HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-02-02, Page 8-v. • THE STORE WITH THE STOCK [ NOWN.IRNIIMMONIMP.,139,110.. MDVINTER learing SALE Continued for this Week ENDING ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th. 1 Many New lines of Spring Goods included in this Money Saving Event. See us about new supply of Prints, Broadcloths, Chintzes, Pillow Collins, She- etings, all at Sale Prices. Olb EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Best Dairy Butter at lb. Japan Tea, per lb. Castile Soap, 9 bars for Butcher pepper, lb. Factory Cheese, per lb 4Rice, 5 lbs. for Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Brooms, each at 22c 33c 25c 25c 14c 25c 25c 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY :11Huron & Erie .Pebe.ntu res ,, Are Grawing in Favor Year by Year. In 1931ll ' investors held $29,300,000 of the Trustee Debentures The Rate of Interest is still Sli% twice a Year FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ocoOstiaosooccemesesoassoaaesseseiseassoototsesesesesoi HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall .Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See- otu. Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! ..,.„ Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsrnithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. 1 T DE & WEIDO!, (•,• •-.-4••••••••-," WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday • .. Raspberry Jam, 40 -oz. Jar 1 24c *ARNIA..LADE, 40 -oz. Jar 24c Heinz Pork and Beans, medium per tin 10c Blue Bell Brooms 5 string, each 25e 25c Clark's Spaghetti, large tin 10c Vi -Tone large Thi 55c Faroe Brand Herring in tomato sauce 19e Nature's best Golden Bantam. corn, 2 for 25e; Nature's best Tomatoes choice quality large tin, 2 for.. 25c Favorite cocoa, 16 -oz. tin, per tin 28e Royal, York orange Peko Tea I-falf lb. 23c; 1 lb. pkg. 45c Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. for 25c . Cereal Blend "the balanced breakfast food?" large pkg. 25c Nugget or 2 -in -1 shoe polish, paste 12c Factory cheese, per lb. 14e Gold soap, 7 bars for 25c Toyior's Peanut Butter, gem jars See our New Prints and Newest House Dresses. CASE OR TRADE FOR EGGS J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. - Phone 140 Judging by 'the comments of Am- erican newspapers the people' of the United States are more interested in getting their beer than in the settle- ment of international problems. Huron Old Boys' to Meet The 23rd annual At -Home of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor- onto will be held in Simpson's Ar- cadian Court, Toronto, on Friday ev- ening, February 3rd, 1933, with a well arranged program of Progres- sive Euchre, Bridge, old time and new time dancing, to suit old and young and with a high class orchestra. A cordial invitation to be present is extended to Huronites everywhere. Legislature Seats be Reduced The distrihution bill to .be intro"- dueed at the session of the Legislat- ure this month plans areduction of 25 seats from the present 112, ac- cording to the draft drawn by the committee on redistribUtion, the Tor- onto Telegram says. First report. ulaced the reductioon. at 20 cents. Basis of representation will be 50,- 000 for city ridings, (reducing Tor- onto's representation from 15 to 13 or possibly 12 sea,ts,) and 25,000 for rural ridings, some of which are now as low as 15,000. BUSY FARMER NEWS A Valuable Exhidit Ontario 'fruit and vegetables re- ceived valuable advertising, in the opinion of Charles E. Broughton of the Department, as a result of the Ontario Growers' Markets Council installing a booth at the Canadian Fruit and Vegetable Jobbers' Con- vention, held in the Royal York Hotel Toronto, Jan. 4, 5 and 6th. The Markets Council display served to give brokers and jobbers, from all parts of the Dominion, a splendid idea of the products Ontario is cap- able of producing. Time to Purchase Seed The quality of the 1933 potato crop, said J. T. Cassm of the De- partment,•!Will depend to a large ex- tent, on the quality of seed planted. Growers who have not selected 'seed for planting next rprit?;, should not losc. any time in doing so, as the sup- ply of Irish Cobblers is small, There is considerable quantity of Rural New Yorkers (Dooley) variety. It should be rernemberNI, however, that much of the cortilied Tooley oral; is 34•Vganarketed for table stock, E44 market Assuted For Opt, Fruit Growers LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 26 Wheat ••• • • • 40 Barley 38 Oat a 22 Buckwheat 32 Flour 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 14.00 Bran; ton 14.00 Hogs, cwt. 3:50 ing SF41150/1. • Woridis Grain Show at Regina ..FOrecast As Complete Success IlidicatiOils point- very' detnitely, to the fact" that -the World's Grain: Show and, Conference at Regina, July 24 to August .8, will be an outstanding success,. said Arthur H. Martin 45±' the Department, on being asked a- bout the prospects for the forthcom- ing Exhibition. Under the chair roan -Ship of Col. the Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Mr. Martin. *continued, the Oritatio World's Grain Show Com- mittee' has. its plans well in hand,and is confident that the products of On- tario farms will not be surpassed by those of any other country. Ontario is planning to display the natural re- sources of the Province in a 240 foot exhibit. On view will. be the production of farm, fotest Tourist possibilities also will be fe- atured. .Hog Quality Improves Hog grading statistics show an in- crease of 41,759 select bacon hogs as produced in Canada in the year 1931 Hogs as marketed throughout the Dominion showed considerable im- provement over any previous year. °Not only was there an increase in the number of select bacon hogs pro- duced, but there was in addition an increase in bacon hogs and a low - ,Thorm'a.y, 4.61.*ry 20th, loat • 4•4***64401444.4444.4.444444440114,44 +44*44+4.441144414+4•4+4011011P I, E ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOCK STORE W • iii7 :;,C, '••• •' • •,., • are urnittire ,),".: F 4 AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE Z. i. AND FURNITURE IS TOO VY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY WE . ARE OFFERING OUR AT GREATLY REDUC- • ED PRICES We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat- t tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain ois Prices. Be , sure and get your supply before they are 4. All Gone. 1 For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. JOhnSton Kalbfleisch IHardware & Furniture. Phone 63 11111111MEIIIIIIIMINIIIIIMIIIHMI1111111111111111111111ININIMMIMMItrafftkeiMMENIMMIIIIISIMI1111110111111MIIIIIM -- We Repair Wagons, Bu.ggie, S• -_-_ . Auto Tops, Etc„ Etc. 1 good Lumber.Wagon at....... -...-...7.........$45. 1 good buggy at ____............................................... ...... ...$30 4 wheel Trailer.Complete..._______...........$25 - , KEEP ON SiV/IILING _! , HESS, - ' Repair Man . . ., -a .. .. • the . .„., . f 11141011)10161111*M11011111HliglIlMifiliMilitilliill115611101b111310MMISMORIntigliSMINISION101-11. -------- .14 4. RAGE THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you /coked after your Antonio - bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to "ghter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good 44 Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let us do this very • Important thing Righ Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept o hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers, Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. Mousseau Zurich percentage of butchers. The b-uteher grade, as graded showed the refining! 0414444444`.444444++++++++414.44/444+++4,44.4,+44.4,, influence of bacon breeding in a. large percentage. of hogs. The aver- age weight of all hogs was 'approxi- mately four pounds heavier than the previous year. The percentage. of lights was reduced from 9.42 per cent.' to 5.34 per cent. The percent- age of heavies and extra heavies was unly 3,19 i'urr,aeeo are marketing the ga•eot majorities 01 their -hogs within the desired weights • 4. olv 4. 4 4. 4. Club Work Effective • Five .points which roceive special + attention in connection with Boy's' 1.„. and Girls' Swine Club in the carriihoo i- ont'of which the :federal and ,pro,.en-: cial• Departments of Agriculture operative, are detailed as follows+. - Ontario exports to Creat Britain 1. The location and distribution of stone fruits such a: r, -1,1.s, and to club memberof young pigs of plums, augurs well .Lor the future, o-oOd bacon type and breeding. Of stated P. W. Hodgetts, directoi., Fruit, these -Many. of the best females are Branch. This year, for the first. time, kept 'over for breeding purposes. 113 cars of pears and plums were 2. The triving of prae&al instrue- exported to Britith ports, which re-, tion to cthtii members at their homes presents very considerable success for', or through lectures at club :meetings initial shipments. Prices on the 3. The distribution of printed or ;di& e, wero satisfactory, except in mimeographed information regm,ding the ease of some of the pear ship-; the breeding, 'feeding management, amts. Mr. Hodgetts said that plans judging, and marketing of .,,••P'oe. rev/ being, laid for ort ' 4. The an an ;•enient and conduct :Mang(' of ,juaginf4 pnd oth(13" i01111.1 of de- • • •i.Lao 6, irko • 81! 3 aur of good bacon f, • 4. 4. 4. 4-1.ti0o,00).-.400•.wr-o,4crfritrim.00,04,4: 5. . e-t-s•es4-0,44- That If am the Master Salesman! 1 arn the herald of Success for all men, Mel -Chants • Manufacturers, Etc. 1 .go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merthandising! And ate World listens when I speak] . . For those who have used me, as their Servant it have gathered untold millions into their coffers, conunand the legeons of fashion, mould the, styles and lead the World whithersoever 1 gel 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest, am Masater Salesman at 'four Service, and my Name is: ADV 2a TESE1 43, , 44; tvi,i.P.(MWit«A'rc«.64;SP't.'.«V341:«10t;friA; vk • 4