HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-02-09, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK House Dresses We have just received a new supply of the Celebrated Ruth- Gordon uthNGordon Housedresses These are fully guaranteed tub fast colors and Broadcloths. Sizes from 34 to 52. Prices.very reas- onable at 75c, 98c and $1.25 each. GROCERIES! ,• GROCERIES Castile Soap, .9 bars for Falcon Cocoa; 2-1b. tins Cheese, per pound Japan Tea, per pound Sugar Crisp Cookies, Brooms, each for 25c •35c 14c 33c 2 lbs. for 25c 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED . PHONE ,1111 iNAW CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY :at Huron & Erie Debentures Are Grawing in Favor Year !by Year. In 1931 investors held $29,300,000 of the Trustee Debentures The Rate of Interest. is • still 5% % twice •at Year FOR PARTICULARS: •APPLY Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. • MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND IUAJ TT Have You MADE YOUR W I LL? • ''W sztz-''Twe'flar -L* d..«..r, . Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sliced pine 'ap ►le 2 tins for Peas, : .2 tins for Grape Nut 'Flakes, 2 pkgs. Guest Ivory Soap, new large cakes, .19c 19c„7" • 23c 5 for 23c Sweet yellow corn, 3 tins 35c Salada Tea, Half pound. 23c; =1 lb. pkg.. 45c Tiger Brand Catsup 26-o*. bottle 15r 25c 23c 25c 25c 25c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs:` •>••--. Sunlight Soap, 4 cakes Huron Toilet paper, 7 rolls for Rolled wheat Flakes,. Lange pkg. `Finest Santa Clara Prunes„ large size, 2-6bs- Men's plain Navy Blue work shirts, each or Cash of Trade for Eggs. 49c Men's plain blue bac k Overallswork pants at....$1.25 J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 It is said that a shiftless trans- mission for the automobile has been invented. Now what is needed is to get rid of the shiftless driver. BIG LIBERAL MEETING London, Opt—In preparation for an . election battle which they believe looms in the not too distant future, ;Western Ontario Liberals- on,Frisialee Feb : t7iti, will meet in London for th'oroiigh• •organization, which will consolidatethe Liberal's ,of. the- four- teen counties in.' Western. Ontario. The Western Ontario Liberal Assoc- iation is holding an open meeting in the Technical Sezhpol :there on Feb. 17th, and Hon. Vincent Massey, 13s t. =Ian Mackenzie and M. F. Hepburn, M.P., poir.cial. Liberal Leader, will speak.' At a meeting• in Hyman Hall in the, afternoon details of the organ- ization‘ of the fourteen counties be worked out and . the elect}on„of association officers will be .head. t saiessesesoe ss BNSMS HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the; Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. • COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until Septernber.the 17.th,a $5.00 allowance on any Mattress, on the 'pu'rchase of a MVlarsIall-Special, Marshall' Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock,;:. Also please don't forget, when in need of, NEW.'1rJRN • 1TUR.E, Y'e ha' a it! ` Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsrnithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. T EIDO LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected •esu Wednesday) Batter .. < 26 Eggs ... • ............• « ... e . 20-1244 •O Malty ----- oats Bosh:wheat Flour .....4 Shorts, tort Bran, ton ....-..- Hogs, cwt. - BUSY FARMER - NEWS Asa increasing export' trade in hon- ey'is eported, over 600,000 pounds having been shipped already by the Ontario, Honey .Export, Association. Six hundred bushels of soy Beans' are being crushed daily in the manu- facturing plant recently opened at Chatham. Meal and oil are die main products, althouogh others are like- ly to follow. 0 38 22 32 160 2.80 14:40 14.44 3.50 • 'ltat xy, Febr»ltl • 9th,,, 404.444++ ++#.4.4.01$44 + *-a++4 4+fo+4•00. YOUR Hardware and Furniture I STORE 'WE -ARE:. NOW • FSHEI:: •TAKING`: s. f AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE ' LS TOO.- HEAVY, Amin N OBOE* To RJEt uCJE . IT •VERY RAPIDLY - WE' ARE OFFERING OUR AT GREATLY REDS•• ED PRICES • on the average farm is inadequate for efrec;ive results. It is; or this rea- son that the use of chlorine in suit- able form is recommended by bact- eriological experts. It acts rapildy in cold water, and is cheaper and more convenient than the heat treatment generally recommended. When prop- erly employed rop-erly..employed 'chlorine sterilization gives excellent results and the 'prac- tice, already general among milk and other food plants is spreading to the dairy farms. continuing our Special e We are contig Prices on Mat- �, and still have a few left that win go at Bargain, Priam. Be sure andlge t your ur 3uppIy before they :re • All Gal sw For some real Bargains, we have a - number of good used Dressers that we � them. sell cheap. Be sum and Always a good imp* of Smoke Cure on Hand. Also Old Hickory Sasses Self. - Johnston & Kalbllejsoh Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 �F��i�Ff4f++�+#+e►i�bd(�•�+'t"r"�” t'�°0's�i�iiNOr01w0 Seeds Sent Out Ten thousand lots' of seeds were sent to approximately. 10,000 faarm.- ers of Ontario last -year by Ex- perimental Union. , Some of the best strains of leading varieties have been distributed through this agency the grain of the farmers. Market For Ontario, Celery Seen in Western Provinces Shipments of Ontario celery to Western Canada, are arriving at their destination in first class condition and, because of the particularly high quality of . this product, it . is being well received. This was revealed 'in a telegram from W.B. Somerset, cha- irman' • of • the Ontario Marketing Board, .who. has been in Western Canada. British Meat Importations • Big Iters; in Foreign Trade A. Carroll, _ Director, Markets Branch, states' that the import of meat into the United Kingdom silt. the United States, Argentina Denmark is in particular, is a very considerable item in. British foreign •trade. He Further states that reports. indicate the British Empire as having one-third of the world's sheep, forty, per,.eent of its cattle, but no more than four per cent of its pigs. IIIIIINl ARIN 11(il2b'lltG8OI UIQARIlIIIHIfIItl111111Iigif 11111111101111IN116;i d!!RIyINll yIV4f iY 11§401 l til i +IOynIIHplMNIrSYIp INt. We Repair Wagons, Buggies Auto` Tops, Etc., Etc. goo&'Lumbe>l d buffo, + ► .._ _._ w.d _ r....�.�._ ....:�...o.. 3� 4.•*heel Trailer Cn»Eple#e 2S KEEP Oh SMILING! • s HESS, the• Repair Man . gimemsINCaNMINIf'(ipE}INRIer!(INNNINkINNINP}INNpl wassmu �kG A'>,if b NiNfNIIIffNNINN4fiJlHHM!1!I T Put Flesh on Market Cattle With the plentiful supply of feed the cattle going on the mateet this winter should be well -fleshed. , Well - finished young cattle command . a premium on both the home and ex- port markets. The poor qua;ity., un- der -fleshed animals have a depressing effect on the market. Steers or heif- ers showing breeding and type make g'onrl ":rise of the home-grown ..f4cd. Lima alone will tell what the profit will be on theshuii.drods est cattle go- ing inlib.rthe feed -lots tbi;%,fall,., But it is reasonable td expect that it will he the deep, r egow flentedd b locks hat command the • trip prices when they go on the mor' t T.i fellor reed or skimpy ratben:diiiTeiros's...r•ce m tr ket toppers of even the best type of cattle. Cleani and Sterilize All Dairy • Utensils - The keeping duality of milk de- pends directly upon the number of bactcr•ia present and this in turn {depends upon the thoroughness with whieh )•airy utensils" have, been t le Layers .Need a Real Home 'While there are many factors that enter, into the management of the poultry flock, there is nothing that will have greater influence on the poultry raiser's success or failure than the way in which he houses his flock. Birds of good breeding nQ •matter how" well fed, will not return maximum profits unless well housecll Thepoultry house is the hen's home and to be comfortably and give goad iiroductioon, `the house .should have proper ventilation, insulation and sanitation; it should have a proper locations plenty...0 light, be dry alio have, 'ample floor, space. • r,r.. ZURICE S G: ; ;Baas THE WINTER SEASON h Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation' for the Cold Weather? wed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with. a good, - Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let it do this very - Important thing Rrgh Now! . Gasoline and Kerosine always kept: on hand in. large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Gantarners•. Expert Workmanship On Repair, .Words-, and Overhaul: Jobs ma all Makes Of ears' i th • Ch rget Very Reasonalbe. 1 Mousseau Zurich. lntarro Apisles,.Exports Show Appreciable Garai ts:X>nen of the bright spot's in our ag- iicrlttiral srtu`ation, is the increasing. volume of apple ,eliorts, stated P.W. liodgctts, Secretary, Ont. 'Fruit Gro- wers' Association. To date approxi- mately 100,000 barrels of Ontario apples have gone abroad, while 50,- 000 more will be shipped in the next few weeks. 'i:ve Thousand barrels have been sold for Feb. delivery a- lone. Total export shipmants last year through this Association, aln- iroximate d 12:,000 barrels,. t'hie, l t hzed Thr use of Irv{' ) nr r and ;err w�.te . 1.,, t 7, • , 7; ,,:140‘.7o,7 carr r;ret air• 4. • 41. • s• 0 •, 4, ' 4. 4. 4. 4. 44 ,&.yea; HERALD OPFIOB Do You Know? That I am the Master SalesmanIt am the' herald ' of Success for all men, Merchants - Manufacturers, Etc.: 1 gq.:.forth to, tell the World.i the message of servic4 and Sound 'Merchandising ' And the World listens' when 1 speak] For those 'who have used me as their Servant 1' have gathered untold millions into their *Offers. I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever 1 gal 1 sow fields for your to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 atnru. M.asate' Salesman a t Your Sem' ice, and my Name Fu: x .. 4'e. W vr.4 4 v.h',1 'v Y.J . W•v V •