nimrod of town advises us Herb, will use in bird hunting. At the auction sale of -Che farm recently owned by Mr.. Elmore Thiel on the ZuriFeh road, three miles east of town, the farm was purchased by Mr. George Koch of Dashwood. Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.D., pastor of James Street Church, Exeter, report- ed to police on Sunday evening the theft of his motoor car from his gar- age. The car was a coach with lic- ense number 0-246. Mr. William Jennison, of the Blue Water Highway, two miles south of St. Joseph, has leased the I20 -acre farm, known as the- Laframboise farm, from Mr. W, D. Roach, Wind sor, the present owner, for the sea- son of 1933. The heavy rains since Sunday ev- ening have fairly soaked the Iand and farmers as well as gardeners are un- able to do anything on the land. -A str•aiige part of it is that the rains' and thunder come mostly at nights, gulations as often in every year as i The rather dry spell has now been is sufficient to prevent the e ripening of their seeds. broken and the- farmers have nearly A. F. HESS, Clerk, Township of Hay. Dated, April 24th, 1933. m For Sale fit!Jn. ss. ;i. e,ducation—All our meetings contain features that are of an edu- cational nature, eel• some lines of work are particularly so, Last fall the Institute spunsured a story tell- ing contest for children of the third and fourth classes of the local and surrounding rural schools, A great deal of interest was created and many in the community' attended•The, l winners were presented with books , Some of the `{ !�U.itte�' l��A, papers Niven during the. ����1<"�e ��`ga�aa, E(�tt�it����Cr//jr�, year which proved to be of eduee.- lonal worth to those who attended 5° and to those who prepared them we- re as follows; "The Art of Public speaking" "The life of E. Pauline Johnston", "Quant Customs and Le gends of other Lauds", "The life of Jean Stratton Porter" and many oth- ers. Uz the scut iris in the com- munity, The Institute embers do- 1 JV hated the contents, In reviewing our warli of the year we not only rem- ember that our programs have been of a practical and cultural character h ut we also recollect with Institute meetings held during the' year. Time spent in this manner creates a friendly atmosphere and a fine feeling of good will and co- operation, The Financial &tatement for the year ending April ao i deal of pleasure the social half !lours ditz spent in connection 1 . zaes $52,20. Balance on harsh wa a great, Total receipts, $128.49. Total expere with all of the $71.29, 4. Relief—We responded to an appeal from the Dept. of Agriculture for clothes for Northern Ontario re- lief purposes. A large bale of child- ren's clothing donated by Institute members and friends was sent to Thunder Bay district. 5. Community Activities—A de- bate was held in the town hall to which the entire community were in- vited. Due to the nature of the topic which was treated in a humer- us way, the debate was very interest- ing. We have undertaken to raise money to improve the stage rn the local town hall. For thies purposoe a play is being given by the young people in the community under the auspices of the W. I. in the early ; part of May. 16. ,Historical Research—A very interesting talk was given by one of our members on the history of the Zurich W. I. from the time of its inception to the present day. The names of the charter members and of the first presidents were recalled.! The speaker also drew the attention of the audience to the vast amount of work accomplished during the ye- ars of the war. 8. Nothing definite was accompl- lished along the lines of Agriculture, Legislation, Immigration and Canad- ian industries. At tate beginning of the year the executive appointed two members for each month to act as a Good Cheer committee for that' month, In niy humble opinion this l all completed their spring seeding. plan has been very suecessful. Jude- Wornens' Institute atton received this kind of service i not in vain. The Good. Cheer Com - ing from the many letters of apps eci- enThe Zurich Branch of the ; Wein- mittee for the month of DecemberI i ��p�� ��. 's Institute held their annual me- J�rich Drug Store We have a full Line of 5 all the requirements rement of School Supplies tee ege .+044, .,►*sv.wveety�fa.a1,9e PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. aaezmaast(0oeaoasoaoaso!e®e!aaoe ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT r seeme•e•�reoae000wooee. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfuinizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth • Pastes, and. Brushes, FINE -STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. A, J.:�tacKinnon, Zurich The !�1nr1�S�sl i�lllrl?t g prepared and sent out twenty-six! ng on Monday evening May 1st eting the Town Hall. Mrs. 3. Hey, Jr., SEED FOR SAT, 7--A quantity of rpresided and opened the meeting with Dwarf Eeiex Sweet Clover Seed; the singing of the Institute Ode, by' Improved Banner Seed Oats; O. A. all present. After a community C. 211 Soy Beans. Kindly get in song, .Miss Beatrice Manson favored with a humorous reading entitled "'Sister's Beau". • This was followed by a vocal duet `Beautiful Isle of Somewhere". sung by Mrs. S. Wit- more and Mr. Garfield Witmore and accompanied by Miss Ida Routledge' on the piano. Miss Pearl Wertz de- lighted the audience with e reading "A novel present". A vocol solo by little Gordon Hess, was greatly en - jived by all present. Miss N. Ketty of Hurondale was the guest speaker of the evening. Miss Ketty, who is the j District President, was the delegate 1 of the London Convention area, to the .Provincial Federal Board at Tor- onto. The speaker told' the audience of plans and resolutions formulated et 'the Board meetings there. Miss Ida Routledge then gave an instrumental I"Evening Chimes," by special request The annual business meeting and el SUPERIOR 'w • ection of officiers was conducted by BABY CHICKS •the; president, Mrs. E. Klopp, The 1 election .of officers resulted as foe- • .—tee" :aws; President, Mrs. H. Hess; ist A close checkup reveals that of Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Hey, Jr; 2nd Vice 8,230 chicks: sold before April 1st, Pres., Mrs. E. Klopp; Secy., Mrs. P. here are approximately 8,243 living O'Dwyer; Asst., Mrs. I. Kalbiieisch; and doing well or- over 100%. We allow 4 extra clucks to the 100 and this more than. covers all loss to date. April 12th. Govt, approved chicks from bre- eding stock bloodtested by Capitol Laboratories, Ottawa. It takes three weeks to hatch out chicks so please order well in advance if possible. Prices for May and Tune. W.R. B.B.• W.l<,. After May 1st 10c 10e 8c. After May 24th 8c 8c 8c After June lst 634c '6xac 6c If there. should be a sudden change in egg prices we may be 'obliged to revise this fist. J. E. Mc>< i ,i'ey, Ziuriclt. Phone 97 r 11, Heiisail. WANTED PRODLUCK WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at � home at Zur- ich, .for which! we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we reeei View, and pay ac- cording to grading. gave us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. :I I.. Meyers, Plume 116, Zurich. DANCING• -- Every' — E ve ;y' Thursd y Ni • Exeter Opera House .Admias.i.oit . 25 cents Treas., Mrs. H. Cowen; Press Corr., Miss P. Pfile; Pianist, Miss P. Pfile; Asst. painist, Miss I. Routledge;Chor- ister, Mrs. H. Hess; Auditors, Mrs. E. Weida and Miss P. Pfile. liars. E. Klopp thanked the committee in ch- arge of the program for their work also Miss Ketty for her address. Mrs O'Dwyel• voiced the opinion of the meeting by expressing the appreciat- ion of the W. I. fox the services so unstintingly rendered by the retiring president.' Mrs. E. Klopp replied by expressing her appreciation for the co-operation given her, during her 'term of office. A social half hour was spent after the meeting. Following is the annual report of the Zurich W. I., as submitted by the secreary, Mrs. I. Kalbfieisch, at the annual meeting, May 1, 1933. The Zurich Branch of the W. I. has had a successful year, having had ten regular meetings. We have a ntetnbership of thirty-two and the average attendance at the meeti ngs has been 20. The topics at the meet- ings have been.attractive and inter- esting. In preparing this report we have summarized the activities under the following lines of work, health, home economics, education, relief, community - activities and historical research, 1. Health—A. practical paper on Nutrition was given by one of the members. 2. Horne Economics—A paper .on home economics was given by a men dater. The speaker told us we must remetnber that right food, clo thing and 'shelter aro-the " prbear. y conditions of health and that health is essential to the .iitost complete »se- Alocleitat Hoes • I �� ot its ellillife !I!!i!i a :j(!jiiiji?;ii it chic •+ 1• it II? Oft Panelled, variously tinted walls are well within reach of the average pocket. You can modernize interiors with a little skill and S -W Flat - Tone .. which, in a range of delicate shades, makes unusual decorative combinations for new walls and old. Flat -Tone is economical --as each quart covers a large surface; it stays clean and beautiful --being easy to wash. And it has the durable body and pure ingredients that identify Sherwin-Williams products. 4:: A-opaerS r irto ;,.`011` A FLAT WALL PN$T 'A plow, rrome To see what S -W Flat -Tone will do for the walls and ceilings of your home, come in and examine our tint folder on this re- markable paint texture! Our Hardware Store IS EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, AL- WAYS THE NEWEST AND MOST MOD'.RN STOCK ON HAND Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known "FROST FENCE" If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember, WE HAVE IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you Years of Good Service. SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always a good supply on hand. STADE WEIDO ZURICH -- ONTARIO