HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-03-09, Page 8Ira mar? • . • • -•••••, tiEttA • -....... twepowidwpgaIWYWOWYNOSIMMIWYMIWWWW~WWWW0101 THE STORE WITH TUE STOCK ,,••••••••••.•••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••x•osayamouwww. ,Thursday. Mt Sth,. 1934. —7 44041004944.4.46*.+44444.641*44(411 +4-44\++e++++++++++44"t44414W' YO rset Gives New Figure Cornort COME AND SEE OUR DIFFERENT STYLeS 1 IN "NU BACK" CORSETS, GIRDLES AND CORSETTES, So Highly Recommended Everywhere. We Also Have Other Styles to Choose From. NEW GOODS We are introducing a New, Goods, Called Sparva Taffeta De Luxe, a Guaranteed Fadeless Fabric for Killies' Wear, Draperies, Lingerie, Etc. PRINTS INTS 4 Light and Dark; Fifty Different Patterns to Choose from. Price range from 17c to 35c. a YErcl. Ladies' New Housedresses in fast color fabrics all sizes from 34c to 58c. Priced at 75c to $1.25 each. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Pink Salmon, 1 lb. Tin Sardines, per box Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Parol Tree Soap, 2 for Granulated Sugar, per 100 Ibs. I 2C. 5c GA.SC PRODUCE WANTED • • • 25c 5c $4 65 SO PHONE 59 ----..*•*-1/02••••1•10=MMIGWO zras ranee Agency All Lines of Insurance ---- Except Life and Windstorm Get My Rates on: MERIT RATING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE DISCOLTNTS GRANTED ON ONE TO FOTJR YEARS' DRIVING RECORD.THE DISCOUNTS ALSO. APPLY TO COLLISION „\IIUMS. THE TORONTO GENERAL IS THE ONLY COMP - AN IN CANADA WHICH PROVIDES DISCOUNTS FOR COL- LISION INSURANCE. ARE YOU A SAFE DRIVER? REMEMBER ---. Human Life is in Your Hands Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have, You MADE YOUR WILL? arcasawsliarXWM=5230,1.. le.rw,WwW,Wirmene.Hwascw.wcips=amac. lo.....=11.614=7:1.04.0SAWIMME4WW/CAMSZOMMINIIIIIM eitalteekw!ii..Wanara witwmernvwetwwwocawamarlawab.WW4M,....01[4:1311164......Z.aparlirJaarCEIMMIIWIMM1 *4108345404aftaiiiievOCull,90641042:4POSZteet.44t3a4i;400.00Q63941AMOSeleitit HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE eeds See • If you have to offer for sale,. any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orclers. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsmithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE a ALWAYS IN STOCK.e ST 1 0611460011111011011.11110641186111111110111111141011.1000/1)/004104600/4.11.6001110 ZURiC1-1 - ONT. WE SELL. THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and RELLOG'S All Bran, Large Pkg. Chateau Cheess, Half ib. pkg. 10c Surprise Soap, 10 cakes 47c Blue 1301 5 String Broom ., . 25c Pink Salmon, 1 lb. Tin, large 10c Aylmer Pork and Beans, 21h. Tin 11c. Lipton's Tea (with Jig Saw Puzzle) half lb. 25c Sweet Pickles, 40 -oz. Jar 29c Taylor's Peanut Butter, pint jar 25c Prunes (Santa Clara) large size, per lb. 10c Caustic Soda bulk, 5 lbs. for . . . • .... , ....... - .......... „....• a • 60e Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. pails 6 r c Coleo Soap, 4 cakes for 25c 29c Saturday 17e Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, 40 -oz. jar Marmalade 40 -oz, Jar ......• • • •.• • ••• • ••••• • • ••• • • • a•• • .25c Ladies' Fullfashined Service weight, Hose 750 Ladies' Fullfashioned Chiffon Hose, 95c and 11.25 Ladies' Fullfashioned Crepe Hose at $1.50 House Dresses at 69c and 98c. See them.. Cash of Trade for Eggs. J. W. ME Highest Prices for Eggs. ••••••••••••••••••••1.2.1•••..7. .• • R Phone 140 Roaring over the sands of Daytona. Beach, Sir Malcolm Campbell set a new record for travel of 272.108 miles an. hour. .Due to a sore wrist he drove part of the way with one. hand. This should -tend to make the magistrates more lenient with one - hand drivers. Given .Suspended Sentence In the County Judge's Criminal Court last week, Judge T. M. Cost- ello suspended sentence on Captain Oliver Goldthorpe of Bayfield, char- ged with being in possession of .weap- ons dangerous to the public peace. Accused pleaded guilty. The case had been deferred • for some months because of the serious illness of Cap- tain Goldthorpe, the nature of which! was described in the court by Dr. Harold Taylor. Mrs. Ilelen Stott,of Bayfield, gave evidence for the accus ed. Judge Costello said lie did not think the accused was criminially in- clined; otherwise he would deserve the maximum penalty. Evidence was given at the preliminary hearing by Crown Attorney Judd of London, a summer resident of Bayfield, that he had witnessed Goldthorpe point a gun at another man and threaten to shoot, Other evidence was that, on another occasion, Goldthorpe had sprayed the waters of Lake Huron with bullets. A collection of arms, including a German machine gun bro ught from the battlefields, rifles, shotguns and revolvers,- collected in the course of Capt. Goldthorpe's tra- vels in various countries, was placed in the keeping of the captain's father Captain Goldthorpe a war veteran,is an ardent hunter.His hobby has been the collection of guns. BUSY FARMER NEWS LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected everfWednesda3r) Butter......... ............ 26 10-12-14 46 38 22 32 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 14.00 Bran, ton 14.00 Hogs, cwt. 3.50 Eggs Wheat Barley Oats Buckwheat Flour New Cattle Regulations By Order in Council an important alteration has been made in ti guar antine regulations of cattle into Can- ada. It has 'now been decreed that cattle re -acting to the tuberculin test Or shorling clinical symptoms of tub- erculosis shall be permanently mark- ed in the right ear with the latter "'I"' and shall be 61aughtered forth - With, without compensation, or ret- urn to the country of origin, • yided all apple trees in the immed- iate vicinity were also sprayed. Odd trees in -the next field and also the hawthorn in the adjacent woods con- stitute a menace, Prof. Ceasar declar ed. Public Stock Yards in 1932 During the twelve months of 1932 fewer cattle were marketed at public stock yards by approximately 76,- 000 head, as compared with the pre- ,vious year. The curtailment in the movement to market,. should not, however, be 'considered as an indic- ation of a relative decline in prod- uction. Prices were a ruling influence ond were consistently responsible for a commendable caution in respect to loadings. It was pointed out most frequently during the year that the condition of the market was such that even a normal run would develop almost unsaleable carryovers. Cattle For British Market .Must Be Carefully Selected Is our export of beef and stocker cattle being jeopardized by the meth- ods of a certain number of producers This was the question of Garnet H. Duncan, livestock investigator, Ont- ario Marketing Board. Mr. Duncan pointed to the fact that a nigh per- centage of Canadaian -heifers, arriv- ing in .Great Britain, have proved to be with calf. It is hs thought that, since there is no market for that class of livestock in the Old Country at present, the continuing of this practice will .work to the disadvant- age of all producers. Great Britain has the potentialities of becoming our greatest market, and tre.refore, Best Cash Crop According to T. A. Benson of the Federal Poultry Branch at Toronto prospects indicate that once again poultry and eggs will prove the best cash .crop. Unseasonable weather has done 'much towards a dropping oil' in. egg prices, not only because of in- creased -pro duct' on, but in facilitatino' transpartation, i,gg prices, however have heroine sliaThtiv firmer, recently and given novn 1 -':`11 .wef:'lloa, the outlook for tleady fai, . nrices is en- couraging. A Serious- Menace The anple maggot is now recog- nized as 0. 'serious threat to Ontario export apple trade. .Prof. L. Caesar Prov, entomologist, in a recent ad- dress points out that most growers are familiar with 'the spraysneces- sary to exterminate the maggot, arid all commercial. men know that the maggot can be .controlled, 'Warm moist summers and mild open winter have been responsible for its pread but .e.ftoctivo spraying would bring it under control in a frAr. mens-" re 8TOR • try. °° ft mitur WE ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOCK AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN 1 ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. •We- are continuing our Special Prices on Mat- tresses, and still have a few IA that will go at Bargain Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of godd used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. Johnston & Kalbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. .Pho e 63 t • • (1:11 II i I 11 I (I MI ril II ta1111•11111,1111•• g ram 1........, ........ ...... ..... ......... —......... _._ miliiimiumuniimatiiitilliiillialill011111111111111111111811411=11MIRIMIIM ......... ..... .. .... .. .. ........................................................... ... . ... 1. al., it IP III I 1111116111MOI11111411,S:Mgahr E': L We Repair Wagons, Buggies, -a, . a Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. a _,_, -.s..a. Ti. 1 good Lumber Wagon at....,_...... ...... ,...........$45 .-, -..--.2-, 1 good buggy at _-- _.------.-_-.. iS' 4 wheel Trailer Cornpete....„.,.... ...---_-- l -.-------, E---._ KEEP ON SMILING! -3 3 -a i HES.-S, the Repair Mon _ -_---4 0011filliuktilluiliollummlimennann111111111111111111111111111,1111111111DINIIIIMMIIIIiilminnimmulniiinnomiliiindhornommtoinn!,ifi.i.,: .. 1111/01(01111.01Mininlee...milettimnr ....... . ..... ..... ...... ......... .. ,.............. ............. ....$30 koroansgrom.r....m.m....... t71.;,1011 1 s THE WINTER SEASON a Is Now Here. Have you looked after you Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let us do this .very Important thing Righ Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship, on Repair Work, and Overhau Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. Mousseati. Zurich. 164.444414+44.4.4+.1444.,4.474++ 4,4i=1,?+++,ii.+44+4+++++.2.0.844/R AO. is worthy of our best products. Care lessness in the class of stock shipped fik to that country, must result in the destruction. of a most valuable outlet Deeper Laying Pens Favored A poultry house 20 by 20 feet is regarded as about the correct size for one hundred laying hens. A house of this' size used at the Experimental Station, Itarrow, Ont., is proving sat isfactory. Birds in a smaller house 16 by 18 feet, appeared to be more uncomfortable during the winter ( months. This condition, as stated by 1 the Superintendent, was borne out ° by the behaviour of the birds in the ' smaller house for they would seek ' shelter from the draught and huddle. in.c.orners. An outbreak of colds and roup confirmed this condition, as no trouble of this nature was experienc- ed in the larger house. A. careful re- cord of the variation in temperature of the two houses showed' comparat- ively little difference. This uncom- fortable condition was believed to be, chle to draughts created in the 'nar- rower bon.se I :, .• 1,400.1elniiai'Valla,f0,14.P*Otap16.(114 . • HERALD OHIO Do You Know? 44 That I arn the Master Salesman am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. ff. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound IVIerchanclisingt And the World listens when I speak! • For those who have used me as their Servant have gathered untold ;millions into their coffers. 1 command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World vqhithersoever i got 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvestl 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service„ and my t; Name is: ADVERTISE! 44****440*********44+44...0 tot..4.4.**64-84444.444.4144.444