HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-02-16, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK House$y•' Iresses We have just received a new supply of the Celebrated Ruth Gordon Housedresses These are fully guaranteed tub fast colors and Broadcloths. Sizes from 34 to 52. Prices very reas- onable at 75c, 98c and $1.25 each. GROCERIES! GROCERIES Castile Soap, 9 bars for Falcon Cocoa, 2-1b. tins for Cheese, per pound Japan Tea, per pound Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2 lbs. for Brooms, each ' J. GASCHO PRODUCE WANTED 25c 35e 14c 33c 25c 25c & BON PHONE 59 CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY Huron & Erie Debentures Are Grawing in Favor Year by Year. In 193 t II investors held $29,300,400 of the: Trustee Debentures l 'The Rate of Interest is still 5% % twice a Year FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY - Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 0804/4 0/440./.•t .N•.!.• s HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any gopd quality •Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. • COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a,Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress, See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need' of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! • Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General 1;1 Tinsmithing our-ecial sp ty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. • • ISTAD.E & WEID ZURICH -- ONT.. r • • Thursd*10., IteiPtim ► 16th, 1 §dt • 44046.4444.444.44444940.4440 +OF.04.44.444++.44+++4,4•44.44 ;$ YOUR a ware an ir• WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Libbys Pork and Beans, 16 -oz. Tin, 2 tins 9c 19c 38c Best Quality Macron, loose," ready cut per lb 5c Fry's Cocoa, Half ib. Tin Lipton's Tea, b1k. or mix. (scribbler free with Robin Hood,Rapid Oots, large pkg. Maxwell lH:onse Coffee, 1 lb. Tin 23c each half lb.) at half lb 23c Peanut Butter, large 2-1b. jar with handle, 2 lbs 33c 19c 19c 19c 5c 25c Coleo Soap , 3 cakes for Peas., No, 2 Tin, 2 tins for Corn, 2 tins for Palm Soap, 2 cakes for Pearl Naptha Soap, 7 cakes for Cash of Trade for'Eggs. J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 BEWARE THE SMOOTH- TONGUED 'It is .remarkable . how many old people and widows unacquainted with the market values of the various kinds of bonds and securities are be- ing persuaded to give .up by "foreign' sadesinen. gilf enge government, pro- vincial and municipal bonds for other securities reputed as paying a higher, rate of interest but of doubt- ful value and in many cases almost worthless. It has been revealed that many of these gentry have been working the various parts of the pro- vince and have obtained many good securities for worthlessss Paper and many people who were depending on the interest of their bonds for their maintenance have been reduced to theverge of penury. Had these peo- ple consulted their local broker or banker before making the exchange they would have saved themselves much loss and sorrow. Notwithstand- ing this. there should be some way of bringing to, book. men who . exhibit such callousness in depriving the un- informed of their hardearned sav- ings—Ex. BUSY FARMER NEWS Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, in addressing the annu- al meeting of the Dual -Purpose Sho- rthorn Club, urged the members to study feeding and blood lines, in order to increase the butter -fat pro- duction of dual-purpose herds in -the province. The members reported brisk bidding and good prices at the various sales held during 1932. British Markets Warrant Increased Hog Production The opportunity for Empire coun- tries to increase shipments of pork products to the United Kingdom, is shown in reports to the Department. The reports set forth that imports of bacon, from outside the Empire, av- erage over 400,000 tons annually. 90 per cent ,of the imports of bacon and ham were of foreign, 70 per .cent. of the bacon conning from Denmark, and ,80 per cent of the hame from the United States. No Waste in Celery Celery is one of the most econom- ical vegetables one can buy, not only because, of its special value as an agent in the promotion of health but also because every bit of the stock can be used in one way oranother. i peop.l;o .are in the habit of ow'ine, the leafy part away as use- less but this is a mistake as the leav- es providie . an interesting new vari- • cy of greens. It is also unnecessary to discard the hard (ib ' us butt: as these are ideal for giving a inere- Matic flavor to all soups, sauces an: stews. Canadian Turkeys Welcome A Canadian representative has recently returned from Britain where he was associated with the marketin;. of the Christmas trade of about 90,-. 000 fatted poultry. The shipment, which c,'on,i: teci mostly of turkey,, 1 went over in. "chilled" instead of the usual frozen condition, ' therefore came in direct competition with the rotne lt'illt t . r<tthei than with the imported stock. He reports that la LOCAL MARKETS(Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 26 Eggs 10-12-14 Wheat ......... ............. 40 Barley ........ <-. .......... 38 22 !Oats Buckwheat Flour 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 14.00 Bran, ton 14.00 Hogs; cwt. .....- .... -. a . .. 3.50 32 H: causQ;of the quality and attractive presentation of ,the shipment, -which was,7sol ch%fly in London, the stock immcdlately. attracted,the attention of the wholesaler ad was quickly sord Oat favorable prices. lie was giv- en tie• assurance of the trade that a shipment of ..equal quality for the next' Christmas season could easily be doubled in quantity without oversto- cking: ;themarket. " Small Seed Situation A recent survey .of -the small seed situation hi Western Ontario, reveals that about 60 per cent • of the red clover has been sold; 90 per cent of the 'alfalfa; 80 per cent of the al- sike, 50 per cent of the sweet clover and 25 per cent of the timothy. Pric- es offered growers range according o quality. Red. Clover' is selling from 7 to 9% cents a pound; alfalfa, 12 to 14 'cents; alsike, 3 to 41 cents; sweet clover 1 to 2 cents, and tim- othy 3 to 41/z cents a pound. Canadian Cattle Feeds Find No* Market According to the United Kingdom Trade Commissioner a promising trade in' cattle feeds is in prospect in the British market. In the January 21st issue of the Commercial Intelli- gence Journal it is•stated that the imp,oitation of cattle feeds, consist- ing of bran and other flour milling offal, from Canada is comparatively neww, .beginning 1931 when Canad- ian shipments rose from practically nil to 22,263 long tons (2,240 lbs). Of This amount 6,000 tons were shorts and middlings and the remain- der bran. According to this report Great Britain imports about 500,000 tons of these products annually, chi- efly hiefly from foreign countries, Empire countries producing only some 76,E 000 tons in 1932. Boys' and Girls' Club There. are, now in the neighborhood of 1,300 `bys' and :girls' clubs h Canada, with a membership of 21, 822_- These clubs under compete4 leadership engage in the study of a variety "of subjects relating to sic pzo7eets,'o.alnely, dairy cattle; beet cattle, swine, poultry, grain and po- tatoes. In the fall of the year in each province the district teams are brought together in a competition and the winnenrs are selected for a free trip to the "Royal." where they again teamscompete with high teams from other provinces. Only members between 16 and 20 years of age are eligible for this 'test and wonderfulprizes; , other rowa.rds are offered for members be- tween 13 and 1.6 years of age. The event at the "Royal" is synrbolis of nautilinautiliearnest effort among, progres- sive dot in-agricultureal tri to fr,Int one end of Canada to the d►the' WE ARE NOW FINISHED- TAKING STOCK} °. d AND FIS THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE 1 ANI FURNITURE LS TOO HEAVY; Ai11I? IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY . WE .: ▪ ARE OFFERING OUR AT GREATLY REDUC- ED PRICES $ We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat- tresses, and still have a few left that will go at BBargainPrices. Be sure and get your _supply before they are All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see thein_ . . Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Han .Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. JOhnStOn & Kalbflejsch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 't'+4 i,+444' .)(44,4 +44041'l4' .64i #f4'i t'rl•++++4444#*4$i4iMM*/ UlllllimllllflllNIIIHIIIIIIit iffll l;Rlltlll!!UIIIIIIII!!Ipillll UlIIIIIIIUNIIIIINIQHUNflIIN(lHilll@II!! ,'•;l MIDIO cIM1115p1IIIpNIf}IIINI;IIItiG N!4 We • Repaik''• Wagon c Bu. ggieg, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. - • 1 good Lumber. Wagon - I good buggy at ...._.. �...... :.......$30 3. • 4 'wheel Trailer Co` Ii KEEP ON SMILING! I[ESS, V p'pair �aYl INAMIIIYNiNINNfWI i{ ,n ttliN}jnll�li i�INIHfINIllIIH�fllUfllNl(1:,:+ N•tir 811iNINUIL01EIPN fN ? 044th*4444444444444,4444*4M444.4444444444444444141• 1 ZtY3ICE + GhtlialtaGE THE WINTEJ SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? "Clanged to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a goad Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let us do this very '. Important thing Righ Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on lased in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship: on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. • . �. Mousseau Zurioh 14,444444.....444 -14+++++4 -14044444+.6.4.4444444.444.44440 4,4.44444.....444444444•F4 -14044 44 +.6.4. r,e,.1t+Q,,,.444.444!* 4 4• HERALD OFFICE .Do ..You Know? :: i' ., 4' .r • That I am the Master Salesman! •Iy am tlae.herald of Success for all men, Merchants.t . , Manufacturers, , Etc; •• l' • go forth to tell the World the, message, of service," and Sound Merchandising1 And the World- listens when 1 speak l or t* For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers. • I. command the legeons of fashion, mould the style,, and lead the World whithersoever I go!' t 1 sow fields for you to reap &Golden Harvest! E I Masater Salesman at Yost • Sergi and,my 4ame • t I 0414.***644***444.44.....14 4011.,14114P+14414.4100•40.000000400 ,,r