HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-04-20, Page 5`':"Erur;cday, fe+pril 20th, :arhpM+w.:y,W++�w.,nm.m7.++naw."re«w,+n.....e+m.n».w»,..,.++r" w,a+,vaxnwraxxrx.: �,r �uwm+.,wm�m,�.ar .a!; Mw•wwa.�wtn.�,wsw BUSINESS CARDS ITDLEY E HOLMES litAIRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ?ii}'inlic .;----Hatmllton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICII, On Id°. ',Special Attention to Councel and Court Worts. Mr. Heinaes may be consulted at'. +,Gsrderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D.D S ENTAIL S'CRGEON I M, For �i,"iJ�QPYs yki�p aI® FY v Lost, ndy, otleev Eitei.Ad J 7 MEI 4OII1ta`>i11'! For Sale SEED FOR SALE -..-.-A quantity of Dwarf Essex Sweet CIover Seed; Improved Banner Seed' Oats; O. A. C. 211 Soy Beans. Kindly get in touch with.- rvV. Al xander, Hensall 'Phone 13-82. NOTICE 7 acre pasture, Lot 16, Con. 7, At DEIT7a BLOCK—GDRICII IIi,LPeaxce:sl;xeterroreplione 189:. W. yery Thursday,. I+'riday, Sc�taxrday M 73ARTLEIT3'S BLOCK, DASi1WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FOR SALE A quantity of small pigs for sale Apply to Oscar Greb, Parr Line. LOST An Essex autp crank, on the Go- .. limed Shen Line, from Zurich north. Find- . ter t kindly leave with. Mr. Elmer u 3b 1.Y v' For Huron and MiddlesexK.lopp, • Zurich. C01�1-� 1 lei 1 IN A POSITION TO regardless N-1 •r�lent any Auction Sale, tesi to size or article. to sell. I solicit zrour business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Sen- A'I"I�asYlwaocd ► Al T1f(IR WEBER— Dashwood inure 13-57. . uric S' Popular MEAT MARKE .Always a good Supply of "Fresh and Cured Meats ' ologrn is, Sausages, Weiaters, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let.Us Serve Your Yral d Mut & Son SERVICE Why We have the Better 'Class of Customers s:. 1 CLASS GOODS, BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR-. ' iIEL 'OBE OIL, GOODYEAR. TIRES, AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Tarte, Holarliug and Mechardeal Work gear, to Microineter Settings, No arose crork. Watch the airs that \ They are al9'II1UH fOTQ;fTi:' at WEIN'S, CLASS CLIENTELE. DASHWOOD snxa ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual' Weather insurance C OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing B.3iness in Ontario- Al" 031st, 1931,A of x$19,593Dec.nce at Risk on 124. 'Total Cast' in Bank axi'd Bonds $199,101,.61 I3,atess--4e,50 per $1,000 fax fl years. . F. KL., Adept, Also Dealer in LidEdnind Hods sind all kinds of Fire Insurance LAVE ..'OU LT R WANTED llakera every Day till 8 o'clock, p.m i Y not Peed Fowl same adorning when brought iga Highest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. CO! a "rie 11 .riame 101, Res. 94, Zuni THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready 'US serve the pub.. with Commercial and fine ;Printing, Get our prices be. *me leaving your order else- vltter4t. WANTED Wanted a Maid for the summer, commencing after Easter. Apply to Mrs. Duncan Snider, R. R. No. 3, Dashwood. CATTLE WANTED Wanted Cattle to Pasture for this season. Apply to David Gingerich, Zurich, Phone 139. For Sale LOT FOR SALE Building lot for sale one: -fifth acre centrally located. Suitable for gardening. For particulars ni.ply to Miss Anna Hess„ or A. F. I3ess,Zur- ich. LOST Lost, between Hensall and Zur- ich, u purse containing a sum of money and a driver's permit. Finder kindly return to. John H. Kockems, Zurich, Ont. GROW PEAS "Farmers Wanted" To , contract fox growing peas. Seed fuer ished u:l cmittaiet bas's. If interested caouaninnicate with— Cook Brose • MillIng Co., . Yoe. 54 Hensall, Ont. BABYERrfC.a. BABY CRICKS A close checkup reveals that of 8,230 chick; sold before April 1st, there are approximately 8,213 living and doing well or over 10056. We allow 4 extra chicks to the 100 and this more than covers all loss to date April 12th,. Govt. approved chicks from bre- eding stock bloodtested by Capitol Laboratories, Ottawa. It takes three weeks to hatch out chicks so please order well in advance if possible. Prices for May and June. W.R. B.R. W.L. After May let 10c 10c 8c. After May 24th 8e 8c Sc After June 1st 61,s c 6 c 6' c If there should be a sudden change in egg prices we may be obliged to revise this list. J. E. Mcicinley, Zurich. Phone 97 r 11, Hensall. NOTICE When the roads improve and the traffic increases is the time to pro- tect your car and .yourself against accidents. See me for new low in- surance rates on your oar. J. W. Haberer„ Agent, Continental Casualty Co. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take Crean and eggs at :nay borne at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices.. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give -as a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. A Publisher's Blessing 0 blessed is he who does not :Fuss When he receives a bill from us; Jut knowing hie subscription due, Sands in the money to renew. And, doubts blest: is that good friend '7ho waits net till .a bill we send, `a,.tift promptly semi:. us the amount, Wherewith to straighten. his account. Mr. Ivan L. ICalbfleiseh made a business trip to Winghaan on Monday Miss Ruth Tuericheim, who is at- tending Waterloo College, is spend- ing the week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gottschalk of Seaforoth, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner. Mrs. Alf. Pfaff of Hay Tp., was a visitor. with Mr. and Mrs. Jul. Block of town. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yungblut. • • Mrs. W. J. Major of Toronto,. vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Spring suriey must he here as we notie7ed t]a,' Lor.;eshoe tossery out in the more balmy days. Dr. and Mrs. 11. H. Cowen and fam ily were holiday visitors ` with the Doctor's parents at Fergus. The teaching staff as well as . the 'scholars are enjoying the Easter we- ek's holidays this week. Lina. J. J. Swartz and daughter Eunice from Detroit are visiting wick the former's mother, Mrs. J Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur- Trueninc:r and family of Toronto, were week- end visitors with relatives here. Mr. Ed. Bedard of the Blue Water Highway and Ivan Steckle were. on a business trip to Zurich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thiel spent Good Fiday and Easter Holidays with relatives in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. McCann and o annily from Dashwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.Michael Roffman. Don't miss the "Farm Folks" play to be given on Wednesday, April 20 by the 13Jake-Goshen Young People's Society, in the Zurich Town Hall. The Ladies Aid of the Evang. church are having a Home Baking and Candy Sale for Mother's Day on Saturday, May 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mireau and lit- tle son William, of town, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hoffman. • I1 FR a 11,, Mr. :I:o},; t Dela r liare rented a 100 sera tarns iaear Stafra. ,Mrs. Harry F:ickeeeier was taken to London hospital and operated on Mrs, Hickmeier of l3roadhagen is spending a few weeks with her son, Mr. Harry i;ickmeier, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis of II 1 o mesvillo, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Syly. Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. Win. F. Braun and family were Exeter visitor.; at the home o1' 1Ii. Win, Lemont. Mrs. Will'Reith and Goldie attend- ed the wedding of the former: sister at Alventon last week. Jiiss !Stilet Fowlu: of Bayfield was as visitor with her sister, Mrs. Gt. Koehler the past week, k, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner, of els Guelph, spent Boaster with the form- er's parent.;, Mr. Clayton Hoffman, principal in! a Galt school, is visiting at his homehere, Miss Meda Surerus of the 'Toronto teaching stall', is visiting her mother on the Bronson. Mr. Ken, Koehler of the Parry' =� ;Sound District is visiting his parents in Hay Township. Mr. and Mrs. Damok of Linde, Mich., were week -end visitors with 's lei: and a r; . S. Greb, Parr Dine. Mr. an -1 ?dye,. Egbert i-ieideman,and Children and Mre. R. F. Stade atten- ' s ded tiro f.ule ral of the late H. H. Happel at Kitchener on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hamilton and Miss Doris Craig of Windsor, aro holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Gals ter. ,Mr. and Idre. .1ohn Ward and ihil e sons of Exeter spent a few day.; et the hoi'ne of Mr. and Mrs. E. • E. Weida. A goodly number attendees the wrestling match at London on Mon- day evening. At which Mr. Scotty McDougal again gave a good account of himself. Mr. and Mrs. Iiheinman Kalhfleisch of Detroit, were visitors with the for -1 men's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kalb IIeisch. Mr. and Mrs. Zepher Charrett, al- so Miss Geoffrey of Detroit, and Miss . Marie Charrett of Toronto were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Charrett of the Blue Wat-, er Highway, south of St. Joseph. The Play entitled "Faun Folks" will he put on by the Blake -Goshen young People's Society in the Town Mr. CIaude Meidinger who is with Ian, Zurich, on Wednesday evening the 1 en loll Lithographers, spent the i 4pril 26th, under the auspices of the . holikt with his parents, Mr. and Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church; `�' Jr °,� a Mrs. Mich. Meidinger. This play was put on in the Blake ° # '' .1 . i 11 d°a Mrs. i1. G. McKinley and twin church a week _ ago by the Young ` - dsur;hte,,,, .lean and Joyce, of Tor- People and was much appreciated by .f 8e ei '� p` t ro�r�l onto, are spending a few weeks with ! a largo audience who attended, r � A .r i a J PRAP " i t� e t v V Mr. 1'. Rowe notorecl to Stratfei'+ en 'i'uc:sda y rnoi'Yliri to ween Miss l"+', Geiger, who wee returning from Rye Ontai'ie. Mr. and MIT. Leon Geoffrey and family of Blake, ept'nt i!,c slater Sun- day unday with the fornler's parents, Mr. , nd;dr.:. Leon Ciefii'reey of the 16th con., Hay, have a ftII Line of all the rain . � ements of School upplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. OCT enistosateevesqtacnooe ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT 4.9•(A6•AarC•a'�$4+?u4s��C��®�Qx•bold•diw 9� SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOLET PREFER ATIONS : Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Eruslies, FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS, - I'S* ;. I\ii n - ;e . b--c'i•, ear. and Mrs. Thoos. H. Meyers. Mr. Ed. Warm and daughter Kath- leen from Markham spent Easter with relatives in town. Mrs. J. Fuss returning haane after spending ten ;, {e.„e e with them in Markham. • Chas, l LiJa,ltr• tL ! n ret -eat leedlice \ilhe •. We t edereis boles. is making pre, ('55 aa; eLire on the way, . u .._i elf a -o,,e of lrir. i Gt tai 1,1 ta. ft 'r. Darren!, srratione a7''atl:^_- sarat'one to pa: - tine Waller High of revel `yt..l ()sepia ere eThh. e v F iaft,h L. accident one day !net a .'k, while cut-; tingul yi. \. tat , E. ;awe!! ie+enie tt ip •;l tied f is r t+ - .1 1 thigh. Percy as vell as his t,,us'ni. .,. ,t the sym- pathy of their many ;:ientL. The tines day :•Twill, course which sad been arrall,•„ a.ai .Co the iaith, 201.‘i and 21st of April, under the ep-,in -or- ship of the Ileal brant•;, of the Wom- en's Institute has been .cancelled duo to. unavoidable circumstances. The Institute, however, is planning to have this course some time next fall or early winter. Bishop J. F. Dunlap of Cleveland delivered the sermon in the Evan- gelical vangelical church on Sunday morning and the large auditorium was well filled to hear his message. In his opening remarks he told us of the fortunate and heavenly conditions we are enjoying here ie this part -of Canada, as compared with the recent trend of things where he comes from A goodly number of villagers at- tended the play "Farm Folio at the Blake rated Church last 'Thursday evening, put on by the young peo- ple ofp that church. The play was of a very high order and the young people gave a good account of them- selves. We are pleased to report that this same play will be given in the Town Hall, Zurich, next Wednesday evening, to" which everybody is in- vited, Word was received here last week of the passing of Mr. Amos Overholt, of Star City, Sask., a .former resi- dent of Hay Township, and well known to many of the olden resi- dents. here. Mr. Overholt passing a- way on March 28th, and leaves to mourn his loss his widow and one son and a slaughter, being ill. only • a few days with heart trouble. It is about twenty-five years since the family moved out West. M.Oiler- holt was known as a very jolly and e•enial fellow in his younger days. The 'news was received frons. Mr, Abner Garinger of Brooksby, ..Sask., and he writes that the spring season in that country is very backward as there were several feet of snow on the date of writing on April 7th. Mr Garinger was also a former resident of Hay Pown.ship, living a half south of St. Joseph. 3 41/1.1,77 the ste er-quality poor enamel el It beauiilie.s a variety of floorings ... wood, cement floors, linoleum. Yc•a. can buy itin nine fetching colours .. . embracing such popular tones as Dutch Blue and Light Orange. The range of colours includes a wide variety of interior decorative schemes, as a glance at our MAR. NOT colour chart will show you. And MAR -NOT has qualities of wear never before realized. Scrubbing, tramping, the severest usage . n . it happily survives them all, and continues to offer a smooth, beautiful finish. It's sound common sense to go over your floors with MAR -NOT Floor Enamel. Come to Paint Headquarters and be wise! Our Hardware Store IS EVER AT YOUR. SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, AL- WAYS THE NEWEST AND MOST MODERN STOCK ON HAND Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known "FROST FENC'" If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember, WE HAVE IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you Years of Good Service. SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always a good supply on hand. STADE & WEIDO ... ZURICH ,.. ONTARIO