HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-04-13, Page 8anal MO's THE STORE WITH THE .STOCK New Wallpapers We carry the Celebrated Reg.. N. Boxers' Wallpapers in Stock. Have 45 Patterns to choose from, in price range from 8c. to 50c a Single Roll. Borders 3c. to 8c. a Yard. Look over Our Sanmple Books and compare with Mail Or- der Samples and Prices. PRINTS PRINTS Light and Dark; Fifty Different Patterns to Choose from. Price range from 17c to 35c. a Yard. Ladies' New Housedresses in fast color fabrics all sizes from 34c to 58c. Priced at 75c to $1.25 each. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Pink Salmon, 1 lb. Tin Sardines, per box Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Japan Tea, per lb. Chocolate Cookies, per lb Gillett's Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. for 1 2c 5c 25c 35c 14c 55c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 HESS Insurance Agency All Lines of Insurance ---- Except Life and Windstorm Get My Rates on: MERIT RATING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE DISCOUNTS GRANTED ON ONE TO FOUR YEARS' DRIVING RECORD, THE DISCOUNTS ALSO APPLY TO COLLISION PREMIUMS. THE TORONTO GENERAL IS THE ONLY COMP- ANY IN CANADA WHICH PROVIDES DISCOUNTS FOR COL- LISION INSURANCE. ARE YOU A SAFE DRIVER) REMEMBER --- Human Life is in Your Hands Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? sed®mire.es* ssss0000041141040000esrtr001110 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SPRING NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- g ing at Lowest Prices. • PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c, pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS; Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hurd- ware always in stock. STARE & WEID0 ZURICH m ONT. QUALITY y- PRICE SERVICE ea. siessioeiseiiimisuiskeeisioseseemseesieefilaanseiseasaisassoao WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for ,'Thursday, Friday and Saturday Vi -Tone 16 -oz. Tin with 200 pc..Inteir1ocki'nt Jig Saw Puzzle ' Tomatoes large 2%. size Tin, per tin Grape Nut Flakes, 2 pkgs. ................................ Maxwell House Coffee, 1 Ib. Tin Palm Olive Soap, 2 Cakes Fry's Cocoa, Half Ib. Tins Peanut Butter, 2 -ib. Jar Bran Flakes Kelloggs, 2 pkg. Wheat Flakes, large pkg. Hillcrest Toilet Paper, 3 rolls Crispy Butter Sodas, 2 lbs. Macaroni, Ready cut, 4 lbs. Clark's Spaghetti, Large tin Chipso, large Pkg Men's Meduirn Weight Overalls, pr. Men's good weight cotton, fancy or work sox 15c Women's Print House Dresses at 69c and 95c Ladies' full fashianed pink Hose, pr .........75c Eggs Wanted at Highest Prices 55c 9c 2 I c 43c 13c Z5c 33e 23c 18c Z5c 25c 23c 10c 19c 95c J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. George Hess of Hensall was in town on business on Wednesday. This is Easter week, and Good Friday falls on April. 14th, and is a public holiday, and as is the rule all. places of business will be closed in the village. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 11-94 Butter 30 Wheat 46 Barley . 38 Oats 22 Buckwheat 32 Flour • 150 2.80 Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and , Shorts, ton 14.00 family are leving on Friday for a Bran, ton 14.00 visit with the Doctor's parents at Hogs, cwt. 3.50 Fergus, over the holidays, and as- a result his Zurich office will not be open on Saturday April 15th. The country roads are drying up nicely these days, and if the road commissioners, will now get busy• and do some grading and shaping up of the roads it will mean much for the summer's upkeep. .The Easter season is ushering in some real nice sunny and warm wea- ther. The numerous rains have some what prolonged the spring, and the land in"general is quite wet, and it will :be a considerable time before the land will dry off sufficiently to do any work on the land, and it looks as if we might have a rather late se- eding this year. The maple season is about done, and it was very light, farmers are taking in their equip- ment. ' THE IMPORTANCE OF PRINTING Printing is a good business. It is clean, honorable, respectable. It is celebrated as a trainer of men for higher stations in life. It has many inspiring traditions and legends. It combines the need for knowledge of everything under the sun; Mathem- atics, mechanics, language, spelling, grammar, color, composition, sales- manship, there is indeed no limit to the accomplishments that are re- quired of the printer. The printer is brought into contract with all other vocations and professions. No vo- cation or profession can really exist without the printing press. From. text -books to novels, from pamphlets to newspapers, from tickets to tax bills, no man can evade the printer word.—Ex. HENSALL Lloyd Hudson has gone to Forest to take over his new duties as as- sistant at the C.N.R. station there. Wingham merchants will observe the weekly half -holiday on Wednes- day, commencing May 3rd. Harry Price, of • Waterloo, a form - 1r resident of our village, was re- cently here for part of a day renew- ing acquaintances and is just recov- ering ecowBring from illness. Murdock Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stewart, near Hensall, motored all the way from ones, of the Eastern States, where he holds a fine position, to attend the funeral of his late uncle, Robert M. Bell, Our local church choirs are pre- paring fine and appropriate music for Easter Sunday and no doubt splendid and helpful sermons Will be given by the pastors of our loeal churches. Shipment of onions by the cat Ioad is going on briskly from our onion teorehouses, and which will help to >itt money into circulation, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Paterson spent. the week -end in Toronto with relati- ves., The many friends of Thos. Welsh will be sorry to hear that he is con- fined to his home with a severe at- tack of gall bladder trouble. David Cantelon` shippedOut a car- load arload of onions last week. Hy. Horton has taken back his farm from the Robinson estate. Harold Scruton of Port Doves sp- ent a few days with his mother. Wm. Simpson of Detroit spent the week -end visiting with relatives and friends in town. Rev. M. B. Parker visited friends in London recently. T. C. Joynt made a business trip to Toronto recently. Mrs. C. S. Hudson spent the week visiting friends in London. Hazel Morenz visited at her home in Dashwood Sunday last. Ernest Bates spent a few days ha Toronto. Thelma Hudson -and friend of Lon- don visited with her parents, Afr andel Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Sunday. Mrs.. A. Foster spent the week- in eepin Toronto visiting with her daughter Mrs. J. Hart. Mrs. Orville Beaver of Exeter vis- ited with relatives in town. Mae Simpson and Marian Prevost have returned to their home in De- troit, after spending several weeks visiting relatives and friends here. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young very pleasantly entertained the members of the choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church Friday evening last. A very enjoyable .evening was spent. The funeral of the late Robt1V1. Bell took place front his home a mile west of Hensall' last Monday after- noon, and was largely attended, in- terment taking place in the Hensall Union Cemetery. The pallbearers we- re all neighbors of the deceased. On Thursday last Mr. Bell went out to the bush with the team to haul . some wood and not returning at his usual; time in the evening, his brother be- came. alarmed and went in search of him and found him lying dead in the woods. Dr. O'Dwyer, coroner, was called and pronounced his death due to heart failure. Mr. Bell was the eldest son of the late Paul and Mrs. Bell and lived all his life on the farm just west of Hensall and Was held.iin the highest esteem by the whole co - hit 'prominent co- mmunity. He was g y �► farm er, owning a number of farms. He was never married and lived' on the home farm with his brother John and sister Jean. He was in his 76th year- Ile earIle leaves to mourn his loss two bro- thers, John 'and Wm. of Hay Town- ship and three sisters, Miss Jean, at home, Miss Margaret .of }lensiall,Mrs. Duncan Stewart, of the London Bd. besides a great many of the 13.01 re- latives in the district, .1441644+4444/f144.010004/00 1 X44 4/00 464406 R +4+.444 Hardware YOUR and Furniture1 fr.11 wg, ARE NOW .RNISkikb TAKING' STOCK AND FIND THAT•OUR,:STOCK OF HARDWARE ANTI FURNITURE IS T HEAVY, AND': IN OVER. TO REDRAPIDLY" ice: ARE OFFERJNG UCE OU IT VERY TIRE ST®GIs; AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. STORE iWe are continuing our Special Prices on Me - tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain tVis. Be sure and get your supply before they are AB Gone: For some real Bargains, we have a number of alma used Dressers that we will sell very cheap.. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. JOht & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 4�W.ffh16�9lrf�li�4lN�l8tr(kiiNUiHIHIi�!,'il u t 1:411`71 AHtllllnie;fi('(a t!I!#1AkWIINFIk'1NN',y.gljli944lilim. We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon ...... 1 good buggy at ......... 4 wheel Trailer Co mple fe...._.._...... . _425KEEP ON SMILING! HESS, the Repairfan. ���SVlH6+ ltlillNflllHitlla"!AHlIIJNtkG1JfllIIP '1 Ip(y11i�IWi(!litSi 11�MNMIYrMNWfI 1.+44+t++++++++++++444-a+t++++t+++t+t+44+4.44ea . ZtT3ICi , GARAGE THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after yr Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weathec.- o lighter Oil, and had your Rad'lator ' with a gd t;d Anti -Freeze? Merl *with a good. Run in your car and Let ws do this very Important thing Righ Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept cm Land in large and small quantities. Let us fin your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Werk,, and Overhang Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe.. e Mousseaa Zurich fr4.44{411,4'G''044N4.+t44.++ F +++•h 4 ++ +4444 +4,444+44444+144... 4 .4. 4. r.r HERALD Y . Do You KDOW. aThat I am the Master Salesrnanl 1 axn the herald of Success for all nrex;, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. • • • Igo forth to tell the World the message of service and Sauna) Merchandisinga And the World Listen when 1 *Peal '• For those who have need me as their Servant 1 have ga• thered untold ntoW miltion►s into their coffer*. 1 cotnmsnd the legeons of fa &Morn, mould the style* and lead the World viiiithereoever 1 01 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 ate Masater Salesman at Yew Service, and my Naim. la: ADVERTISE! • t f s • i. a• 4444144646+44#040,0404$4.41444 4.14441440410.40.+ 4.4,404.040