HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-04-20, Page 1Vole 1Nt atr 4 *Ss 1Ze ZURICH, THURSDAY M.OHNING. APRIL 20 1933. • home Mach.* and read the kcal The three -cent stamp required on all cheques for sums leader5 does not come into effect until Bray lst. ML and Mrs. W.. IL Bender of Detroit, were visitors, at the home oof Mr. and Mrs. W.. G. Wagner. The signing of Babe Ruths con tract for -$52,000 to play for wroth-. • ex, season in the Nev Yorls baseball Iteara seems to have been about as big news in the United States as the bank holiday. A very interesting surprise pasty Was held at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. ;Wilfred Weida, Parr Line, on Wed- nesday evening April 12th, in honor of Mrs. Weido who, celebrated her birthday anxiiversary. Needless to say a most enjoyable time was spent by all present. Mr. Dan Gascho, whir has been oc- cupying part of Mr. Gid. Koehler's house for a number of years, has moved unto the property he recently purchased from Mr., A. Proctor at the East end of ;town. Mr. Practise having moved to a farm inGoderich 'Township. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE 'By virtue of a certain authorised assignment for the benefit of cred- itors made by F.T.MORE 'THIEL of the Township of Hay, Farmer. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH, — ONT., '"A Changeless Omel&t. for a Chang- ing Weeis1"7 Friday, 8h:—Luther League- Saturday—Choir Peacfice- SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. me—German Service - 11.15 a.m.—Sandaer Sa& 7.30 p.m. --Eng 'fish Service. 7,Everylsody Welcome an all Seated E. TUERK.HEM Faster. .And under the Powers contained. in the Bankruptcy Act of Canada. The undersigned will offer for sale' by Auction in his Office, in the Court. House, :Goderich.; Premises- belong- ing formerly to the said Elmore Thiel, known as west half of Lot No. 22,. in the 5th Concession, Township of Hay, containing 50 acres more or less; West half of East half of Lot No. 21, in said 5th Concession, con- taining 25 acres mare or less and' west half of Lot No. 21, in said 5th concession, containing 50 acres morc. or less, an THURSDAY APRIL, 27, 1938 at 10 o'clock, a.m. "TERMS OF SALE -10% of pur- chase money on day of Sale, balance -in 30 days thereafter. Property will be offered subject to reserve bid. Further terms and conditions of Sale will be made known on clay of Sale, or may be had 0a application to the undeisigned. C. J. Middleton, Goderich, Ont., Trustee. F. C. Kalbfleische Zurich, Ont., Inspector Carling & 1Vlarley, Solicitors, Exeter, Ontario, Bine Scranton Cod = 'IS CLEAN AND1.11471FOIRIE IT /5 -Washed and Screened berme i leav- es the mine to remove aU waste. The color Guarantees the quality • We also heave: Genuine Sement Solvay Coke, Pocahontas and Milrer Creek.. Agricultural Tile and Brick Highest CASH prices paid fez Eggs on Graded, E-4...,Asis. W. R. DAVIDSON hone No. 10 fiENSIII.ele ONT. COUNTY NEWS • John Dawson, Varna, has purchas- ed the Mitchell farm, Babylon line, comprising 80 acres, for the sum of Leavitt's T heatre Exeter — Ont '42,100= - Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Redmond have returned to their home in Wingham after spending two months in the West Indies. The farm of the late Joseph Law- son, of Stephen, which was offered for sale at the offices of Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, was sold to Huber Snell for $4600. Three prisoners from the County jail, Goderich, were taken to Guelph reformatory last . week to complete their terms. Thurs., Friday, Saturday GRAND HOTEL All Star Cast—Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, John Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, William Beery's. Mon., Tues., and Wed. LAUREL & HARDY In "The Music Box" Feature Comedy "Tons of Money" (Approved) Thurs, Friday, Sat., Apr. 27,28 29 'PROSPERITY "' With the ever Popular Comedians MARIE DRESSLER POLLY MORAN • Fish at A Cent A Pound Slump in the price of fish at Mon- treal from seven to three cents per pound, gave Relief. Officer Geo.. Mee Arthur of Blind River. a .chance to save government funds and he is distributing 1,240 pounds of fish bought at one cent per pound in Sault Ste Maxie, according to a despatch. He also succeeded in buy- ing 40 tons of hay at $10.50 per ton and saved farmers in need $5.50 per ton on the hay they would have been forced to purchase. Dr. Margaret Strang, who has be- en engaged in mission 4171)Th in the Pearce River District under the mis- sion board of the Presbyterian Ch- urch in Canada, has 'boon granted, three month's leave of absence, wh- ich she will spend with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang, Usborne A large gathering of friends and neighbors held a reception in 'Wat- son's hall, at Kippers, on Monday, Ap ril 1.0th, in .honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson- The bride and gro- om were presented with a pair of chairs and a library table_ st ea-nre Only tta GUIMANTEED $17e00 TO FIT! Never Have We Heard •Of Such A Low Bice A SPLENDIE) RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK YOUR EASTER SAT4 •, 14.E Valk. 11, EASALIKIWA &MD VANMEIReceld ti*P. t.414,0.4-0t-fX.4,4"i'-f.,kW.g0,0i<A0Z4C0.00C4:414,,,47-#14:4;k4.,teA • SCHOOL REPORT For S. S. No. I2,'Hay • Sr. IV—Elda Stire 66%. Jr. IV—Laurence Brisson 64, De- Meidinger 60, Lawrence ter' Mase . The newly organized fishing com- 55. ,- pany of A. J. Sreenan, and W. J. Sr. III—Shirley Krueger 78, Eug- Johnston, have commenced setting ene Corriveau 48, Elsie &Wine —48, their nets, and made a lift on Mon - Bernice Masse 45. , ' ;day morning, catching some. Jr. III—Harold Stire 63, •Belva. 1,..Rev'. E. Burn are attending the Truenmer' 58, Ortha &blase 52, •CorffeirdfiCe at Crediton, the former Theresa Miller 51, Reta Miller 49; as pastor, of Zurich Congregation and Victor Masse 47. • . the latter as layman. . IInd—Urcila Masse ea, Hubert Miller 64, Raymond Bedard 55, Sid- Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel and onia Meidinger 53, Raymond Wei- Miss Elizabeth Rennie of Kitchener, 43, arrived at the home of Mrs. L. Gei- ger, on Tuesday evening, and will at- tend the Conference at Crediton this week. Mr. Frank Siebert spent the week- end at his home here. Miss Gertrude Weber spent a day in London last week. 1Mr. and. Mrs. Morley Witmer of Detroit were week -end visitors with relatives here. • Miss Catherine Memer is spending the week with friends at Kitchener -and Elmira. Mr. Gerald Bedard of the Toronto teaching staff is spending vacation at his hon w here. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hess of Pont- iac, Mich., spent the week -end with relatives here. , A number of farmers have com- menced seeding operations, but the rains the beginning of the week 'pro- longed the start. s : Miss Euloine Geiger, who is teach- ing school at Rye, Ont., is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. L. Geiger and Newell. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- ter Miss Hazel of Stratford were we- ek -end visitors with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Mrs, Jeff D. Dickerson of Detroit is spending the Easter Holidays with !her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fos - •11 the 8 • 0 • • • 8 O • That School Boy or Girl may have defective Vision which mean, • 00000 0000 0 0 o eo 040000 eees000so berg Katherine Merner, Teacher SCHOOL RE,PORT • ZURICH CONTINUATION SCHOOL EASTER EXAMS. FORM I—Gladys Cingerich 87 (hon.) ; Margaret Schwalm 84 (hon.) Theresa' Zettel 78 , (hon.) ; Grace Meyers (39, William Brown 68; Dor- is Horner 67, Blanche Grolier 65 Beatrice Meidinger 56; Mildred Hey 54; Ruth Foster .50; Beatrice Thiel 47". Astedisk ((3) denotes an examin- ation missed.' FORM II --Paul Hess 79 (hon.) Gus Clarke 71, Louise Sreenan 70, Wilfred Klopp 70, Fred Brown 62, Doris Greb 58, Ross Johnston 57, Ralph Uttley 50. A. P. Rowe, Teacher. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday. April 3, 1933, at 1 o'clock p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting Were read and ap- proved. Tenders were received for draw- ing 40 cords. of gravel from Peter Eisenbach's pit. on Block 5, Con. 16 and 17, and on motion of Edward Lamport and seconded by Edmund Shapton the contract was awarded to Norman Vincent for the.sum of $2.- 70 pr cord. It was resolved thiit the price to be paid for gravel talien from pits sing at his home at Jackon. Michigan situate in, the Township for the 15th, of Mr. .Her - year on Saturday April 1933, be 75c. per cord. pert H. Happel, aged 48 years and The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelicall3 days. Deceased had been a suffer - Church asked for the use of the Town! er .of diabetes for a number or years 'win& gradually grew worse, de‘spite of what medical attention canld do. The deceased was born in Zurich but when quite young moved with the family to Colorado, until about 15 years ago when he returned and was then united in marriage with Miiss Emnia Heideman of Zurich, after this union they moved to Kitchener for a time, then to Jackson, Mich., where just outside the citv they run a gardening farm„ Mr. Happel was a nether quiet disposition, and had Rev. and Mrs. K. Gretzinger and son Laverne and daughter Norma, of South Cayuga, are spending part of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. L. Smith. Mr. Gretzinger is at- tending the Conference at Crediton. A representative of the Coleman Lamp and Stove Co., will be at the hardware store of Johnston & Kalb- fieisch, on Tuesday April 25th, after- noon and evening. Auyoae having Coleman products in need of repairs kindly bring them in and have this work done. This is Conference week with the Canada Conference of the Evangel- ical church, and the Crediton people are this year entertaining the con- ference. The chairman of the ses- sions is Bishop J. IP, Dunlap, D. D., of Cleveland. Each evening there will be public services and outsido speakers will address the gatherings. The public are cordially invited to ottend all public meetings. The local Evangelical church in Zurich will be closed on Sunday, as there will be no services. OBITUARY --- Late Herbert Henry Happel Word was received her of the pas - Hall during Conference week to sone meals for the ministers and delegates This was granted. That the following orders and pay sheets be passed and paid. F. J. 'Wickwire, printing Auditors' reports 31.00; Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works, Ltd. dog tags 4,00; Gordon Wilson, Rd. 1 SD 6,00; W. M. Schwartz rd. 8, 3.15; Joseph Re- eler rd. 11 3.25; Augustus Latta rd 18 809.50; Geo. Eilber, Supt. salary 18.00; Dom. Road Machinery Co. made many friends. Surviving are grader blades 8.85; Canadian Nation c • i al Railway , freight on blades .50e two hildren, a boy and a girl, also 0,. 1.1_,b iss..T1, Patton, p- 7bilth gravcd 43 88 ravel 2.50; Peter his sorrinp; widow, an need inotlielr , 111(101 -le sister. The fuueral iar held .. 1 rie L.. Th,, Cnuncil adjourned- to meei, n -int hi 91 on Tvossbae aiterneon. nein ;a !no Town /Tall,:710e.ea,e, Mrs. Heppe! and children !,1 we • 'Ll'e ' 1 PHONE lionry Eilber, Township ,..1 01(4%. L. 000000000 Chester L. Strdt124,,Pt19141741/ ;1.25 a year, U.S. $1.511 fn. leelviseele *1.50 IN ARREARS, $231.4.3t Olt 00.4.101312. pa 0 000000000 014041 000 000 t C. E. ZURBRIGG REGISTERED OPTOMOTRIST WILL MAKE A CAR,EFTJL EXAMINATION OF YOUR RYES. EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT HESS'S JEWELLERY STORJ $6.50 SINGLE VISION NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION. $10.00 TWO VISION GLAaSES IF Y011 WISH Up Hill Work in .their Studies ess, Th Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich 00easo 4. 4, 4. oft 41. .14 it • Phone 82 or 115 O FRITZ SON BUYS AND SPILLS The Best In Fine Motor CLrs Call at Our Garage in Zurich and see the Beg Assort- rent of High Class Used Cars in the County, at Lowest r Prices ever offered, Quality Considered. ee. '14.1931 Fold Coaeh, good as new, mohair upholstering, trunk rack, r and Fender Well. 1929 Pontiac Sedan, finish and upholstering like new, and new there is 1927 Essex Sedan, used very little by a party in town, has veer 4e; small mileage. Name of owner on request. The price will startle aces 1930 Chev. Coupe in good condition and good tires. 41. 1929 Ford Couch overhauled with new pistons, a real bargain. - 1931 Oldsmobile Sedan, make us an offer. Only 17000 1927 Pontiac Coach with new Rubber. 1929 Chevrolet Cub Half Ton Express Delivery. 1930 Late Chev. Sport Sedan, good as new, wire wheer.'s and wheels mounted in fender. 1928 Chev. Sedan, an economical car good finish,etc. AND MANY„ OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. Our Terms are Considerate and We Trade ark: ++++++++++++44444.44deestee444+-aiefeeesesefiee+4-eisieeseeleZeteseerw n......141.aecepqrsalrirssimmaavs...mwrceneetn.vm meas....m*...periV•mir.11nOveneaMit4 Your nig WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES, QUALITY- CONS1DER.ED., NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT Sc and 10c PKG.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND:. Ra N. DOUGLA .; e,•mpm uthy of their any Zurich fri- 13, at G EN ERAL MERCH Alf e .1" fat ir ire74: AZAT.M7.14"--.- ' • 19