Zurich Herald, 1933-01-19, Page 3da
Henry C. Bell, B.S.A., Dept, of Chemistry, O.A.0
Address ,All Letters to Farrn Editor, 73 Adelaide St,
West, Toronto. All Answers Will Appear in this
Column. If Personal Reply is Desired, Enclose
Stamped and Addressed Envelope,
sere leae-e
II, P,—I have 10 acres of el ey be used on both the lambs and ewes
loam soil where I intend to sow oats
next spring. Ilave grown alfalfa OA
this same piece of ground two prev-
ious years in. order to inoculate the
ground, and I wish. to sow elfalfti
. with the oats this spring. Would you
advise me if lime sown with the oats
will injure them? Will lane help• to
stiffen the straw so that they would
not lodge? What kind and how much
lime would you sow? How many
pounds alfalfa is necessary? 'Would
you use fertilizer?
Answer.—Lime is not usually need-
ed for oats. Cereals such as oats,
barley, wheat, etc., thrive on a neu-
tral soil.
eutralsoil. 'However, the addition of
lime has been nown to increase the
yield of oats slightiy. The tendency
of lime is to help ' strengthen the
straw and is distinctly to help fit
the soil for the growth of alfalfa. Al-
falfa requires a definitely sweet soil.
Likely it would be possible for you to
have your soil tested before spring.
You could get a small reacto soil set
from your Agricultural Ro presenta-
tive or from the Department of
Chemistry, O.A.C., with which you
could test. the soil, or you could send
in a sample of about one pound either
to your Agricultural Representative's
at, a preventative. Prevention by.
maintaU ing a high degree of sanita-
tion around the premises is easier and
less expensive way ;of control, than is
This disease is serious and gener-
ally ;_ills the lamb before it is two
weeks old. The genes gain entrance
to tho circulation through the raw
naval cord, at the time of birth.
Clean lambing pens, fresh- bedding for
the pen, disinfection of the stump of
the naval cord with a ten per cent.
carbolic solution or other disinfectant
for a few days until the cord heals is
strongly advised. 'If this disease
which causes grey spots to develop on
the liver, has been prevalent on the.
premises during the past year, , nove
the sheep to new quarters and keep.
then away from the old pens and
yards until the lambs are two weeks
old. Clean up, as medicines are of
little tee when this disease 'inters the
circulation of the lamb.
Britain Welcomes Visitors
London—Many persons who will
visit Britain, whether for business.
or pleasure, next year may like to
office or the laboratory at Guelph and I see during their stay how industry
have it tested for lime. This will of one kind or another is carried on.
tell you definitely whether lime is They should bear in mind that the
necessary to sweeten your soil. I authorities in the big )industrial
The use of phosphate -potash fer- towns and ports, are only too glad to
tilizer, or, if your soil is not particu- show interested visitors around the Therefore on him no speech! and
larly rich, an analysis of fertilizer of areas under their control, provided brief for thee,
about 2-12-6 at the rate of 200 lbs. they receive advance notice. ' Browning! Since Chaucer was al
per acre would help insure your Industrialists, those interested in and hale
catch of alfalfa and would tend to trade and commerce, department No man hath walked
strengthen the straw of the oats. store heads and so on are as a rule roads with step
The Field Husbandry. depart- willing to facilitate the inspection So active, so inquiring e
inent, O.A.C., recommends the sowing of their factories, warehouses, ea, tongue
of about twenty lbs. seed per acre in changes and shops to bona fide visa- So varied in discourse. But warm
order to get a good stand of alfalfa. tors. climes
M. F. --Would it be wise to top- Not all institutions, of course, are Give brighter plumage, strop
dress fields of grain with manure; open to the public, but except wherewing. the breeze
the grain is wheat and oats? We precautions must be taken to 'guard Of Alpine heights thou playest wi
t thet 'n trade secret the visitor from
Muffs For Men?
Nothing like fur for Moissayel
l3oguslawski whose tiny muff has -
Chicago ladies all a twitter. Mots-
Saye is a pianist and says the
"muff" keeps his fingers limber.
Sunday School
January 22, Lesson IV—Jesus For
glving Sin—Mark 2: 1-12, Golden
Text—The Son of man hath power
on earth to forgive sins, ---Mark
2: 10.
STANDING ROOM .ONLY, Mark 2; 1, 2,
III, A REWARDED FAITH, . Mark 2: 6,12.
To Robert Browning
There is delight in singing, though
none hear
Beside the singer; and there is de- series ci incidents (Mark 2: 1 to 3: 6)
whichshoand grew. There Gal
along the Costly Way that Jesus
far off him, far chose in the wilderness.
forgiven. The )results of the attempt
would not he so easily recognized, The
:bodily healing, when it did take place
(vs. 10-1:2) was treated as an external
proof that Jesus had power to forgive
the man's sins. This passage an Mark
would serve as a vindication to the
early church :of it claire to .declare the
forgiveness of .sins in the name of
"The true sign of forgiveness is not
dome mysterious signal waved from
the sky; not some obscure, emotion
hunted out in your heart; not some
stray text culled out of your Bible;
certainly not some word of mortal
priesttelling you that ;,our satisfac-
tion is complete, The soul full of re.
sponsive love to Christ and ready,
longing, hungry to serve him, .is its
own sign of fbrgiveness. It is not
sorrow for sin for the sake of sorrow-
fulness that Jesus ever wants. He
wants sorrow for sin only that it may
bring escape from , sin." --Phillips
The resourceful faith of this man
and his friends was thus rewarded.
Dad he or they become discouraged
at the gate and said, "No use trying
to get in there, let us go home," ; he
would have remained sin -burdened in
soul, and a paralytic in body, Using
the brains God gave them, refusing to
admit defeat in the face of sapparent-
ly insurmountable difficulties, their.
prayer, that is, their doinine.nt desire
was answered.
Jesus had once more asserted his
authority. He had also said things
that were unorthodox. The fact that
he had healed a man, body and soul,
was as nothing compared with. the Carnes oats great quantities of
fact that he had gone "off" on a point hors d'oeuvres. Chaliapin, the fem•
of doctrine. The antagonisms and
suspicions which dogged our Lord's *us 'singer, likes great juicy steaks
earthly life from that time on had fried in oil. Lloyd George prefers
begun. good plain food.
)caneaucesoN—Marr 3: 6 records
an astonishing fact: "And the Phari-
sees went out and straightway with
the Herodians took counsel against
him, how they might destroy him." It
would be difficult to imagine a more
i.nprobabie combination of parties.
The Pharisees as a party had, risen in
troubled times to defend the faith of
their fathers. They were firm believ-
elie-ers in the Law, intensely patriotic,
always chafing under foreign bondage,
lived up to a high level of moral pur-
ity, longed for the corning of Messiah.
'Yet, when he came, they took counsel
with the Herodians how they might
destroy him.
The Herodians, as T. H. Robinson
Dints out, were al: that the Pharisees
were not, They stood opposed to every
Pharisaic ideal. They were pledged
to the upholding of the Roman power.
With the politics, ethics, theology of
the Pharisee the Herodian had not the
slightest sympathy. Yet it was to
them the Pharisees turned ir. order to
destroy Jesus. Such an alliance can
be explained only by the bitterest hat-
red. Today'spassage is the first of a
And see the prais'd
Shakespeare is not our poet,
the world's,
What Some Famous
People Like to Eat
Apparently our Lord was at this
time conducting a series of preaching
tours in the Lake district with Caper-
auni as his centre. During one of his
Tits to the city the healing of the
analytic took place. When it became
own that the preacher and miracle -
worker had returned, crowds flocked
to the house where he was staying.
Even the aproaches from the street
were blocked with people.
Win did they come? Was it the
appeal of greattruthsuttered from
the heart that drew them? Sometimes
it is said, by way of advice to preach-
ers, "Preach the truth and the
churches will be -filled." Jesus discov-
ered that loyalty to truth in some
Situations is one 'Of'the best ways for
•einptying churches. In his healing
work Jesus was providing something
that people wanted. When the time
came when the things they wanted
were not forthcoming, they deserted
him. While Jesus' compahsion for all
people in trouble was an essential part
of his God -revealing personality;
nevertheless, it was a constant occa-
sion of embarrassment. People were
x txltnally interpreting hint in terns
•their own desires. When, brills de-
termination to provide for their spir-
itual needs he failed to gratify their
materia; desires, Jesus went to Cal-
vary. .
II. A RESOURCEFUL FAITH', nark 2: 3-5.
Into ':he midst of the adrowd at the
doorway there pushed four men,
carrying on his bedanotherman who
was paralyzed. The "word translated
"bed" means a "poor man's bed,' simp-
ly a folded sheet or something of the
kind. Finding their passage blocked
with the throng of people, they made
their way to the rear of the one -storey
house, climbed up the outside stair to
the roof, through which they lowered
their man into the room where Jesus'
was. This they did by removing the
top covering of earth, then the reeds,
branches, thistles over which the earth
was packed, then the cross -sticks
were unable to ge manure ou . some ra a borne on
Inc fall, abroad can expect a hearty welcome. Beyond Sorrento and Amalfi, whe
Answer.—The stand of wheat can —0,----. The siren waits thee, singing sort '
be materially helped by a light top- ThriftyFrench Wxit� for song.
dressing of manure. This can be Walter Savage • Lander, "Poems "::
done any time through the winter, Christmas Greetings
but be sure no to au t apply too heavy a A formerCanadian student in Holiday Question
dressing of manure on the wheat. Paris writes: "The expensive habit tjs Decided in Chile
About 4 to 5 loads per acre has bd n of Christmas cards, you may be sure Santiago, Chile.The "battle" of
found to give excellent results. has not yet taken firm hold among g ,
For the oat field, the manure can the thrifty French. They send per- Chile's weekly halt -holiday, waged
be applied during the -winter if the serialgreetings,that's' certainly en between the "English Saturday"aand
soil has been plowed. If not, we ough, ut rathr by the direct, in the "ChileanaChilean revolution zi a
would. .suggest that. the .manure be timate and fatiguing path of writing
applied to the corn or some other Christmas notes. The week preced- partial victory for both sides. .
ground and that the oat crop be '-eft ing the holiday, hence, becomes a For yearns the large British cone -
to benefit from .the hold -over effectperiod of care and tribulation to any- mercial _establishments, wbich handle after the corn crop. It is.doubtful if one blessed with many friends. To the realer portion of Chilean trade,
oats at prevailing -prices •prices will pay for each must go a short note of sen- have closed on Saturday afternoon,
much application of manure. timent, each note similar to the known here as the "English Satur-
H. B.—I wish next spring to plant other, each with its qdd. scrap of news day."
is known as Mon
potatoes on an acre of. land which and its best wishes for the coming „ as many operativesns"Saint nhave
has been in sod the past year. Soil year. Ten, 20, perhaps 30 or 40 let- cdaY
is light, well drained and had stable ters, carefully penned in longhand go been celebrating over the week end
manure on it last fall. Is commer- forth in the mail, while the sender treat it as a holiday and fail to tura'
cial fertilizer necessary on this
Answer. --We cannot say that fer-
tilizer is necessary for the growth of
potatoes • on this soil, but our demon-
stration experiments show that where
potatoes planted following sod are
fertilized at a rate of 750 lbs. per
acre with such fertilizer as 2-12-6 or
2-8-10, an average increase of over
90 bushels per acre has been obtained.
At present prices this would show a
paying interest on the money invest-
ed in fertilizer.
waits eagerly day by day to see upTlte :Callers have been clamorftig
remeembmhe or she tooered in like fashion." going to be far the "Chilean Monday," claiming
that Saturday afternoons bring in the
bof the business while Mondayn
Lancashire Turns Optimist, are due.
The Ministry of Labor has seblec
Encouraging A11 $')tate awarding ;°English
Manchester Eng.—Those who are the problem by ff 1 1 ales
Chef of London Hotel Says
Feeding Celebrities is
Tricky job
Feeding the famous is a tricky job!
M. Francois Latry, whose job it ia,
says so. He is chef of the Savoy Ho-
tel, London, and knows the gastrono-
mic foibles of monarchs and eelebrli
ties from all over the globe.
"I never know what they are go-
ing to ask for," he said. "I have
been asked for frogs, roast peacock,
and birds' nest soup!"
'When Osbert Sitwell, the poet, de-
manded chrysanthemum salad—made
from chopped chrysanthemum petals
garnished with a special sauce — 14I.
Latry produced it. When Winston
Churchill asked for a rare Italian hor
d'oeuvres, made froth smoked ham and
figs, he served it up in the twinkling
of an eye.
Closely Guarded Secret.
Some of his recipes are hundreds of
years old. and have been handed down
for generations. He has one, a close-
ly -guarded secret, used hundreds of
years ago in making Catherine de Me-
diei's favorite Christmas pudding.
Costly liqueurs and rare spices go to
its making, and the succulent pudding
is encased in a sort of marzipan.
Hungarian Officers
Work on Tramways
Buda.pest. — A swaggering young
representative of present-day Hungar-
ian militarism has just been instru-
mental in revealing the post-war
tragedy on a distinguished Hungarian
officer who fought it. the war.
In an overcrowded street car on
the line which runa from the Stock
Exchange to the zoo, the conductor
accidentally bumped into a young
subaltern, who turned on him and
dressed him down mercilessly. The
conductor evade no reply and con-
tinued to 'collect fares and punch
tickets until the young ofihoer, anger-
ed at his calmness, seized him by the
collar, shook him and demanded to
see his identity card.
The conductor silently produced it
aid after a glance at the card the
young officer turned red, stammered
out a full apology and left the car at
the next stopping place. The con-
ductor's papers showed him to be a
distinguished ex -officer, a cavalry
captain permanently disabled 50 per
cent. by war wounds, and holder of a
nu -Lieber of high decorations.
The incident carne to the ears of
the Hungarian author and parliamen-
tary Deputy, Joseph Pakots, who
asked-a� queetionrohthe siYbject-• min
Parliament. The Minister of War
ascertained that twenty-five doctors,
twenty-three lawyers, fifty-one engin-
eers and many ex -officers are thank-
ful to earn some kind of a living as
conductors on the Budapest tram-
ways. On the motor buses a similar
state of affairs prevails. The earn-
ings of a conductor vary between 100
and 150 pengoes a month.
whch covered the Mau. beams sup -
On one to three days after birth,
the lambs suffering from this disease,
will stop nursing, have a dull look
and spend the time lying down. The
excreta is yellow or grey-white in
color and soft or fluid. Infected lambs
usually die in three days after the
disease starts. This disease is due to
a germ that gains entrance into the
stomach and intestine of the lamb.
Dirty yards and pens are dangerous,
as the ewes lie down on such, get-
ting their teats soiled, and thereby
transfer the germs from the dirty
floor to the mouth of the lamb. Clean
eines s lean
' e c
e t
up and keep the sheep p
and die. Fresh bedding should be
provided for all lambing pens and
changed far every case. If the dis-
ease has been troublesome in past
years, anti white scour serum, can
Satuzdays" to the staffs ofw no es 'porting the roof. Possibly they just
watching keenly for any definite signs
of improvement in industrial affairs
will note with satisfaction that
Lancashire is beginning to admit
that things are not quite so bad as
they were, where cotton is concern-
Any improvement in this direc-
tion can hardly fail to be reflected
not only by the many other industries
of Lancashire, but by the business of
Great Britain as a whole, and,,_even-
tually, it may be added, by the busi-
ness of the world.
"Marconi, the inventor, stayed ber6
for years, and was very particular
about what he ate," M. Latry said
"He preferred a little meat, but plea
ty of fresh fruit and vermicelli."
Noel Coward is another particular
young man. For his benefit M. Latriv
invented a special dish known as Had.
dock Cavalcade. It is a fillet of hath .
dock served with spaghetti and
cheese sauce.
Reinhardt is passionately fond
grills, followed by a special oocktait{
firms and "Chilean Mondays" to tat
retailers and everybody is happy...°
In Walking
(From. The London Observer.)
Dark stooks of cora on fields of silver
I would be one in this and one in
A stone of stones in earth,
A leaf of leavee on trees,
And thus we'd merge oar sea;,tirate-
ness together
And form a plume with eaoh a single
I'd be or birds that cut the cold blue
A breath in -rind.
A star of stars up there.
And so I'd lose my eatery Trouble,
—Joan Adeney Easdale,
A man's diary is a record in youth.
of his seutiments, in middle age of his
actions, in Old .age of his reflections. --
.7. Q. Adams.
A wheelbarrow will stand on its
two legs and never move a foot un-
less you lift it up and push it along.
So would business. You've got to
pick it up and push it along.—Van
Rhodesians Still PaWn Children
Pawning of children and giving of
young girls in marriage, still persists
in Rhodesia among the native tribes.
•enlarged the opening of the roof
'Which was used in summer to let down
the grain and other provisions which
wee dried on the roof. Lulee 5: 9,
with its "tiling" and "couch," is Ro-
man rather than Jewish.
Jesus was accustomed to insistent
people, but the determination and re-
sourcefulness of these four .nen, now
peering down through the roof, must
have won Ms admiration. "Faith," in
v. 5, refers to their confidence in his
willingness and ability to help them.
Mss ScHUL"tZ 1'M is
M. A REWARDED FAITH, Mark 2: 6-12.
Jesus read the mind of the sufferer,
or' gathered from something he said
that he was troubled in conscience.
Mark does not necessarily tell us all
that happened. The surrounding spec-
tators were astonished to hear Jesus
say, "Son (child, a word of affection),
thy sins are forgiven thee" Noticing
at once the indignation showing in
their faces, he asked the scribes,
r to a
Which is easier to say
sins are forgiven,' or `Rise, tae up
thy bed and wails • They knew, of
course, that it waak easier, although
blasphemous, to declare a man'a sins
France Has Trouble
With Insurance Law
Paris. — After being effective ra
than two years, France's social lime
ante laws are proving .increasing)
difficult to administer. They are
hedged about by special degrees a
regulations that many expert offici
still have not completely maste
them. There .are many loopho
which dishonest workers. frequent)
manage to benefit by illegally. "‘•
Two such persons who have appear
ed before the Fourteenth Correction
Chamber, proved to the court that i
was easy to draw benefits illegally'
although it is well known that maul
employes with perfectly just claim
have to ge to great trouble to obtail
payment • '_...,
The principal defendant was Rem
Drujon, a Communist and seeretetei
of the Mairie of Ivry, a Red suburb;
His first lieutenant was Ronan Mar•
teau, a moving man who, in the
course of his professional activities
had stolen letter -paper from writing
desks being transferred from one
house to ano'her. In this way eheete
of paper bearing the name and ad-
dress of Dr. Emmanuel Benoit had
come into his possession.
Drujon found these papers vert
useful. Having the official Town Hall
rubber stamps at his disposal, he was
able to fake certificates of ill -health
with the greatest ease. The fraud
was not discovered until it had been
working perfectly for some time. It
was then learned that Dr. Benoit died
seven years age.
Imports and Exports
of Gold by Britain
British imports of gold bullion and
'coin during the first eleven months
of 1932 totalled £140,217,843 and the
exports £113,052,191.
The principal countries from which
gold was imported 'were: British
South Africa £59,516,366, British In-
dia 251,990,156, United States £8,-
057,831, Australia £5,074,366, Rhodesia
£8,333,071, Straits Settlements £2,-
353,221, New Zealand £1,633,640.
The leading countries to which gold
was exported were: France e80,455,-
80,455;246, Netherlands £18,040,455, United
States £6,141,955, Switzerland £3,-
879,322, Belgium £ 3,250,444.
There appears to exist a greater
desire to live long than to live well!
Measure by man's desires, he can-
not live long enough; measure by
his good deeds, and he has not lived
long enough; measure by his evil
deeds, and he has lived too long,—
Now -ro cpt.t. Him
To give to the sick, the infants
and the infirm is real, genuine chari-
ty, but to go about picking up the
shiftless and the crooked and hand-
ing these loafers a cup of coffee is
An old waiter of a club .said to at
new waiter: "Do you see that old
buffer who has just sat down? He's
got a brother sed they're as alike as
two peas. Dress alike, and every
thing, only this one is as deaf as
post. Watch for some fun."
Thi old waiter then approached the
man and said in en ordinary voice
much to the amusement of the neva'
waiter:' "Well, pieface, what do you
want in your .nosebag today?"
"I'll have a mutton chop," said the
diner; "and, by the way, it's my bre:.
Cher who is very deaf."
Telephone Sills Cancelled
Eureka, I11.—The Eureka Teiephorte)
Company said "Happy New Yearl
to patrons when they sought to ps
their December bills. Company 4
be no
• would
said there sK
facials s
for service last month.
not charity.4firstorommomormarloMeammiwoommoinaoneml**MININWItmaranammeasowermemmoillit
It All Seems So Foolish to the Dog
t.eo'Fe 'HJtiAT 'rl DO=G
1, IIjiitflr..
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