HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-03-02, Page 81 Mair THE STORE WITH THE STOCK US resseS We have just received a new supply of the Celebrated Ruth Gordon Housedresses These are fully guaranteed tub fast colors and Broadcloths. Sizes from 34 to 52. Prices very reas- onable at 75c, 98c and $1.25 each. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Castile Soap, 9 bars for Falcon Cocoa, 2-1b. tins for Cheese, per pound 25c .. 35e 14c Japan Tea, per pound 33c Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for 25c Brooms, each 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 DISCOUNTS GRANTED ON ONE TO FOUR YEARS' DRIVING RECORD. THE DISCOUNTS ALSO APPLY TO COLLISION PREMIUMS. THE TORONTO GENERAL IS THE ONLY COMP - .ANY IN CANADA WHICH PROVIDES DISCOUNTS FOR COL- LISION INSURANCE. ARE YOU A :SAFE DRIVER? REMEMBER --- Human Life is in Your Hands HESS insuranee .Agency All Lines of Insurance ---- Except Life and Windstorm Get My Rates on: MERIT RATING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND BAFETZ Have You MADE YOUR IN LL? HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. t ' COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! ZURICH HERALD Until September the 1 7th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsmithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. STADE 8t WEIDO ZURsCH w ONT. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Az,=Inier White•Corn, size 2 tin, ' per tin Aylmer choice Tomatoes, large. tin, ' per tin :.10c Aylmer Pine Apple, crushed, heavy syrup, per tin .: iSe Oxydol large pkg. ..... .. ... _..23c Wheat Flakes, large pkg. 18c Puffed wheat, 2 pkgs. 25c Corn Flakes Kellogg's, 3 pkg$. 29c Tea-Bisk, (makes Perfect Biscuits) per pkg• Challenge Corn Starch, per pkg. • 9c Dominion Tomato Soup, per Tin 5c Chef Pork & Bean 16 -oz. Tin, 4 for 25c 'Sun D.yed Coffee, 1 lb. tin, per tin38c Chocolate Fig Cookies, per lb t '15c 9c Men's Fancy wool Sox, Reg. 50c. pair 29c Women's Cotton sand Hose, per pair 15c Cash of Trade for Eggs. J. \K. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 BUSY FARMER NEWS Some Facts About Honey At the price at which it is avail- able to -day honey is cheaper than a1= LOCAL MARKETS - (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 26 Eggs 10-12-14 Wheat 46 38 22 most any of the more common artic- Barley les of diet. It is at once nature's Oats choicest sweet and her most complete Buckwheat food; it contains carbohydrates in the Flour form of sugar of lime, iron .u►agnesi- Shorts, ton um and potash, and a certain amount Bran, ton of protein; all of which are necessary Hogs, cwt. for the nourishment of the body.Be- cause the sugars of honey are alrea- dy available for assimitation it is a quick source of energy. It can be us- ed as a sweetening agent in practic- ally every instance where cane sug- ar cheaper syrups are used. 32 150 2.80 14.00 • 14.00 3.50 Thursda , Nana '211(1, 9.3 ' **41.4********0+++++4***** ++4004++++++++++++444-000: YOUR Hardware and Futniture STORE WE ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOCK ANI) FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN 1 ORDER TO REDUCE IT . VERY RAPIDLY ' ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK ".A T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: • We are continuing our Special Prices on ' Mat- t tresses,, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain $ Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are _ All Gone. For same real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and. see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. Johnston. & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. 'Phone 63 4. 10+4.4444 •h +++4.4.+.44,1444$ +44 +++++++++++++++++++4444 +4444 1932 were approximately 21,748,768 pounds as compared with 1'7,947,27.5 pounds for the previous year. "System Proves Efficient Protein tet In Rations The importance of protein in live- The Restricted Areas system of stock rculosis the farmsons was and their picre e production y di discus -Inge control efficient but stockmen appreciate of , the many advantages of this plan of sed by J. C. Steckley, professor Animal Husbandry` at the O.A.C. Le- gume hay was mentioned as an imp- ortant ingredient in a protein -rich ration and of course such byproducts as cottonseed meal and linseed oil meal were mentioned as very useful ingredients. Prof. Steckley declared that soybeans meal was proving to be a very useful and rich protein ingre- dient. It carries about 35 per cent. protein and for dairy cows particu- larly it can be utilized apparently up to 20 per cent of the ration. He recommended it, however, as a feed for hogs. Ground sweet clover seed had also proved to be of some use as a protein ingredient, but it is not highly palatable and can be fed only control for tuberculosis. The cattle in areas can be tested quickly and economically. Reactors can be ship- ped in car lots with greater returns to'the farmer. All herds axe tested so that breeding operations are fac- Mated. The services of valuable herd sires canbe used, in herds of equal health standing. A ready market is established and buyers prefer to pur- chase cattle in areas where tubercul- osis -free cattle may be obtained more quickly and at less travelling cost. During the past fiscal year 117,742 cattle;.have been tested for the first time in new areas and approximately 321;427 cattle have been retested in areas previously established. 11101111(1111111 UQIQIIQIQ IQQ4lNIQII I NINIIIIIIII 11111111110111QQQIIIIIIIQQ{i00110MMIQ9ili9MIMIQIIQQQINIQU(iNIQINI111IIIIIIIIQIfIQ11111IiIpIQiQQI111111 QIHtIQQINR: We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. . 1 good Lumber Wagon 1 good buggy at ....... .... $30 4 $25 .�...._..__ wheel' Trailer Complete__ KEEP OSI SMILING! HESS, the Repair Man I(iIkMIWI8QIQ119i �'� ' NQIfiIIQIiIIIIII�IQ1iG'QNG(IIIIIHfIIIIIQ(11QQIQQIIINQQQIINIfIiI"�Lt;�ikQliQm�lJlltlNQiIINNN1QIfII1QIQlf�QIIIiIIQI1111ifi�QlIC�QQtlINQt�1QiQQUf�l1111�f sparingly. The Apple Maggot The apple maggot as a menace to the industry was thoroughly discus- sed at the 73rd annual meeting 'of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associ- ation Prof. L. Ceasar, provincial ent- omologist, .stated that an orchard survey had shown every part of the province infested with the maggot.He attributed to weather conditions the increase in the last two years. Prof. Ceasar explained control methods in detail and said that if growers had known in advance what weather con ditions would be like, they would have controlled the pest at least 75 per cent. W. A. Ross of the Domin- ion laboratory at Vineland discussed a system of orchard certification un- der which inspectors would pronoun- ce grower's orchards and apples free from the pest and thus make them more available for export. Orchard certification would involve thorough spraying, destruction of wild apple trees and hawthorns, and some ar rangement with owners of nearby orchards in order to remove that source of infestation. lncreasirig Consumer Demand For Government Graded Beef A report to the Department reveals that consumer-dernand for governm- ent graded beef, has'been felt in still infestation was reduced over 8.0�io another quarter. The report added last spring, farmers decided to go 'the name of a large Canadian chain ahead with the larger project. The of stores, to the ever-increasing list work will be carried out under the of organizations handling beef, ex- direction of Dr. Lionel Stevenson, 7 t mitts It E Cum - l....64 4.4rrP++ 4.4...„.4t444444i4 444.4.#4.44++++++ttfi+++4.44.4. ZITMCII ' ARAeE THE WINTER SEASON The Farmer's Education An outstanding Canadian authority discussing farming as a vocation re- cently, included among the essentials subjects' in the educational prepar- ation for farm work, the following A' thorough training in the use of English; proficiency in mathematics; sufficient commercial training so as to successfully carry on his business; practical training, obtained on the farm; .a study of agricultureal sci- ence, including . chemistry, physics, botany, entomology, bacterology,, and• a thorough knowledge of the more practical subjects, such as horticult- ure, field crops, live stock, mechan- ics; and a practical working know- ledge, of economics and civics. For the young woman whose future hap- piness will be found on the fartrn he suggested special training in cultur- .,al subjects, and in the work of the home, such as cooking, sewing, nfan- agement and hygiene. Knowledge is as necessary to succeess in farming as necessary to succeess in farming as -in any other line of. business. , Warble Fly Campaign All the cattle on Manitoulin Island "nearly 20,00 head, will be treated for warble fly this spring. Following the striking success secured with a neW„ power on Barrie Island, where Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good. Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Rig' Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on . hand in large ^ and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. H Mousseau Zurich. f 14414+144.#+++++744.4 ++ ++.ii 014i4+41$44.4++++1144,4 44444! ;t,,i:ely. Another ev enc consumer preference is the fact that niin , district agricultural t:epresex+taa ADVERTISE! 0 five; d the special powder will be t(...................,„...„............. �,�a 4. HERALD OFFIOB Do You Know?” • That I am the Master Salesman! • t I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants. t Manufacturers, Etc. t I go forth to tell the World . the message 'of service 'a and Sound Merchar disingt - 4. And the World listens when I speak! Fer those who 'have used me as their Servant I have $ 'gathered untold millions into their coffers. + I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles • and lead the World whithersoever Igo! I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 4 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is t in the Dominion, some 2 %a more ,ve;' an ; . - graded beef was sold last yew', than supplied by the Canadian: .Co-U•1pea: • ,� dYB4 o+e in. 1931. The estimates for sales its '1ve Wool Growers. YE'