HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-04-20, Page 7D rraleu h Swayze Prospecting Syndicate Authorized Capital 3,500 Units of $10,00 Each Both the Syndicate and Field Managers have obligated themselves without charge as to service and head office expense during the first year of the operation of the Syndicate. 2,000 Units of the Syndicate Are Offered at $10.00 Per Unit AI'i remittances should be made payable to The Sterling Trusts Corporation, 372 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, R. S. DENING. 61D STERLING TOWER TORONTO ELgin 1798 OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1—Sour 5—Capable 9—Slang:. alternate 12—Misplace 13—Close 14—Employ. 15—Within i6—Prepositiondenoting connection 18—Mat 0—Thus $2—Joined 134 Pouches 7—To pierce. 9—Musical character 111 --Deer t2 --Name D4—G1eit 16 -Pronoun 87—Different ones $9—Whirled t1—Greek Letter t2—To lose freshness - 4—Open space In forest 95—Greek letter tr 47—Menu 49—Agitate 50—Bristle 52—Conservative 54—Pronoun 55—Demon 57—Rhymster 59—Compass point 61—Entire 63—European island 65—Indian coin 67—Place 68—Tribe 69—Dutch South African Vertical 1—Oriental name 2—To create 3—Exists 4—Condensed moisture 5—Grotesque 6—Witnessed 7—Musical note 8—To mistake 9—Sweet substance 10—Pronoun 11—Part of "to be 17—Pronoun 19—Pronoun 21—Curse 23—Expensive 25—Actress 26—Planting machine 27—Rocks 2S—Sounded 30—To beat 33—Norse explorer 35—Cloth measure 38—Plat piece of wood 40—Narrow board 43—Boundary of Torrid Zone 46—Leaning 48—Idler 51—Part of "to be" 53—Old pronoun 56—Through or by 58—Record 60—Organ of head 61—While 62—French article 64—Symbol for radium 66—Negative Answers to Last Week Puzzle Ii©©Y-e ©Ae 0 A Bill , mu, l eeriea; n �EI0M% EM ©ggd ou®Q Mme© D�PION'.,% I B • C e MirIi 1 B a°e a©Ce 3,121101BPABB in cram nip u lEBB �l� e• RUMBELM tQHERMM ° MOD Ta. 0 R 0 "The talking picture cannot de- itroy the legitimate theatre."—Brock reMberton. Portugal Extends Cznsorship Lisbon. -- The General Assembly of Press Censorship instituted by the military government in order to prevent the use of the press against the realization of the government's program of national reconstruction, republican institutions and the tran- quility of the nations', has announced that unwholesome doctrines and ideas conducive to criminal acts, publicity of murders and other crimes must be reduced to the mini- mum required for the informative functions of the press. NORMAN RE-ELECTED. London. — Montagu Norman was re-elected governor of the Bank of England last week. HAT ALL .. TIRED - OUT FEELING IN SPRING CAN BE BANISHED Actual Authentic Blood Tests Prove That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Will Correct Conditions Underlying Lassitude ' Where is a definite medical reason for that. Springtime "all -tired -out feeling." fiVinter living conditions have thinned dnd devitalized your blood stream. A ia ood test would probably show that it i'tcarrying the amount of oxygen— ture's great vitalizer— required by e body tissues.. Your blood is de - lent in haemoglobin, the vital ele ent which carries oxygen through the system. That is why you are lan- guid, listless, and easily fatigued. Phis condition can be quickly made fight. Actual tests recently directed Y a reputable physician definitely roved that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills reatly increase the haemliglobin and e red corpuscles in the blood stream which. is your life stream—and hereby revitalize the whole system. atients of both sexes—whose names nd complete records are on file—were Liven a treatment of Dr. Williams' ink Pills under the physician's super- -itsion, and actual blood tests were -taken by hip,. In his words, "Tile Im- kirovemeet was nothing short of re- %artabl ." Every patient showed iiplendid increases in.haemoglobin, ))tome over 20 per cent. The real sig - !t xlifit;aliee of the restorative offeets of his world-famous remedy is seen when it. Is stated that the symptoms of those patients ranged from slightly "under - par" conditions to those indicating a serious anaemia. The results of this blood test confirm the testimony of literally thousands of men, women and youths in 72 different countries that Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, by oxygenizing the blood stream, have positively relieved anaemic, rundown conditions, under - nourished nervous systems, habitual tiredness and rheu- matic sufferings. With the haemoglobin content and red corpuscles of the blood stream re- stored to normal, tiredness gives way to a feeling of renewed strength. Ner- vous irritability vanishes. Appetite is sharpened and digestion is stimulated. New energy and new vitality are ex- perienced. If you tire easily, lack ambition to clo your work, have poor color and per- haps experience Heart palpitation and dizziness—don't drag along day after day without doing anything about your condition. Before it gets any worse, start right away on a treatment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They have a record of 40 years as a standard pre- scription for rundown, anaemic condi- tions in people of all ages. They will bing you the new strength and vigor you crave, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro 50 cents a parkage—and your druggist has Were mostly poverty-ctrieken' thorn. :I'llilip Gibbs. iBachelor Safe in London 1 "Landon," said Sir Charles Bixon, the retiring bachelor Chief Magistrate of London, to the reptrters as he dis- embarked from a Cape Town steamer at Southampton the other day, "is the only plaee in the world for a bachelor, and my friend McCarx ie, the so-called `Bachelor Judge' of the King's Benoli, will agree with me. "For one thing, if we ever find our- selves at bay in Hyd Park, or other exotic 'laces, one o (fur splendid po- licemen is always at hand and all dan- ger of captivity disappears. "In the United States detached' males are ruthlessly hunted down, be- cause, after a special treatment, they make excellent doormats. And in other countries where they are not scalped early they are regarded as .drones, and as such a legitimate object of legislation (vide Mussolini's bachelor tax). "Only in England, and particular- ly in London, can the bachelor flour- ish with a maxiir,um of popularity and a minimum of responsibility. He- can make arbitrary selections from the riot of invitations which blossom like hardy annuals along his mantelpiece. He can make excuses inspired by Aesop; he can wear plus fours at first nights, and hostesses still toss up to decide who shall entertain him on Monday week. "Yet not one of therm would dare 1 -croon him in the conservatory -with her daughter. Such a suggestion of liability would dive him straight on. to some other hostess's register. The London bachelor can do no wrong— except get married." ARM NUJ R WITS! RHEll S Woman's Thanks to Kruschen "1 have been suffering from rheu- matism for years. At one time I could scarcely walk with pains in my feet. The thumb of my left hand was so stiff I could only bend it with the aid of the right hand. I was afraid to go to bed, as my right hand and arm up to the elbow used to gonumb, and the pain was just terrible until I got the circulation going again. I started to take a harf-teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water be- fore breakfast, and believe me I feel a different woman. I tell everyone' what I take, and the good it has clone me."—(Mrs.) W. A. B. Kruschen contains six mineral salts which tone up the liver, kidneys and stomach—and keep ' them working smoothly and efficiently. The reward of this internal cleanliness is a fresh- ened and invigorated blood -stream. Poisonous uric acid is expelled through the natural channels, and the pains of rheumatism cease. And as you continue with Kruschen, your whole being — body and brain—re- sponds to its purifying force. Where Walls Have Ears La Corona di Fero is the name of an Italian hotel -restaurant in a street near the water front of Nice, for _ears patronized by Italian workmen' who periodically cross and recross the Franco -Italian frontier via the Riviera. Now it is shunned by them and the less*,'- prevails that its walls actually have ears—so many arrests bave recantiy beer. made there of workmen AI turned out to be spies employed by a "certain foreiga gov- ernment." What seems to make the legend an actuality is the fact that when the arrested men are examined separate - and then confronted with one another by the Nice examining magistrate, they are not asked to repeat their con- versation at La Corona di Fero, but are informed what their conversation was and are then cross-questioned on it. The answers to these cross-ques- tions are then compared, with disas- trous results when they are confront- ed, which usually ends in a series of mutual accusations. So it was with Prantesi, Monies- and Uberto, who -were recently ar- rested at La Corona di Fero. Because they hailed from the quarries of Massacarara, they 1 ad no difficulty in finding employment as masons in the new French fortifications being erected at Plantes, in the Alpes Mari- times Department. At the restaur- ant they confessed later that their conversation had been carried on in whispers. Nevertheless, Prantesi was told that he had boasted of placing bine prints of certain parts of the fortification in his son's school books. Monied that he had written out res ports with invisible ink on the clew, white shirt he was wearing, and Uberto that he had performer a simi- lar feat in regard to the fortifications in the Lauter section, where he had ;'Eels employed before going to Flau- tos— all of which proved to be cor- rect upon. examination. As the -nen were arrested at the end of their "whispered conversation, their mystification naturally served to confirm the legend of the walls with ears--microphonic ears. When all is done and said, In the end thus you shall find. He most oe all doth bathe in bliss That hath a quiet mind. --Thomas Vane. "The happiest people I have )met Poirevitt flas secure is of poker e uds batteries), a ee re eoxnQ1ete se e mole on.e aft arua) , 0,1141ref lit n. handy qr in t he house and but. gue of er wlsss5 • • . you this car or int chs g,e for Eyed. e extra satis- fying, g'fts given 11' SO. T�'on''a � � , •�hat! s tat" ot valuable ii�g f a/o va'ax► ill cigar. f etre ty tobsec ane that's the cite you xrreti} e Quality e of , s eft Oat.1: d there ou cam Oat. 011 too• etteS roll atat l ast 60 cigar forn a 9.0¢'Paekage. April Showers London's (England) streets served by 8,044 taxicabs. are The strength of Great Britain's Regular Army is 5,000 below estab- lishment; it was 8,000 below a year ago. There are 20,000 Salvation Army bands in Great Britain, and nearly 15,000 in other parts of the world. Out of every 1,000 men who offer themselves for enlistment in the British Army, 370 are rejected on medical grounds. Every year British milk suppliers need 65,000,000 new milk bottles to replace losses due to breakage and theft. Men form 65 per cent. of the cus- tomers who buy chocolate assort- ments in the United Kingdom, hard centres being the most popular with them. DOCTORS KNOW TOO MUCH. Doctors, says one expert, know too much to make really good parents, their knowledge making them very nervous. Conjuring is one of the hobbies of the Prince of Wales, and he is par- ticularly good at sleight-of-hand and card tricks. Expert girl manicurists, of whom there is said to be a shortage in Lon- don, receive in wages and tips about 15 a week in a busy s ason in a good neighborhood. Limerick slum -dwellers are to be found accommodation in King John's Castle, which was built in the thir- teenth century; it is being adapted for its new use. FREE UMBRELLAS FOR FILM FANS. Film fans who attend one cinema in Madrid are to be lent umbrellas free of charge if it comas on to rain. At- tendants are also waiting to take patrons' tars to a special garage. French hostesses in doubt as to how to run a dinner -party where im- portant guests are to be present have only to apply to the French Foreign Office to get all the information they ' :eed. "Tot nee the word 'nationalism' con- veys a certain feeling of national selfishness, mass brutality, and de- sire to force one's group individually upon others."=Lord Melchett. Britain's smallest flight -sergeant in ' R.A,F. is surely Michael McCar- tie, aged 41, who stopped growing when he was nine years old and had attained the height of 4 ft. 9 1-2 in, Eis uniform has to be made specially for him. Wireless music has amused pa- tients undergoing operations in Brad- ford Royal Infirmary. They are Sade Relief "T have found BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS safe, gentle and effective for such childhood ailments as Colds, Fevers, Colic, Teething disturbances and Digestive disorders;" writes Mrs. George Walker, Thontasburg, Ont. Mothers everywhere advise other Mothers to rely on BABY'S OWN TABLETS as a corrective for their babies and young, children, The Tab lets are inexpensive, pleasant to take, and positively SAFE for even the most delicate child. Read the analyst's cer- tificate in each 25 -cent package. Dr. Williams' 52-9 BABY'S ®WN TABLETS ISSUE No, 15---"33 itreated with a serum which lets them remain conscious, but insensible to pain. While the operation proceeded, they wore earphones. London letters posted in the wrong box—Le., country letters in the "Lon- don and abroad" box or receptacle or vice versa—are seriously delayed, as the contents of the two boxes niay be taken to different sorting offices a mile :mart. Although most human beings are been at night, the majority of cases -of twins being born happen near noon, according to a Get -mat. expert. A navy is for sale. Panama wants to get rid of its only "ship of war," a steam yacht planned by two care- takers. Ecuat.or is another state with a one -vessel navy; Mexico has five naval vessels, and Peru fourteen, in- cluding six submarines. Kennedy Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arrai+ged. POULTRYp�RAISER pp, CONQUERS "ROUP" Praises Minard's Liniment As Remedy for Roup or Bronchial Flu Read in this letter from G. Minvielle, Fort Garry, how he checked Roup (Bron. chial Flu) when it broke out among his Young hens. "After trying other remedies and obtaining no results whatever," writes Mr. Minvielle, "I tried Minard'e Liniment, five to six drops on the tongue and some- times more, depending on the birds. I am positive that it helped me out a lot." Minard'e Liniment is a tried and proven remedy for sprains, burns, bruises and skin diseases, as well as for Bronchial and Rheumatic trouble. For Bale by it druggists.47 Classified Advertising WANTED. ANTED—$8,000 FIRST MORIA GAGE on $24,000 property. E. D. Huras, 412 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ont{ PATENTS. A N OFFER TO EVERY INV 5NTO1 ; IA List of wanted inventions and full information sent free. The Rampay Como Pang,—World Patent Attorneya, 278 Banc! Street, Ottawa, Canada. CBXCRRS. LOOD TESTED CHICKS, BRED TO JO lay, Guaranteed Highest Qualitt17 from the best laying strains. Largd English White Leghorns, 80; Barred P1 mouth Rocks, 'White Rocks, S.C. Rhod Island Reds and White Wyandottes, 0 All large bodied birds. All eggs se average over 25 oz. to the dozen. Term remit what you please with order, ba ance C.O.D. Sunny ridge Poultry Far Box W, Essex, Ontario. Put yourself right with nature by chewing Peen -a -mint. Works mildly but effectively in small doses. Mod. ern—safe—scientific. For the family" INSIST ON '-e GENUINE * eframint Thep Chewing Gm LAXATIVE For Adults aid Children No Taste But the Mint YOU can earn good money in sure time et home making display canis. No selling or canvaplate outfit and supe yct yyou with worfurnish k. � plate to-dry for free booklet. The MHNHENt TT COMPANY, Limited 647 Dominion Bldg., Toronto, Oat.lir 1111.15 diunir•;-14134,111I'lli ; ■ 4 CUT CU '>A Sha.vh ag Crea Produces a rich, creamy lather that remains moist through- out the shave. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of go, Address: Z. T. Walt company, Ltd., lcont..og, Steel Septic T Sanitary Toilets, Closets and Baths. Bathroom Outfits. Water Systems. Steel Tanks, Roofing, Siding and Ceilings. Ventilators, Hog Troughs, Water Troughs, Poultry Fountains, Steel Stone Boats, Steel Furnaces, Eave- trough, Etc. Send for Catalogue and low prices. W. Gordon Steel Works Vaulted, Tweed, Ole:. ks setas\SC ince .'AE C,�@iV\@eE FOR CO N STI PTi10 THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LER Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel You aro "feeling punk" simply because your liver isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are both hampered, and your entire system is being poisoned. What you need le a liver stimulant. Some• thing that goes farther than salts, mineral water; oil, laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels—ignoring the real muse of trouble, your liver.' Take Carter's Little Liver Pills. Purely vege- table. No harsh calomel (mercury). Safe. Sure. Mk for them. by name. Refuse substitutes. ado. et all druggists. 63 SIMPLY WORN OU ?t-. Take Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound anything be more wearing 1'oe women than the ceaeoleee round household, duties? You Imve no Sime be sick , .. you are tired ... Milia . yet cannot stop. There comes a Sin] 'en something snaps and you Soo yourself simply worn out. Lydia R. Pinkhem's Vegetable Conte Imund will help you. Its tonic action will sive you renewed strength, and will tilttlte your daily tasks seem easier toyou. 98 out of every 100 women who report to oft say that they are benefited by thin medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug.. gist today .. , and watch the Malts. High School Boards and Boards of Educed m Aro authorized by low to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education PAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations Wiled ley the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given in various trades. Tho schools and classes direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the 60431, COMMERCIAL. SU8Jeci.s, firlsiUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE ere provided Por In the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and Hieb Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Gopled of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may is L from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, TOrorft ere under %a •