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Zurich Herald, 1933-03-09, Page 7
+FREE. TRIAL OFFER of KRUCHI If you have never tried Esusclien—try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great ►navy special " GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT" 75c. package. This consists of our regular 76o, bottle together with a separate trial oottle—sutilcicnt for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, pot it to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle Is still as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75e. immediately and without question. You have tried Bruschen free, at our expense, What could be fairer ? Manufactured by E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Petah. 1760). Importers ; McGillivray Bros., Ltd., Toronto. Fanned Monks Transfer Monastery to Himalayas In modern times there are fewer - foot travelers in the Alpine pass be- tween Switzerland and Italy where the famous St. Bernard Hospice, founded nearly 1,000 years ago, has jiislpen•sed hospitality to thousands of wayfarers. Consegaently, the monks end their great dogs, with time heavy on their hands, sought a new site for their services. They have found it, according to "The Literary Di- gest," and are establishing a new monastery in Tibet in the Himalayan. highlands. In 1930 two of their number, Canons Mellez and Coquos, after visiting Lhasa, the Buddhist sacred city, and obtaining permits from the grand lama, explored the country for a site that promised opportunity to carry out a mission similar to that of their famous monastery in the Alps, They found this site on the south- ern boundary of Tibet on the Si -La Pass, 13789 feet above sea level and almost 6,000 feet higher than their Swiss mountain hospice. Through this great break in the Himalayas pass thousands of pilgrims from India and the Far East to the Tibetan shrines, and thousands of traders from• Central Asia to the plains of India. Here hundreds perish from the snow and cold each winter, and here the monks found opportunity to continue in Asia the lifesaving service they have for so many centuries carried on in Europe. "There," says "The London Satur- day Review," "neither train nor motor will defend those who take the Si -La Pass from the fury of the elements, and the dogs, if only they can make friends with their opposite numbers in Tibet, bearing the flask of brandy on their collars, will find .lost travel- ers to rescue." HOPE FOR THE BEST ,fIope for the best, although life seems j'To fall far short of youthful dreams, Although fair plans have often been Destroyed by disappointment keen— Id'or only thorn can act their part 'Who keel; a high, courageous heart. ?Rope for the best, although the worst May meet you on life's road at first, 'Although your wounded feet have bled By reason of the road you tread— Fier oft through trouble, care, and strife One climbs bh.e sunny heights of life. ' Hope for the best, though sorrow's blight ran on your blossoms of delight, ;Though every wind of circumstance gems but misfortune to enhance, . NI sure_ that work and faith, anon, Will fincT 'tis better farther on. —A. B. Cooper. Owl L,a& "I can let you have the car on easy terms if you can show me some papers to identify you." "Here is a summons for my gas bill." And it came to pass that a green business pian react in black and white that business is in the red. And lo, when he beheld these tidings, he be cane blue, for he was already yellow," Diner—"Bring mo a cup of tet without milk.". Waiter --"Sorry, but we have nc milk. Will it be all right with.om cream?" One-half the world doesn't know how the other half lives. But it has its suspicions. Happiest homes are those where the dining room table still is considered more important than the card table. Little Girl — "Package of please." Druggist—"For woolen, silk or cot- ton goods?" Little Girl—"It's for mother's stom- ach. The doctor said she's got to diet, and she wants a delicate color." dye, The trouble with golf is that a man can't complain if his wife buys a new hat just as often as he buys a dozen golf balls. Father took his little son to the in- cubator in the cellar to see the eggs hatch. Said Dad impressively: Dad—"Isn't it wonderful, son, how the 'little chicks get out of the shell?" Son—Huh! What gets me is how they get in there." Asked if be ever tried sleeping on a heavy meal, old Uncle Ragson Tatters from Brushville replied: "No, I al- ways sleep on my back." They call Sam's twin brother "En- core" because he wasn't on. the pro- gram. Hal—"What was the cause of Brdwn- ing's death?" Zeb—"Too much water at ane time." Hal—"Don't be foolish." Zeb—"I'm not. He drowned." Pride is a weed that sometimes chokes the choicest flowers in the human heart. e When a woman sheds tears it's quite proper to say she is "sobbing." But when a man slops over there's but one word properly to fit the case—"blub- bering." Facts are easily accepted if they do not conflict with. our preconceived no- tions: The Scotchman couldn't find bis railway ticket. On the conductor's second round it was still missing. Conductor—"What's that in your mouth?" Sure enough there was the missing ticket. The conductor punched it and went his way. Sandy (after several passengers had laughed)—"Aw, weel, I'm nae so ab- sent-minded. It was a very auld ticket and I was just suckin' off the date." We know a man who makes a living without ever doing a day's work. He's a night-watchman. + Do You Know? + k;r`.# `i`t;:i .,._?%::.,::,,.:>::o:.,:a::`..>:S:o.,..:»`\w�'',i:;"`:,..., T�>r.. ,:: J..•, v.a,o-;v o.�i:`:i'O<,•'?::`: • !that daring the hunting b Lott is Canada, guides who s,'e ex - irk i. • pexta tilt tln'i� art can call a biitl moose to them? They twi,it a Piece bto-s eh bark into the form of a megaphone and through it make not t tat apparently sound as seductive to the moose as does the voice of ' ie megaphone crooner to the ear of the average woman. The Moose, •llitout 1, politely got shot, Above is a moose caller at work. hett -0 1 t ® Sa1 t ° ' g x c6'h°.4elleooyn0 I (it h 1rie i llati'�a�ti ono{ca�aperd�G�em 4e� �Cp � . r e Yl e©ii . iO 1 axa eys�� p�i ' ii°bt a4 eiatst z1t °ane rtga� r r °tieeI ath5C��; eot tzaeore 4 oeYei et�ofootsEg,Ica( iy�p C h e ie.ooaawee �,etit 0,101 is. °u•buyCon itu t m test settee byA.c\Cevmake n gticConeYenLe . ltil ,satepee 'te'tet'r!.tat eleset a$tiln$14eto`!hene1fi401(denyle aeea Cato iOlq� ��iZs. ConlesjU�eSantty ocs• pC1s° oe°madaoyteh, os.�a1��-0.�''blana on ere3v k:0 i 4elarofie, �o�°o° �a�ax toa cover, a C`ee\°Ntzi�`t `Tettet9°sLazaiyou ?vete ) tkeitleultenZle �se teh9i�ai z e a ux �� a)ct eu 505 96 Casio, a°p~U1�X5,2}5\ rr�I ry v, V ��sr waif,.,, ,, w ce `?ee m h bio ii"Hn! pw•r pct, • ,�L. `" •• r Wd(- ; IE tin S1,10,sicaT40NEEDSMIE N EDMONTOCALGARY BRANDON, MAN. eopillniamlastilamanal tar We kW VI NW :WM FILL OUT AND MAIL TODAY! A. E. MCKENZIE CO. LTD., Post Office Drawer 596, Ottawa, Ont. Please send your new -1933 Catalog with full Conter particulars. Name Street Address ______ Rural Route ....... ............... Bos: No P.O. Prov. 104 Answers to Last Week Puzzle MOA- F A ABSORB B B / F YEl W E R E D T S Ems/ E %1011 N DA DT'kB E D 1 s T 0 A D D E D A R SWAMI HAREMS P A Rte% 0 0 1 3 S R S A .R RrADM /RE Sr4LE EOREE S T OLE N DOTED HE ATE AIM HIGH M A R P E T E M I M A A R T S% U B R A F At 4��L R v o I R 0 In the long- run men hit only what they aim at. Therefore though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.— Henry igh._Henry David Thoreau. A mother's heart is . the child's schoolroom. March Winds Hurt the Complexion .Keep the skin perfectly healthy by Washing with Baby's Own Soap using tepid or warm water and drying per- fectly, and the keenest winds will do no lasting damage. This is the pre- vention which will save much disfigu- `ement and the necessity of hiding blemishes under powder and cosmetics. The soothing and fragrant lather of Baby's Own Soap is' wonderfully agree - a able. Individual cartons -10c every- where. 10-25 "Best for you and Baby too" MONEY FAR. 1 .. MO YOU cin earn good money in 'pare time ad home making display cards. No selling or canwustvg a Wstrnet you, furnish ram• feta outfit and supply you with port. The to -day WriteHfoe e G COMPANY; Limited r : 647 Dominion on Bldg., Toronto. Ont. • r M SOURED ON THE WORLD? -THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary e0rr�ytrodho feel sour, sluggish and lgW Otah00 make the mistake of taking , mineral water, laxative oandy or alp rum, pzarnoughe iybioh enly move t yo surd lead i toago wa a rip your liner tart your liner pouring the daily tyro o$ liquid bile Into your bowels. Glet our i .rnaoh and inteotinee working as they should, mai mord. Cars ][dale Liver PIlle will soon 5x you p. ely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. It O thorn by name, Refuse aubtitit ter. d. at 011 druggists, 0 0. OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1—Bird 6—To pile up 11—Donble 12—Lover 14—Behold 15—American coins 17—Molten rock 18—Consumed 20 --Orgy 22—Liquor 23—Places 25—Musical instruments 27—For example (abbr.) 28—Veracity 30—Law 32—Piece for two 34 --Heavenly body 85—Short coats 88—Grain fungus 41—Part of "to be" 42—Runs away 44 -Gambling game 10—Russian 46—Ocean 47—Reaches across 49—To do wrong 50 --Undefiled 62—Otherwise 54—King of Bashan 55—Russian statesman 57--Shrimplike crustaceans 59—Mohammedan 60 --Margins Vertical 1—Disturber 2 --Upon 3—Evil 4—Flower 5—Goddess 6—Declares 7 ---Greek letter 8—To be 111 9 --Deer devil unit 11—Explosion 13—Scope 16—God of love 19—Musical study 21—Growing out 24 --To fill 26—Completely 29—Parts of shoes 31—Incites 33—Surgical in?' •ume.nts 35—Files 36—Rebellious outbreak 97—Sea mammal 39—Vegetables 40—Chinese socdeties 43—Game bird 46—An Asiatic 48—Carnelian 51—Cloth measure 53—To sink 1' Middle 66—Two government 58—Pronoun London Brokers Offer Historic British Estate Fountain Ilan which was built in days of dames I, near Ripon and Har- rogate, Yorkshire, England, is in that market, according to Knight, Frank & Rutlay, London real estate S11. With the (property goes a grouse mbar, the broker add. Fountain Hall was built by air Stephan Proctor of materials from Fountains Abbey, the beautiful ruins of 'which it closely acljoins it Classified Advertising PATENTS. A N OFFER TO EVERY INV iNTOR CS List of wanted Inventions and full information sent free. The Ram;ray Com, pany, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. BVSZNESS OPPORTUNITIES. JLICATESSEN STORE; FISH -CHIP lithe business; 1{eys-lock shop; Tobacco - stationery store; Bakery; Tearoom; Rooming house, real moneymaker, Par, titulars, homestead, 2 College, Toronto, r KC IS A F, L• L'e 4Je• ABLESAreEmedyDEfoIl mos,0,roubles of the stomach. It help, to bring it back to a normal healthy condition and corrects indigestion when it starts. Don't be without it. 35c and ;L00. Ask your druggist or by niaii from IT.D.°. Co., New Glasgow, N.S. .A Muskrat farm of 53,920 acres is area, comprising an island in tht delta of the Saskatchewan Rivet southeast of The Pas, Manitoba, int claimed to be the Largest far ranch of its kind in the world. At First Signs of Pimples Use C1TJCU t .t , Anoint with the Ointment. After five minutes bathe with the Soap. Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. wrr-�w.l RHEUMATISM (741Pour Minard's into a warm dish. Rub liniment gently in; then apply it according 10 directions . , and soon .le you'll get 'alien is one of the finest examples of Jacobean architecture in England and occuples a steep wooded slope aibays Skelldale, amid some of the most romantic scenery in Yorkshire, The ehooting moor covers 8,000 acres and yields an average bag taken over forty years of 2,000 brace of grotus a a year. Seldom can the heart be lonely If It seeks a lonelier still, Sell -forgetting, seeking only Emptier enps of love to fill. QUIVERING NERVES Yield to Lydia E. Pinlcham901 Vegetable Compound When you are just on edge .. when you can't stand the cAxil- dren st noise when everything Is a burden ... when you are art.. table and blue... try this iaaedi- cine. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. It will, give you just the ectra energy you need. Life will seat- avorth living again. ISSUE NO.