HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-02-23, Page 8X'1CC#1°t�` THE STORE WITH THE STOCK House Dresses We have just received a new supply of the :Celebrated :.Ruth, Gordon Housedresses These are fully guaranteed tub fast colors and Broadcloths. Sizes from 34 to 52. Prices very reas- onable at 75c, 98c and $ 1.25 each. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Castile Soap, 9 bars for Falcon Cocoa, 2-1b. tins for Cheese, per pound Japan Tea, per pound Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for Brooms, each 25c 35c 14c 33c 25c 25c a. aAscxo & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 111 e.. r 1 HESS. Insurance Agency All Lines of Insurance ---- Except Life and Windstorin Get My. Rates on MERIT RATING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE DISCOUNTS GRANTED ON ONE TO FOUR YEARS' DRIVING RECORD. THE DISCOUNTS ALSO • APPLY - T . COLLISION PREMIUMS. THE TORONTO GENERAL IS THE`ONLY;COMP- ANY IN CANADA WHICH PROVIDES DISCOUNTS FOR COL- LISIO-N INSURANCE. ARE YOU A SAFE DRIVER? REMEMBER --- Human Life is in Your Hands Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SANITY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? *1111000111411••••••••1111110.11111100168011011101000010111111. HARDWARE -- SEEDS . and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't. forget we 'are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual --- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall' Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need, of NEWFURN- ITURE„ We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsllnithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. STAD.E &WEIDO ZURICH -- ANT`. of in making some p ments vantage Forming hi Ontario will e M o be the major industry for many years ZURICH HERALD ` WE ' SELL THE BEST FOE LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Lux Toilet Soap, 4 cakes for 23c Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable soup 2 tins 15c Royal York Tea, lead pkg. per lb 45c Slawson's cheese, half lb. pkg.. 2 pkgs .. 25c Clark's Spaghatti, large tin IOc C.h.ristees Graham wafers, 1 lb. pkg 23v Wheat Flakes, Large pkg. 1 9c. Aylmer Tomatoes No. 2, Tin, 3 for ._..._-......... ....... 25c Chipso, large pkg. ' 1.9c Gold Soap, 8 cakes for 25c Freshly ground coffee, per lb. 25c For this week only, Fast Colored Prints yd wide ....15c House Dresses, from 69c up to $ i 15 Silk and wool Hose at pair 39c. and 59c Cash of Trade for Eggs, J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 '1 Daily we see farmers bringing sawlogs or cordwood to town, espec- ially since the last fall of snow, and. any farmer having a surplus of bush at present has some source of rev- enue, while the price of wood is not at present very high, yet it las about as good as anything the farmer bas to se11':at present. BUSY FARMER NEWS Ont. Cheese Production Contrary to the general impression said Geo. H. Barr, director, Dairy Branch, the production of cheese in Ontario is increasing. • Figures for the year 1932 show the production of cheese in this Province as approxi mately 80,000,000 pounds, compared with 75,000,000 pounds in 19$1., An increase of some 5,000,00 pounds,or about seven per cent, -is "worthy of attention, particularly when we know that the increase in quality. is more than equal to the increase in, volume Healthy Pigs In an address at the outset of the Swine Demonstration Train, Dr. Lion el Stevenson, 'provincial zoologist, emphasized the importance of heal - the growing pigs. Healthy pigs, if properly fed, should be ready for market at from six to seven months ofiage. Pigs that did not reach mar- ket weight at this age were either improperly fed or were not healthy. Internal parasites were one of the common causes of unthrifty hogs, and the farmer should always be on the lookout for possible infection from internal parasites. Sanitation and cleanliness were essential in the hog industry. Common • treatments were recommended which may be se- cured by writing the provincial zool- ogist, Dr. Lionel Stevenson, Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ont. Ontario Apples Only . As a further indication of the growing demand for graded Ontario grown apples, 3. B. Fairbairn, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, has been ad- vised that still another prominent Toronto fruit distributor will, in fut- ure, handle graded apples exclusive- ly. An inspector of this fruit house intimated to Mr. Fairbairn that his organization had adopted this policy because of the fact that it is now easy to procure almost unlimited sup- plies of carefully graded apples, gro- wn in Ontario orchards. Another point mentioned was that the public demand for Ontario apples is increas ;ing almost`noticeably. ' LOCAL MARKETS -(Corrected every Wednesday) Butter .'.... • ... 26 Eggs lb -12-14 Wheat ... ...,. ....» ... • ..... 40 Barley ....... 38 iOats 22 Buckwheat 32 Flour' 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 14.00 :Bien, ton 14.00 Hogs, cwt. 3.50 toy 4o ase, and we must adopt the long- terni vision.. of it with faith and hose that better times will return. • Fertilizers Sold in Canada ''Of the almost .innumerable brands of fertilizers offered 'to the pubRe in the earlier days of the fertilizer business in Canada there were hund- reds 'of ''brands which contained so little achial'plant food that theywere Practically wisrthlest for the purpose far which"they were purchased. This! condition Led to the conclusion of a clause in the Fertilizer Act, 1922, requiring that every fertilizer sold in Canada contains not less than 12 percent:.,of availahle' plant food as nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash singly or combined. In 1928 this min- imum was raised to 14 per cent„ which is the requiredment still in ef- fect. ffeet. Duriing the first year of the operation of the 14 per cent total plant food requirement hundreds of brands of so-called fertilizers were put out of the market.. This provis- ion of the Act established a reason - 'able basis of minimum plant food content and undoubtedly has meant a material saving to farmers hi the purchase of fertilizer and prevented many a disappointment in crop re- turns. • Time t'<s •Improve An appeal to farmers to improve their farms• and livestock% at this time instead of simply marking Line, was made by E. K. Hampson, past presi- dent of the Ontario Experimental • Union in a recent address; "The pre- sent is not a time for a negative type of farming. No progress can be made by that method. Probably never has there been a finer opportunity for improving herds with pure-bred fou- ndation stock and field crops with pure. seed. Labor is more plentiful and cheap than it has been for years May not these factors be taken ad - Current Reports :Fourteen young sows were sold from the Swine Demonstration Train at Shelborne in Dufferin County. ' Many farmers in Halton County are endeavouring to secure men at this- season' of the year with the ides of employing them through the sum- mer months if satisfactory. More interest is being shown in Peel County in horses, owing to the bw prices of farm produce, and idding at auction sales on horses is reported brisk. Eggs have poen selling on the flag` ersville market in Haldiamond Coun- ty at .t1c, 13c, and 15c, according; to; gfade. Egg dealers report diltculty inil disposing .af, the grade, ,`extra." as; there is apparently a `cheap' cpnz flex in the • Mind of the consumer, causing him to buy a cheaper plod uct:' Livestock in Middlesex are in bets ter than average condition, most fe- eders having ample feed to carry therm through the winter. In Wentworth there is a brisk de- mand for good work horses on farms at present and they are commanding an excellent price, first-class young horses selling from :1.00 to $115 each. Custom hatcheries look for an increased business in chicks this year In order to give service to the far- mers of Renfrew County, custom®. seed -cleaning prices at the Renfro r ;irlsnt•:are only about half what they were last year. 1111tt4rf.ijr,efaicUt'1Yc iso* 44$40.64. + ++ 4+iFl40NN +'*++s 4+++.y+.+++++++4 „. • VOUR Hardware and Furniture STORE WE ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOCKDTIIAT. ouR.STO OF HARDWA,RITUpE IS TIDO HEAVY, AND INORDER TO REDUCE - IT VERY RAPIDLY WEARE OFFERING OUR AT GREATLY REDIC-F.DPRICESWe ate continuing our Special Prices on Mattrate, and still have a few kft that will go at Bargain Pte. Be sure and � your supply before they aargatas, we have a nbefoerlAlways a good suppy of Smoke CurHand All GGone .For somne real- Bused Pressers that we wii l sell ve urn r u gorY cheap. Be sure sledsee thetas. ; Also Old trickery Smoke Salt. & Kalbflojsch Hardware & Furniture, Phone 68 NlNN!!1«bfi REPARE lilllitIONIl1111 !!lN psi, tffpleffi illi( fR MILLIMIMllfiih ,' ERIRlNl ONNINi We Repair Wagon, u lea a Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagen 1 good buggy. a$ �:...: _•._. �...�..,......�.-,.�•-... 3 4 wheel Trailei KEEP , ON SMILING! CESS,e, Repair Nan IlIRRNOREINRiggIIlf }IIMRPRIlNRI ERNi1Nii !{IIRIIINfNNINIM IN !lltlNl ly R MORRIONRIi ***4 •4 4,4 144 +444444.144.4**4,E{,.r,l„1444.,1„444444414N 31011 ' - GAZAG THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you Looked after your Automo- bile in prem for the Cold Weather? Ganged to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator fdkd. with a good' Anti -Free? Run in your car and let el s do this very ka portant ,thing . Righ New! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand . in large and small quantities. Let _us file your barrels or Containers. Expo Workmanship on Repair Work, and Ove rland Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reiff H. Moussoau Zurich 44444444444444*4444it44*44+,*4444*44 1444, i IIBRAID Do You Know, # '- • ;.:That I ant 41,41e Master•. t • 1 am the.. herald of, Success for all men, . Merchants. Manufacturers. Etc. I ea forth to tell the 'World the me sage of service' - and Sound Merchandisingt And .t the World listens' when I speak! Far these tiwho haute used me as their Servant . 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers. 4. ! command the legeons of fashion, . mould the styles' • and !lead the World wl thersoever I get 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! • } I area Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Nar27de is'« .' ADVERTISE! 1