HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-02-09, Page 4• ZURICH.« • PART14p45: <. tor res years The people of Canada and the Bank of Montreal arc partners today, as they have been for 115 years and as they will be in the future. Hundreds of thousands of depositors entrust their money to the Bank to be kept in safety and to earn interest. The Bank lends these deposits, under proper banking safeguards, to facilitate sound business. You are cordially invited to make use) of the strength and manifold banking• facilities of this institution. BANK. OF MONTREAL HEAD oreice Established 1811 diONTsisae., TOTAL ASSETS EXCESS OF $750,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager • ta.4'1'.' fad. 4+++•F•*••:'1++ +4•+•:-++ 4.:•+++.p••g.h.•:4 4.. -;✓r+,;++4 -•r 4-F••4•Y.++. 11 A -e. pL ret Are When the North Winds dei blow; and your heat will go. Le Us Supply You with Storm Windows and Combin- ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! Cali Us by Phone, and we will gladly measure your openings free of charge. + + + + + + + C. .: AL 'tFL1ISCla I la' PHONE b0.- ZURICH MICONMSZNOSIMMUMN .a, a,eeneee••i••4 -e++4.3 .{..;..4.q..§..4 +-•F.•;.-i+.g,•£-•i•,4.•4.•3..4•.i++F••4••4••S•3••i•-4'3-•b•?•d••§.,�4.4•.}••3..4••4+ ea+ +t,;+d»g ++ + ++ +•D+•! -•i+ + +3+++�4+a+ +a+ e- ++i+++ ++P+ ++�++t+�+++4ea+ al. 8 Massey -Harris Barter News } 'i• + + + • LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DEAL $ • r T •.� 'our Discarded -Implement might just suit some other .� * F 4. Farmer. + 9° 10% Cash Discount on Notes and Sales ends Feb. 1st. ,3� Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res, ki7 s. I Auctioneering? - YES! .44.44.4444444444444444444444 i.44+! 4440,#•+l+44 4+4444+44.44.+a+N+a 4. .,s. _ Mrs. R. Love is visiting her son, Mr Ross and Mrs. Love. Mrs, Nellie Granville .and daugh- ter Margaret, returned to her duties in Egmondville after visiting friends here, Butchering, quilting mid prat mak- ing are now in full swing. Vies. E. t3readeriek returned to her 'lame after visiting her daughter, Mtn R. Mousseau, In Exeter. AO Mrs. 1tobt, ,Stephenson rcei.ved word of` the death of their pleew M McQuillat1,. in Lncknow. 11011;41.04 1Krli� lin COi ltllell and cbil- ' Ar to visited at the; Nine of Mr'. and .:r: rt. Love. end arrangementswere made for a; quilting bee on' Feb, 1601;Plaiis we- re made to hold a poork as Bean Sup - ;en Feb• i±,. R -EIC• Tperaylor and' Mrs8th. A.with E MrsOestreicher in charge of the program. The com- mittee in charge • of the supper in- cludes Mrs. D. `tienian, Mrs. W.Wolfe Mrs. V. Schatz, Mrs.. R. Goetz, and Mrs. R. Willert, The next meeting which will be on March 2nd, will be in charge of Mrs. J. Kellerman and Mrs. A. ,•E, Oestreierher. .F1ENSALL ,, Enna. W urnx .of 'l uckersmith Vis- ited at' the home Of Mr ' add Mrs. Matt Clark. Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Young of Nairn was a visitor with their son, Rev. W. A. Young. The many friends of Mrs. Robt. Bonthron are sorry to hear she is not enjoying the best of health. Mrs.. Jas. Jarrott of Hillsgreen is visiting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hursori " Sr. ,Alex. McKellar of Cromarty visit- ed the past week with Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell. Mrs. Bertha Bell has returned to her home in Toronto after a pleasant visit with relatives here. Hazel Morenz was a visitor at her home in Dashwood, his son Wesley Handford, of Swift . ' ivory, :9th, • L9 +4 '.+*,•4++ *4-+-1• ,• a. : .w;.r.;; ,.. ,+ {..;..• 4 +s +,4.4•47++++++++++•;" A Rent . CSP rtY I, j'o New- SYba+ur'ibers, Paid ]i!i .1►dvauco, We ::will send the ZURICH HERALD , to. tile end of +: •4- 1953 for ' ool* $1,00 4,4*'i *.i.+!* .[.+ .or„144-1.+4.+Oi4444.4, .+'i.'i*-tit.41r„t'++ +++re' 44++.' , +7 D. A. Maltby, who has been butter- maker- at the Clinton creamery, has been appointed manager of the Cen- tralia creamery, and Miles McCabe, who has been buttermaker at Centra- lia, succeeds Maltby in a similar capacity in Clinton. John MAX', an old resident of Sea- forth, passed away Jan. 24th, in his 72nd year. He was section foreman with the G.T.R. and. C.N.R. for a- bout 50 years. He is survived by his wife.. four sons and two daughters - of the work of the .department over-'^ which the, Minister presides, of the•, steps 'Wad& are being taken to cure, but .more particularly to prevent dis-• ease,''in keg with the forkard. march of science. All came away with a fresh and new conception of the value of a sound bady and good he-- alth and with the conviction that a . most profitable evening had beers spent. The Myna lock-up the other night . was honored by having as one of its ininates Chas. Pierce, the accredited Jas. I•iandford, Exeter, received "Ding of the Hoboes" and "Monarch ;word Saturday- last of the death of of the Open lload," He is quite an. ' has returned entertainer, being able to play the Mrs. Jas. Bonthron Current, Bask., who died at the age mouth organ and bones. At one after a pleasant visit with relatives of 63 years. He had been ill for a•time he resided in Hallett Twp. Lea's in Hanover. time. The departed had recently be. ang there lie started on sae tramp. Mrs. Wm. Luker visited the past en a visitor in Exeter, and is surviv- which he has .continued ever since, week with friends in Hillsgreen• ed by his widow and two daughters. having covered over 9,000 miles and Carl Passmore, of Edmonton, Alt. w� Mara' this mode of liv ; is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Two Clinton ladies happened with .w until the end of the chapter, as J. Passmore and family. Carl's many accidents last week, Mrs. N. Ball it cesus to ,get in one's blood: aa - friends were pleased to -see him again having the misfortune to fall and does not seem to be the hard times. • after an absence of a number of ye- fracture her wrist and Mrs. R. n. that drives him on, but just that rest ars and to see sum looking well. Johnston falling at her own, rear step .less spirit. He is a splendid convex - Jack Carmichael, accompanied by `and sustaining a rather bad fracture lesssationalist and gives a good talk on T. G. Routledge and S. Walters of of her ankle. his various experiences. es. the Bank of Montreal staff, rnotoroed Geo. W. Oman, of halt, has been to Detroit last Saturday and spent an appointed chief engineer of the God- Esseiford and Stanley Henderson,. God - enjoyable week -end with friends in erich plant of the Western `Canada sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Render - that city. Flour Mills, Goderich, succeeding the sort .of Wingham, narrowly escaped Ronald Peck has returned from the Tate J. W. Taylor, and has already drowning the other day when they Scott Memorial Hospital at Seaforth, reporteel- He is a native of .England broke through the ice while skating where he recently underwent an op- and served the Maitland river near the dam oration for appendicitis. The Ladies of S. Pain's Anglican Church, Hensel! are having a supper. on St. Valentine's Day, Tuesday, Feb- ruary 14th. Martha and Merle Carlile . of Lon- don, were visitors at their home here Eldrid Smith of London spent the week -end with -his father, Alex.Smith Jas. Paterson .visited .with friends in Goderich one ,day last week. Mrs. Wm. Consitt was a recent vis- itor with friends at Kincardine. Geo. Petty made a business trip to Toronto. Wm. Beaver of Kitchener` was a visitor with friends in town the be- ginning week: of a ek quiet wedding was. solemnized at theCarmel Presbyterian • Church man- se Saturday last when Grace Evelyn only, daughter of Matt. Tinney of Ex- eter, and the late Mrs. '.Pinney, was united in marriage to George Camp- bell Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eyre of Kippen, with the Rev. W.A. Young officiating. of the late Otillie Beller last week. Miss Ella Martinson spent the we- ek -end with her parents in Elnire. itchener, Hoffman of K , Ii Myrta o n Miss 1�. spent the week -end with'her parent. Misses Helen Nadiger and Marie Allemang of Stratford spent the we= ek-end sat the former's home here. Miss Anna Tiernan is visiting in Toronto. We are pleased to say Mrs. B. Stacey who has been confined to her bed for the past week, is improving. Mr. Adam Birk and daughter,Verna spent Sunday and Monday in London. The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church held .a very successful quilt- ing bee at the home of Mrs. Herb. Wein. Mrs. Henry Becker Sr., is very ill at her home. We should all be proud of our young hockey team which defeated the Zurich team on Monday evening. • DAS-lWOO1 Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Itothermeal of yt, ;atliariii:ee atteud.x the tuoeeni A Scotch supper 'and program was held in the Carmel Presbyterian Church last Friday, evening with a large 'attendance. After the supper the program was presided over by the Rev. W. A: Young: • The school board held a meeting' in the council chambers. last Wednes- day evening at 8 o'clock, and •follow- ing are theofficers elected for the year 1933., H. Horton, chairman;A. L. Case, secretary treas. Other members of the board, F. Manns, W. 0. Goodwin, A. Clark, E. McQueen. The school board had a very success- ful year. School inspectors' reports for -end of year were encouraging, giving all the teachers high credit for good work. 8,-0. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Nadiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile and Edgar Restemeyer attended the Stratfoed Normal School "1933 Silver Anniver- lary" and "At Horne" held in Strat- ford last Friday afternoon and even- ing. A programme was given by the Normal School Glee Club, with W. B. Rothwell, conductor. Select- ions were taken from Gilbert and Sullivan Ppera. "Iolanthe" in which Helen Nadiger acted one a of the lead- ing parts. , The, death occurred on Tuesday, January 31st, of Miss Otillie Clara. Kellar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kellar at the home of her parents in Dashwood. The deceased fourteen past p pau n has been ailing for thefo years and reached the age of 28 years, 7• months and 15 days and . is survived by her . parents, two sisters Irma and Loretta and seven brothers, Adolph, Edward, Arnold, Elmore, Herbert, Reinhardt and Harold. The funeral took place on Thursday af- ternoon with Rev. W. Ness officiating Interment in the Bronson ,line cem- etery, d in the navy during the war with distinction. The elder boy went in first but man- aged to keep himself up by hanging Due to the measles spreading very on to the ice -while his younger bro-. rapidly among the. children of the Cher went to rescue. He also broke. town of Wingham, it was decided as through, but managed to get out:.. a precautionary measure, to close the Their plight was noticed from the C; public school for last week.. Many P.R.. station and help was summoned,. schools in the district found it neves but neighbors near the river manag-- sary to close on account of the epi- 'ed to get the unfortunate . lad out deinie of measles but up to the last ,,witha rope. week the school was not seriously About fifty members of the Thomaseffected. McMillan YoungLiberal Club, Sea-- Last Tuesday. alight the Goderich Trotting and Pacing Association met forth, were present at the Club •Ro- when a change in the division of the ons the other evening. The speaker of purse money for the Civic Holidxiy .theeveceb g was R. S. McKercher;. meet. was approved.' The total purse who talked 4011 Farmer's Problems and led the discussion ' n which foliowed.The o president„ R.R: McKay, was in the chair throughout the meeting. Music- ses reduced. ,al numbers, which -were greatly en - Ladies' 'Aid Meet The Ladies' Aid and W. 1VI+ S. of Dashwood Evangelical Church, held their regular meeting in the church recently with Mrs. R. H. Taylor`• in the chair. A piano solo was given by Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher and the topic on prayer was given by Mrs. A. W. Sauer, Mrs. M. Haugh, .ane' Mrs. W. Snell and a solo by Rev. A. W. Sauer. Mrs. D. Tiernan presided at the business session which follow- ed. There 'were 88 atek visi`tq "report- ed And Mrs. W. Wolfe and Mrs. Kf Gasser were appointed as visiting committee. One new member was re- ceived* Two quilts are being znoeh remain at $2,500 but .money to be paid the younger classes has been increased and that for the older lior- A 11 t d ley Robt Canning some musical numbers by, the- pu a owne ham of near 'Clifford, disappeared Z members- Arrangements were made: weeks ago. A few slays ago the own- er noticed the head of the bird out to hold a stag euchre in the rooms on January 25th and a euchre and dance -- of a hole in a box in the manger of early in February. i one of the stalls in the barn. The biros A well=knor'vn and highly respected had crawled into ;a narrow space and resident of Seaforth for many years was unable to extricate itself. It Archie Barton, died last Wednesday had neither food nor water during morning at his home, W. William st., the seven weeks. Now Biddy is on he had not been actively engaged for her old job as lively as ever. The other day two Woodstock men were arrested in`connection with the recent' robbery at the Canada Furn- iture factory at ,Seaforth. The men, who are middle-aged, are brothers by the . natue of Koehler, and were bro- R.. L. B. Joynt, eldest son of the late Geo. Joynt and Mrs. Alice Joynt of town, has passed his final examin- ation of the Institute of .Chartered Accountants of antario. He has al- ready secured a position with the firm of Welsh Campbell and Lawless of Toronto. Laird Joynt is believed tq be one of the youngest students to enter University. At the time of his graduation from high school he was only 15 years of age. He then enter- ed University and took -a five -years honor . course, and received his hoe- orary degree of B. A. at the age of only 20. several years, having sold his black- ecnitiit shop about three years ago ow- ing to ill health. Two strokes, one of width occurred while visiting in, Hamilton, some time ago, affected? Mtn, hut he had recovered consider-. ably until a ,cold developed to pleur-- ught to Seaforth by Prov. Officer Mc- isy and pneumonia, causing him great.. Coy, of Goderich and later released suffering. ,knee he was a young mart Bartcn lived hi Seaforth. He came• with the family to Seaforth from: West Flamboro near Hamilton, wh-- Jas. King, of Forest, a former re- ere the :deceased, was born 70 years. siden.t of Stephen Tp., died in his ago. 85th year. The funeral was held to Beechwood cemetery, Warwick Tp., Albert and Eli King, of Stephen are brothers of the deceased' and four sisters also survive, Mrs. C. Basker- ville, of Centralia; Mrs. Chas. Sealy, of Brussels; Mrs. Wiesl'ey Isaac, of Grand Bend and Mrs. Silas Broken- shire of Guelph. - Edward Floody, general , secretary of the Huron Old' Boys of Toronto, since its inception, and for 37 yeaars cu tome preventive officer for the Department of National Revenue,is retiring. Superanuated two years ago he has been on special fluty at the request of Hon. E. B. Ryckman. Dur- ing his career Mr. Floody has seized thousands of stills, but claims that since a jail term has been compul- sory for the offense, his business has fallen off considerably, Geo. Connell, Varna, was rather badly injured while engaged in tak- ing oat timber in Mr. Diehl's bush for a new barn which he is preparing to build. A large limb which had be- en cleared from a- tree fell, striking hint on the head. It was feared at first that his skull was fractured but he was hurried to the Clinton Hospit- al and it was found that the injury was not quite so serious as wes fear- ed at first. It is hoped he. will soon be Krell again. Nearly ,one hundred citizens of Goderich and surrounding country the other night heard from the Iips of Ton. Dr. J. M. Robb, Minister in Health in the Ont Government, a splendid delivered adreee on ti's jest "Is the CorreerWttiore of Health. a Sound hsvestment?P' They; learned ( vdtb. teen :rateteet ole the magnitude COUNTY NEWS The Goderich Racing Association has donated $100. to the town relief committee. With the extra $'I00 each from the. Provincial and Feder- al Governments, this will give the. committee $300 for relief purposes. from Goderich jail on bail, to appear before Magis. Reid in Seaforth on Feb. 4th. Dr. and Mrs. Redmond of Wing- 'earn, are leaving on February Gth for a trip to the West Indies, going by'. riialifax and the Canadian National Steamship to Bermuda, Bahama Is- lands and Kingston, Jamaica, return- ing April 1st. Geo Roberton,, who for several ye- ors was C.1 .R. station agent at Lon-. desboro, has moved with his family to Clinton, where he is operator foe the C.N.R.'The position of station tgent at :Londcsboro is abolished. ZURICH HERALD • Established 1900 S$ITiED EVERY WEDNESDA'4?i' NOON FROM THE • 1 Herald Printing - Office S'(ThSCEJPTION RATES -$1.25 iso year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00. may be charged. 13. C. $1.60 % advance. No paper discon- - tinned until all arrears are paid un- less at option of publisher. The date • of which every Subscription is paid/1 is denoted con the Label. ADVERTISING RATES splay advertising made knower on application, Miscellaneous articles of;,inot more. than four lines, For Sale, 'To Rent,,,, Wanted, Loat, Found, etc., One inser tion 26c, 2 ins. 1Oa, 3 ins. 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.OII0 for first month, $1.00 for each fol- lowing month. Plnvfessionsl Gal ds not exceedingrit 1'�3e hicbes. pper year $5.00. Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25n- for 5nnfor each additional verse; Card oar Thanks, 50c. dilution Sales -$2.00 per single,+• insertion if not over.. four inches kr length. .Awls 'a#i co mlulnicationna toy 1Q HERALD ..