HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-03-02, Page 4• ZURICH N4÷14-4-++++-1,-+,1•44-101-1-+44.1.-1-++++++++++ ,:t.14-4-++^w • • ..i•44 k•i• o' 1- 4 4•t' 1 h° •'i'o4z..;�J�..g.•� .g+,..1.4 ': •1.«, 4.+i.•i•�•�`,.1.:�++4, ; k 4 Opportunity! Al4 i 4. New Subscribers, Paid in Advance, We will the ZURICH HERALD to the end of 4 4 1933 for only 4 $1.04 >0 41. Sella ot- -* 14. -40 .+ 4 y+;~.: 7,-++F•. ^:^.l,ogo4h4:b,1••1+•i.'; 1-iei••1'++ 4444-4444-444-144-444 ++++++++++ 1 ¢oil°r.l�°i fi.1'11 1� 1�' 1 1�,� 1 1 1 1•Fl.ya�41»xoa1.1-t•f. Are• red? • You Pre,, a 1 +' When the North Winds do blow; wad your heat will go. + ith Storrm Windows and Combin- +: +1r Let Us Supply You w 4. and Mrs, T. C. Joyr t, had the lnielol tune while wrestling with another young lad at school,to fracture' lis arin in two places. He was taken by Dr• Smillie to Clinton for en X -Ray and also had the fracture, reduced,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker and Dorothy .McLaren visited friends in London. Eldred and Alvin .McNicol and Or- ville• Cooper of ICirkton visited fri- ends i;>, town• Mrs. Smyth of Nelson,. B_ C.; is vis- iting here with her' father, T Hemp- hill who is,.serionsly 111 at. the hoipe of Mr. and Mrs. 6. Cook. Wome,u'snay will be. observed. •iii• the United Church on Sunday, March 5th, when a Women's Choir will lead in the service of song: and special sermons be given for the occas io11+ ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! i4i. • Call Us by Phone, and we will gladly measure your 4 openings free of .charge. leo PHONE 69 .4...ygLS. y.a+3.44.1..'y+44-4 C'<K'"i••fi'1+J.-.1•+•'y+-,ii `'•1•'at +47+ ++1•.11-++^a ++1 ++1••1-+ •4-+++-1. KALBF LEA UP COI (1 1 ZURICH t .Thos. Hemphill'.. of Wroxeter was in town Monday ,and 7,Tuesclay calling on relatives. A. .:special meeting of till village council was called Wed. eve• last to receive the report of the. special .com- mittee who were appointed to value the properties in the village for as- sessment purposes:• '.Chen valuation of C. Hudson last year's-;assessor.Mr. Hudon was re-aapointed assessor for year :1933. The W.M.S. of •the. United Church gave an entertainment at'tbe church n Friday eve., Feb 24th... A good FWD sS Theatre �eavItt Exeter .'-- Ont TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNC- ING THE QRPHEOUS CHOIR Of London • Under. the Direction of CLARENCE E., GILMOUR • WEDNESDAY, ..MARCH . 1.5th. +4•„1-1-4-+t 4-1.44-•1,3••t ++++•i•+•p•F+• .14.4-i•++•1.44 ++ :ems Massey-�Iarris Barter News :I F.T US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DEAL Your Discarded Implement might just suit some other Mr Farmer. 10% Cash Discount on"Notes and Sales ends gt- 149 0. KLOPP & SO.S ' .�, Tel. Shop " uctioneering? .0 ES! A -,,1+ " ' q++++++++++i•+++++++4• itl++++++++,p{.++4+++++++++4'e' +' .FOR SALE. A quantity of alfalfa hay for to sale. W. Terries,` strictly. cash. Apply p yh phone. Jarrott, Box '20, R. I, 99 1• 4, Zurich. CARD OF THANKS We :take : this medium In greatly thankiiik• the neighbors and friends, who so kindly rendered their assist- ance ssistance and extended sympathy during; the recent illness and passing late Mrs. Mildred E. Bender. Parents, Husband and Sister. the occasion by holding of an "At Home": in the town Hall of which mecbers, their families and friends gathered in large numbers to 'much enjoy this social event. ee Wm. Rivers of Exeter, met with an. unfortunate accident the other day while h'inting. rabbits just east of town. While in the act of climbing o a fence the gun discharged and Mr. program was prepared: ' • Rivers had the first two fingers of Mrs. (Dr.) -Reid after • a :pleasant the right hand, blown off and part of visit with relatives here, has "return the palm of the hand badly shattered ed to her home .in Port Rewan. He.was brought to the hospital for The death occurred 'at her home- dressing of the wounds. here of Mrs. Geo. Alair,'relict of the Martha Shannon, wife of 'Hy. R. late Geo. Alair of Stanley Twp. Mrs- Henderson, Egmondville, passed a- Alair and her daughter Dora -moved way, having beet in good health un - into the village • about a year ago til she was stricken with a heart M- end she was well known in the dis-. tack. She was 71 years of age, a strict. She was 82 years of age and native of McKillop Tp., 'where she .a few weeks ago was stricken with spent the greater part of her life. pneumonia. Owing to her advanced Four; years ago she and her husband age she failed to rally. She leaves to moved from the. farm te Egmondville mourn her loss three daughters, Mrs; Besides. her husband; two, sons and Makin's; Mich., Mrs. Steep of Goder- one daughter 1te 1 s urviv e ich Tp• ; and Miss Dora at home and L. V. Hogarth, of the Hogarth two sons, Melvin of Detroit and Baby Chiek Hatchery,` Exeter, left David of Niagara Falls. The funeral last week for the hospital in London was held from late hn'ne i-+terment for further treatment. M. Hogarth, in the .Hensall Union Cemetery.. • who is a returned veteran has been A very interesting meeting. was. in the hospital. several times. His held here Monday last by officials of many friends will hope for his '•spe the Bean Grower's Exchange of Cha- edy recovery as this is the beginning them in the .interest of the bean gra- of a busy time in the hatchery bus- ters. Geo. Ball and Mr. Thompson, iness. prominent bean growers of Chatham Magistrate J. C. Greig. reserved didistrict were present with Mr. Hol- judgment in the case of Seaforth vs me_nas :of Chatham, the selling agent. Carl Dalton, which he `heard on Sat - and addressed the meeting. Mr. Hol- urday last. The action followed an vies answered many questions and alleged infraction of a town by-law read the contract which he wished restricting -pedlars and hawkers. It the growers to signe There seean o is claimed that Dalton peddled meat be quite a war ore between the beta" without first securing the necessary exchan .e at :Qhathaxn and the new license. A number of witnesses were organization horned at London a called. The casearoused much inter - few weeks ago of the bean dealers est, the court room being crowded and bean growers of Western Ontorio during morning and afternoon. Each .organization. is °tryingVto get The first carnival of the -season control of at least 75% of the bean was heldin the Exeter arena on Tu - growers in Western Ont. As there is esday evening last with a good at- a duty of $185 a bushel against for tendance. The ice was in excellent eign beans coming Into Canada and condition and a fair number of the no more beans grown in Ontario than skaters were in costume. The feature will supply the Canadian market, it 'of • the evening was the mile open looks as if the fanners have it in race for the Chevrolet Cup and was their own hands to set the price. The won by Gordon Haist, of Creditan, moment we become large exporters C M skates. M Heist wan of beans then we have to take •the world price, but when we just grow enough for home conumpscoringin. enough for home consumption, the farmers through their selling organ- ization should..be able to set the price and take their food value into con- sideration they should not be less. than a dollar a bushel. and a fine assortment of tools were destroyed by fire recently. Mr. and Mrs. 'Mitchell had been to Exeter in the afternoon and abou t9 o'clock in the evening they were startled to find their garage on fire. A hurried tele- phone call brought the neighbors to the scene and withthe wind carrying the flames toward thebarn it was . feared that the barn might also catch ire but the heroic efforts of the nei- ghbors with fire apparatus prevented the barn from. catching. Mrs. John Millson, a, greatly este- erred resident of Seaforthawn one widely known in the district, passed. away at her home, Seaforth, on. Feb. 12th following, a, long andpain- ful illness The deceased who before her marriage was. Margaret Christena Hays of McKillop township. In 1889 she was married in Cleveland to ino Millson of Hullett Tp., they Cleveland and Toronto, six years• ago coming to Seaforth. • Easter is Late Easter comes late this year. Good Friday fails on the 14th of April, Ash Wednesday onthe first of March., and Easter on the.16th day of April Last year •it was two weeks earlier. The school holidays begin on the 14 and continue for one week. The first day of March will be the beginning. of 'Lent. To Play at Inaugural Ball A despatch from New York states that Guy Lombardo and his "Royal Canadians" Orchestra, who originally come fromLondon, Ont., will play ay at the inaugural ball in Washingt n on Saturday, March. 4th, because Franklin D. Roosevelt remembered his promise. In 1930 Roosevelt at- tended. an affair which Guy and his band supplied the music. He prom- ised the orchestra leader he would have him play for him should he -ever become elected. He has kept his promise. 't't,,y„ 1i arch 2nd, 193 WOULDT:r IDI�a R1C11 Glai-ui 'Dean mil is Some D•adicalse Bernoms 'for This Old World. Co'mpaxlsorir i ostunl'es fol• each class of amen turd. women, abolition or rouge *ad lipstia3c, abolition of arm- ee and navies and encouragement. of eugenics propaganda, were the out- standing- ut standing -points in a radia address de- ivered by the Very Rev. Dean Ralph rage," "°t>ab Gloomy porn of St.. Paul's, London. 'In his own formula for reforming,. the world the ""Gloonx3• Dean" said:: 4: •r + + + +; 4 Feb. 1st. 1 +l• Res. 67 I-i'ILLSGREEN Mev Zt. R. Conner delivered a very :afire 'sermon on 'Sunday in the Hiils- rden church, his subject being "The :ideal of Christ's Living." 'The W. M. S. meets on Friday, .sir': liVorld's Day of Prayer", at the 'Risme ,of Nes, Chas. Stephenson. ;n"W13ss 3•da Gingerich of Blake visited • t the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fir;lllister. Mr. W. Jarrott anade a business ;gip to Toronto this week. Mr.. and Mrs. Alex. Aubin are re- erelving congratulations on the ar- 3 .Df a baby girl on February 26 47r, and awn. Chas. Blackwell vis- 4 1 d •°,w'ith Mr. and Mrs, C. Siemon on eRun lay. • hearing Mr. Donald R. McLean, pres- ident of the U. F. Y. P. 0., as well as other prominent speakers, at a Young Peoples' Rally ,to be held in the Dashwood Public School, on, Mon- day, March 6th, at 8 pan. Al] young people over 16 years of age are urg- ed to attend. bp,SHWOOD 'MI. and IVlrs. Geo+ Merner at- :trtleil the funeral of his sister, the ;latte Mrs. Wm. Callfas in Kitchener tag, week. - :liss Ella. Martinson spent the we earl at her home in Elmira, also .Li ending the funeral of her grand- -uu:ether in Kitchener. Mrs. Ta for entertained her Sun- "xYkr y ,gray School ,Class on Friday evening' Quite a number from here attend- - ,e funeral of the late Mrs. Leon- ard header at Zurich last Friday. Mrs. 'Goetz Sr., is: on the sick list. `:mrar many friends hope for a speedy Tacovcry. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Messrs. Robt. and Harold Penhale accompanied by their sister, Mrs. Thos. Snowden, motored to St• Thom- as one day recently. Mr. Will Scotchmer was a week- end guest of his sister, Mrs. M. J. tiler of, near Clinton. COUNTY NEWS D. D. Robertson, formerly agent at Londesboro, is the new operator at Clinton station, So many at Winghanl continue to take the measles that the Medical Dates Are Set, for 1931 Departmental. Exams . Dates for the departmental exam- inations' for the coming summer are announced . as follows; Entrance,July 3rd; Lower School, June 29; Middle and Upper Schools, June 26, Depart- mental Lower School examinations axe this -year being controlled' by the High School Entrance Boards, in so. far .as conducting examinations, .ex- amining papers and, issuing certifi- cates. 'Disapproval of Sunday Funerals The Presbytery of Huron, united Church of Canada, 'met in. Wesley Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday, on C. saes. r. 'February loth. There was a good the trophy' last year and needs to win i attendance of ministers and lay del - it once' more to own it permanently.. egates, considering the condition: of His Majesty's mail recently brought ,the roads. Rev. Sinclair of Tiensall, Wm. Bell, of Seaforth a letter which presided at the morning session. and contained a . cheque for exactly one i Rev. F. G. Perrin of Clinton in. the cent. .The payment represented a afternoon. After devotional exercis- dividend on stock The cheque, which es. correspondence was read by the was drawn on the First National secretary, Rev. W. A. Brenner caf Rank arid Trust Company of Tulsa, Brucefield. This included a letter Okla., was drawn on February 2 and b t askingsup- is up is not valid unless cashed in 30 days f Mr. Bell is holding the cheque and hoping that the exchange on the Am- 'erican cent. will inefease to a point where it will pay the charges the bank will collect for oashitlg cheque. Alex: Stewart, well-known. McGi1= livray farmer, near Ailsa Craig, who Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Tro1�i S Health Officer has closed both the was gored by a bull on his farm on s High Sehoo: and Public School until 'Feb.. 22nd, died . froc injuries receiv further notice, s<d,' He .was attacked by his bull on A robin w%tt - seen about Seaforth that' day, and would have been killed on Friday Feb. 10th, the coldest day Outright bait fol' the Interventioriof in years, the therometer " reported 'as E; G. Wilson, -a neighbor. No bore hovering between 10 and 20 degre-'I were broken but he suffered internal es below zero. injuries. He was removed to his bed Kincardine town council • is negot- and siezed with -a sudden attack on iating with a Collingwood . knitting. Saturday night, and died before his firm which proposes to move - to the doctor arrived. He was in his 58th former town. year. ' When the horse which she was 'chi: Hydro Herren cut down a tree or ving on Math st., Seaforth become two in Seaforth, but were lirevented suddenly, frightened and bolted,Mrs, • from' further cutting by the Frevin- Thos. Ferguson was thrown out and cial Highways Supt., who claims the dragged for a distance, but fortunat- necessary authority had not been ob- ely not seriously hurt. tained from the. Department of High Fire Chief Ferguson,Capt. Tasker ways. The P. U. C. linemen, however and lieut. Cook of Blyth made an claim the trees were interfering with inspection. of all the business places the power lines and that inasmuch as in that town recently 'so 'as to be ae- .the werewithin the corporation,they quainted with all stairways, in case of Were. within : their rights in moving fire. Bach fireman will make these 'them Clerk Wilson has written the rounds once a month. Highway Department. Mrs. •Jellies. Lindsay, of Clinton, i'he funeral of Mrs. Mary Glavin who p assecl her 93rd birthday on was held en Feb. 16th from the old February 10th assedpa- homestead, Where` her son now re - way on February 21st. peacefully` sides, and ,was largely attended. The Thos.Ste 1,hens, of the Queen's' `deceased, formerly Mary Cronyt,was' Seaforth, on Feb. 8th; celebrated his 51 years ago united in marriage to 92n birthday: He is the oldest hotel- 'the ]ate John Glavin,,•who predeceas- b •Ontario, n •• rio andin spite ite of ed her in 1907. Her death took place keep.., in Olat�l,ro, po weeks. Mrs. his ;great age, is still active and about after an illness of two overy clay, is having been down str- Glavin resided at Mount Carmel for a ecton business one day when the seven years and later for 12 years t'- in London before returning to the has been known in the Bast line Mur 2t •�rinornetei registered 12 belovr dock's Illocl, and are in the line of �:ero. homestead in the vicinity of Crediton e' 'y•,rr'chrt d�.•`: f�.vr1 prodace and he -'r Attaining their 25th annivets<ry 'Two'song 'and fobs" 41:1i( Y':s r.l...-• J. n'iovecl into cur rarer,,;, 1111.1 cc,:: , after a q.iarter' of a Genteir'v b e -ort: eve' ti ra e on the; farm of &ail highly recommended a;. p;oo<l br; cillos,. of benevolence and local .iniprovem- . ' A` ga g ,,.. • , .. , nKon• mete citi c i>>+ el' -t, t11e iJyj�}.:ow branch o tl:o. Donald Joynt, young coir of Mr, I Ieineil's Institute fittingly marked gether .with. a rord coach, a cutter ' DEA?` INGE 'My t'ivv hopeful and helpful histor- ical' examples in this work would be fn- - Federal Republic, der Tia 1 e 3•Ca the. American t1x. in- habited by people from every nation 'under Heaven, and the British ,Com- monwealth o'f Nations. 'X wnuni decree distinctive dressy, for each pro:t'ession. Tramps and the' s37e rack -would be obliged to ,wear - air ignour..rious badge. I would or- ganize a new and all-inclusive League. of Nations, abolish all armed forces: except an_itternationai militia for• Police purposes, and destroy all tar- iff barriers and passport regulations.'." CORRECTED 716E CALENDAR September Beal Only .Nineteen Days • Rack in 1752. September 'had only nineteen days in tar year 1752, as you will see if you visit the British' Museum reading: room and ask for a copy cif'. Rider's "British Merlin" for that year. The British Mealin was Whitaker's Alma; i, neck of that time. All this Happened for a rather curi- •ous raison. Until 1752 Creat Britaim u�sedi the Julian calendar. The com-•- piliers :of this calendar many centur- ieS, terrine had not been able to, measure ,quite accurately the length. of a year. The result was that as. time• -trent sin the error grew and; grew; and if some change had not. been made we should eventually'• have been skating -when it was mid- • summer', according to the aimanack,. and srluibathilag at official Christmas,' time. Something Itad to be done, and it was decided to cut eleven days out of September in 1752, and then to aidorrt a new calendar which would render errors impossible in the. tartare. 'Mods step produced tremendous: from Oxford Presbytery cry - sip4Y:ut'ion. 1i4'any people thought they• port of a resolution disapproving a • had robbed o! eleven days of Sunday funerals except in extremd° their laves, and there were hostile �reir l izat r?ns in i re ps,,r�ts. of the cases. The Presbytery concurred in country. 1� the resolution. The special speaker of - • the day was Rev. Manson Doyle, who-ll'Lt�N RE .L'S POPULATION. se address was ole the subject of re..The Island of Montreal, on which lis;ous education. the city of Montreal is+ situated, has a population of 996,132, according to the official census. The new in- crease since the decennial census of 1. 2.1 la :2711, 27 or 37.55 pet,c, i'ie city' Mantrea1 is credite popula ton of 810,925,, a wain or ItSZ,s1l1'3 ail Ten''year4, an increase. or 31.11 per rani. Verdun shows e gairo. of 14.1.54) per cent Outremmont 109.69., per est& `•Westmourat increasing its population 'by 32.25 per cent. to 23, -- who has been visiting friends 'for the past three weeks in Stanley, has i°eturned home. Mr. John Scotchmer delivered a fine bunch of fat steers to Mr. Geo.. Coleman the other day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Scotchmer were recent visitors with friends in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Nacliger attend- antl the funeral of their sister-in-law lee. Win. Ogden at Whalen, on .+Saturday: Mrs. Wm. Mair still continues very , -poorly with slight hopes of a reeov- vrti. Mr. Win. Scotchmer delivered a fine horse to Mr. A. E. Townshend one day recently. Miss Dorothy Innes took advantage like several others, of the cheap rates from Toronto on Saturday last and spent the week -end with parents. • Vers. Wiggins of Ingersoll, :spent It few days with her. sister, Mrs. P. ' ,ass old. Wigs °H+ Lindenfield of I•ondon, is i p,:uest of Miss Verna Birk. The young people of this corn- irat; are to leave the privilege: of HENSALL Harvey Caldwell, of Wellwood,Man and Lieut. Wesley Caldwell, of Lon- don, were here . attending the funeral of their mother,' Mrs. W. T. Caldwell Ferris Cantelon, principal • of the high school at Stromber.g, spent the week -end here with his parents, Ma and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon. Bowes & Co., recently of Toronto haveopened branch ,tore in what • AUCTION SALE, ' OP REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue 'of the '.Power of 'Sale contained in a certain Mortg age whish will be produced on the day of sale, there will be offered fog : i8 64 ancon the eighteen towns sale by Public Auction at ;18,642. listed as forming part of the popul, a ,, THEINION HOUSE. tion of the island of Montreal„ Sty'_ DOM Laurent is largest with 5,349 Inhabit.. - .Pa the' Village of Zurich, on ' tants bat Mount Royal shows the greatest 'percentage growth with an SAJURDAY, MARCH llth, 1933 l iincrease of 1,235 per cent. or from 16ti icons in 1921 to a present At 2 p.m: the following real estate 1population of 2,1.37.. 011W .;';Odic -Ir PRO1Yi7C'.r': 2.6.7, and Lachine 21.02 per cent. tag All and singular that certain pne- eei cir tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron and Province. of Ontario, being composed of Lot No. 18, in the Eleventh Con.- cession, on-cession, of the said Towns7htp of Hay, containing 100 acres more or less. On the premises are situate a 2 story frame house and kitchen, bank barn and implement shed. There is also one acre of orchard and ten acres of bush. TERMS OF SALE 10 % of the purchase money, on day of sale, balance in 30 days there- after. Ileal Estate will be putup subject to a reserve bid: For further particulars• appt, to c .Sero: Weller, easel., ,Auctioneer, Dashwoor, Ont. lheovery of anew method of pre-- serviaag :honey as an ()Cave, gray-'. white 'butter; instead . of a golden. ligliid. was announced at Cornell. University. The new pi•odiict, called crystal' lion ,, has a slightly different flavor;:; it neither drips nor spreads sticky ammo's and has been offered by the university to the honey industry. The discovery is the' accomplish- ment of a young 'Canadian; Dr. E. J . Dyee. who made a gift of the process. to Canadian honey producers and to • Be developed the process as part,.. of his thesis for: obtaining the degree of doctor of philosophy. VAST POWER AVATIA13T,14. Canada's water power 1 esourc forni, ants of her most striking anti ineeer•eati•1 t•r. rel cesefs. The re- y;a..,;....1 i.,.ttm y,..4.-1 l+: rf the ]]Yr:t7?,inioTty .as t,:.:•'•cl ui a': Brite sur-- i.tlyi< are estimated by engineers a. Otter.:•+v, ,✓ •+ N•'WT Yb.:4'i�1YV 4UMWW u F titer Olaf, raiz. o rp.• +erati oar, i6 ltbald% Cltol"3, fog 3tI#i, tga ec`➢. > ii�mailxtRtsC. u., u a