HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-04-13, Page 5iG ALa:r4 1::i' . t9,3; NUSINESS CAM D ' LEY.E•, OL ISS BARRISTER, E , SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, 11 TC. OffICE-ellemiltom• Street, Jut o9i Vie Square, GOD ;'RICH, O itmie. ; ip ectal Attention to Courneel and Curt Work. AU, Holmes may be cons ted at reederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dry Ile 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON ;lit PEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Ilysry Thursday, Friday, Satnriley At NARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASJIWOOD Z'vspy Monday, Tuesday and ;Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 3 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless t• size or article to sell. 1 solicit ;;err business, and it not satisfied Intl mals no ehaegea far Services Ben - Alfred. ARTHUR i'+ EBE--Dail:mo +d 'Am*, 18-67, nrich: ' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh *ad Cued Meats Solognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hans, Etc:, always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 'L t t -Is Steve. Youl" . Yunghlut & Son; SERVICE Why We hay' the Better Class of Customers SOH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. :*ATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ; .USE 011., c OODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION :Aborts, H•ibnlag a sI Mo,lnanical Work :Am* to Microneatee Settees, !, -WNW work. W%atVh the ears that W et WEIN'S, They are ell HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. II. S. Wein •A$HWOOD ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK he Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- rnount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. Slat, 1931, $19,698,724 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds ;199.101,.61 - atrs--44.111 parr $1,0M fol Irma, •.F. Klopp—Zurich JiC 1, Also Dealer in Lightnini Rots mood all kinds of . Eire Insurance LIVE POU LTRY .WANTED • .ry Day till i ,easel, 1 as • set, had Fold sws.a ate rain;g aught ins. iiiisest Cask Prices —CASH! FOR OMAN AND EGGS W. O'Brien 0 on. 101,. Res. Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENY Is ever ready to serve the Bim - Sc with Coi unc W ana fine irritating. Get car prices be- iC.ar otcd " 0C' ' LTV YOEIBI Warne, For Sial 8, Lost, Found, Nvaleik, Eta. Ads! X!N Two ga mltllls For Sale: LOT FOR SALE Rai/ding lot for sale one-fafth acre centrally located. Suitable for gardening. For particulars apply to :Kim Anna ;Hess,, or' A, F. Hess, Znr- ,iela., LOST Lost, 'between Hensall mad Zur- ich, a purse containing a sum of money and a driver's permit. Finder kindly return to. John H. Koekerns, Zurieh, Ont, �.__... GROW PEAS "Farmers Wanted" To contract for growing peas. Seed furnished on contract basis. if interested communicate with— Cook Bros. Milling Co., Box 5. Hensall, Ont. SUPERIOR BABY CHICKS A close checkup reveals that of 8,230 chicks sold before April 1st, there are approximately 8,242 living and doing well or over 100%. We allow 4 extra chicks to the 100 and this snore than covers allloss to date April 12th. r' Govt. approved chicks from bre- eding stock bloodtested by Capitol Laboratories, Ottawa. It takes three weeks to hatch out chicks so please order well in advance if possible. Prices for May and June. W.R. B.R. After May 1st 1ilc 10c Se. After .May 24th 8c Sc 8c After June 1st 61/2c 61/ a 6 3/4 c 1f there should be a sadden change in egg prices we may be obliged to revise this list. J. E. McKinley, Zurich. Phone 97 r 11, Hensall. WANTED A limited number of Farrow Cows. Kindly arrange with—Milton Love, Phone 11?, Hensall. FOR SALE A quantity of alfalfa hay for sale. '.Terms, strictly cash. Apply to W. J. Jarrott, Box. 2D, Re 1 .Zurich. Phone 99 r 4, Zurich. For Sale young pigs about five weeks old. Igor Quick Sale. Apply to, Joseph Druar, Zurich. NOTICE, •:M When the roads improve and the traffic increases is the time to pro- tect your car and yourself against accidents. See me for new low in- surance rates on your car, J. W. Haberer, Agent, Continental Casualty Co. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording ecording to grading: give ns a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Pb.enc 116, Zurich., ALNEWS Sehilbe & San are in the mar- ket to purchase potatoes. .. Mr. Il'arold Klopp of Detroit, sp- ent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevethick of Brinisley spent Sunday with M. and Mrs. Albert G. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach, of London, were Sunday visitors with their parents here. Miss Anna Overholt who has been for a few weeks in Detroit, has re- turned to her home here. A large audience, listened with rapped attention to Rev.' E. Burn's Lecture last Friday evening in the Evangelical church. A play entitled "Farm •Folks" will - be given at the Blake Church on Thursday evening of this week. Be sure and don't miss it. Tuesday was the day of the Hen- sall Spring Fair at Hensall, and re- gardless of the rather disagreeable weather, a goodly number from this part attended. Confirrnatioxi services were held in the St. Peter's Lutheran church on ,Sunday evening, when eight confirm - ants were received into church fel- lowship. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, and Mr. CIayton Hoffman of Galt, and Miss Muriel Preeter of Kitchen- er, were recent visitors with relati- ves and friends here. Bishop J. F. Dunlap, D.D., of Cle- veland, Ohio, will be the speaker in the Zurich Evangelical church on Sunday morning, and will take charge of the evening service in the Dash- wood Evangelical church. Mr. Lloyd Eidt of town, accomp- anied by his brother of London, at tended the big Maple Leaf -Ranger hockey match at that city on Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hagan; who have been living in part of Mr. Jno. Brenner's House, have moved their effects into the house recently va- cated by the late Mrs. Mary Stelck. Mr. Alvin Proctor of the east end of town and who recently sold his property to Mr. Daniel Gascho, is making preparations to move back to Goderich. The Senior League of the Evan- gelical Church has elected the follow ing officers for one year—President, Catherine Merner; Vice -Pres., Gar- field Witnxer; Secreary, Orv. Witmer Corr. Secretary, Marjorie Gascho; Treas., Lillian Martin; Supt. Juniors Mrs. E. Burn; Assistant, Mrs. J. E. Gascho.. A number of town attended the big wrestling match at London' on Monday in which "Scotty" McDougal national wrestler, and son of Mrs. LOST An. Essex auto crank, on the Go- shen Line, from. Zurich north. Find- er kindly leave with Mr. Elmer Klopp, Zurich. WANTED Wanted a Maid for the summer, commencing after Easter. Apply to Mrs. Duncan Snider, R,. R. No. 8, Dashwood. CATTLE WANTED .Wanted Cattle to Pasture for this eason. Apply to David Gingerich, • Zurich, Phone 19. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weida motored to London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae motored to London on Saturday. Mr. Melvin Overholt nas leased the 74 -acre farm at Drysdale 'from the Gelinas estate. Miss Lottie Tuerkheim has resum- ed her duties at the local telephone central after a few week's vacation. Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon and sons Hugh and Archie, Mrs. A. C. Kalb- fleiseh and Kathern Merner motoroed to London on Saturday. The W. M. S. of St. Peter's Luth- eran church will hold their regular monthly meeting Monday evening, April 17th, at eight o'clock. Mem- bers and friends cordially invited. Mr. Henry Steinbach, the efficient road overseer of Zurich, has com- menced his spring grading and shap- ing up of the streets in town, and one can soon see a vast improvement. Mr. 13. L. Banish, manager of the Northern Electric Co., London, and l Mr. C. H. Beard, of the Bell Tele- phone Co. staff, London, were vis- itors in toown one day last week. Mr. Ed. Wurm, of Markham cal - ed on friends in town one day last week. He was accompanied to Mark- ham by his sister, Mrs. A. Fuss, who will visit there and at Toronto. Mr. Jacob Weido of town has pur- .chased the 75 -acre farm on the town line, west of Dashwood, occupied by Mr. Angus Patterson. Mr. Weido owned this farm some years ago and he intends going back to the farm after living in Zurich for years. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute is sponsoring a three day .course in sewing, and have ar- ranged this for the 19th, 20th and .21st of April with Miss L. Petty of the Department of Agriculture as McDougall of -town,took the instructor. The lectures are to Spart in the evening's program and surely gavebe given at the Town Hall, and ge- a "gin each afternoon, of the given good account of himself. Mr. Mc- dates at two thirty o'cloc. All lad - .Dougall has become a very popular l ies in the community are urgers to athlete in the wrestling game in Lon a� ail themselves of this opportunity Lon- don, and he truly has the fans with a, we are sure Miss Petty will have hem' valuable information to give. Don't forget the play entitled "Farm Folks" at the Blake church on Thursday evening April lath, by the Blake -Goshen Young People's Society. We all remember the play they put on a year ago, and this pro- mises to be equally as good, ane' some think it is even better. Take a drive out to the Blake church next and clean program. Much enthusiasm is being shown in town by the big hockey play-off for the Stanley Cup, championship of the big leagues. The contest is be- tween the New York Rangers and the Toronto Maple Leafs. The for- mer team has won two games and th latter one. Naturally we wold like to see the Canadian team win, but when we consider that "Babe" Sie- bert, son of Postmaster and Mrs. W. L. Siebert of town, is a promin- ent figure on the New York team, we think we would also like to see his team win. Bowes Company Limited OF TORONTO ' 1 Have opened a Branch in . HR&S',e Le ONT. FOR FARM PRODUCE Highest Cash. i'rfcesa Paid for Eggs . and Create. HAWES & BRANT, Props.. Mensal' .-Ont. BORN Denonime--At Bite Water Highway pro. April' 9th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- errand: Denomme, a sora. ICelfet—At Dashwood, on March 80,, to, Mn and Mrs.. EtL Re11e (daughter. Love ---At (lay Township, On April ;1,, to htr., and. Mrs.. Earl: Love, Rugg#tree..' • EVC. CONFERENCE NEXT WEEK The annual Canada Coonference of the Evangelical church will convene at Zion church, Crediton, beginning on Tuesday April 18th, when Bishop J. F. Dunlap, D. D. of Cleveland, 0., will act as chairman. On Tuesday evening the Bishop will give an ad- dress; on Wednesday evening the speaker will be Dr. C. H. Staffacher; on Thursday evening the speaker will be Dr. E. W. Praetorius; Friday ev- ening, Dr. John Coburn of Toronto will address the audience, and no public sessica will be held on Satur- day evening. On Sunday, (Confer- ence Sunday) the morning speaker will be the Bishop; the afternoon sp- eaker will be Dr. Edwin G. Fry; and the evening sermon will be delivered by Dr. E. W. Praetorius. The public is most heartily invited to attend the public meetings. •••••i•••••••••••••••••••eitt ••<l!•I•B•••••••••••••Na• • PRANG -'S GARAGE• We are always at your service for Expert Garage Work, and Auto Repairing Choice Gasoline — Best of Oils and Greases WE ALSO CARRY I.Pumps -- Piping a- Pump Work COCKSHUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES, OLIVER 'PLOWS, ETC. ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE IOF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS • AND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points) ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE WELDING - 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARRATO;R, at a Sacrifice. 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order; get the price on this one. 1 LEVER HARROWS AT COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond harrows below Cost. L. A. Prang & Son Phone, Shop 114 Zurich Residence 76 ••01 eiltlieeeseeeeet of 0:0000•00000**0•••*i•••• • • { 'MOOS 1110101# ISEEDS S ED Now M } . for your supply of I seeds... Garden Sea of all kinds, Etc. GQ4d Supply of Seed Oots, Seed Barley; all Clover and . Grass Seeds Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Etc. PerfiiizerOWstoEST. PLOW .� We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will.,delivear o r • at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! 1 • • • 0 • • • • e • • 0 • • STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter..by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day+ "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. t a ar. • setauseeroweeeeemite*VIM*W..r 9 e**** bO*O*., , ,, �VY1NiI�LI+L°rL:�r1WYWiY�1hY1WWV�WYWtWYYL 1 Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies ea••••••••••••••••••••••••• PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Dr1 A. J. MacKinnon, ZurichtARMAAIMMAMPIWYWRPMAMPAMMAMANWINX ` •••••••••••••••••••I••••••••••44.•••••••••••••••••••• • • ZURICH HERALD'S •• •• • : • • • •Clubby List •• Z ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_. • o for one Year: o • Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 o • Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 • •• Toronto Daily Star $7.00 t • • Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 • • • London Free Press $6.00 • 2London Advertiser $6.00 2 e• London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 •• • Farm and Dairy $3.75 2 • • i+'umari Sun $2.50 2 • •• Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 s t Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 f, • • Canadian Countryman ................ ti.2155 • s Weekly Witness• .... • Farmers Magazine ..2.50 e Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 •j /Alkai a great many mars that w. cannot *nutmeat, here. • • • W have the Agent, for every. reputable Magazine ,lab • Cascada ma 1h. Unitad Statei, sad can bare you money A 4. •a the meet .1 them. e • Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our • • e 1 • • • HERALD OFFICE Zurich •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• e . 4/44.4)+4•10i4Ai44• /►e•• : , Office and save Trouble and Money