HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-04-06, Page 5141114x:xad yF 1pY e`tk, 78 ilii BINNESS CARDS S .DvD IN HOLMES :11,it IIWEIR, SOLICITOR NOT. AIRY PUBLIC, ETC. 4CF4---Bamilton Street, Just •I % :Srl:aaa, GODERICE, Ontario. mesal Attention -to Councel ane ' Ca►iut Work. (Ir. T[alaraa may be consulted at a►derick by Phone, and Phone chargee ravened. Dr. II. IL COWEN D.. S, Ia. D B. DENTAL; SURGEON Ael Dean BLOCK—ZURICI Misty Aiaursda;r, I+ritay, Satead bio , AT1. TI +', M' S MOOR, 9haxy Monday, Tuesday and • YI,`edrleaday y Limited Auctioneer `Tor Huron, and Middlesex a Aria IN A POSITION � gaxd3,Q s duet any Auction Sale, no to size or article to sell. I solicit your business; and if not satisfied will make no chargee' for Services Ren- -tiered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood name nrii h` i P omit MEAT -,N1 A.tK y •l T Always a good Supply of Fresh amd Cured Meats ;olognnt ages, W einers, Hams, Etc,, always on hand :Highest Cash Prices for ' %oolr Hicka ai"icl Skins ..Let Lis Se ve You!" y .g i ut & Son. E , .V 0 • Wily We navy the Better Class of Customers L. 'NIGH CLASS GOODS, U. 1RATTER1ES, . MOBILE OIL, MAR- 15.1.UBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION :t•, Nohning and Mechanical Work Besse to Micrometer Settings, Pio Atomise work. Watch the cars that ATOP ;art WEIN'S, They a7e all B1GH CLASS CLi N T UsE. IMAM -WOOD ONTARIO 'Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance .Co OF WOODSTOCK. OCK. This Largest Business of any .Maaziadian Company doing Business in On1tario- ;Attia•unt of Insurance Risk on Deo, hats 1$31,$19,593,724. otal. Cash in Bank d Bnds :Maass -40e per $1,000 for 9 -years, E. F. K1opp_Zur1Ch _!i ot, Also Dealer in LighinintE Rods ;gid all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE. POU LT 1 R Y WANTED *sow ovary Day till 3 o'clock, pin ;per ;rot feed Fowl mange morning when brought In. ifigkest Cask Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien `)T:hone 101, Res. 04, &urich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT is ever ready to serve, the pub - h: with Commercial and fine ;Waiting. Get our prices be- 4ove leaving you;, order else- .: lse- e o,cr+e. atos rows Hants, For Solo, Lest, Found. lodes, Etc. Ad. Mt MILIMMMI FOR QUICK SALE A limited quantity. eef earlyGeld potatoes, Early Record variety..for quick sale.` Apply to Charles Rau,. Phone 2.-93, Zurich. WANTED A'limited number of Farrow Cows. Kindly arrange with—Milton Love, Phone 117, H.ensal3- FOR SALE A quantity of alfalfa. Tr ay for sale. Terms, strictly cash- Apply to W- J. Jarrett, Box 20,. R. I„ Zurich. Phone 99-r 4,. Zuxich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a posit -ism to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive there, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers,, Phone 116, Zurich. Bowes Company Limited OF TORONTO Have opened a Branch in HENSALL, ONT. FOR FA.RAIL PRODUCE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Eggs and, Cream_ - HAWES & BRANT, . Props. Hensall Ont. The Local News The main nim of the weekly news- paper as the name. implies, is to give news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the Mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- but ditor- b ut hist of al,l, it enlist give thej lie Ws Some of tfii:s news is not easily securing the pasteboard. This action was taken on motion of LL T. Ed- wards and C. A. Humber and unani- mously endorsed. It was decided to purchase five or six cords of 4 -foot wood forthwith and a municipal wood yard will get under way at the rear of the Town Hall. Transients will ply the saw and weld the axe under the eagle eye of Chief Postelethwaite. In giving out this information the secretary of the board made the re-, quest that householders cease giving free meals and refer all applicants to the town hall. Transients have been corning there in increasing num- bers of late and an effort is being made to discourage these visits in view of the approach of the opening of navigation, OBITUARY Sebilbe & Son wish to advise. the public that they have a supply of large onions for sale. Good Friday falls due next Friday April 14th, and of course Eeaset Sunday on the 16th. Mr. Melvin Brown of the Goshen Line, South, has moved into town. in the western part of town. With the nice sunny weather the past few days the roads ate drying up nicely and soon will be ; hard to spin along with the auto. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. McGill of Lon- don spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, town Line, Stanley.., Mrs. H. Cowen, Miss Helen Thiel, and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gasch o motored to London one day last week. Mr. John Deichert and Miss Inez Yungblut motored to London,- on Tuesday to visit the former's broth- er, Mr. Jacob Deicheik. Hay Council met on Monday aft- ernoon, for ''their regular meeting. a report of the minutes will be giv- en in our next issue. Mr, Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, spent a few days with his brother, Mr. C. 0. Smith south of St. Jos- eph, and was enjoying the maple season. Rev. J. P. Hauch of Stratford is visiting with Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn this week. Rev. Hauch is holding services in the Evangelical church this Wednesday evening. The local Road Commissioner, Mr. H. Steinbach is making improve- ments around town by taking a light shaving off the side of the sidewalks, with the horse and plow. This will improve the general appearance and greatly help to drain off the water. Prevent smut and other infection in your seed grains by treating them with formaldehyde, a good fresh sup- ply can be secured from the Zurich Drug Store. Get your supply now! Confirmation services will be ob- served in the' -Lutheran chuhcie on Sunday evening, when eight young people will be confirmed by the pas- tor, Rev. E. Turkheirn. The . candid- ates were examined on Sunday even- ing and gave a good account of the fine training they have received the past year. The maple sap season is rather slow this season as the weaaaer is too steady and little frost to make this sw'cet liquid run so freely. So far this season the producers - have been dissapointed in the runs, and find they cannot fills their orders. Municipal Wood Pile' , Transient out -of -works wito visit Goderich are to be given a chance to work up an appetite before eating. The Welfare Board on Monday even- ing last decreed that each applicant for a meal ticket must saw and split one-quarter of cord of wood before obtained and no editor can cover it all without assistance. Especially is this true when you bave visitors. Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most interesting read- ing in the whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to have their names appear, so send them in. Sometimes people conte in and give the impres- sion that they are asking a favor when they want us to insert the names of their friends who have been 'spending a few days with them. No person need feel that way about giv- ing us news items for we are indeed glad to get theta all. - ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 s year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U- S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un - toss at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known on application. Miscellaneous articles of not morn: than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser• Lion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 60c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 for first month, $1.00 -for each fol• Lowing month. Professional Cards not exceeding 1% inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 251 for each additional verse; Card of Thanks, 50c. Auction Sales —$2,00 per single insertion if not over four inches it length. Address all ,: otnmunicatioris tot' THE NERA L'. ZURICH H .. K t^ tT An Old, Pioneer Called The death occurred at the family residence, Drysdale on March 23rd of Margaret, relic of the late Jos- eph Gelinas in her 33rd year. Born at St. Elizabeth, Province of Quebec. she came to Ontario when but six years old with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Durand, and has lived in this vicinity ever since. Sixty-two years ago she was united in Holy wedlock to Joseph Gelinas who pre- deceased her six months ago. Twenty eight years ago they bought what is known as the Drysdale General store and farm, where they lived until called to their eternal Horne. Eleven children were born to them of whom. five predeceased them: Those living ,are: Elizabeth, Mary, Mrs. Ida Montague and Arthur on the home place, Drysdale; Joseph of the Go, - shell' line near Zurich and Leon of- Fielding, ffielding, Sask; two sisters, Mrs Mary Getfrey and Mrs. Elizabeth of Grand Forks, N. D., and two brothers, Fran- cis and Alex. sur- vives Monday, March 27th after High Mass of Regulus' at whom Rev, Father Power of Zurich as Dea- con and Rev. Father,Corcoran of Mt Carmel as Sub -Deacon and Louis Montague of Sacred Heart College Sudbury, Master of Ceremony. Bur- .Tial took place in St. Peter's celnet- e.ry.The pallbearers were the Messrs Frank Corriveau, Philip and Maxim , ,nor.,r:tne, Louis Durand, Leon Geo- ffrey and Denis Bedard of Zurich. HERALD One of the placards 'issued by the Ontario Department of Health 'asks this question; "What should you do when you have a Bold". It gives the following sensible reply: "Rest as much as possible. Sleep and light diet are important, Remember the other fellow, Use a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing," Fruit Growers Meet at. • Clinton A well -attended meeting of the Huron County Fruit -growers' Associ- ation was held on Friday afternoon last at the county agricultural office, Clinton, the president, Geo. Leith- waite, in the chair. This was the an- nual meeting and the first business was the election of officers for 1933 Last year's officers were returned; Pres. Geo. Laithwaite; vice-pres., J. R. Sterling; secy-tress, Ian MacLeod. The directors are Stewart Middleton. K. Cameron, 0. Rapson, R. S. Smyth W. Joynt and A. Armstrong. The speaker of the afternoon was Prof, Lawson Ceasar, of the Ontario Agr- icultural College, Guelph. Mr. Ceasar stressed the importance of pruning and also the fertilizing and feeding of the trees, and pointed out that the aim of every orchard man should be the production of a good crop of ap- ples every year. This was one of the essential paints to insure a profit ov- er a terns of years. ORCHARD EXPERIMENTS Cultivation and Pruning Tests by Government' Agents. it Pays to Enrich the Soil — Late Cultis`ation Not Advisable—Prun- ing and Spraying Advocated— Thrifty Ewes Mean a Big Lamb, Crop. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) WE leased orchards in iha Counties of Sinlcoo, Nor- folk, Prince Edward, Lambion and Ontario, all being in apple growing sections. •,`•,ere looked aftei by the Ontario Department of Ar'ri- culttt,•e clueing the wiiv. Four of ihrsc it,'ve been vert pi0 tbl °. I1 .- Princ,e E 1 lard cr- tn,y orchard it auccesstully demonstrated that heads could be U IL 0't old The Dall.n'tnlrnt j 'rnd that leasin; rppli' orch.tt•ls is 0 profitable bo""' uess. but aeveru1 1hius must. be do:. to anite it ,o. On Ihelighter soil: many of the hers are positively „-trviag .while on heavier lands this racy not he so apparent. In the `xl)ori:rents very tittle coni:n :ia -Cor1il:z r was used, -'but the D p:'rt e'ti. '-'vended on lite its• of b::r;i y,rrl 1 t mates, mostly secured Lou. Toro—.t—) About soven tons per arrc 'irir':rl for one application t tech• givei about 400 pounds p•' trc, an' 'he total cost is about $2: t, r acre. The amount looks 'big bo. il:el'e :a ::'o doubt that it will ply well sssred that, l'u lch on rigs: !end iessrly every y:•ar. About.six or seven years ago w( ue,'an ploughing, in the fall. s'-veral rows of tr'ey's in all Iho leased or :bards (a portion .being lett in sot.' .o test the sod mulch). This win :Ione in order t11,,t we could answci experiencr'the frequent questiw. ._.u711:,t abo'ii fall ploughing? When. Lte load is Call ,,1 a;t`;h,'1 'iltiv: lin: begun miuh c.1:1'r in tlt spring. 11 r )s's n111ch 1. s 1.0 tr1 land in good coi:litin 1 when i has been ploughe.1 berme witilt r but we can see no e aiago 1. pion;lting clos;'i' tlta'n 11., feet :r:J. the tree. The troubieso1_:c part orchard cultivation is cI to 111 mrunk and it is Cretin nily ditlicui ,o w, t'k .':^.' the tree without injtr .tg the balk. We hit t..'a. a11iI ti0:i `lgains 101 111111011, and have concluded. th;.. 17'0 •th Onth(1(RS will 1)t, mon'. bl when c:i..i1s. rots. is 1rie: 1.1•1(1 1 t i. 011, .r•. to Irl at. •1; l,'. n; t ii iiia„ Wil -a to L1 r•11; • .'.1 Ir. ,u, t depends on , ' 5•': sun. '1: rt 1 the yr aril' i 1I davail ,n shout l u.• r•iriled 01, )n rias land uppl c ill 'nen lont fter culti'v'ation Fe eessos. We w. opp.ing our cul'1: •11.) T1!... irlier every ye r our On ario apples lack • ,''1, , 1 es cnitiva- io11. me ins mor ' ,o' ,; , more col° higher pue'ed Y1,i1'. Medium apl,lr slightly colored seem preferabl' in larger ones lackan ; color. Whet cul- tivation is stopped a hover crop is fre- quently sown, The principal object is to rob the trees of nourishment in order that the fruit 1111 color and the wood will ripen before winter. Some low growing erop from cheap geed gives most Satisfaction. Trees must be pruned to get high class apples. The best time to prune le early spring but we prune any month when the weather is not too cold for oar -men. If there are large Cuts to snake we .leave a stub about one foot long and cut it off in 1110 spring, as cuts of two inches or more do not heal well when !Wade in the very cold weather, large cuts should the • kept painted to - keep t] e , wood from decoying. Pruning is a slow business and it costs a lot to get p big 'orohard done, blit It is absolutely necessary it good apples are expected. High trees are difficult to spray thor- oughly. Twenty feet is high enough for any tree and..several feet of top may be removed in a season with no bad effects. The tree with a low head le baster pruned, easier sprayed, eta be picked for half.the cost, and the wind will not blow down to many apples.-•-W..l+', Rydd, Moult ;lsrastch, Toronto. _ .. . SEEDS SEEDS • Now is the Time of Year to Look for your supply of seeds... Garden Seeds of all kinds, Etc. Good supply 11'l�y of Seed Oots, Seed Barley; all Clover and Grass Seeds Chick Starters, Chicken Supplies, Etc. Fertilizer Fertilizer i t We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will -deliver •. at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! • • • • • • • • • e • • •. • fMafN►Acre,®indbntws,.maa.a4tJr�Jd!I..sTk.S,.I+a2wk �x4,A.4 Q1ibA6•1ew,aae3firlvM STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter..by using Our, Various Brands of Stock and Poultry l-' nods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L. Schilbe & Son s 1 1 Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of school supplies ••••A40d••ss•4.6e••t•••A•ermwv• PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT •eA•••••e•••-*Oese•••tee•••• SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich ttemmiwwwwwwwpkw(pmmwmwkwliwf • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 4 • 0 c► C b • • •e • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••+ 4944'9 . • • • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily' -.Record $5 .1 0 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire 56.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate 2.25 Farm and Dairy $2. $2.25 5 Farmers' Sun Family Herald rind Weekly Star $2.25 0 Family? Harald for 3 Fears $3,00 Canadian. Countryman ••.r. 4 !. t5 y Weekly Witness X2.5 Farmers' Magazine 2.5 0 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $ And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money , on the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble snd. Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich • z • • • • • • • 4' 2 • • • 2 1 1 • 9► • • • •, • • $225 • 2 • • • • • ••4 O • 2 T • 4 499+ .,a'. •;Z.Y '1 es,o!r•�Dv4%•