HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-01-19, Page 8PAC !l limy THE STORE WITH THE STOCK +.�meelaxm!--.R4m%!'+e."YSa.rK�sSP.nWWN?•w"• .—._.___ Lyy.,....q�tu+Y1m.N.+..,--� .?Ixo•wmwN MI INTER I ring SALE Now on, and till January 3lst. This Clearing Sale is an Annual Event with us, and in these times of Depression, we are putting forth Special Efforts to give you very lawest prices for high grade Goods... We do not buy cheap trash for sale purposes, but offer real quality merchandise at all times. EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Peter Pan Prints, Reg. 50c, clearing at 29c 50 Yards Curtain Scrim, assorted colors at yd 10c 100 yds. Curtain Scrims, ass. col. at yd 15c Ladies' New Silk Wool Hose, at pr 39c 9c $1..15 $1.28 $1.28 25c 1'Oc Pure Silk Hose, Fullfashioned, Reg. $1, for Men's fine zrey Sweaters, all sizes Men's Fine wool Fleece Comb., all sizes Men's Blue, Red back 8 -oz. Overals, Special Bath Toweling, 60 yds. only, 2 yds. for Crash Toweling, at per yd. See Our Posters for many more Bargains J. GSCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY asurI►, n Are Grawing in Favor Year by Year. In 1931 invr.stors held $29,300,000• of the Trustee Debentures The Rate of Interest is still 514 % twice a Year FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO: Erie Debentures r• is .:grew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY ,y. Y o u MADE YOUR W I LL? r.: mcsaomialtommosavaantexiismattantanatcominralcom ZURICH HERALD• WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday ' and Saturday. CONTINUING OUR SPECIAL SALE OF DRY GOODS WITH A CHASE OF SPECIALS IN GROCERIES FOR THIS WEEK. WE HAVE SOME REAL SPECIALS IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPT. Corn, No. 2 Tin, 3 for 25c Pearl White Naptha Soap, 9 cakes for .25c Sun Flake Amonia, 4 pkgs. _ 27e 2nc Robin Hood Rapid Oeats (with China),• • • • - Hill crest shortening, 2 lbs. 23c ChallengeChallenge Corn Starch, per pkg. 25c Red.. Coat Salmon, Tins Freshly Ground Coffee, per lb............. _. June factory cheese, per lb. ............. • Per pkg- ..25e ,.14c Wheat Flakes, large pkg........ • - • • ` 25c McLarens' stuffed Olives, per bottle ....23c Sun Dryed Coffee, per 1 lb. Tin ..45c 2-1b. jar Peanut Butter, • • • . . . • • • • • • • ... 35e Large Bottle Catsup, per bottle 15c Cross & Blackwells Catsup, per bottle 19c Royal York Orange Peko Tea, per Ib. 45c See Our Dry G000ds Department for extra Specials. EGGS WANTED J.W.MERNERW. Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 1. ++++++++16.4.444.+41114t , ' R�':+414+++++++++++++++444,444.•f'! "w:!"+l'!� (., ae ,s. Yr 4., .1. 4. F Hardwarean Furniture 4, +4. SI STORE :', 1 ,,, "I'hnrsda,Yk +I ilinary 19th, l wileinat Check-up Makes Many Sales As a result of the recent check- up in radio licenses 950 licenses we- re sold in the constituency 'of North- Perth. orthPerth. There are rumors that h tenses will be increased next year, from two to three dollars. EARTH TEN BILLION YEARS OLD LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Iliter, ........ ............ . 26 E s ........... ........ 15-15-21 B31Mey 38 Oats 22 Biickwheat 32 Flouren Dr. Albert Einstein, the eminent 150 2.80 14.00 Shorts, ton scientist,presented obser � • earth is several billion years older Hogs, cwt than scientists generally ,heretafpre have calculated. Lecturing on "`The Come tion of Space," Dr. Einstein vations which' may may indicate I , German ,. pre a that -the Bran, ton 14.00 3.50 �eser3b�ec1' "the rrliverse in, a'state oil expansion which' possibly had been progressing for some 10,000,000;060 years. Declaring that the calculation at present could not be proved,. Dr. Einstein said;<;however, that the birth day of the earth.: might be linked up with the beginning -of this expansion. period. Canada has ten chartered banks with 4,000 branches, of which 179 are in other countries. The comb fined assets reach $3,045,000,000. Brazil has too many coffee plant- ations, and so she is planning to de- stroy some 15,000,000 bags of cof- fee, and also to get rid of between 300,000,000 and 400,000,000 coffee trees. The destruction will cost the state about $39,000,000, and this is. to be raised by taxing what coffee remains to be exported. Bernard Shaw said recently: "1 have solved all the world's problems time and again and still they go on being insoluble." Try again, Bern- ard? Ci3' a i ; ! i.t.,Q.,G'rJfi • 6r 1L1,u 68941 .16 • 40640.1164110280481114111141s Ct HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE weeds Seeds if you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, • Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the $ Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do cleaning at lowest prices. custom 3 COAL • COAL c z? lake care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5,00 allowance on any old rvIattr•ess, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall P:ti enaiel. of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, .Alio please don't forget, when in need ,of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it!. E , Plaannbh fig, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsnnithing our Specialty. u FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. ?:'`' ST z DE & Wil[? RiCH ONT. t,hu 1oadin wholesale merclraatsn are now buying poultry by Govei ie e'er grades with substantial differentials between each grade; the premium as- sured for birds which grade `minted" Makes crate -feeding worth while; and all. poultry intended for eating pur- fore being marketed. The farmer pr>ses should be 'properly finished be - 0o has poultry to market would do ell to remember that it is the last ()and which brings the finish and in- a`ses the value of the bird by .5@? 75 cents. Pig's Need Fibre SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, (North Stanley) based on Christmas examinations V—John Watson 72%. Senior IV—Jean Dunn 72, Bert Greer 71, Stuart Watson 67, Ilene lriicals they can be converted into Talbot 61, Antionette Rau 57, Ruth ; manure the question, "Why burn .Winter fed market pig and hrced- 1ag stock relish a little fibrous mat- -to chew, aid they need it regu- Iy. They will eat straw if. noth- 'better is available. It is easy, how to give them something better. .1ii as second cut clover or alfalfa d other well. -cured grass or cereal crops that have been cut green. The feeding of afew mangels from day to day, as is well known, has very de- sirable effects. The important thing is to see that all pigs, except the very young, get some form of vebetable matter regularly. The result obtained from this practice will amply repay the cost in volved in the small quan- tity of fibrous feeds used. Why Burn Straw Stacks? When with the rise of suitable che- k, WE ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING ,STOCK OCK, ANI) FINIS THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY ,RAPIDLY WE ARE OFFERING OUR AT GREATLY REDUC- • ED PRICES We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat- tresses, attresses, and still have a few left that :will go at Bargain Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are All Gone; For some real Bargains, we have a number of goad used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see therm Always a good supply of Smoke Cuxe on Hand, Also Old. Hickory Smoke Salt. Johnston Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture.• hone �► ++++++44++++++++++++i4++,,+,+++++++++++4,++++'s4+4MM* 111111111111i1N1III111111111101M NINIMIIIN1111N111N111111111E1111111NIIu111101111111!1?l l EIIIIIIMG!!1.l!'lrlfllll NI!flllilh'I1W9IIIMGNIUIHIilflllllllllilIIIIIIII 1101h711NIIIl1 MilNll I NEM We Repair Wagons, "Buggies, 1 Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon 1 good buggy at _.. �.... . :..._......_._... $30 4 wheel Trailer �ocrtg>�lete...._... ...�:... KEEP ON SMILING! +ti0 an NlIN1NlNllIIGIIIN E11111111 IIHININN?illiiiNin1111111Ni111111111111N10illiiliiii lGufl£is: 1N iltlili«INi;:!1NMlllllNilINNl1H1iMINIIBINIIINIRiNI!NilOngag i ; Westlake, absent. Junior III—Billy Armstrong 79, Melvin Greer 71, Madge Houston 71, Wilfred. Ran 43; Ethel Watson ab- sent; Gordaon s#'.,tl.c•, absent. zhg - of artificial manure. The use of II -Ilene Greer 72, Andrew :Rom00 pounds of ammonia sulphate and straw stacks?" is really pertinent. Straw is worth something more than as a breeding material, and not the least valuable as its use :for thermic - 54. Primer—Anthony kau, Dewar Tale. bot. Helen r t A 'i'. nl, 'feather. BUSY FARMER NEWS Clean Nests, Clean Eggs It takers les:; time to place - clean ..iaw in the nens than it takes to cleair. egg's: Sonic• eggs will become dirty in spite o the best of care, but the egg cleaning work is greatly re- duced if the male ,..leaned at egg •'athering time : ie t dirt is noticed and a little clean straw ie grimed once or twice each week. This i.i a good 100 lbs of lime to each ton of straw and this thoroughly soaped with wmei. er pioclrrcee ma limn of 1 iatinctiOn fertilizer value. From three to six are required for the organtic changes to bcconie effective and the resultant substance has much of the 'appear- aiice and practically the same value as barnyard manure. Keep Mangers Cioi&t,;: An inspection of the mangerS mangerof stables when cows, aro not doing well nriglrt go a loam w. ve. toward~ find- ing out the cause of tr uuble. Sanit- ation `in mangers and tke drinking supply is in many c+zee, very poor. early morning job before t'•i tants 'When cows don't clr•inl: as much t'at•• start using the nests. If you have no er ex they should, or ieavc a certain s`. raw stack, keep a bale of straw in amount of meal in the iroottom of the each laying house so that a measure mangers, the trouble ln:(y generallyof the loose straw can he worked up be laid to the door of poor sanitation and added by handfuls to any nests An inspection of mangers and drink - where the boards aro becoming bare �ing, cups would probably show that el' the straw is so11.d.-:''the cups had beconte foaled with trate-Trees ing rays --4444,chaff and spoiled silage, and what Farmers who are in a position 0 lift for even a day the water is til - am the practice,', find that crate- thy. It as reasonable that cows v:'ill' creding of their poultry wtvs them hl#s not chuk f- egkly of thi • water. Any rvt 'n(1r• '+r'''.+' .+. ,(J i rx yeatons wn6'tc S't'ern a €ua tf;r" Of. an inch u rr, . 1 . ,,, , r • r.,,a1 10'4 ax. eumnl:11 rid filth (inn be scrrair:• weave wince) iJrrug the highest prices ed cut el the nraarger'' 6 4: * 2 4+ip444.i.24,ll.',0 r +,; i3 ,r.t. 4 ,.K<sr+4441`44.2.3r*l,44++++++.F+M+++4fi+444. +3+++8+•I=dE+44.4.,4,4+1+4 E .4444-fad++t•+++++'1++++++++++441'4f Z RAGE SEASON THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to 1 liter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Righ Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrel's ea Containers. Expert ert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges •Very Reasonalbe. Mousseau _ Zurich 4. • +ym +. FFICE Do You Kno1,4?Eir That 1 am the Master Salesman! 1 ism the herald of Success for all men, Merchants„ Manufacturers, Etc. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have` gathered untold millions into their coffers. I eonnmand the legeons of fashion; mould the styles ,... . and lead the World whithersoever I go! I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and__my Name is:: .ADVERTISEI 40.