HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-03-09, Page 5TherWetaY, March Oth, 1933. i3USNESS CARDS DirDiaillt E. HOLMES SOLICITOR, NOT WRY PUBLIC, ETC. - 131PIFION-Jrlandlton Street, Just off %rho Square, CODERICH, Ontario, ,Attention • to Councel and Court Work. Itr. HolOitO _May be consulted at Iceadericla by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. IL U. COWEN ra. A P ID, 8. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCH-ZURICH lEoyery Tbureelay, Friday, Saturday At IHARTLEIB'S BL0,01K, DASI1WOOD • Every Monday, Tuesday and ;Wednesday licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON. *act any Auction Sale, •regardless as Ito size ox article to sell. I solicit well7 business, and if not satisfied will toske no charges for Services Rem' Alered. ARTHUR WEBER -Dashwood gaione 13-67. ZurichsPopular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weiner, Hams, Etc., always on hand 1--lighest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins • "Let Us Serve Your 11. Yungblut & Son SERVICE Why We have the Better - Class of Customers leitG14 CLASS GOODS, u. S. L. ISATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, 'MAE, ELL/BE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE I CeN IT I ON ltasarts, .Hohning and Mechanical Work ilone to Micrometer Settings, No. guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH " CLASS CLIENTELE. S. DASHWOOD Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- laiiount of ininirince a Rid( on Dee , 31st. 1931, $19,593,724. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 'Untatt-44.53 Im• $1,300 for 3years E. F. Klapp -Zurich - Meal, Also Dealer in LiihiOiod Rods sod all kinds of Fire Insuranfe Wein -. ONTARIO ..10M....elMomel71.0......00147.1.•••11111••••••• LIVE POU LT R V WANTED Waken Avery Day till 3 o'clock, pm Me nt feed Fewl same morning When brought in. liigkest Cash Prices -CASH FOR -- CREAM AND EGGS W., Cr I den Phone 101, Res. 94. Zirrich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready to serve the pul> tic with Commercial and fine •Printing. Get our prices be- 1orie leaving, your order else. .',."TeVerrereerreeetefeelekeereere7..' 1•••••••• *ma. M.. • „- irava Narita, For Sale, Loot, Found„ Notice, Etc. Ado of me ocamsno . fRICIPAs' ,-,-----,-.. WitIPIRM A, qauntity of alfalfa hay for sale. Terms, strictly cash, Apply to W. J. farrott, Box 20, R, I, Zurich. Phone )9 r 4, Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE. WANTED We are now in a 'position to take ,iram and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which wo. will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- .!ording to grading. give us a trial. girst house south of Dominion Hotel T. IL Meyer 4 P•hone 116, Zurich For Sale A good Kolster Battery Radio Set. Very Cheap for quick sale, Apply to L. A. Prang, Zurich For • Sale COAL FOR SALE We have a car of good No.. 4, and Chestnut hard coal, for quick sale. hone your order in at once. Stade & Weide,. Ztirich. •Bowes Company Limited OF • TORONTO Have opened a Branch in TIENSALL, ONT. FOR FARM PRODUCE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Eggs and Cream. HAWES' & BRANT, Props. 'Hensel' Ont The Local News The Main aim of the weeidy news. paper ..as the name implies, is to give v:s of its own district. It may have atter aims, such as to give the mer- ehants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- als; but iirst of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily ,)btained and no editor'can cover it all without assistance. Especially is phis true, when you. have visitors. :daily of the ladies think that .per- .ionals are the most interesting read - ng in the whole „paper. :our visitors .tre usually glad to have their names Appear, so send them in. Sometimes people come in and give the impres- sion that they are asking a favor when they want us to insert the narnes of their friends who have been spending a few days with them. No person need feel that way about giv- mg us news items for we are indeed glad to get them alt ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 a fear, strictly in advance; $1.50 re Arrears or $2.00 may be 1harge:1.0 S. $1.50 in advance. Na paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un• tess at option of publkiher. The date ,of which every SubscripiSon is paid ;is deflated on the Label. ADVERTISING ATES Display advertising made known ,on application ' Miscellaneous articles a not mon than four lines, Far Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc, One liner - don 2,5c, 2 ins. 40e., 3 ins. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 for lint month,. $1.0 for each fol- lowing month. Professional Canis not exceeding inches per year $6.60. Th Memoriam, one verse 50t. 25( ;for each additions verse; Card ol rhanks, 60c. Auction Sales -$2.36 per single InSeltiOn if not over. fsur inches ir ength. A4dress all cornMardiostions to THE HERALD 21..,MCH On. LOCAL • ZURICH HERALD Mr. and Mrs, Roy Vierner Were, Visitors at Kitchener the .p.ASt' PleaS6d to report that little Mel: Cowen is improving nicely after lier recent illness. Mr. Floyd -Poster, who spent' a month in Detroit, has returned to his home here. 1Vir, ,and Mrs, Sol Bechler, and Wil- liam and Eva, motored to London one day last week. Mr. Henry M. Willert of Dashwood made a business call in town on Tu- esday. Mrs. Jas. Dayman of Kippen, cal- led on friends in town ori Wednes- day. Mrs. Roy Merner of the 14th con. recently attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. 13roderick, a former neighbor to Mrs. Merner on tine Bah ylon line. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward and son of Exeter, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido, Mrs. Ward remaining over with Mrs Weido for a few days. Mrs. William Davidson Jr., of the Goshen Line, south, has returned to her home on the Goshen line' after spending a month with her sister-in- law, Mrs. Walter Amess (nee Lizzie. Davidson") ,who was in an auto ace. cident last October and is not .able.to walk yet but is getting along as' w11' as can be expected. Township Reeve, Mr. A. IVIelick received word from Traffic Officer Norman Lever that during tile month of March and 'until the roads are again dried up, that trucks are to carry only half loads. This i no new ruling, and usually causes con- siderable inconvenience in inforcing this ruling. We would warn all trucw drivers to put on only half a load till roads are dried up for the summer. The weatherman is gradually ush- ering in spring, and as the weeks slip Ey it won't be long now till the sun will again be shining on both sides of the fence. A light blanket of snow greeted us on Wednesday morning, but it ,is mild during the day, and by the sound of the birds as crows, and. an occasional hawk;we realize that bpring• is not too far in the distance. Some farmers have tapped the maple trees, and soon we will know that "sap's run'in". . A Timely Hint Most newspapers published will ap- preciate this front The. Acton Free Press:: "If the amount of advertis- ing contracts were one-third the num- ber of requests for free publicity that news -papers receive the, e • days thr- ough the mails it would be conceded that the earner had been turned".The wastepaper basket is the most °vele worked article around the office. - Oshawa Times. New President Takes Office • Saturday was a big day in the Un- ited States when their newly elected President, Franklin D. Roosevelt was officially inaugurated and all the cabinet ministers were sworn in, and now things are all set for :neo' -'lei four years. Mr. Roosevelt of course took the oath of office at Washington where arotutd a, hundred_ thousand people gathered for the occasion.. It is now .expressed that Mr. Roose- velt is not alone just President but is showing the qualities of a real leader, and'surely will be worth. of much praise if he will lead his .big country out of this depression, an give,them better conditions. Mr, Cyrus Schoch of Kitchenere4s spending the -week with friends here.; Judgment Upsets Will His. Honor judge T: M. Costello has handed down judgment in Surro- gate Court setting aside the will of. the late Mrs. Ann Stephenson, of Stanley Tovrnship. The will, as (ira. wn, gavp" Mrs. Hannah Boyce, of Godetich the 50 -acre homestead in Stanley township. This now reverts to the estate. The cost of the act- ion, heard two weeks ago, are to be paid out of the estate. The action to upset the will was taken by John Thomas and Janies Stephenson, sons of the testatrix. In the lengtny jud- gment, His Honor says in part: "On the evidence I have no difficulty in arriving at the conclusion that Mrs. Stephenson could find no fault with. any member of her family in their treatment of her. The statement of all those witnesses who gave evid- ence on that point was the members of her family, and particularly the son, John Thomas, with whom she resided, was very good to her and there „certainly was a delusion in her mind on this particular matter at the timethe will was drawn for, in spite of the fact.there was no foundation for that belief, she expressed that opinion and drew it particularly tb the attention of the 'witness, Viola Montgomery, tailing het that her own family had not been good, to her, In the, result. therefore; Ibeleive the will 7 • . ' ' ' . . . • • ' • , , Leeuard Bender was a visitor iet'..Kitchener the past week,- :....eS.orry to learn that Mr, Harry 0. ;t'ese was 111 for the past week, 0 • • Mr, and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Exeter were Sunday last' visitors with Mr. and IVirs, Wni. Hey, of the Babylon line. 'Marriage is another form of con. tract that is not seccessful unless both parties use the same system. Miss Lottie E. Turkheim was a vis. item with friends at Kitchener and Stratford the past week, • •Mr. George Hess of Hensell made a business visit in town on Wednes- day. local Constable Jul Block enter. tained two transien'.s o.Jer Sunday with meals at his home and lodging at the Town Hall basement. Mr. Lawrence Denonume of th.• Goshen Line, south, has leased the 90 -acre farm of Mr. Philip E. Den- omme on the 'Blue Water Highway, mile north of St. Joseph, and will get possession on Marcia 23rd. Mr. Pirilip Denomme is holding an auct- ion' sale of his effects on March 2Ist and will retire from farming, Our Mailing het has been correct- ed to March 7th, and if you have re- ecently eenteeetheyour ettb•Icription to ethe _Herald, kindly look on your label inlet se that you have dri.e credit. And. .bi-the-way, there are 0 few who 'eve got behind somehow, to these We ask to kindly recognize and ap- preciate the credit extemzed to. them by letting us have your remittance. Hay Council held its moni,hly nm- -eting on Monday afternoon, when the all important official of Weed Inspect- or was appointed and the lot fell on Mr. Edward Datars, Sr., of toweellfie Deters should make a good man at this position, having had considerable experience in dealing with the public having sat on the council board for a number of years, and also acted as a road commissioner on several occasions. In going over our exchange week- lies we notice that what was former- ly known as the Farmer's Sun has now been changed to Weekly Sun, of Toronto. It is a rather unusual size, being eight pages of 14 -inch col- "Am umns and 5 columns to the page. The price has also been changed from $1.00 per year, to $2.00 per yeae, as the publisher says it is necessary to have $2.00 a year in order to meet. expenses. The Spring Assizes: The spring sitting of the Supreme Court of Ontario for the 'County of Huron, which opened at the Court 519 House last Monday afternoon before Mr.. Justice Kerwin, lasted less than; two hours. The one case on the dock- et, a civil action from Grand. Bend, Mrs. Jennie Mason vs David Webb„ • was dismissed with costs before and defence witnesses were called. His Lordship holding that plaintiff had failed to make out a case. The jury notice in this trial was struck out a week previous. In dismissing the act- ion, however, His Lordship commentJ ed that he would not have allowed the case to go to a jury, had there been one. PEW ,... ......,................,„,..p,..,......................... : Fertilizer Fertilizer . . . is : We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will, * • at $19,00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! • : STOCK. . FOODS 0 Keep yam. Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter -by • • using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, *eil and Laying Mpsh. None Better on the • • Maikets To -Day! • 9 • COAL COAL Don't Forget; We can supply you with the. prOper Fuel to keep your 'Home nice and cosy all Winter at the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs... L. Schilbe & Son oty,e0**,4,..thoeco30101.0ailtoor.eveszkik e.0410 1 BORN Gascho-In Zurich, on March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho,. a daughter. Ducharme-At Hay .Township, - on March 6th, to Mr. an.1 Mrs. Louis Ducharme, a son. Taylor -In Hay Township, on March 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tay- lor, a son. Looses Popularity . Next summer will see only one city or town in the whole of Western On- tario on day -light saving Lime it is rtated. Numerous cities which had formerly operated under fast time • defeated the by-law at municipal el- ections this year, and the only place to retain it was Guelph with a maj- ority of less than two hundred. The fact that nearly every municipalityin ,the 14 counties of Western 'Ontario ,wil1 this year operate on standard time will practically put an end to the controversy which bas centred a- round lack of 'uniformity on this question. • Hensall Resident Passes Mrs. Flora Case, widow of Geo. Case, a well-known resident of Hen- sall died on Saturday afternoon at her' *home. She had been in good health until Friday, when she attend- ed a union missionary meeting, re- turned to entertain some friends at ber home and was soddenly stricken ernaining unconscious until her pas- ' Mng Saturday in her 73rd year. Born in Hay Township, she was formerly ,Miss Flora 1.41ammie dau"1"1:0" ' r ti'^ late Mr.' and Mrs. Wrn. Llammie, of Hay. About 24 years ago deceased came tollensall and has since resided there. She was very active in St. Paul's Anglican church and was in- terested in the younger people. Pre- deeeased besides her husband, there are two sem, Abraham L. Case, C. N. R. agent in Hensall, and Garnet Case, coal nierchant in Hensel" and one sister, Mrs, Henry:. A private funeral was held on Monday with Ishould be set aside and an Intestacy Rev. M. Parker officiating: Tater- I1 ment in Exeter cemetery.. i WWEW WW WW WW Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies •Oite*******04-0•94 eee...0.0* PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. IN STOCK. 110e008000696906***/*0410000 ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT *******.6**0o*.t000.4******* SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. Dr, Al J, MacKinnon, Zurich 4441MMIVMMAMP,MMT fkiMPAANWPAMMPARAPpj • 00 0 • 0 0 0 0 4' 0 0 4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • * 0 4 ****•••••**4 ,4-41.4)4-4,04,*0 44,.• *******.*****9.4.+44,:, ,ft..41, • • i • • • • * • • •• • • ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ ••• for one Year: • • • Kitchener Daily Record $5. 10 • Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6,00 •• • Toronto Daily Star$ Toronto Weekly Star $7610 000 : • • 1London Free Press $6.00 • • i London Advertiser $6.00 1 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 $$2i.7550 * 11 Farm and Dairy Family 1-12rald for 3 :--:-.3 Family Herald arid 'Weekly Star Farmers' Sun :22i2255 $3.00 : • • • • • ... ni • 4 Weekly Witness $1 ) 23 : 51 05 • • 4 Canadian Countryman 1 ill; . • 1 1, 11 . 1. , i Farmers' Magazine Huron Expositor, Se"aforth $2.75 Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich .* 4 4 4 4 1 It 4t"4"44140 P0 o“i-e**,1>e***********.q***4.4.44***41,0<t••+4,* ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List 4 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our '1