HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-05-04, Page 4You PPre, `W.heu the Northinto. do blow; and your heat will go. 4.4et Us Supply You with Storm Windows s and Co 'bi - ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! Call US by Phone, and we will gladly measure onings fret iof charge. LEI . .. -.I ZUIC, ONE 69 sxe�,re�mnvmn :your s 0 p 0 STANLEY TOWNSHIP O Wednesday of last we fire originating in the chimney, destroyed the dwelling hause of lIr. Wilmer McLinchey, Babylon Line. Only nert of the contents were saved as 33Lr. McLinchey was away at the time of the fire. The loss is partly covered by insurance. Mr. Henry McLinchey :has leased kis 100 acre farm to Mr. Henry Pfaff for a term of five years. Mr. Pfaff end family moved unto the farm .hast week. Miss Margaret McKinley is spend- ing a couple of weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. W. and Miss Campbell of Seaforth. Mr. Stewart Keys returned to his home on Babylon Tine this week, he las been attending University in Tor lento. Mr. John A. Armstrong and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Moffatt of Bru:c•etield on Sunday. their Easter tests. Those naives marked with an as- terisk were .absent for some of the tests. Sr. IV—Gleam Walper 76.6%e Elfrieda Becker 76.3; Delton Sch- wartzentruber 61.5; Hildegard MVIzller (absent). Jr, 1V Reia .Masse 73.1. Sr. HI—Eunice Oestreieher Kenneth Weber 71.1. Jr. III—Gerald Masse 68,5; El- more Rader 60.5'; Carl Oestreicher 58; Esther Price 51.5; Orlen Sch- wartzentruber 46.2; Hilda Rader 41.1 Sr. II—Ernest .Masse 535.3. Jr II—Martha Miller • 73.9,; Jack Weber 66.7; Hilda Becker 62.S. Sr. I—Louise Masse 77.5. Jr. I—Eileen Miller 74.8; .Louise Finkbeiner 68.5; Sr. Primer—Lorna Miller .82.5; Rosaleen Miller 78; Helen Miller 75.2 Jr. Primer—Dorothy Price 69.7, Lyla Schwartzentruber 52.2; John Masse 42. Agnes Y. Robertson, Teacher. HILLSG.REEN COUNTY NEWS A number from the Hills gTeen con- gregation attended the Toung Peo- ple': special service iin the Kippen church on Sunday morning. .1 i. and Mrs. John Mc•Ileattie of Stanley visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. John Jarrott on Sunday. I i Lettie W. Love spent the wo- ek-en.d with friends in London. • Rev. R. K. and Mrs. Love spent a i ..few days with the formers' parents Mr. W. Jairott and Annie visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and .1411•.. D. Nickel of Hensall. • _Misses McAllister of Hensall spent the week -end with- their sister Mrs. Walker. fr. and Mrs. John Baker visited friends at Walkerton, also attended the funeral of a relative there. Little Kenneth C. Parks of Blake -visited his cousin Miss R. McAllister -on Saturday. Mr. H. R. Szcmuels of Toronto, l payed a flying visit Here recently. j Mr. Schultz has moved to the farm on the Babylon Line, to look after? the business' for the former. The Canadian 011 Company of Clinton have installed a 10 gallon gas pump on Mr. W. Jarrott's bus -1 inees property. Mr. Lawrence Reichert has taken; a position with Mr. Anderson Cole - Imam for the summer months. Mrs. A. J. Smith who has been 'working in London recently returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson.. Mrs. Sol. Schroeder and Edward of Zurich Road visited with Mrs. C. Lienor recently. Gardening and seeding, houseclean sag are the order of the day now. DASHWOOD Rev. Schultz of Logan will be the 4speaker in the Lutheran church on ,Sunday evening, May 7th. Mr. and Mrs, •R. Koessei and fam- ily of Lansing, Mich., are spending a 'week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz. Mrs. J. Schroeder spent the week- end in New Hamburg. Mrs. T. Hoperoft is visiting her fa- . Cher' in Chesley ' this week. Mrs. Fulton and son Jack of Tor- onto . is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Davis. J, C. Reid Sz Co. will give a fine display of ready made dresses in their .tgtore on Friday night. The ladies are all cordially invited to• attend. Mrs. J. Reschke of Detroit is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ,111erner. Mr. Harry Hoffman attended the Perth County Musical Festival in Stratford last week and was success- ful'in obtaining the Silver Medal as second prize in Pt. I Bass competition Mrs. Ennis of Detroit and Mrs. Cargill of Minnesota were visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfile. idobt..Floperoft is visiting in Tor C onto. Mta. Goetz Sr., had" the misfortune p Ito fall injuring her knee which will r ,rause her to be_. laid up for several Wrceks. Rev. Jas. Anthony, M.A., who for the past five years has been the po- pular pastor of the Thames Road United Church, has received and ac- cepted an invitation to the Mother- well charges succeeding Dr. Leckie, ex -president of the London confer- ence. Rev. Mr. Anthony's decision to move comes as a surprise to the members of his charge to his many friends. Mrs. R. J. Sanderson, 6th conces- sion of Howick, was driving a horse and buggy the other day, when she was taken with a slight stroke. The horse made its way home without mishap until, when turning in at the gateway, the buggy collided with the post supporting the mail -box. The impact threw Mrs. Sanderson out, and she revived sufficiently to call for help, then lapsed into unconscio- usness. Her body was painfully bru- ised, but no bones were broken. The remains of the late Mrs. Mar- garet Carrier, widow of the late Rev. S. A. Carrier, who for many years was the esteemed pastor of Grand Bend Presbyterian church were bro- ught to Grand Bend for interment, service being conducted by Rev. S. J, Mathers. The deceased was in her 73rd year and was i11 for only a couple of weeks having suffered a stroke. She was born near Bayfield and for over forty years was an es- teemed resident of Grand Bend. She is survived by three sons and one daughter, Ei fiery of Caperol; Law- rence, Samuel and Marguerite, of Toronto. Mr. Carriere predeceased her about four years 'ago. The pall- bearers; John Love, J. B. Nichols, Lloyd Taylor, Thos. Love, Andrew Turnbull and Sol. Pollock. • A new feature of the Goderich fall fair this year will be a dog show. It will be on a modest scale, as an ex- periment, prizes being offered in •4 classes --collies, terriors, hounds- and spaniels. ' if sufficient interest is shown, the new feature may be en- larged from time to time as exper- ience may warrant. This departure was included in the report of the committee on poultry and pet stock received at the monthly meeting of the directors of the Goderich Agric- ultural Society this week. Reports from other committees were receiv- ed also and progress was made in the preparation of the prize list for this year's exhibition. An Exeter correspondent states that, despite a suppostition among the people of that district that the Exeter canning factory would be closed down this season, the factory will operate as usual. Peas will be the main product and contracts will be given shortly for about the same acreage as last,year. Changes in •the pastorate of the Diocese of London which have been announced by His Excellency the Right Reverend J. 1'. Kidd, Bishop of London, will affect St. James' Par - h, Seaforth. Rev. Father E. F. oetz, who has had charge of that arish since April 1918, is transfer- ed to the Church at Wafl'aeeburg, nd Rev: T. P. Hussey, pastor of St. atrick's Church, Kinkora, comes to eaforth. During his 15 years' pas - rate in Seaforth, Rev. Father Go- zthas made extensive improvements the church property as well as king an active part in every good ork of the c1iureh p ndl..;th-.' to* d his removal is regretted 4.. ell. SCHOOL REPORT Mita .following report is the results o jetipila dt $..%, No. 8, nay, for S to e to ta an ,60 s RI -I ligitga aarssar SEEDS 'SEEDS 0 0 0 Now i the Time of Year to Look for your supply of seeds.,.... Garden Seeds of all kinds, Etc. Good supply of S `ed Oots, Seed Barley; all Clover and Grass Seeds o Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Etc. Fertilizer Fertilizer t6r4e have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will -deliver at $19.04 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCR FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter..by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day) "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCorm'ck-Deering Machinery Repairs. a 0 a 0 2 0 a s 1 • L. Sebilbe Son 1 aWee**K1Omaktiotto,r,rikdokirraffeenw 00FROCI iwtadagetisMatscteit cy*sa00aa • 0 0 a a 0 0 wredAy, alar dth, 1933 aeo$h0;fir40$19100 4)000tbe 00 00,:$04* �GD0M190001010016 eB-000 a p• 11100000i000 PIANG' S AILAGE We are always at your ;se.mice for Exper Garage Work„ and Auto Repairing Choice Gasoline' Ba .a 'f Oils and Greases WE. ALSO (MIRY Pumps Piping Pump Work • COCKSIIUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES, 7 OLIVER PLOWS, ETC: ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS, GET OUR PRICES CN BISSELL DISCS AND LAND .ROLLERS, PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. a PLOW POINTS, ALL MAKES, IND Jobbers' Points) 0 ALL KINDS OF BLAcKsivIrra ACYTELENE ar WELDING NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATI33;R, at a Sacrifice. i Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one. •e 1 >F FVER HARROWS. AT COM, 0 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows, helm• Cosi. L, A. Prang & on. Phone, Shop 114 Zurich Residence 76 000eVeaes000e00s0100e00osmviD iimea. a aessossessssas Home wners must make applic„tion dor survey of premises to secure Free Electric Fiat Rate Water : eeaters N ORDER to secure early installation of free electric fiat. rate water heaters it is necessary for house -owners, landlords and tenants to send in their application now, by means of the coupon shown below. The method is simple and direct. Simply write your name and address in the space provided, and mail k to your own local Hydro or apply at your local Hydro offices or .municipality and a preliminary survey will be made of your home to determine conditions of wiring, the existing system of hot water heating and your hoz water requirements. 'From that the type and capacity of the fiat rate water heater is decided and, also, whether a "Booster" heater is required in addition. Then installation proceeds. This absence of elaborate detail and Unnecessary red tape in applying for free installation of water heaters is one of three direct advantages conferred on the people of Ontario by the Ontario HydroFree Instal- lation Plan. The other advantages are 1. 2. The installation of flat rate electric water heaters will be absolutely free of cost to the house -owner, landlord, or tenant. Cost of heater element, tank insulation, thermostat and necessary wiring ill 'be borne by the Commission, All the consumer will do is to pay a new low rate for the service he receives. In any . home . where the new low Bat rate electric water heater is installed a higher standard of comfort, convenience and economy will immediately be created. The fact that electric water heating is the best and most economical means known; that the newequip- ment will be trouble-free,. automatic in action and requiring no attention from the .householder, and that Ontario power rates are among the .lowest in the world, indicates how much this firee heater plan means to the citizens of Ontario. If you. desire any additional information on any point, your Iocal Hydro officials or municipality will gladly furnish it. Fill out and mail this coupon today • HON.'. R. COOKE, M.L.A., Chairman C. ALFRED MAGUIRE, Commissioner., RT. HON. ARTHUR ME1GATEN, ;P.0 ICC. Commissioner '.POPE, Secretary: HYDRO -ELECTRIC SYSTEM (� Address of yoter lora) Hydro System Write the name of you mnreitipalioi hrrr Write your name here Write your address here AIR 4. POPO 0041440f 0.0 0.0*Ve